from typing import Dict , Tuple , Union , Optional
from flask import Flask , request , jsonify , Response
from models import db , VAPIDKey , Subscription
from cryptography . hazmat . backends import default_backend
from cryptography . hazmat . primitives import serialization
from cryptography . hazmat . primitives . asymmetric import ec
from pywebpush import webpush , WebPushException
import base64
import json
import threading
import time
app = Flask ( __name__ )
class WebPushService ( ) :
This class provides services for sending web push notifications .
def __init__ ( self , app , config_name : str ) - > None :
Initializes the WebPushService with the given application and configuration name .
Args :
- app : The application instance where the service will be attached .
- config_name ( str ) : The name of the configuration to be used .
Attributes :
- app : The application instance .
- daily_notification_thread ( threading . Thread ) : A thread to send daily notifications .
# Setting the application instance
self . app = app
# Setting the database URI for the application
self . app . config [ ' SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI ' ] = ' sqlite:///data/webpush.db '
# Initializing the database with the application
db . init_app ( self . app )
# Creating a context for the application and initializing services
with self . app . app_context ( ) :
self . _initialize ( )
# Creating and starting a thread to send daily notifications
self . daily_notification_thread = threading . Thread ( target = self . _send_daily_notifications )
self . daily_notification_thread . start ( )
def _generate_and_save_vapid_keys ( self ) - > None :
Generates VAPID ( Voluntary Application Server Identification ) keys and saves them to the database .
The method generates a pair of public and private keys using the elliptic curve SECP256R1 .
Both the public and private keys are then serialized and encoded in base64 format .
The keys are then stored in the database using a VAPIDKey model .
Notes :
- In case of any exception during the key generation or database operations , the error is printed to the console .
Raises :
- Exceptions raised by the key generation or database operations are caught and printed .
try :
# Generating a private key using the elliptic curve SECP256R1
private_key = ec . generate_private_key ( ec . SECP256R1 ( ) , default_backend ( ) )
# Serializing and encoding the public key to base64 format
public_key_bytes = private_key . public_key ( ) . public_bytes (
encoding = serialization . Encoding . X962 ,
format = serialization . PublicFormat . UncompressedPoint
public_key_base64 = base64 . b64encode ( public_key_bytes ) . decode ( )
# Serializing and encoding the private key to base64 format
private_key_bytes = private_key . private_bytes (
encoding = serialization . Encoding . DER ,
format = serialization . PrivateFormat . PKCS8 ,
encryption_algorithm = serialization . NoEncryption ( )
private_key_base64 = base64 . b64encode ( private_key_bytes ) . decode ( )
# Saving the keys to the database
key = VAPIDKey ( public_key = public_key_base64 , private_key = private_key_base64 )
db . session . add ( key )
db . session . commit ( )
except Exception as e :
print ( f " Error generating VAPID keys: { e } " )
def _initialize ( self ) - > None :
Initializes the WebPushService by checking for the presence of VAPID keys in the database .
If no VAPID keys are found in the database , this method triggers the generation and storage
of new VAPID keys by invoking the ` _generate_and_save_vapid_keys ` method .
Notes :
- VAPID ( Voluntary Application Server Identification ) keys are essential for sending push notifications
to web clients , hence the check and generation if they don ' t exist.
# Checking if there are any VAPID keys in the database
if not VAPIDKey . query . first ( ) :
# Generating and saving VAPID keys if none are found
self . _generate_and_save_vapid_keys ( )
def _send_push_notification ( subscription_info : Dict , message : Dict , vapid_key : VAPIDKey ) - > bool :
Sends a push notification using the provided subscription information , message , and VAPID key .
Args :
- subscription_info ( Dict ) : The information required to send the push notification to a specific client .
- message ( Dict ) : The actual message content to be sent as the push notification .
- vapid_key ( VAPIDKey ) : The VAPID key model instance containing the private key used for sending the notification .
Returns :
- bool : True if the push notification was sent successfully , False otherwise .
Notes :
- The ` webpush ` function is used to send the notification .
- In case of any exception , especially a WebPushException , the error is printed to the console .
# Sending the push notification using the webpush function
try :
webpush (
subscription_info = subscription_info ,
data = json . dumps ( message ) ,
vapid_private_key = vapid_key . private_key ,
vapid_claims = { " sub " : " " }
return True
except WebPushException as ex :
print ( f " Failed to send push notification: { ex } " )
return False
def _send_daily_notifications ( self ) - > None :
Continuously sends daily push notifications to all subscribed clients .
This method :
1. Retrieves all subscription data from the database .
2. Constructs the push notification message .
3. Sends a push notification to each subscribed client .
4. Sleeps for 24 hours before repeating the process .
Notes :
- The method runs in an infinite loop , meaning it will keep sending notifications until the program is terminated .
- The notifications are sent using the ` _send_push_notification ` method .
- A context for the application is created to enable database operations .
- The message content for the daily update is hardcoded in this method .
while True :
# Creating a context for the application to enable database operations
with self . app . app_context ( ) :
# Retrieving all subscription data from the database
all_subscriptions = Subscription . query . all ( )
# Retrieving the VAPID key from the database
vapid_key = VAPIDKey . query . first ( )
# Constructing the push notification message
message = { " title " : " Daily Update " , " message " : " Here ' s your daily update! " }
# Sending a push notification to each subscribed client
for subscription in all_subscriptions :
subscription_info = {
" endpoint " : subscription . endpoint ,
" keys " : {
" p256dh " : subscription . p256dh ,
" auth " : subscription . auth
WebPushService . _send_push_notification ( subscription_info , message , vapid_key )
# Sleeping for 24 hours before sending the next set of notifications
time . sleep ( 24 * 60 * 60 )
@app . route ( ' /web-push/regenerate_vapid ' , methods = [ ' POST ' ] )
def regenerate_vapid ( ) - > Tuple [ str , int ] :
Endpoint to regenerate VAPID keys .
