Browse Source

Merge changes

Matthew Raymer 5 days ago
  1. 2
  2. 20
  3. 33
  4. 54307
  5. 264
  6. 182
  7. 2
  8. 6
  9. 30
  10. 9
  11. 9
  12. 386
  13. 44
  14. 74
  15. 35
  16. 2
  17. 470
  18. 2
  19. 212
  20. 116
  21. 6
  22. 184
  23. 2
  24. 2


@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ VITE_APP_SERVER=


@ -6,6 +6,26 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [0.3.53] - 2025.01.30
### Added
- Hints for contacting the creator of a project
## [0.3.52] - 2025.01.22
### Fixed
- User profile endpoint server for map was broken.
## [0.3.51] - 2025.01.22
### Fixed
- User profile map jumped on first zoom.
## [0.3.50] - 2025.01.20 - b9fedcd3fd3e34c3fb0fc79150d1a81a76eaeb40
### Added
- User public profiles
## [0.3.49] - 2025.01.09 - 36301ed238ff84df25bb11a8d44a295ee7eaf0f8 ## [0.3.49] - 2025.01.09 - 36301ed238ff84df25bb11a8d44a295ee7eaf0f8
### Changed ### Changed
- Make all external contact links direct to the contact-import page. - Make all external contact links direct to the contact-import page.


@ -50,35 +50,34 @@ Look below for the "test-all" instructions.
* Put the commit hash in the changelog (which will help you remember to bump the version later). * Put the commit hash in the changelog (which will help you remember to bump the version later).
* Record what version is currently on production in docs. * Tag with the new version, [online]( or `git tag 0.3.36` && `git push origin 0.3.36`.
* Get on the server and run the correct build: * For test, build the app (because test server is not yet set up to build):
* `cd crowd-funder-for-time-pwa && git pull` ```
* Previous command: `rsync -azvu -e "ssh -i ~/.ssh/..." dist` ... and transfer to the test server: `rsync -azvu -e "ssh -i ~/.ssh/..." dist`
* Staging (Let's replace that with a .env.development or .env.staging file.)
(Let's replace this with a .env.development or .env.staging file.) (Note: The test BVC_MEETUPS_PROJECT_CLAIM_ID does not resolve as a URL because it's only in the test DB and the prod redirect won't redirect there.)
The test BVC_MEETUPS_PROJECT_CLAIM_ID does not resolve as a URL because it's only in the test DB and the prod redirect won't redirect there. * For prod, get on the server and run the correct build:
``` ... and log onto the server:
* Production * `pkgx +npm sh`
# This picks up values from .env.production
npm run build
* Back up the time-safari/dist folder. * `cd crowd-funder-for-time-pwa && git checkout master && git pull && git checkout 0.3.36 && npm install && npm run build && cd -`
(The plain `npm run build` uses the .env.production file.)
* Back up the time-safari/dist folder, then `mv time-safari/dist time-safari-dist-prev.0 && mv crowd-funder-for-time-pwa/dist time-safari/`
* Record the new hash in the changelog. Edit package.json to increment version & add "-beta", `npm install`, and commit. Also record what version is on production. * Record the new hash in the changelog. Edit package.json to increment version & add "-beta", `npm install`, and commit. Also record what version is on production.
* Tag with the new version, [online]( or `git tag 0.3.36` && `git push origin 0.3.36`.


File diff suppressed because it is too large


@ -1,141 +1,133 @@
{ {
"name": "TimeSafari", "name": "TimeSafari",
"version": "0.3.51-beta", "version": "0.3.54-beta",
"description": "A cross-platform app for managing time-based crowdfunding.", "scripts": {
"author": "Your Name <>", "dev": "vite",
"main": "src/electron/main.js", "serve": "vite preview",
"scripts": { "build": "VITE_GIT_HASH=`git log -1 --pretty=format:%h` vite build",
"dev": "vite", "lint": "eslint --ext .js,.ts,.vue --ignore-path .gitignore src",
"serve": "vite preview", "lint-fix": "eslint --ext .js,.ts,.vue --ignore-path .gitignore --fix src",
"build": "VITE_GIT_HASH=`git log -1 --pretty=format:%h` vite build", "prebuild": "eslint --ext .js,.ts,.vue --ignore-path .gitignore src && node sw_combine.js",
"build:capacitor": "vite build --mode capacitor", "test-local": "npx playwright test -c playwright.config-local.ts --trace on",
"build:electron": "vite build --mode electron", "test-all": "npm run build && npx playwright test -c playwright.config-local.ts --trace on"
"electron:dev": "vite build --mode electron && electron .", },
"electron:build": "electron-builder", "dependencies": {
"capacitor:sync": "npx cap copy", "@capacitor/android": "^6.2.0",
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"lint-fix": "eslint --ext .js,.ts,.vue --ignore-path .gitignore --fix src", "@capacitor/core": "^6.2.0",
"prebuild": "eslint --ext .js,.ts,.vue --ignore-path .gitignore src && node sw_combine.js", "@capacitor/ios": "^6.2.0",
"test-local": "npx playwright test -c playwright.config-local.ts --trace on", "@dicebear/collection": "^5.4.1",
"test-all": "npm run build && npx playwright test -c playwright.config-local.ts --trace on" "@dicebear/core": "^5.4.1",
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"@veramo/credential-w3c": "^5.6.0",
"@veramo/data-store": "^5.6.0",
"@veramo/did-manager": "^5.6.0",
"@veramo/did-provider-ethr": "^5.6.0",
"@veramo/did-provider-peer": "^6.0.0",
"@veramo/did-resolver": "^5.6.0",
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"dexie-export-import": "^4.1.1",
"did-jwt": "^7.4.7",
"did-resolver": "^4.1.0",
"ethereum-cryptography": "^2.1.3",
"ethereumjs-util": "^7.1.5",
"jdenticon": "^3.2.0",
"js-generate-password": "^0.1.9",
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"util": "^0.12.5",
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"vue-axios": "^3.5.2",
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"vue-qrcode-reader": "^5.5.3",
"vue-router": "^4.5.0",
"web-did-resolver": "^2.0.27"
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"@types/leaflet": "^1.9.8",
"@types/luxon": "^3.4.2",
"@types/node": "^20.14.11",
"@types/ramda": "^0.29.11",
"@types/three": "^0.155.1",
"@types/ua-parser-js": "^0.7.39",
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"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^6.21.0",
"@vitejs/plugin-vue": "^5.2.1",
"@vue/eslint-config-typescript": "^11.0.3",
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"electron": "^33.2.1",
"electron-builder": "^25.1.8",
"eslint": "^8.57.0",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^9.1.0",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^5.2.1",
"eslint-plugin-vue": "^9.32.0",
"npm-check-updates": "^17.1.13",
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"typescript": "~5.2.2",
"vite": "^5.2.0",
"vite-plugin-pwa": "^0.19.8"
"build": {
"appId": "",
"productName": "TimeSafari",
"directories": {
"output": "dist-electron-build"
}, },
"dependencies": { "files": [
"@capacitor/android": "^6.2.0", "dist-electron/**",
"@capacitor/cli": "^6.2.0", "src/electron/**"
"@capacitor/core": "^6.2.0", ],
"@capacitor/ios": "^6.2.0", "mac": {
"@dicebear/collection": "^5.4.1", "target": "dmg"
"@dicebear/core": "^5.4.1",
"@ethersproject/hdnode": "^5.7.0",
"@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core": "^6.5.1",
"@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons": "^6.5.1",
"@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome": "^3.0.6",
"@peculiar/asn1-ecc": "^2.3.8",
"@peculiar/asn1-schema": "^2.3.8",
"@pvermeer/dexie-encrypted-addon": "^3.0.0",
"@simplewebauthn/browser": "^10.0.0",
"@simplewebauthn/server": "^10.0.0",
"@tweenjs/tween.js": "^21.1.1",
"@types/qrcode": "^1.5.5",
"@veramo/core": "^5.6.0",
"@veramo/credential-w3c": "^5.6.0",
"@veramo/data-store": "^5.6.0",
"@veramo/did-manager": "^5.6.0",
"@veramo/did-provider-ethr": "^5.6.0",
"@veramo/did-provider-peer": "^6.0.0",
"@veramo/did-resolver": "^5.6.0",
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"@vue-leaflet/vue-leaflet": "^0.10.1",
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"vue-qrcode-reader": "^5.5.3",
"vue-router": "^4.5.0",
"web-did-resolver": "^2.0.27"
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"@types/js-yaml": "^4.0.9",
"@types/leaflet": "^1.9.8",
"@types/luxon": "^3.4.2",
"@types/node": "^20.14.11",
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"@types/three": "^0.155.1",
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"eslint": "^8.0.0",
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"vite": "^6.0.7",
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@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
class="fixed inset-0 bg-black bg-opacity-50 flex items-center justify-center z-50"
<div class="bg-white rounded-lg p-6 max-w-2xl w-full mx-4">
<!-- Header -->
<div class="flex justify-between items-center mb-4">
<h2 class="text-xl font-bold capitalize">{{ roleName }} Details</h2>
<button @click="close" class="text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-700">
<fa icon="times" />
<!-- Content -->
<!-- This is somewhat similar to ClaimView.vue and ConfirmGiftView.vue -->
<div class="mb-4">
<p class="mb-4">
<span v-if="R.isEmpty(visibleToDids)">
The {{ roleName }} is not visible to you or any of your contacts.
<span v-else> The {{ roleName }} is not visible to you. </span>
<div v-if="R.isEmpty(visibleToDids)">
<p class="mt-2">
You can ask one of your contacts to take a look and see if their
contacts can see more details. Someone is connected to people closer
to them; if you don't know who to ask, try the person who registered
<div v-else>
<p class="mb-2">
They are visible to some of your contacts. If you'd like an
introduction, ask them if they'll tell you more.
