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update tasks

Trent Larson 1 year ago
  1. 40
  2. 1


@ -13,15 +13,30 @@ tasks:
- .5 If notifications are not enabled, add message to front page with link/button to enable
- Discuss whether the remaining tasks are worthwhile before MVP release.
- show VC details... somehow:
- .5 make a VC details page, or link to (including confirmations)
- .3 Add URL for project
- .5 Add start date to project
- 01 allow download of each VC (& confirmations, to show that they actually own their data)
- 04 allow user to download VCs, mine + ones I can see about me from others
- add VC confirmation?
- Release Minimum Viable Product :
- generate new webpush.db entries, data/webpush.db private_key_hex & subscription_info & vapid_claims email
- .5 deploy server above Dec 1 (to get plan searches by names as well as descriptions)
- 08 thorough testing for errors & edge cases
- 01 ensure ability to recover server remotely, and add redundant access
- Turn off stats-world or ensure it's usable (eg. cannot zoom out too far and lose world, cannot screenshot).
- Add disclaimers.
- Switch default server to the public server.
- Deploy to a server.
- Ensure public server has limits that work for group adoption.
- Test PWA features on Android and iOS.
blocks: ref:
- make identicons for contacts into more-memorable faces (and maybe change project identicons, too)
- allow some gives even if they aren't registered
- .5 Add start date to project
- .3 check that Android shows "back" buttons on screens without bottom tray
- .1 Make give description text box into something that expands as they type?
- 04 allow user to download claims, mine + ones I can see about me from others
- .5 customize favicon assignee-group:ui
- .2 Show a warning if both giver and recipient are the same (but still allow?)
- 01 Would it look better to shrink the buttons on many pages so they don't expand to the width of the screen? assignee-group:ui
@ -29,8 +44,6 @@ tasks:
- .5 include the hash of the latest commit on help page next to version (maybe Trent's git-hash branch)
- .5 remove references to localStorage for projectId (now that it's pulling from the path)
- bug (that is hard to reproduce) - on the second 'give' recorded on prod it showed me as the agent
- make identicons for contacts into more-memorable faces (and maybe change project identicons, too)
- allow some gives even if they aren't registered
- switch some checks for activeDid to check for isRegistered
- .2 in SeedBackupView, don't load the mnemonic and keep it in memory; only load it when they click "show"
- .5 fix cert generation on server (since it didn't happen automatically for Nov 30)
@ -46,19 +59,6 @@ tasks:
- maybe - allow type annotations in World.js & landmarks.js (since we get this error - "Types are not supported by current JavaScript version")
- 08 convert to cleaner implementation (maybe Drie --
- Release Minimum Viable Product :
- generate new webpush.db entries, data/webpush.db private_key_hex & subscription_info & vapid_claims email
- .5 deploy server above Dec 1 (to get plan searches by names as well as descriptions)
- 08 thorough testing for errors & edge cases
- 01 ensure ability to recover server remotely, and add redundant access
- Turn off stats-world or ensure it's usable (eg. cannot zoom out too far and lose world, cannot screenshot).
- Add disclaimers.
- Switch default server to the public server.
- Deploy to a server.
- Ensure public server has limits that work for group adoption.
- Test PWA features on Android and iOS.
blocks: ref:
- .5 show seed phrase in a QR code for transfer to another device
- .5 on DiscoverView, switch to a filter UI (eg. just from friend
- .5 don't show "Offer" on project screen if they aren't registered


@ -672,7 +672,6 @@ export default class ProjectViewView extends Vue {
domainForWebsite(url: string) {
try {
const hostname = new URL(url).hostname;
console.log("hostname", hostname);
if (!hostname) {
// happens for non-http URLs
return url;