This method :
1. Deletes the current VAPID keys from the database .
2. Generates and stores new VAPID keys using the ` _generate_and_save_vapid_keys ` method .
URL : / web - push / regenerate_vapid
Method : POST
Returns :
- Tuple [ str , int ] : A JSON response indicating the success or failure of the operation , along with the appropriate HTTP status code .
Notes :
- If the operation is successful , a JSON response with a success message is returned with a 200 status code .
- If there ' s an error during the operation, a JSON response with the error message is returned with a 500 status code.
# Creating a context for the application to enable database operations
try :
with self . app . app_context ( ) :
# Deleting the current VAPID keys from the database
VAPIDKey . query . delete ( )
db . session . commit ( )
# Generating and saving new VAPID keys
self . _generate_and_save_vapid_keys ( )
return jsonify ( success = True , message = " VAPID keys regenerated successfully " ) , 200
except Exception as e :
return jsonify ( error = f ' Error regenerating VAPID keys: { str ( e ) } ' ) , 500
@app . route ( ' /web-push/vapid ' )
def vapid ( ) - > Response :
Endpoint to retrieve the current VAPID public key .
This method fetches the VAPID public key from the database and returns it in a JSON response .
URL : / web - push / vapid
Method : GET
Returns :
- Response : A JSON response containing the VAPID public key .
Notes :
- The response contains a key " vapidKey " with the associated public key as its value .
# Retrieving the VAPID key from the database
key = VAPIDKey . query . first ( )
# Returning the public key in a JSON response
return jsonify ( vapidKey = key . public_key )
@app . route ( ' /web-push/subscribe ' , methods = [ ' POST ' ] )
def subscribe ( ) - > Tuple [ str , int ] :
Endpoint to handle new web push subscription requests .
This method :
1. Retrieves the VAPID key from the database .
2. Reads the subscription content from the incoming request .
3. Saves the subscription data to the database .
4. Sends a confirmation push notification to the new subscriber .
URL : / web - push / subscribe
Method : POST
Returns :
- Tuple [ str , int ] : A JSON response indicating the success or failure of the operation , along with the appropriate HTTP status code .
Notes :
- If the operation is successful , a confirmation push notification is sent to the subscriber with a success message .
- If there are no VAPID keys available , an error message is returned with a 500 status code .
- There ' s a hardcoded 5-second sleep after saving the subscription, which might be intended for some delay before sending the confirmation. Ensure this is the desired behavior.
# Retrieving the content from the incoming request
content = request . json
# Retrieving the VAPID key from the database
vapid_key = VAPIDKey . query . first ( )
# Checking if the VAPID key is available
if not vapid_key :
return jsonify ( success = False , error = " No VAPID keys available " ) , 500
# Creating a new Subscription instance with the provided data
subscription = Subscription ( endpoint = content [ ' endpoint ' ] ,
p256dh = content [ ' keys ' ] [ ' p256dh ' ] ,
auth = content [ ' keys ' ] [ ' auth ' ] ,
vapid_key_id = vapid_key . id )
# Saving the subscription data to the database
db . session . add ( subscription )
db . session . commit ( )
# Introducing a delay (ensure that gateway endpoint is available)
time . sleep ( 10 )
# Constructing the subscription information for the push notification
subscription_info = {
" endpoint " : subscription . endpoint ,
" keys " : {
" p256dh " : subscription . p256dh ,
" auth " : subscription . auth
# Creating a confirmation message for the push notification
message = { " title " : " Subscription Successful " , " message " : " Thank you for subscribing! " }
# Sending the confirmation push notification
success = WebPushService . _send_push_notification ( subscription_info , message , vapid_key )
# Returning the operation status
return jsonify ( success = success )
@app . route ( ' /web-push/unsubscribe ' , methods = [ ' POST ' ] )
def unsubscribe ( ) - > Tuple [ str , int ] :
Endpoint to handle web push unsubscription requests .
This method :
1. Reads the endpoint from the incoming request .
2. Searches for the subscription in the database using the endpoint .
3. If found , deletes the subscription from the database .
URL : / web - push / unsubscribe
Method : POST
Returns :
- Tuple [ str , int ] : A JSON response indicating the success or failure of the operation , along with the appropriate HTTP status code .
Notes :
- If the unsubscription is successful , a JSON response with a success message is returned .
- If the subscription is not found in the database , an error message is returned with a 404 status code .
# Retrieving the endpoint from the incoming request
content = request . json
endpoint = content [ ' endpoint ' ]
# Searching for the subscription in the database using the endpoint
subscription = Subscription . query . filter_by ( endpoint = endpoint ) . first ( )
# If the subscription is found, delete it from the database
if subscription :
db . session . delete ( subscription )
db . session . commit ( )
return jsonify ( success = True , message = " Subscription deleted successfully " )
# If the subscription is not found, return an error message
else :
return jsonify ( success = False , error = " Subscription not found " ) , 404
web_push_service = WebPushService ( app , " app " )