<div class="ml-4">
v-for="(visDid, idx) of visibleToDids"
class="list-disc ml-4 mb-2"
<div class="text-sm">
{{ didInfo(visDid) }}
<span v-if="!serverUtil.isEmptyOrHiddenDid(visDid)">
<fa icon="arrow-up-right-from-square" class="fa-fw" />
<div class="mt-4">
<span v-if="canShare">
If you'd like an introduction,
<a @click="onClickShareClaim()" class="text-blue-500"
>click here to share the information with them and ask if they'll
tell you more about the {{ roleName }}.</a
<span v-else>
If you'd like an introduction,
@click="copyToClipboard('A link to this page', windowLocation)"
>click here to copy this page, paste it into a message, and ask if
they'll tell you more about the {{ roleName }}.</a
<!-- Footer -->
<div class="flex justify-end">
class="bg-blue-500 text-white px-4 py-2 rounded hover:bg-blue-600"
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue } from "vue-facing-decorator";
import * as R from "ramda";
import { useClipboard } from "@vueuse/core";
import { Contact } from "@/db/tables/contacts";
import * as serverUtil from "@/libs/endorserServer";
import { NotificationIface } from "@/constants/app";
export default class HiddenDidDialog extends Vue {
$notify!: (notification: NotificationIface, timeout?: number) => void;
isOpen = false;
roleName = "";
visibleToDids: string[] = [];
allContacts: Array<Contact> = [];
activeDid = "";
allMyDids: Array<string> = [];
canShare = false;
windowLocation = window.location.href;
R = R;
serverUtil = serverUtil;
created() {
// When Chrome compatibility is fixed
// then use this truer check: navigator.canShare && navigator.canShare()
this.canShare = !!navigator.share;
roleName: string,
visibleToDids: string[],
allContacts: Array<Contact>,
activeDid: string,
allMyDids: Array<string>,
) {
this.roleName = roleName;
this.visibleToDids = visibleToDids;
this.allContacts = allContacts;
this.activeDid = activeDid;
this.allMyDids = allMyDids;
this.isOpen = true;
close() {
this.isOpen = false;
didInfo(did: string) {
return serverUtil.didInfo(
copyToClipboard(name: string, text: string) {
.then(() => {
group: "alert",
type: "toast",
title: "Copied",
text: (name || "That") + " was copied to the clipboard.",
onClickShareClaim() {
this.copyToClipboard("A link to this page", this.windowLocation);
title: "Help Connect Me",
text: "I'm trying to find the people who recorded this. Can you help me?",
url: this.windowLocation,


@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<h1 class="text-xl font-bold text-center mb-4 relative"> <h1 class="text-xl font-bold text-center mb-4 relative">
Welcome to Time Safari Welcome to Time Safari
<br /> <br />
- Showcasing Gratitude & Magnifing Time - Showcasing Gratitude & Magnifying Time
<div <div
class="text-lg text-center leading-none absolute right-0 -top-1" class="text-lg text-center leading-none absolute right-0 -top-1"
@click="onClickClose(true)" @click="onClickClose(true)"


@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ export type BoundingBox = {
*/ */
export type Settings = { export type Settings = {
// default entry is keyed with MASTER_SETTINGS_KEY; other entries are linked to an account with account ID // default entry is keyed with MASTER_SETTINGS_KEY; other entries are linked to an account with account ID
id?: number; // this is only blank on input, when the database assigns it id?: number; // this is erased for all those entries that are keyed with accountDid
// if supplied, this settings record overrides the master record when the user switches to this account // if supplied, this settings record overrides the master record when the user switches to this account
accountDid?: string; // not used in the MASTER_SETTINGS_KEY entry accountDid?: string; // not used in the MASTER_SETTINGS_KEY entry
// active Decentralized ID // active Decentralized ID
activeDid?: string; // only used in the MASTER_SETTINGS_KEY entry activeDid?: string; // only used in the MASTER_SETTINGS_KEY entry
apiServer?: string; // API server URL apiServer: string; // API server URL
filterFeedByNearby?: boolean; // filter by nearby filterFeedByNearby?: boolean; // filter by nearby
filterFeedByVisible?: boolean; // filter by visible users ie. anyone not hidden filterFeedByVisible?: boolean; // filter by visible users ie. anyone not hidden
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export type Settings = {
firstName?: string; // user's full name, may be null if unwanted for a particular account firstName?: string; // user's full name, may be null if unwanted for a particular account
hideRegisterPromptOnNewContact?: boolean; hideRegisterPromptOnNewContact?: boolean;
isRegistered?: boolean; isRegistered?: boolean;
imageServer?: string; // imageServer?: string; // if we want to allow modification then we should make image functionality optional -- or at least customizable
lastName?: string; // deprecated - put all names in firstName lastName?: string; // deprecated - put all names in firstName
lastAckedOfferToUserJwtId?: string; // the last JWT ID for offer-to-user that they've acknowledged seeing lastAckedOfferToUserJwtId?: string; // the last JWT ID for offer-to-user that they've acknowledged seeing


@ -191,13 +191,9 @@ export interface PlanVerifiableCredential extends GenericVerifiableCredential {
* Represents data about a project * Represents data about a project
* *
* @deprecated * @deprecated
* We should use PlanSummaryRecord instead. * (Maybe we should use PlanSummaryRecord instead, either by adding rowId or by iterating with jwtId.)
**/ **/
export interface PlanData { export interface PlanData {
* Name of the project
name: string;
/** /**
* Description of the project * Description of the project
**/ **/
@ -212,9 +208,14 @@ export interface PlanData {
*/ */
issuerDid: string; issuerDid: string;
/** /**
* The identifier of the project -- different from jwtId, needs to be fixed * Name of the project
**/ **/
rowid?: string; name: string;
* The identifier of the project record -- different from jwtId
* (Maybe we should use the jwtId to iterate through the records instead.)
rowId?: string;
} }
export interface EndorserRateLimits { export interface EndorserRateLimits {
@ -459,7 +460,7 @@ export function didInfoForContact(
} else if (contact) { } else if (contact) {
return { return {
displayName: || "Contact With No Name", displayName: || "Contact With No Name",
known: !!contact, known: true,
profileImageUrl: contact.profileImageUrl, profileImageUrl: contact.profileImageUrl,
}; };
} else { } else {
@ -477,6 +478,19 @@ export function didInfoForContact(
} }
} }
* @returns full contact info object (never undefined), where did is searched in contacts and allMyDids
export function didInfoObject(
did: string | undefined,
activeDid: string | undefined,
allMyDids: string[],
contacts: Contact[],
): { known: boolean; displayName: string; profileImageUrl?: string } {
const contact = contactForDid(did, contacts);
return didInfoForContact(did, activeDid, contact, allMyDids);
/** /**
always returns text, maybe something like "unnamed" or "unknown" always returns text, maybe something like "unnamed" or "unknown"


@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
export interface UserProfile {
description: string;
locLat?: number;
locLon?: number;
locLat2?: number;
locLon2?: number;
issuerDid: string;
rowId?: string; // set on profile retrieved from server


@ -262,6 +262,11 @@ const routes: Array<RouteRecordRaw> = [
name: "test", name: "test",
component: () => import("../views/TestView.vue"), component: () => import("../views/TestView.vue"),
}, },
path: "/userProfile/:id?",
name: "userProfile",
component: () => import("../views/UserProfileView.vue"),
]; ];
const isElectron = window.location.protocol === "file:"; // Check if running in Electron const isElectron = window.location.protocol === "file:"; // Check if running in Electron
@ -292,9 +297,7 @@ const errorHandler = (
) => { ) => {
// Handle the error here // Handle the error here
console.error("Caught in top level error handler:", error, to, from); console.error("Caught in top level error handler:", error, to, from);
alert( alert("Something is very wrong. Try reloading or restarting the app.");
"Something is very wrong. We'd love if you contacted us and let us know how you got here. Thank you!",
// You can also perform additional actions, such as displaying an error message or redirecting the user to a specific page // You can also perform additional actions, such as displaying an error message or redirecting the user to a specific page
}; };


@ -82,13 +82,12 @@
<div v-else class="text-center"> <div v-else class="text-center">
<div class @click="openImageDialog()"> <div class @click="openImageDialog()">
<fa <fa
icon="camera" icon="image-portrait"
class="bg-gradient-to-b from-blue-400 to-blue-700 shadow-[inset_0_-1px_0_0_rgba(0,0,0,0.5)] text-white px-2 py-2 rounded-l" class="bg-gradient-to-b from-blue-400 to-blue-700 shadow-[inset_0_-1px_0_0_rgba(0,0,0,0.5)] text-white px-2 py-2 rounded-l"
/> />
<fa <fa
icon="image-portrait" icon="camera"
class="bg-gradient-to-b from-blue-400 to-blue-700 shadow-[inset_0_-1px_0_0_rgba(0,0,0,0.5)] text-white px-2 py-2 rounded-r" class="bg-gradient-to-b from-blue-400 to-blue-700 shadow-[inset_0_-1px_0_0_rgba(0,0,0,0.5)] text-white px-2 py-2 rounded-r"
/> />
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
@ -159,7 +158,7 @@
We'll just pop the message in only if we discover that they need it. We'll just pop the message in only if we discover that they need it.
--> -->
<div <div
v-if="!loadingLimits && !endorserLimits?.nextWeekBeginDateTime" v-if="!isRegistered"
id="noticeBeforeAnnounce" id="noticeBeforeAnnounce"
class="bg-amber-200 text-amber-900 border-amber-500 border-dashed border text-center rounded-md overflow-hidden px-4 py-3 mt-4" class="bg-amber-200 text-amber-900 border-amber-500 border-dashed border text-center rounded-md overflow-hidden px-4 py-3 mt-4"
> >
@ -176,6 +175,7 @@
</div> </div>
<div <div
id="sectionNotifications" id="sectionNotifications"
class="bg-slate-100 rounded-md overflow-hidden px-4 py-4 mt-8 mb-8" class="bg-slate-100 rounded-md overflow-hidden px-4 py-4 mt-8 mb-8"
> >
@ -250,19 +250,111 @@
<div <div
id="sectionSearchLocation" id="sectionSearchLocation"
class="bg-slate-100 rounded-md overflow-hidden px-4 py-4 mt-8 mb-8" class="flex justify-between bg-slate-100 rounded-md overflow-hidden px-4 py-4 mt-8 mb-8"
> >
<!-- label --> <!-- label -->
<div class="mb-2 font-bold">Location for Searches</div> <span class="mb-2 font-bold">Location for Searches</span>
<router-link <router-link
:to="{ name: 'search-area' }" :to="{ name: 'search-area' }"
class="block w-full text-center text-m bg-gradient-to-b from-blue-400 to-blue-700 shadow-[inset_0_-1px_0_0_rgba(0,0,0,0.5)] text-white px-1.5 py-2 rounded-md mb-2 mt-6" class="text-m bg-gradient-to-b from-blue-400 to-blue-700 shadow-[inset_0_-1px_0_0_rgba(0,0,0,0.5)] text-white px-1.5 py-2 rounded-md mb-2"
> >
Set Search Area {{ isSearchAreasSet ? "Change" : "Set" }} Search Area
<!-- If already set, change button label to "Change Search Area" -->
</router-link> </router-link>
</div> </div>
<!-- User Profile -->
class="bg-slate-100 rounded-md overflow-hidden px-4 py-4 mt-8 mb-8"
<div v-if="loadingProfile" class="text-center mb-2">
<fa icon="spinner" class="fa-spin text-slate-400"></fa> Loading
<div v-else class="flex items-center mb-2">
<span class="font-bold">Public Profile</span>
class="text-slate-400 fa-fw ml-2 cursor-pointer"
class="w-full h-32 p-2 border border-slate-300 rounded-md"
placeholder="Write something about yourself for the public..."
