Previous error:
Error: The following dependencies are imported but could not be resolved:
dexie-export-import/dist/import (imported by /Users/jason/dev/src/trent/crowd-funder-for-time-pwa/src/views/AccountViewView.vue?id=0)
Are they installed?
at file:///Users/jason/dev/src/trent/crowd-funder-for-time-pwa/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-DJaaTb_D.js:52506:23
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async file:///Users/jason/dev/src/trent/crowd-funder-for-time-pwa/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-DJaaTb_D.js:51972:38
There are still 9 moderate severity vulnerabilities, but I will work on those independentally because they may involve updating to library version that have breaking changes.
1 year ago
49 changed files with 10110 additions and 17995 deletions
* Revert src/constants/app.ts and package.json (if that was prod).
* Commit changes. Record the new hash in the changelog. Edit package.json to increment version & add "-beta", `npm install`, and commit. Also record what version is on production.
* [Tag with the new version.](
@ -128,7 +131,7 @@ To add an icon, add to main.ts and reference with `fa` element and `icon` attrib
* Clear cache for site. (In Chrome, go to `chrome://settings/cookies` and "all site data and permissions"; in Firefox, go to `about:preferences` and search for "cache" then "Manage Data", and also manually remove the IndexedDB data if the DBs still show.)
* Clear notification permission. (In Chrome, go to `chrome://settings/content/notifications`; in Firefox, go to `about:preferences` and search for "notifications".)
* Unregister service worker. (In Chrome, go to `chrome://serviceworker-internals/`; in Firefox, go to `about:serviceworkers`.)
* Unregister service worker. (In Chrome, go to `chrome://serviceworker-internals`; in Firefox, go to `about:serviceworkers`.)
* Clear Cache Storage manually, possibly deleting the DB. (In Chrome, in dev tools under Application; in Firefox, in dev tools under Storage.)
(If you find more, add them to the HelpNotificationsView.vue file.)
- bug - got blank screen and errors on iPhone with no bottom tabs
- add to readme - check version, close tabs & restart phone if necessary
- bug maybe - a new give remembers the previous project
- alert & stop if give amount < 0
- add warning that all data (except ID) is public
- onboarding video
- .2 when adding a claim on home screen, push that claim to the top of the list
- fix the notification link to the app
- 01change scanning flow - allow them to stay on the QR/scanning screen after scanning someone
- 24allow a person record with interests, including location; purpose? contact methods? enhance other connections the same? (suggestion from Philippines) assignee-group:ui
- feeds - add "remote" filter, if they choose 'visible' then warn that they won't see any others, cache list & don't reload front page on change
- .1 add shortcut from project (etc?) to the public project page in a browser
- .1 add KindSpring link to ideas
- .1 on feed, don't show "to someone anonymous" if it's to a project
- .1 on ideas, put an "x" to close it assignee-group:ui
- 16save data backups in Google
- 16generate and use passkeys for identities
- .5 show "give" buttons (eg. from anonymous) even if they can't give, greyed out, and give them a warning and instructions
- .2 when adding a claim on home screen, push that claim to the top of the list
- .2 fix give dialog from "more contacts" off home page to allow giving to this user
- .2 fix bottom of project selection map, where the icons are hidden but a tap goes to the icon's page assignee-group:ui
- .5 stop from seeing an error on the first page when browser doesn't support service workers (which I've seen on iPhone; visible in Firefox private window)
- .2 don't show a warning on a totally new project when the authorized agent is set
- .2 anchor hash into BTC
- .2 list the "show more" contacts alphabetically
- .5 add back the explicit wait for browser subscription timing problems?
- .5 make Time Safari a share_target for images
- 08add image on profile
- ask to detect location & record it in settings
- if personal location is set, show potential local affiliations
- 01ask to detect location & record it in settings
- 01if personal location is set, show potential local affiliations
- 02refactor the buttons for chosing a search location so that the actions are clear assignee-group:ui
- 24compelling UI for credential presentations
- discover who in my network has activity on a project
@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ tasks :
- .1 add cursor-pointer on the icons for giving on the project page, and on the list of projects on the discover page
- .2 record when InfiniteScroll hits the end of the list and don't trigger any more loads (feed, project list, give & offer lists)
- bug (that is hard to reproduce) - got blank screen and errors on iPhone with no bottom tabs
- bug - turning notifications on from the help screen did not stay, though account screen toggle did stay (From Jason on iPhone.)
- refactor - supply the projectId to the OfferDialog just like we do with the GiftedDialog offerId (in the "open" method, maybe as well as an attribute)
- the confirm button on each give on the ProjectViewView page doesn't have all the context of the ClaimView page, so it can show sometimes inappropriately; consider consolidation
@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ tasks :
- .3 check that Android shows "back" buttons on screens without bottom tray
- .1 Make give description text box into something that expands as they type?
- .2 Show a warning if both giver and recipient are the same (but still allow?)
- 01Would it look better to shrink the buttons on many pages so they don't expand to the width of the screen? assignee-group:ui
- .5 Shrink the buttons on project pages so they don't expand to the width of the screen assignee-group:ui
- .5 Display a more appealing confirmation on the map when erasing the marker
- .5 remove references to localStorage for projectId (now that it's pulling from the path)
- switch some checks for activeDid to check for isRegistered
@ -124,11 +125,14 @@ tasks :
- 08convert to cleaner implementation (maybe Drie --
- .5 show seed phrase in a QR code for transfer to another device
- .5 on DiscoverView, switch to a filter UI (eg. just from friend
- .5 on DiscoverView, switch to a filter UI (eg. just from friend)
- .5 don't show "Offer" on project screen if they aren't registered
- 01especially for iOS, check for new version & update, eg.
- 24Move to Vite
- 24allow a person record with interests, including location; purpose? contact methods? enhance other connections the same? (suggestion from Philippines) assignee-group:ui
- import project interactions from GitHub/GitLab and manage signing
@ -142,7 +146,6 @@ tasks :
- for subtasks:fulfills (is it really the same?), feeds, contributes to, supplies, boosts, advances
- for blocking:blocks, precedes, comes before, is sought by -- vs follows, seeks, builds on ("contributes to" isn't specific enough, "succeeds" has different, possibly confusing meaning)
- .5 fit as many icons as possible on home & project view screens but only going halfway down the page assignee-group:ui
- .5 Replace Gifted/Give in ContactsView with GiftedDialog
<strong>We're sorry but <%= htmlWebpackPlugin.options.title %> doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue.</strong>
// If you edit this, check that the numbers still line up on the side in the alert (on mobile, too),
// and make sure they can take all actions while the notification shows.
"1) Read through all their yellow prompts. 2) Add them to your Contacts by scanning with the QR icon that is by the input box. 3) Click the person icon to register them. 4) Show them your QR so they'll scan you. 5) Have them enable notifications.";
"The data you send be visible to the world -- except: your IDs and the IDs of anyone you tag will stay private, only visible to those you allow.";
/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier */
exportconstUNIT_SHORT: Record<string,string>={
@ -58,9 +53,13 @@ export function iconForUnitCode(unitCode: string) {
// from
// ... though it appears even this isn't precisely right so keep doing "|| 0" or something in sensitive places
exportfunctionisNumeric(str: string):boolean{
// This ignore commentary is because typescript complains when you pass a string to isNaN.
// Use something other than "Daily Update"