- .5 add project ID to the URL of the project-view, to make a project publicly-accessible
- .5 add link to further project / people when a project pays ahead
- .5 show checkbox on "gave" modal to say that user is recipient (so it could be uncheked for someone unspecified)
- .5 allow to manage their notifications even without an identity
- .5 bug - on the discover page, enter a search term and search and see a duplicate project show at the end of the list
- 01Ensure each action sent to the server has a confirmation - eg registration (ie a toast something that dismisses after 5-10s)
- .3 fix the Project-location-selection map display to not show on top of bottom icons (and any other UI tweaks on the map flow) assignee-group:ui
- .5 switch so DiscoverView shows anywhere by default, and no number unless search is done (and maybe a better filter UI, including "mine" to consolidate with ProjectsView)
- .5 Add infinite scroll to gifts on the home page
- .5 bug - search for "Safari" does not find the project, but if already on the "Anywhere" tab it shows all
- .2 figure out why endorser-mobile search doesn't find recently created PlanAction
- .1 when creating a plan, select location and then make sure you can deselect on Android
- .5 add link to further project / people when a project pays ahead
- .5 add project ID to the URL of the project-view, to make a project publicly-accessible
- .5 fix where user 0 sees no txns from user 1 on contacts page but sees them on list page
- .2 on ProjectViewView, show different messages for "to" and "from" sections if none exist
- .2 fix rate limit verbiage (with the new one-per-day allowance) assignee:trent
- .1 remove the logic to exclude beforeId in list of plans after server has commit 26b25af605e715600d4f12b6416ed9fd7142d164
- .1 remove the logic to exclude beforeId in list of plans after server has commit 26b25af605e715600d4f12b6416ed9fd7142d164 assignee:trent
- .2 in SeedBackupView, don't load the mnemonic and keep it in memory; only load it when they click "show"
- .1 Make give description text box into something that expands as they type
- .1 Make contact info specific to Time Safari - rather pointing at CommunityCred.org
- Discuss whether the remaining tasks are worthwhile before MVP release.
- .1 Make give description text box into something that expands as they type?
- 04allow user to download claims, mine + ones I can see about me from others
- 02allow user to create new DIDs from the same seed phrase (ie. increment derivation path)
- .5 on ProjectView page, show immediate feedback when a gift is given (on list?) -- and consider the same for Home & Contacts pages
- .5 customize favicon assignee-group:ui
- .2 Show a warning if both giver and recipient are the same (but still allow?)
- 01Would it look better to shrink the buttons on many pages so they don't expand to the width of the screen? assignee-group:ui
- .5 Display a more appealing confirmation on the map when erasing the marker
- .5 make a VC details page
- .5 make a VC details page, or link to endorser.ch
- .1 Add units or different icon to the coins (to distinguish $, BTC, hours, etc)
- .5 include the hash of the latest commit on help page next to version
- .5 remove references to localStorage for projectId (now that it's pulling from the path)
@ -51,7 +42,7 @@ tasks:
- stats v1 :
- 01show numeric stats
- 04show different graphic for projects vs people on world
- 04show different graphic for projects vs people (gnome?) on world
- 01link to world for specific stats
- .5 don't load another instance of a bush if it already exists
- maybe - allow type annotations in World.js & landmarks.js (since we get this error - "Types are not supported by current JavaScript version")
text:"1) Check that they've entered their name. 2) Go to the scanning page via the Identity page and then the through the QR icon at the top, and then scan and register them. 3) Have them go to that page and scan you.",