:readonly="loadingProfile || savingProfile"
:class="{ 'bg-slate-100': loadingProfile || savingProfile }"
<div class="flex items-center mb-4" @click="toggleUserProfileLocation">
<label for="includeUserProfileLocation">Include Location</label>
<div v-if="includeUserProfileLocation" class="mb-4 aspect-video">
<p class="text-sm mb-2 text-slate-500">
For your security, choose a location nearby but not exactly at your
class="!z-40 rounded-md"
(event: LeafletMouseEvent) => {
userProfileLatitude =;
userProfileLongitude = event.latlng.lng;
v-if="userProfileLatitude && userProfileLongitude"
:lat-lng="[userProfileLatitude, userProfileLongitude]"
<div v-if="!loadingProfile && !savingProfile">
<div class="flex justify-between items-center">
class="mt-2 px-4 py-2 bg-gradient-to-b from-blue-400 to-blue-700 shadow-[inset_0_-1px_0_0_rgba(0,0,0,0.5)] text-white rounded-md"
:disabled="loadingProfile || savingProfile"
'opacity-50 cursor-not-allowed': loadingProfile || savingProfile,
Save Profile
class="mt-2 px-4 py-2 bg-gradient-to-b from-red-400 to-red-700 shadow-[inset_0_-1px_0_0_rgba(0,0,0,0.5)] text-white rounded-md"
:disabled="loadingProfile || savingProfile"
'opacity-50 cursor-not-allowed':
loadingProfile ||
savingProfile ||
(!userProfileDesc && !includeUserProfileLocation),
Delete Profile
<div v-else-if="loadingProfile">Loading...</div>
<div v-else>Saving...</div>
<div <div
v-if="activeDid" v-if="activeDid"
id="sectionUsageLimits" id="sectionUsageLimits"
@ -599,7 +691,7 @@
<h2 class="text-slate-500 text-sm font-bold mb-2"> <h2 class="text-slate-500 text-sm font-bold mb-2">
Notification Push Server Notification Push Server
</h2> </h2>
<div id="sectionNotificationPushServer" class="px-3 py-4"> <div class="px-3 py-4">
<input <input
type="text" type="text"
class="block w-full rounded border border-slate-400 px-3 py-2" class="block w-full rounded border border-slate-400 px-3 py-2"
@ -676,7 +768,7 @@
</span> </span>
<div id="sectionImageServerURL" class="mt-2"> <div class="mt-2">
<span class="text-slate-500 text-sm font-bold">Image Server URL</span> <span class="text-slate-500 text-sm font-bold">Image Server URL</span>
&nbsp; &nbsp;
<span class="text-sm">{{ DEFAULT_IMAGE_API_SERVER }}</span> <span class="text-sm">{{ DEFAULT_IMAGE_API_SERVER }}</span>
@ -791,17 +883,21 @@
</template> </template>
<script lang="ts"> <script lang="ts">
import "leaflet/dist/leaflet.css";
import { AxiosError } from "axios"; import { AxiosError } from "axios";
import { Buffer } from "buffer/"; import { Buffer } from "buffer/";
import Dexie from "dexie"; import Dexie from "dexie";
import "dexie-export-import"; import "dexie-export-import";
import { ImportProgress } from "dexie-export-import/dist/import"; import { ImportProgress } from "dexie-export-import/dist/import";
import { LeafletMouseEvent } from "leaflet";
import * as R from "ramda"; import * as R from "ramda";
import { IIdentifier } from "@veramo/core"; import { IIdentifier } from "@veramo/core";
import { ref } from "vue"; import { ref } from "vue";
import { Component, Vue } from "vue-facing-decorator"; import { Component, Vue } from "vue-facing-decorator";
import { Router } from "vue-router"; import { Router } from "vue-router";
import { useClipboard } from "@vueuse/core"; import { useClipboard } from "@vueuse/core";
import { LMap, LMarker, LTileLayer } from "@vue-leaflet/vue-leaflet";
import EntityIcon from "../components/EntityIcon.vue"; import EntityIcon from "../components/EntityIcon.vue";
import ImageMethodDialog from "../components/ImageMethodDialog.vue"; import ImageMethodDialog from "../components/ImageMethodDialog.vue";
@ -819,6 +915,7 @@ import {
} from "../constants/app"; } from "../constants/app";
import { import {
db, db,
retrieveSettingsForActiveAccount, retrieveSettingsForActiveAccount,
updateAccountSettings, updateAccountSettings,
} from "../db/index"; } from "../db/index";
@ -830,8 +927,9 @@ import {
} from "../db/tables/settings"; } from "../db/tables/settings";
import { import {
clearPasskeyToken, clearPasskeyToken,
EndorserRateLimits, EndorserRateLimits,
fetchEndorserRateLimits, fetchEndorserRateLimits,
fetchImageRateLimits, fetchImageRateLimits,
getHeaders, getHeaders,
@ -850,6 +948,10 @@ const inputImportFileNameRef = ref<Blob>();
components: { components: {
EntityIcon, EntityIcon,
ImageMethodDialog, ImageMethodDialog,
PushNotificationPermission, PushNotificationPermission,
QuickNav, QuickNav,
TopMessage, TopMessage,
@ -873,23 +975,26 @@ export default class AccountViewView extends Vue {
givenName = ""; givenName = "";
hideRegisterPromptOnNewContact = false; hideRegisterPromptOnNewContact = false;
imageLimits: ImageRateLimits | null = null; imageLimits: ImageRateLimits | null = null;
imageServer = ""; includeUserProfileLocation = false;
isRegistered = false; isRegistered = false;
isSearchAreasSet = false;
limitsMessage = ""; limitsMessage = "";
loadingLimits = false; loadingLimits = false;
loadingProfile = true;
notifyingNewActivity = false; notifyingNewActivity = false;
notifyingNewActivityTime = ""; notifyingNewActivityTime = "";
notifyingReminder = false; notifyingReminder = false;
notifyingReminderMessage = ""; notifyingReminderMessage = "";
notifyingReminderTime = ""; notifyingReminderTime = "";
partnerApiServer = ""; partnerApiServer = DEFAULT_PARTNER_API_SERVER;
partnerApiServerInput = ""; partnerApiServerInput = DEFAULT_PARTNER_API_SERVER;
passkeyExpirationDescription = ""; passkeyExpirationDescription = "";
previousPasskeyExpirationMinutes = DEFAULT_PASSKEY_EXPIRATION_MINUTES; previousPasskeyExpirationMinutes = DEFAULT_PASSKEY_EXPIRATION_MINUTES;
profileImageUrl?: string; profileImageUrl?: string;
publicHex = ""; publicHex = "";
publicBase64 = ""; publicBase64 = "";
savingProfile = false;
showAdvanced = false; showAdvanced = false;
showB64Copy = false; showB64Copy = false;
showContactGives = false; showContactGives = false;
@ -903,8 +1008,12 @@ export default class AccountViewView extends Vue {
subscription: PushSubscription | null = null; subscription: PushSubscription | null = null;
warnIfProdServer = false; warnIfProdServer = false;
warnIfTestServer = false; warnIfTestServer = false;
webPushServer = ""; webPushServer = DEFAULT_PUSH_SERVER;
webPushServerInput = ""; webPushServerInput = DEFAULT_PUSH_SERVER;
userProfileDesc = "";
userProfileLatitude = 0;
userProfileLongitude = 0;
zoom = 2;
/** /**
* Async function executed when the component is mounted. * Async function executed when the component is mounted.
