WIP: How do we do a simple migration? #77

trentlarson wants to merge 2 commits from why-migrate-fail into master

Here are some of the error messages I see in the log:

  • Transaction aborted
  • Not yet support for changing primary key
  • TypeError: WeakMap key must be an object, got pr

I've tried a few combinations (including a simple migration that does nothing) and looked around and asked ChatGPT to no avail.

How do we get a migration to work?

Here are some of the error messages I see in the log: - Transaction aborted - Not yet support for changing primary key - TypeError: WeakMap key must be an object, got pr I've tried a few combinations (including a simple migration that does nothing) and looked around and asked ChatGPT to no avail. How do we get a migration to work?
trentlarson added 1 commit 1 year ago
99db5deb77 attempt migration to consolidate name fields, but it fails with these errors:
anomalist added 1 commit 1 year ago
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