@ -918,6 +1027,49 @@ export default class AccountViewView extends Vue {
// Initialize component state with values from the database or defaults // Initialize component state with values from the database or defaults
await this.initializeState(); await this.initializeState();
await this.processIdentity(); await this.processIdentity();
// Load the user profile
if (this.isRegistered) {
try {
const headers = await getHeaders(this.activeDid);
const response = await this.axios.get(
this.apiServer +
"/api/partner/userProfileForIssuer/" +
{ headers },
if (response.status === 200) {
this.userProfileDesc = || "";
this.userProfileLatitude = || 0;
this.userProfileLongitude = || 0;
if (this.userProfileLatitude && this.userProfileLongitude) {
this.includeUserProfileLocation = true;
} else {
// won't get here because axios throws an error instead
throw Error("Unable to load profile.");
} catch (error) {
if (error.status === 404) {
// this is ok: the profile is not yet created
} else {
"Error loading profile: " + errorStringForLog(error),
group: "alert",
type: "danger",
title: "Error Loading Profile",
text: "Your server profile is not available.",
} finally {
this.loadingProfile = false;
} catch (error) { } catch (error) {
// this can happen when running automated tests in dev mode because notifications don't work // this can happen when running automated tests in dev mode because notifications don't work
console.error( console.error(
@ -992,14 +1144,15 @@ export default class AccountViewView extends Vue {
this.hideRegisterPromptOnNewContact = this.hideRegisterPromptOnNewContact =
!!settings.hideRegisterPromptOnNewContact; !!settings.hideRegisterPromptOnNewContact;
this.isRegistered = !!settings?.isRegistered; this.isRegistered = !!settings?.isRegistered;
this.imageServer = settings.imageServer || ""; this.isSearchAreasSet = !!settings.searchBoxes;
this.notifyingNewActivity = !!settings.notifyingNewActivityTime; this.notifyingNewActivity = !!settings.notifyingNewActivityTime;
this.notifyingNewActivityTime = settings.notifyingNewActivityTime || ""; this.notifyingNewActivityTime = settings.notifyingNewActivityTime || "";
this.notifyingReminder = !!settings.notifyingReminderTime; this.notifyingReminder = !!settings.notifyingReminderTime;
this.notifyingReminderMessage = settings.notifyingReminderMessage || ""; this.notifyingReminderMessage = settings.notifyingReminderMessage || "";
this.notifyingReminderTime = settings.notifyingReminderTime || ""; this.notifyingReminderTime = settings.notifyingReminderTime || "";
this.partnerApiServer = settings.partnerApiServer || ""; this.partnerApiServer = settings.partnerApiServer || this.partnerApiServer;
this.partnerApiServerInput = settings.partnerApiServer || ""; this.partnerApiServerInput =
settings.partnerApiServer || this.partnerApiServerInput;
this.profileImageUrl = settings.profileImageUrl; this.profileImageUrl = settings.profileImageUrl;
this.showContactGives = !!settings.showContactGivesInline; this.showContactGives = !!settings.showContactGivesInline;
this.passkeyExpirationMinutes = this.passkeyExpirationMinutes =
@ -1009,8 +1162,8 @@ export default class AccountViewView extends Vue {
this.showShortcutBvc = !!settings.showShortcutBvc; this.showShortcutBvc = !!settings.showShortcutBvc;
this.warnIfProdServer = !!settings.warnIfProdServer; this.warnIfProdServer = !!settings.warnIfProdServer;
this.warnIfTestServer = !!settings.warnIfTestServer; this.warnIfTestServer = !!settings.warnIfTestServer;
this.webPushServer = settings.webPushServer || ""; this.webPushServer = settings.webPushServer || this.webPushServer;
this.webPushServerInput = settings.webPushServer || ""; this.webPushServerInput = settings.webPushServer || this.webPushServerInput;
} }
// call fn, copy text to the clipboard, then redo fn after 2 seconds // call fn, copy text to the clipboard, then redo fn after 2 seconds
@ -1498,13 +1651,19 @@ export default class AccountViewView extends Vue {
*/ */
private handleRateLimitsError(error: unknown) { private handleRateLimitsError(error: unknown) {
if (error instanceof AxiosError) { if (error instanceof AxiosError) {
const data = error.response?.data as ErrorResponse; if (error.status == 400 || error.status == 404) {
this.limitsMessage = // no worries: they probably just aren't registered and don't have any limits
(data?.error?.message as string) || "Bad server response."; console.log(
console.error( "Got 400 or 404 response retrieving limits which probably means they're not registered:",
"Got bad response retrieving limits, which usually means user isn't registered.", error,
error, );
); this.limitsMessage = "No limits were found, so no actions are allowed.";
} else {
const data = error.response?.data as ErrorResponse;
this.limitsMessage =
(data?.error?.message as string) || "Bad server response.";
console.error("Got bad response retrieving limits:", error);
} else { } else {
this.limitsMessage = "Got an error retrieving limits."; this.limitsMessage = "Got an error retrieving limits.";
console.error("Got some error retrieving limits:", error); console.error("Got some error retrieving limits:", error);
@ -1635,5 +1794,174 @@ export default class AccountViewView extends Vue {
} }
} }
} }
onMapReady(map: L.Map) {
// doing this here instead of on the l-map element avoids a recentering after a drag then zoom at startup
const zoom = this.userProfileLatitude && this.userProfileLongitude ? 12 : 2;
map.setView([this.userProfileLatitude, this.userProfileLongitude], zoom);
showProfileInfo() {
group: "alert",
type: "info",
title: "Public Profile Information",
text: "This data will be published for all to see, so be careful what your write. Your ID will only be shared with people who you allow to see your activity.",
async saveProfile() {
this.savingProfile = true;
try {
const headers = await getHeaders(this.activeDid);
const payload: UserProfile = {
description: this.userProfileDesc,
if (this.userProfileLatitude && this.userProfileLongitude) {
payload.locLat = this.userProfileLatitude;
payload.locLon = this.userProfileLongitude;
} else if (this.includeUserProfileLocation) {
group: "alert",
type: "toast",
title: "",
text: "No profile location is saved.",
const response = await
this.apiServer + "/api/partner/userProfile",
{ headers },
if (response.status === 201) {
group: "alert",
type: "success",
title: "Profile Saved",
text: "Your profile has been updated successfully.",
} else {
// won't get here because axios throws an error on non-success
throw Error("Profile not saved");
} catch (error) {
logConsoleAndDb("Error saving profile: " + errorStringForLog(error));
const errorMessage: string =
error.response?.data?.error?.message ||
error.response?.data?.error ||
error.message ||
"There was an error saving your profile.";
group: "alert",
type: "danger",
title: "Error Saving Profile",
text: errorMessage,
} finally {
this.savingProfile = false;
toggleUserProfileLocation() {
this.includeUserProfileLocation = !this.includeUserProfileLocation;
if (!this.includeUserProfileLocation) {
this.userProfileLatitude = 0;
this.userProfileLongitude = 0;
this.zoom = 2;
confirmEraseLatLong() {
group: "modal",
type: "confirm",
title: "Erase Marker",
text: "Are you sure you don't want to mark a location? This will erase the current location.",
onYes: async () => {
eraseLatLong() {
this.userProfileLatitude = 0;
this.userProfileLongitude = 0;
this.zoom = 2;
this.includeUserProfileLocation = false;
async confirmDeleteProfile() {
group: "modal",
type: "confirm",
title: "Delete Profile",
text: "Are you sure you want to delete your public profile? This will remove your description and location from the server, and it cannot be undone.",
onYes: this.deleteProfile,
async deleteProfile() {
this.savingProfile = true;
try {
const headers = await getHeaders(this.activeDid);
const response = await this.axios.delete(
this.apiServer + "/api/partner/userProfile",
{ headers },
if (response.status === 204) {
this.userProfileDesc = "";
this.userProfileLatitude = 0;
this.userProfileLongitude = 0;
this.includeUserProfileLocation = false;
group: "alert",
type: "success",
title: "Profile Deleted",
text: "Your profile has been deleted successfully.",
} else {
throw Error("Profile not deleted");
} catch (error) {
logConsoleAndDb("Error deleting profile: " + errorStringForLog(error));
const errorMessage: string =
error.response?.data?.error?.message ||
error.response?.data?.error ||
error.message ||
"There was an error deleting your profile.";
group: "alert",
type: "danger",
title: "Error Deleting Profile",
text: errorMessage,
} finally {
this.savingProfile = false;
} }
</script> </script>


@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ export default class ClaimCertificateView extends Vue {
); );
if (claimData.claimType === "GiveAction" && claimData.claim.agent) { if (claimData.claimType === "GiveAction" && claimData.claim.agent) {
const presentedText = "Thanks To "; const presentedText = "Thanks To";
ctx.font = "14px Arial"; ctx.font = "14px Arial";
const presentedWidth = ctx.measureText(presentedText).width; const presentedWidth = ctx.measureText(presentedText).width;
ctx.fillText( ctx.fillText(
@ -148,8 +148,36 @@ export default class ClaimCertificateView extends Vue {
); );
} }
// alternatively, show some offer details
if (claimData.claimType === "Offer") {
const presentedText = "To";
ctx.font = "14px Arial";
const presentedWidth = ctx.measureText(presentedText).width;
(CANVAS_WIDTH - presentedWidth) / 2, // Center horizontally
// fulfills
const agentDid =
claimData.claim.agent.identifier || claimData.claim.agent;
const agentText = serverUtil.didInfoForCertificate(
ctx.font = "bold 20px Arial";
const agentWidth = ctx.measureText(agentText).width;
(CANVAS_WIDTH - agentWidth) / 2, // Center horizontally
const descriptionText = const descriptionText = || claimData.claim.description; ||
claimData.claim.description ||
claimData.claim.itemOffered?.description; // for Offers
if (descriptionText) { if (descriptionText) {
const descriptionLine = const descriptionLine =
descriptionText.length > 50 descriptionText.length > 50
@ -164,12 +192,12 @@ export default class ClaimCertificateView extends Vue {
); );
} }
if ( const possibleObject =
claimData.claim.object?.amountOfThisGood && claimData.claim.object || // for GiveActions
claimData.claim.object?.unitCode claimData.claim.includesObject; // for Offers
) { if (possibleObject?.amountOfThisGood && possibleObject?.unitCode) {
const amount = claimData.claim.object.amountOfThisGood; const amount = possibleObject.amountOfThisGood;
const unit = claimData.claim.object.unitCode; const unit = possibleObject.unitCode;
const amountText = serverUtil.displayAmount(unit, amount); const amountText = serverUtil.displayAmount(unit, amount);
const amountWidth = ctx.measureText(amountText).width; const amountWidth = ctx.measureText(amountText).width;
// if there was no description then put this in that spot, otherwise put it below the description // if there was no description then put this in that spot, otherwise put it below the description


@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<button <button
title="Copy Link" title="Copy Link"
@click=" @click="
copyToClipboard('Current page link', window.location.href) copyToClipboard('A link to this page', window.location.href)
" "
> >
<fa icon="link" class="text-slate-500" /> <fa icon="link" class="text-slate-500" />
@ -270,16 +270,13 @@
<div class="text-sm"> <div class="text-sm">
{{ didInfo(confirmerId) }} {{ didInfo(confirmerId) }}
<span v-if="!serverUtil.isEmptyOrHiddenDid(confirmerId)"> <span v-if="!serverUtil.isEmptyOrHiddenDid(confirmerId)">
<button <a
@click=" :href="`/did/${confirmerId}`"
copyToClipboard( target="_blank"
'The DID of ' + confirmerId, class="text-blue-500"
> >
<fa icon="copy" class="text-slate-400 fa-fw" /> <fa icon="arrow-up-right-from-square" class="fa-fw" />
</button> </a>
</span> </span>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
@ -311,16 +308,13 @@
<div class="text-sm"> <div class="text-sm">
{{ didInfo(confsVisibleTo) }} {{ didInfo(confsVisibleTo) }}
<span v-if="!serverUtil.isEmptyOrHiddenDid(confsVisibleTo)"> <span v-if="!serverUtil.isEmptyOrHiddenDid(confsVisibleTo)">
<button <a
@click=" :href="`/did/${confsVisibleTo}`"
copyToClipboard( target="_blank"
'The DID of ' + confsVisibleTo, class="text-blue-500"
> >
<fa icon="copy" class="text-slate-400 fa-fw" /> <fa icon="arrow-up-right-from-square" class="fa-fw" />
</button> </a>
</span> </span>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
@ -344,7 +338,7 @@
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<!-- Note that a similar section is found in ConfirmGiftView.vue --> <!-- Note that a similar section is found in ConfirmGiftView.vue, and kinda in HiddenDidDialog.vue -->
<h2 <h2
class="font-bold uppercase text-xl text-blue-500 mt-8 cursor-pointer" class="font-bold uppercase text-xl text-blue-500 mt-8 cursor-pointer"
@click="showVeriClaimDump = !showVeriClaimDump" @click="showVeriClaimDump = !showVeriClaimDump"
@ -364,24 +358,26 @@
Some of the details are not visible to you; they show as "HIDDEN". They Some of the details are not visible to you; they show as "HIDDEN". They
are not visible to any of your direct contacts, either. are not visible to any of your direct contacts, either.
<span v-if="canShare"> <span v-if="canShare">
If you'd like to ask any of your contacts to take a look and see if You can ask one of your contacts to take a look and see if their
their contacts can see more details, contacts can see more details:
<a @click="onClickShareClaim()" class="text-blue-500" <a @click="onClickShareClaim()" class="text-blue-500"
>click to send them this info</a >click to send them this page info</a
> >
and see if they are willing to make an introduction. They are surely and see if they can make an introduction. Someone is connected to
connected to someone; if you don't know who to ask, you might try the people closer to them; if you don't know who to ask, try the person
person who registered you. who registered you.
</span> </span>
<span v-else> <span v-else>
If you'd like to ask any of your contacts to take a look and see if You can ask one of your contacts to take a look and see if their
their contacts can see more details, contacts can see more details:
<a <a
@click="copyToClipboard('A link to this page', windowLocation)" @click="copyToClipboard('A link to this page', windowLocation)"
class="text-blue-500" class="text-blue-500"
>share this page with them</a >click to copy this page info</a
> >
and see if they are willing to make an introduction. and see if they can make an introduction. Someone is connected to
people closer to them; if you don't know who to ask, try the person
who registered you.
</span> </span>
</div> </div>
@ -425,18 +421,21 @@
<span> <span>
{{ didInfo(visDid) }} {{ didInfo(visDid) }}
<span v-if="!serverUtil.isEmptyOrHiddenDid(visDid)"> <span v-if="!serverUtil.isEmptyOrHiddenDid(visDid)">
<button <a
@click="copyToClipboard('The DID of ' + visDid, visDid)" :href="`/did/${visDid}`"
> >
<fa icon="copy" class="text-slate-400 fa-fw" /> <fa icon="arrow-up-right-from-square" class="fa-fw" />
</button> </a>
</span> </span>
<span v-if="veriClaim.publicUrls?.[visDid]" <span v-if="veriClaim.publicUrls?.[visDid]"
>, found at&nbsp;<a >, found at&nbsp;<a
:href="veriClaim.publicUrls?.[visDid]" :href="veriClaim.publicUrls?.[visDid]"
class="text-blue-500" class="text-blue-500"
> >
<fa icon="globe" class="fa-fw text-slate-400" /> <fa icon="globe" class="fa-fw" />
{{ {{
veriClaim.publicUrls[visDid].substring( veriClaim.publicUrls[visDid].substring(
veriClaim.publicUrls[visDid].indexOf("//") + 2, veriClaim.publicUrls[visDid].indexOf("//") + 2,
@ -452,7 +451,7 @@
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<span v-if="isEditedGlobalId" class="mt-2"> <span v-if="isEditedGlobalId" class="mt-2">
This record is an edited version. The latest version is here. This record is an edited version. The latest version is shown.
</span> </span>
<br /> <br />
<!-- Keep the dump contents directly between > and < to avoid weird spacing. --> <!-- Keep the dump contents directly between > and < to avoid weird spacing. -->
@ -963,9 +962,10 @@ export default class ClaimView extends Vue {
} }
onClickShareClaim() { onClickShareClaim() {
this.copyToClipboard("A link to this page", this.windowLocation);
window.navigator.share({ window.navigator.share({
title: "Help Connect Me", title: "Help Connect Me",
text: "I'm trying to find the full details of this claim. Can you help me?", text: "I'm trying to find the people who recorded this. Can you help me?",
url: this.windowLocation, url: this.windowLocation,
}); });
} }


@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<!-- Note that a similar section is found in ClaimView.vue --> <!-- Note that a similar section is found in ClaimView.vue, and kinda in HiddenDidDialog.vue -->
<h2 <h2
class="font-bold uppercase text-xl text-blue-500 mt-8 cursor-pointer" class="font-bold uppercase text-xl text-blue-500 mt-8 cursor-pointer"
@click="showVeriClaimDump = !showVeriClaimDump" @click="showVeriClaimDump = !showVeriClaimDump"
@ -274,24 +274,26 @@
Some of the details are not visible to you; they show as "HIDDEN". Some of the details are not visible to you; they show as "HIDDEN".
They are not visible to any of your direct contacts, either. They are not visible to any of your direct contacts, either.
<span v-if="canShare"> <span v-if="canShare">
If you'd like to ask any of your contacts to take a look and see if You can ask one of your contacts to take a look and see if their
their contacts can see more details, contacts can see more details:
<a @click="onClickShareClaim()" class="text-blue-500" <a @click="onClickShareClaim()" class="text-blue-500"
>click to send them this info</a >click to send them this page info</a
> >
and see if they are willing to make an introduction. They are surely and see if they can make an introduction. Someone is connected to
connected to someone; if you don't know who to ask, you might try people closer to them; if you don't know who to ask, try the person
the person who registered you. who registered you.
</span> </span>
<span v-else> <span v-else>
If you'd like to ask any of your contacts to take a look and see if You can ask one of your contacts to take a look and see if their
their contacts can see more details, contacts can see more details:
<a <a
@click="copyToClipboard('Location', windowLocation.href)" @click="copyToClipboard('A link to this page', windowLocation)"
class="text-blue-500" class="text-blue-500"
>share this page with them</a >click to copy this page info</a
> >
and see if they are willing to make an introduction. and see if they can make an introduction. Someone is connected to
people closer to them; if you don't know who to ask, try the person
who registered you.
</span> </span>
</div> </div>
@ -308,9 +310,7 @@
<span v-else> <span v-else>
If you'd like an introduction, If you'd like an introduction,
<a <a
@click=" @click="copyToClipboard('A link to this page', windowLocation)"
copyToClipboard('A link to this page', windowLocation.href)
class="text-blue-500" class="text-blue-500"
>share this page with them and ask if they'll tell you more about >share this page with them and ask if they'll tell you more about
about the participants.</a about the participants.</a
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ export default class ClaimView extends Vue {
veriClaimDump = ""; veriClaimDump = "";
veriClaimDidsVisible = {}; veriClaimDidsVisible = {};
windowLocation = window.location; windowLocation = window.location.href;
R = R; R = R;
yaml = yaml; yaml = yaml;
@ -856,10 +856,11 @@ export default class ClaimView extends Vue {
} }
onClickShareClaim() { onClickShareClaim() {
this.copyToClipboard("A link to this page", this.windowLocation);
window.navigator.share({ window.navigator.share({
title: "Help Connect Me", title: "Help Connect Me",
text: "I'm trying to find the full details of this claim. Can you help me?", text: "I'm trying to find the full details of this claim. Can you help me?",
url: this.windowLocation.href, url: this.windowLocation,
}); });
} }
} }


@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
<section id="Content" class="p-6 pb-24 max-w-3xl mx-auto"> <section id="Content" class="p-6 pb-24 max-w-3xl mx-auto">
<!-- Breadcrumb --> <!-- Breadcrumb -->
<div id="ViewBreadcrumb" class="mb-8"> <div id="ViewBreadcrumb" class="mb-8">
<h1 class="text-lg text-center font-light relative px-7"> <h1 id="ViewHeading" class="text-lg text-center font-light relative px-7">
<!-- Back --> <!-- Back -->
<button <button
@click="$router.go(-1)" @click="$router.go(-1)"


@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
<section id="Content" class="p-6 pb-24 max-w-3xl mx-auto"> <section id="Content" class="p-6 pb-24 max-w-3xl mx-auto">
<!-- Heading --> <!-- Heading -->
<h1 id="ViewHeading" class="text-4xl text-center font-light"> <h1 id="ViewHeading" class="text-4xl text-center font-light">
Discover Projects Discover Projects & People
</h1> </h1>
<OnboardingDialog ref="onboardingDialog" /> <OnboardingDialog ref="onboardingDialog" />
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
<div <div
id="QuickSearch" id="QuickSearch"
class="mt-8 mb-4 flex" class="mt-8 mb-4 flex"
:style="{ visibility: isSearchVisible ? 'visible' : 'hidden' }" :style="{ visibility: isSearchVisible ? 'visible' : 'hidden' }"
> >
<input <input
@ -23,16 +22,54 @@
v-model="searchTerms" v-model="searchTerms"
placeholder="Search…" placeholder="Search…"
class="block w-full rounded-l border border-r-0 border-slate-400 px-3 py-2" class="block w-full rounded-l border border-r-0 border-slate-400 px-3 py-2"
/> />
<button <button
class="px-4 rounded-r bg-slate-200 border border-l-0 border-slate-400" class="px-4 rounded-r bg-slate-200 border border-l-0 border-slate-400"
> >
<fa icon="magnifying-glass" class="fa-fw"></fa> <fa icon="magnifying-glass" class="fa-fw"></fa>
</button> </button>
</div> </div>
<!-- Result Tabs --> <!-- Result Tabs -->
<!-- Top Level Selection -->
<div class="text-center text-slate-500 border-b border-slate-300 mb-4">
<ul class="flex flex-wrap justify-center gap-4 -mb-px">
projects = [];
userProfiles = [];
isProjectsActive = true;
isPeopleActive = false;
projects = [];
userProfiles = [];
isProjectsActive = false;
isPeopleActive = true;
<!-- Secondary Tabs -->
<div class="text-center text-slate-500 border-b border-slate-300"> <div class="text-center text-slate-500 border-b border-slate-300">
<ul class="flex flex-wrap justify-center gap-4 -mb-px"> <ul class="flex flex-wrap justify-center gap-4 -mb-px">
<li> <li>
@ -40,9 +77,10 @@
href="#" href="#"
@click=" @click="
projects = []; projects = [];
userProfiles = [];
isLocalActive = true; isLocalActive = true;
isMappedActive = false; isMappedActive = false;
isRemoteActive = false; isAnywhereActive = false;
isSearchVisible = true; isSearchVisible = true;
tempSearchBox = null; tempSearchBox = null;
searchLocal(); searchLocal();
@ -65,15 +103,17 @@
href="#" href="#"
@click=" @click="
projects = []; projects = [];
userProfiles = [];
isLocalActive = false; isLocalActive = false;
isMappedActive = true; isMappedActive = true;
isRemoteActive = false; isAnywhereActive = false;
isSearchVisible = false; isSearchVisible = false;
searchTerms = ''; searchTerms = '';
tempSearchBox = null; tempSearchBox = null;
" "
v-bind:class="computedMappedTabStyleClassNames()" v-bind:class="computedMappedTabStyleClassNames()"
> >
<!-- search is triggered when map component gets to "ready" state -->
Mapped Mapped
</a> </a>
</li> </li>
@ -82,9 +122,10 @@
href="#" href="#"
@click=" @click="
projects = []; projects = [];
userProfiles = [];
isLocalActive = false; isLocalActive = false;
isMappedActive = false; isMappedActive = false;
isRemoteActive = true; isAnywhereActive = true;
isSearchVisible = true; isSearchVisible = true;
tempSearchBox = null; tempSearchBox = null;
searchAll(); searchAll();
@ -95,7 +136,7 @@
<!-- restore when the links don't jump around for different numbers <!-- restore when the links don't jump around for different numbers
<span <span
class="font-semibold text-sm bg-slate-200 px-1.5 py-0.5 rounded-md" class="font-semibold text-sm bg-slate-200 px-1.5 py-0.5 rounded-md"
v-if="isRemoteActive" v-if="isAnywhereActive"
> >
{{ remoteCount > -1 ? remoteCount : "?" }} {{ remoteCount > -1 ? remoteCount : "?" }}
</span> </span>
@ -143,13 +184,16 @@
> >
<fa icon="spinner" class="fa-spin-pulse"></fa> <fa icon="spinner" class="fa-spin-pulse"></fa>
</div> </div>
<div v-else-if="projects.length === 0" class="text-center mt-8"> <div
v-else-if="projects.length === 0 && userProfiles.length === 0"
class="text-center mt-8"
<p class="text-lg text-slate-500"> <p class="text-lg text-slate-500">
<span v-if="isLocalActive"> <span v-if="isLocalActive">
<span v-if="searchBox"> None found in the selected area. </span> <span v-if="searchBox"> None found in the selected area. </span>
<!-- Otherwise there's no search area selected so we'll just leave the search box for them to click. --> <!-- Otherwise there's no search area selected so we'll just leave the search box for them to click. -->
</span> </span>
<span v-else-if="isRemoteActive" <span v-else-if="isAnywhereActive"
>No projects were found with that search.</span >No projects were found with that search.</span
> >
</p> </p>
@ -158,35 +202,89 @@
<!-- Results List --> <!-- Results List -->
<InfiniteScroll @reached-bottom="loadMoreData"> <InfiniteScroll @reached-bottom="loadMoreData">
<ul id="listDiscoverResults"> <ul id="listDiscoverResults">
<li <!-- Projects List -->
class="border-b border-slate-300" <template v-if="isProjectsActive">
v-for="project in projects" <li
:key="project.handleId" class="border-b border-slate-300"
> v-for="project in projects"
<a :key="project.handleId"
class="block py-4 flex gap-4 cursor-pointer"
> >
<div> <a
<ProjectIcon @click="onClickLoadItem(project.handleId)"
:entityId="project.handleId" class="block py-4 flex gap-4 cursor-pointer"
:iconSize="48" >
:imageUrl="project.image" <div>
class="block border border-slate-300 rounded-md max-h-12 max-w-12" <ProjectIcon
/> :entityId="project.handleId"
</div> :iconSize="48"
<div class="grow"> class="block border border-slate-300 rounded-md max-h-12 max-w-12"
<h2 class="text-base font-semibold">{{ }}</h2> />
<div class="text-sm">
<fa icon="user" class="fa-fw text-slate-400"></fa>
didInfo(project.issuerDid, activeDid, allMyDids, allContacts)
</div> </div>
</a> <div class="grow">
</li> <h2 class="text-base font-semibold">{{ }}</h2>
<div class="text-sm">
<fa icon="user" class="fa-fw text-slate-400"></fa>
<!-- Profiles List -->
<template v-else>
class="border-b border-slate-300"
v-for="profile in userProfiles"
@click="onClickLoadItem(profile?.rowId || '')"
class="block py-4 flex gap-4 cursor-pointer"
<div class="grow">
<div class="text-sm">
<fa icon="user" class="fa-fw text-slate-400"></fa>
class="mt-1 text-sm text-slate-600"
{{ profile.description }}
v-if="isAnywhereActive && profile.locLat && profile.locLon"
class="mt-1 text-xs text-slate-500"
<fa icon="location-dot" class="fa-fw"></fa>
(profile.locLat > 0 ? "North" : "South") +
" in " +
(profile.locLon > 0 ? "Eastern" : "Western") +
" Hemisphere"
</ul> </ul>
</InfiniteScroll> </InfiniteScroll>
</section> </section>
@ -197,7 +295,7 @@ import "leaflet/dist/leaflet.css";
import * as L from "leaflet"; import * as L from "leaflet";
import { Component, Vue } from "vue-facing-decorator"; import { Component, Vue } from "vue-facing-decorator";
import { LMap, LTileLayer } from "@vue-leaflet/vue-leaflet"; import { LMap, LTileLayer } from "@vue-leaflet/vue-leaflet";
import { Router } from "vue-router"; import { Router, RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded } from "vue-router";
import QuickNav from "../components/QuickNav.vue"; import QuickNav from "../components/QuickNav.vue";
import InfiniteScroll from "../components/InfiniteScroll.vue"; import InfiniteScroll from "../components/InfiniteScroll.vue";
@ -220,6 +318,16 @@ import {
} from "../libs/endorserServer"; } from "../libs/endorserServer";
import { OnboardPage, retrieveAccountDids } from "../libs/util"; import { OnboardPage, retrieveAccountDids } from "../libs/util";
interface Tile {
indexLat: number;
indexLon: number;
minFoundLat: number;
maxFoundLat: number;
minFoundLon: number;
maxFoundLon: number;
recordCount: number;
@Component({ @Component({
components: { components: {
InfiniteScroll, InfiniteScroll,
@ -233,25 +341,31 @@ import { OnboardPage, retrieveAccountDids } from "../libs/util";
}) })
export default class DiscoverView extends Vue { export default class DiscoverView extends Vue {
$notify!: (notification: NotificationIface, timeout?: number) => void; $notify!: (notification: NotificationIface, timeout?: number) => void;
$router!: Router;
$route!: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded;
activeDid = ""; activeDid = "";
allContacts: Array<Contact> = []; allContacts: Array<Contact> = [];
allMyDids: Array<string> = []; allMyDids: Array<string> = [];
apiServer = ""; apiServer = "";
searchTerms = "";
projects: PlanData[] = [];
isLoading = false; isLoading = false;
isLocalActive = true; isLocalActive = true;
isMappedActive = false; isMappedActive = false;
isRemoteActive = false; isAnywhereActive = false;
isProjectsActive = true;
isPeopleActive = false;
isSearchVisible = true; isSearchVisible = true;
localCenterLat = 0; localCenterLat = 0;
localCenterLong = 0; localCenterLong = 0;
localCount = -1; localCount = -1;
markers: { [key: string]: L.Marker } = {}; markers: { [key: string]: L.Marker } = {};
projects: PlanData[] = [];
remoteCount = -1; remoteCount = -1;
searchBox: { name: string; bbox: BoundingBox } | null = null; searchBox: { name: string; bbox: BoundingBox } | null = null;
searchTerms = "";
tempSearchBox: BoundingBox | null = null; tempSearchBox: BoundingBox | null = null;
userProfiles: UserProfile[] = [];
zoomedSoDoNotMove = false; zoomedSoDoNotMove = false;
// make this function available to the Vue template // make this function available to the Vue template
@ -261,13 +375,15 @@ export default class DiscoverView extends Vue {
const settings = await retrieveSettingsForActiveAccount(); const settings = await retrieveSettingsForActiveAccount();
this.activeDid = (settings.activeDid as string) || ""; this.activeDid = (settings.activeDid as string) || "";
this.apiServer = (settings.apiServer as string) || ""; this.apiServer = (settings.apiServer as string) || "";
this.partnerApiServer =
(settings.partnerApiServer as string) || this.partnerApiServer;
this.searchBox = settings.searchBoxes?.[0] || null; this.searchBox = settings.searchBoxes?.[0] || null;
this.allContacts = await db.contacts.toArray(); this.allContacts = await db.contacts.toArray();
this.allMyDids = await retrieveAccountDids(); this.allMyDids = await retrieveAccountDids();
this.searchTerms = (this.$route as Router).query["searchText"] || ""; this.searchTerms = this.$route.query["searchText"]?.toString() || "";
if (!settings.finishedOnboarding) { if (!settings.finishedOnboarding) {
(this.$refs.onboardingDialog as OnboardingDialog).open( (this.$refs.onboardingDialog as OnboardingDialog).open(
@ -284,7 +400,7 @@ export default class DiscoverView extends Vue {
} else { } else {
this.isLocalActive = false; this.isLocalActive = false;
this.isMappedActive = false; this.isMappedActive = false;
this.isRemoteActive = true; this.isAnywhereActive = true;
await this.searchAll(); await this.searchAll();
} }
} }
@ -298,8 +414,8 @@ export default class DiscoverView extends Vue {
if (this.isLocalActive) { if (this.isLocalActive) {
await this.searchLocal(); await this.searchLocal();
} else if (this.isMappedActive) { } else if (this.isMappedActive) {
this.isRemoteActive = true; const mapRef = this.$refs.projectMap as L.Map;
await this.searchAll(); this.requestTiles(mapRef.leafletObject); // not ideal because I found this from experimentation, not documentation
} else { } else {
await this.searchAll(); await this.searchAll();
} }
@ -311,6 +427,7 @@ export default class DiscoverView extends Vue {
if (!beforeId) { if (!beforeId) {
// this was an initial search so clear any previous results // this was an initial search so clear any previous results
this.projects = []; this.projects = [];
this.userProfiles = [];
} }
let queryParams = "claimContents=" + encodeURIComponent(this.searchTerms); let queryParams = "claimContents=" + encodeURIComponent(this.searchTerms);
@ -319,62 +436,58 @@ export default class DiscoverView extends Vue {
queryParams = queryParams + `&beforeId=${beforeId}`; queryParams = queryParams + `&beforeId=${beforeId}`;
} }
const endpoint = this.isProjectsActive
? this.apiServer + "/api/v2/report/plans"
: this.partnerApiServer + "/api/partner/userProfile";
try { try {
this.isLoading = true; this.isLoading = true;
const response = await fetch( const response = await fetch(endpoint + "?" + queryParams, {
this.apiServer + "/api/v2/report/plans?" + queryParams, method: "GET",
{ headers: await getHeaders(this.activeDid),
method: "GET", });
headers: await getHeaders(this.activeDid),
if (response.status !== 200) { if (response.status !== 200) {
const details = await response.text(); const details = await response.text();
console.error("Problem with full search:", details);
group: "alert",
type: "danger",
title: "Error",
text: `There was a problem accessing the server.`,
throw details; throw details;
} }
const results = await response.json(); const results = await response.json();
const plans: PlanData[] =; if (this.isProjectsActive) {
if (plans) { this.userProfiles = [];
for (const plan of plans) { const plans: PlanData[] =;
const { name, description, handleId, image, issuerDid, rowid } = plan; if (plans) {
this.projects.push({ this.projects.push(...plans);
name, this.remoteCount = this.projects.length;
description, } else {
handleId, throw JSON.stringify(results);
} }
this.remoteCount = this.projects.length;
} else { } else {
throw JSON.stringify(results); this.projects = [];
const profiles: UserProfile[] =;
if (profiles) {
this.remoteCount = this.userProfiles.length;
} else {
throw JSON.stringify(results);
} }
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
} catch (e: any) { } catch (e: any) {
console.error("Error with feed load:", e); console.error("Error with search all:", e);
// this sometimes gives different information // this sometimes gives different information
console.error("Error with feed load (error added): " + e); console.error("Error with search all (error added): " + e);
this.$notify( this.$notify(
{ {
group: "alert", group: "alert",
type: "danger", type: "danger",
title: "Error", title: "Error Searching",
text: e.userMessage || "There was a problem retrieving projects.", text:
e.userMessage ||
"There was a problem retrieving " +
(this.isProjectsActive ? "projects" : "profiles") +
}, },
5000, 5000,
); );
@ -392,12 +505,14 @@ export default class DiscoverView extends Vue {
if (!searchBox) { if (!searchBox) {
this.projects = []; this.projects = [];
this.userProfiles = [];
return; return;
} }
if (!beforeId) { if (!beforeId) {
// this was an initial search so clear any previous results // this was an initial search so clear any previous results
this.projects = []; this.projects = [];
this.userProfiles = [];
} }
const claimContents = const claimContents =
@ -407,70 +522,64 @@ export default class DiscoverView extends Vue {
claimContents, claimContents,
"minLocLat=" + searchBox.minLat, "minLocLat=" + searchBox.minLat,
"maxLocLat=" + searchBox.maxLat, "maxLocLat=" + searchBox.maxLat,
"westLocLon=" + searchBox.westLong, "minLocLon=" + searchBox.westLong,
"eastLocLon=" + searchBox.eastLong, "maxLocLon=" + searchBox.eastLong,
].join("&"); ].join("&");
if (beforeId) { if (beforeId) {
queryParams = queryParams + `&beforeId=${beforeId}`; queryParams = queryParams + `&beforeId=${beforeId}`;
} }
const endpoint = this.isProjectsActive
? this.apiServer + "/api/v2/report/plansByLocation"
: this.partnerApiServer + "/api/partner/userProfile";
try { try {
this.isLoading = true; this.isLoading = true;
const response = await fetch( const response = await fetch(endpoint + "?" + queryParams, {
this.apiServer + "/api/v2/report/plansByLocation?" + queryParams, method: "GET",
{ headers: await getHeaders(this.activeDid),
method: "GET", });
headers: await getHeaders(this.activeDid),
if (response.status !== 200) { if (response.status !== 200) {
const details = await response.text(); const details = await response.text();
console.error("Problem with nearby search:", details); throw details;
group: "alert",
type: "danger",
title: "Error",
text: "There was a problem accessing the server.",
throw await response.text();
} }
const results = await response.json(); const results = await response.json();
if ( { if (this.isProjectsActive) {
if (beforeId) { this.userProfiles = [];
const plans: PlanData[] =; const plans: PlanData[] =;
for (const plan of plans) { if (plans) {
const { name, description, handleId, issuerDid, rowid } = plan; this.projects.push(...plans);
this.projects.push({ this.localCount = this.projects.length;
} else { } else {
this.projects =; throw JSON.stringify(results);
} }
this.localCount = this.projects.length;
} else { } else {
throw JSON.stringify(results); this.projects = [];
const profiles: UserProfile[] =;
if (profiles) {
this.localCount = this.userProfiles.length;
} else {
throw JSON.stringify(results);
} }
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
} catch (e: any) { } catch (e: any) {
console.error("Error with feed load:", e); console.error("Error with search local:", e);
this.$notify( this.$notify(
{ {
group: "alert", group: "alert",
type: "danger", type: "danger",
title: "Error", title: "Error",
text: e.userMessage || "There was a problem retrieving projects.", text:
e.userMessage ||
"There was a problem retrieving " +
(this.isProjectsActive ? "projects" : "profiles") +
}, },
5000, 5000,
); );
@ -484,26 +593,38 @@ export default class DiscoverView extends Vue {
* @param payload is the flag from the InfiniteScroll indicating if it should load * @param payload is the flag from the InfiniteScroll indicating if it should load
**/ **/
async loadMoreData(payload: boolean) { async loadMoreData(payload: boolean) {
if (this.projects.length > 0 && payload) { if (payload) {
const latestProject = this.projects[this.projects.length - 1]; if (this.isProjectsActive && this.projects.length > 0) {
if (this.isLocalActive) { const latestProject = this.projects[this.projects.length - 1];
this.searchLocal(latestProject["rowid"]); if (this.isLocalActive || this.isMappedActive) {
} else if (this.isMappedActive) { this.searchLocal(latestProject.rowId);
this.searchLocal(latestProject["rowid"]); } else if (this.isAnywhereActive) {
} else if (this.isRemoteActive) { this.searchAll(latestProject.rowId);
this.searchAll(latestProject["rowid"]); }
} else if (this.isPeopleActive && this.userProfiles.length > 0) {
const latestProfile = this.userProfiles[this.userProfiles.length - 1];
if (this.isLocalActive || this.isMappedActive) {
this.searchLocal(latestProfile.rowId || "");
} else if (this.isAnywhereActive) {
this.searchAll(latestProfile.rowId || "");
} }
} }
} }
clearMarkers() {
Object.values(this.markers).forEach((marker) => marker.remove());
this.markers = {};
async onMapReady(map: L.Map) { async onMapReady(map: L.Map) {
// doing this here instead of the l-map element avoids a recentering after the first drag // doing this here instead of on the l-map element avoids a recentering after a drag then zoom at startup
map.setView([this.localCenterLat, this.localCenterLong], 2); map.setView([this.localCenterLat, this.localCenterLong], 2);
this.requestTiles(map); this.requestTiles(map);
} }
// Tried but failed to use other vue-leaflet methods update:zoom and update:bounds // Tried but failed to use other vue-leaflet methods update:zoom and update:bounds
// To access the from this.$refs, use this.$refs.projectMap.mapObject // To access the from this.$refs, use this.$refs.projectMap.leafletObject (or maybe mapObject)
onMoveStart(/* event: L.LocationEvent */) { onMoveStart(/* event: L.LocationEvent */) {
// don't remove markers because they follow the map when moving (and the experience is jarring) // don't remove markers because they follow the map when moving (and the experience is jarring)
@ -521,8 +642,7 @@ export default class DiscoverView extends Vue {
onZoomStart(/* event: L.LocationEvent */) { onZoomStart(/* event: L.LocationEvent */) {
// remove markers because otherwise they jump around at zoom end // remove markers because otherwise they jump around at zoom end
Object.values(this.markers).forEach((marker) => marker.remove()); this.clearMarkers();
this.markers = {};
this.zoomedSoDoNotMove = true; this.zoomedSoDoNotMove = true;
} }
@ -540,15 +660,15 @@ export default class DiscoverView extends Vue {
"westLocLon=" + bounds?.getSouthWest().lng, "westLocLon=" + bounds?.getSouthWest().lng,
"eastLocLon=" + bounds?.getNorthEast().lng, "eastLocLon=" + bounds?.getNorthEast().lng,
].join("&"); ].join("&");
const response = await fetch( const endpoint = this.isProjectsActive
this.apiServer + "/api/v2/report/planCountsByBBox?" + queryParams, ? this.apiServer + "/api/v2/report/planCountsByBBox"
); : this.partnerApiServer + "/api/partner/userProfileCountsByBBox";
const response = await fetch(endpoint + "?" + queryParams);
if (response.status === 200) { if (response.status === 200) {
Object.values(this.markers).forEach((marker) => marker.remove()); this.clearMarkers();
this.markers = {};
const results = await response.json(); const results = await response.json();
if ( > 0) { if ( > 0) {
for (const tile of { for (const tile: Tile of {
const pinLat = (tile.minFoundLat + tile.maxFoundLat) / 2; const pinLat = (tile.minFoundLat + tile.maxFoundLat) / 2;
const pinLon = (tile.minFoundLon + tile.maxFoundLon) / 2; const pinLon = (tile.minFoundLon + tile.maxFoundLon) / 2;
const numberIcon = L.divIcon({ const numberIcon = L.divIcon({
@ -569,10 +689,22 @@ export default class DiscoverView extends Vue {
}; };
this.searchLocal(); this.searchLocal();
}); });
this.markers["" + tile.indexLat + "X" + tile.indexLon] = marker; this.markers[
"" +
tile.indexLat +
"X" +
tile.indexLon +
"_" +
tile.minFoundLat +
"X" +
tile.minFoundLon +
"-" +
tile.maxFoundLat +
"X" +
] = marker;
} }
} }
await this.searchLocal();
} else { } else {
throw { throw {
message: "Got an error loading projects on the map.", message: "Got an error loading projects on the map.",
@ -601,14 +733,16 @@ export default class DiscoverView extends Vue {
} }
/** /**
* Handle clicking on a project entry found in the list * Handle clicking on a project or profile entry found in the list
* @param id of the project * @param id of the project or profile
**/ **/
onClickLoadProject(id: string) { onClickLoadItem(id: string) {
const route = { const route = {
path: "/project/" + encodeURIComponent(id), path: this.isProjectsActive
? "/project/" + encodeURIComponent(id)
: "/userProfile/" + encodeURIComponent(id),
}; };
(this.$router as Router).push(route); this.$router.push(route);
} }
public computedLocalTabStyleClassNames() { public computedLocalTabStyleClassNames() {
@ -654,14 +788,50 @@ export default class DiscoverView extends Vue {
"rounded-t-lg": true, "rounded-t-lg": true,
"border-b-2": true, "border-b-2": true,
active: this.isRemoteActive, active: this.isAnywhereActive,
"text-black": this.isRemoteActive, "text-black": this.isAnywhereActive,
"border-black": this.isRemoteActive, "border-black": this.isAnywhereActive,
"font-semibold": this.isRemoteActive, "font-semibold": this.isAnywhereActive,
"text-blue-600": !this.isAnywhereActive,
"border-transparent": !this.isAnywhereActive,
"hover:border-slate-400": !this.isAnywhereActive,
public computedProjectsTabStyleClassNames() {
return {
"inline-block": true,
"py-3": true,
"rounded-t-lg": true,
"border-b-2": true,
active: this.isProjectsActive,
"text-black": this.isProjectsActive,
"border-black": this.isProjectsActive,
"font-semibold": this.isProjectsActive,
"text-blue-600": !this.isProjectsActive,
"border-transparent": !this.isProjectsActive,
"hover:border-slate-400": !this.isProjectsActive,
public computedPeopleTabStyleClassNames() {
return {
"inline-block": true,
"py-3": true,
"rounded-t-lg": true,
"border-b-2": true,
active: this.isPeopleActive,
"text-black": this.isPeopleActive,
"border-black": this.isPeopleActive,
"font-semibold": this.isPeopleActive,
"text-blue-600": !this.isRemoteActive, "text-blue-600": !this.isPeopleActive,
"border-transparent": !this.isRemoteActive, "border-transparent": !this.isPeopleActive,
"hover:border-slate-400": !this.isRemoteActive, "hover:border-slate-400": !this.isPeopleActive,
}; };
} }
} }


@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
<fa <fa
v-if="dids[0] == selectedArrayFirstDid" v-if="dids[0] == selectedArrayFirstDid"
icon="circle" icon="circle"
class="fa-fw text-blue-400 text-xl mr-3" class="fa-fw text-blue-500 text-xl mr-3"
></fa> ></fa>
<fa <fa
v-else v-else


@ -77,7 +77,9 @@
maxlength="5000" maxlength="5000"
></textarea> ></textarea>
<div class="text-xs text-slate-500 italic -mt-3 mb-4"> <div class="text-xs text-slate-500 italic -mt-3 mb-4">
If you want to be contacted, be sure to include your contact information. If you want to be contacted, be sure to include your contact information
-- just remember that this information is public and saved in a public
</div> </div>
<div class="text-xs text-slate-500 italic -mt-3 mb-4"> <div class="text-xs text-slate-500 italic -mt-3 mb-4">
{{ fullClaim.description?.length }}/5000 max. characters {{ fullClaim.description?.length }}/5000 max. characters
@ -152,11 +154,17 @@
<div class="flex" @click="sendToTrustroots = !sendToTrustroots"> <div class="flex" @click="sendToTrustroots = !sendToTrustroots">
<input type="checkbox" class="mr-2" v-model="sendToTrustroots" /> <input type="checkbox" class="mr-2" v-model="sendToTrustroots" />
<label>Send to Trustroots</label> <label>Send to Trustroots</label>
class="text-blue-500 ml-2 cursor-pointer"
</div> </div>
<!-- <!--
<div class="flex" @click="sendToTripHopping = !sendToTripHopping"> <div class="flex" @click="sendToTripHopping = !sendToTripHopping">
<input type="checkbox" class="mr-2" v-model="sendToTripHopping" /> <input type="checkbox" class="mr-2" v-model="sendToTripHopping" />
<label>Send to TripHopping</label> <label>Send to TripHopping</label>
<fa icon="circle-info" class="text-blue-500 ml-2 cursor-pointer" @click.stop="showNostrPartnerInfo" />
</div> </div>
--> -->
</div> </div>
@ -195,8 +203,12 @@ import "leaflet/dist/leaflet.css";
import { AxiosError, AxiosRequestHeaders } from "axios"; import { AxiosError, AxiosRequestHeaders } from "axios";
import { DateTime } from "luxon"; import { DateTime } from "luxon";
import { hexToBytes } from "@noble/hashes/utils"; import { hexToBytes } from "@noble/hashes/utils";
import type { EventTemplate, VerifiedEvent } from "nostr-tools/lib/types/core"; // these core imports could also be included as "import type ..."
import { accountFromSeedWords } from "nostr-tools/nip06"; import { EventTemplate, UnsignedEvent, VerifiedEvent } from "nostr-tools/core";
import {
} from "nostr-tools/nip06";
import { finalizeEvent, serializeEvent } from "nostr-tools/pure"; import { finalizeEvent, serializeEvent } from "nostr-tools/pure";
import { Component, Vue } from "vue-facing-decorator"; import { Component, Vue } from "vue-facing-decorator";
import { LMap, LMarker, LTileLayer } from "@vue-leaflet/vue-leaflet"; import { LMap, LMarker, LTileLayer } from "@vue-leaflet/vue-leaflet";
@ -217,7 +229,6 @@ import {
} from "../libs/endorserServer"; } from "../libs/endorserServer";
import { import {
retrieveAccountCount, retrieveAccountCount,
retrieveFullyDecryptedAccount, retrieveFullyDecryptedAccount,
} from "../libs/util"; } from "../libs/util";
@ -408,13 +419,26 @@ export default class NewEditProjectView extends Vue {
delete vcClaim.image; delete vcClaim.image;
} }
if (this.includeLocation) { if (this.includeLocation) {
vcClaim.location = { if (!this.latitude || !this.longitude) {
geo: { this.$notify(
"@type": "GeoCoordinates", {
latitude: this.latitude, group: "alert",
longitude: this.longitude, type: "danger",
}, title: "Location Error",
}; text: "The location was invalid so it was not set.",
delete vcClaim.location;
} else {
vcClaim.location = {
geo: {
"@type": "GeoCoordinates",
latitude: this.latitude,
longitude: this.longitude,
} else { } else {
delete vcClaim.location; delete vcClaim.location;
} }
@ -431,7 +455,7 @@ export default class NewEditProjectView extends Vue {
{ {
group: "alert", group: "alert",
type: "danger", type: "danger",
title: "Error", title: "Date Error",
text: "The date was invalid so it was not set.", text: "The date was invalid so it was not set.",
}, },
5000, 5000,
@ -451,30 +475,58 @@ export default class NewEditProjectView extends Vue {
try { try {
const resp = await, payload, { headers }); const resp = await, payload, { headers });
if ( { if ( {
group: "alert",
type: "success",
title: "Saved",
text: "The project was saved successfully.",
this.errorMessage = ""; this.errorMessage = "";
const projectPath = encodeURIComponent(; const projectPath = encodeURIComponent(;
let signedPayload: VerifiedEvent | undefined; // sign something to prove ownership of pubkey if (this.sendToTrustroots || this.sendToTripHopping) {
if (this.sendToTrustroots) { if (this.latitude && this.longitude) {
signedPayload = await this.signPayload(); let payloadAndKey; // sign something to prove ownership of pubkey
this.sendToNostrPartner( if (this.sendToTrustroots) {
"NOSTR-EVENT-TRUSTROOTS", payloadAndKey = await this.signSomePayload();
"Trustroots", // not going to await... the save was successful, so we'll continue to the next page, this.sendToNostrPartner(
); "Trustroots",
if (this.sendToTripHopping) { payloadAndKey.signedEvent,
if (!signedPayload) { payloadAndKey.publicExtendedKey,
signedPayload = await this.signPayload(); );
if (this.sendToTripHopping) {
if (!payloadAndKey) {
payloadAndKey = await this.signSomePayload();
// not going to await... the save was successful, so we'll continue to the next page
} else {
group: "alert",
type: "danger",
title: "Partner Error",
text: "A partner was selected but the location was not set, so it was not sent to any partner.",
} }
} }
(this.$router as Router).push({ path: "/project/" + projectPath }); (this.$router as Router).push({ path: "/project/" + projectPath });
@ -541,19 +593,28 @@ export default class NewEditProjectView extends Vue {
} }
} }
private async signPayload(): Promise<VerifiedEvent> { /**
* @return a signed payload and an extended public key for later transmission
private async signSomePayload(): Promise<{
signedEvent: VerifiedEvent;
publicExtendedKey: string;
}> {
const account = await retrieveFullyDecryptedAccount(this.activeDid); const account = await retrieveFullyDecryptedAccount(this.activeDid);
// get the last number of the derivationPath // get the last number of the derivationPath
const finalDerNum = account?.derivationPath?.split?.("/")?.reverse()[0]; const finalDerNum = account?.derivationPath?.split?.("/")?.reverse()[0];
// remove any trailing ' // remove any trailing '
const finalDerNumNoApostrophe = finalDerNum?.replace(/'/g, ""); const finalDerNumNoApostrophe = finalDerNum?.replace(/'/g, "");
const accountNum = Number(finalDerNumNoApostrophe || 0); const accountNum = Number(finalDerNumNoApostrophe || 0);
const pubPri = accountFromSeedWords( const extPubPri = extendedKeysFromSeedWords(
account?.mnemonic as string, account?.mnemonic as string,
"", "",
accountNum, accountNum,
); );
const privateBytes = hexToBytes(pubPri?.privateKey); const publicExtendedKey: string = extPubPri?.publicExtendedKey;
const privateExtendedKey = extPubPri?.privateExtendedKey;
const privateKey = accountFromExtendedKey(privateExtendedKey).privateKey;
const privateBytes = hexToBytes(privateKey);
// No real content is necessary, we just want something signed, // No real content is necessary, we just want something signed,
// so we might as well use nostr libs for nostr functions. // so we might as well use nostr libs for nostr functions.
// Besides: someday we may create real content that we can relay. // Besides: someday we may create real content that we can relay.
@ -563,9 +624,12 @@ export default class NewEditProjectView extends Vue {
content: "", content: "",
created_at: 0, created_at: 0,
}; };
// Why does IntelliJ not see matching types? const signedEvent: VerifiedEvent = finalizeEvent(
const signedEvent = finalizeEvent(event, privateBytes); // Why does IntelliJ not see matching types?
return signedEvent; event as EventTemplate,
) as VerifiedEvent;
return { signedEvent, publicExtendedKey };
} }
private async sendToNostrPartner( private async sendToNostrPartner(
@ -573,41 +637,37 @@ export default class NewEditProjectView extends Vue {
serviceName: string, serviceName: string,
jwtId: string, jwtId: string,
signedPayload: VerifiedEvent, signedPayload: VerifiedEvent,
publicExtendedKey: string,
) { ) {
// first, get the public key for nostr
const account = await retrieveAccountMetadata(this.activeDid);
// get the last number of the derivationPath
const finalDerNum = account?.derivationPath?.split?.("/")?.reverse()[0];
// remove any trailing '
const finalDerNumNoApostrophe = finalDerNum?.replace(/'/g, "");
const accountNum = Number(finalDerNumNoApostrophe || 0);
const pubPri = accountFromSeedWords(
account?.mnemonic as string,
const nostrPubKey = pubPri?.publicKey;
const settings = await retrieveSettingsForActiveAccount();
if (settings.partnerApiServer) {
partnerServer = settings.partnerApiServer;
const endorserPartnerUrl = partnerServer + "/api/partner/link";
const timeSafariUrl = window.location.origin + "/claim/" + jwtId;
const content = + " - see " + timeSafariUrl;
// Why does IntelliJ not see matching types?
const payload = serializeEvent(signedPayload);
const partnerParams = {
jwtId: jwtId,
linkCode: linkCode,
inputJson: JSON.stringify(content),
pubKeyHex: nostrPubKey,
pubKeyImage: payload,
pubKeySigHex: signedPayload.sig,
const headers = await getHeaders(this.activeDid);
try { try {
const settings = await retrieveSettingsForActiveAccount();
if (settings.partnerApiServer) {
partnerServer = settings.partnerApiServer;
const endorserPartnerUrl = partnerServer + "/api/partner/link";
const timeSafariUrl = window.location.origin + "/claim/" + jwtId;
const content = + " - see " + timeSafariUrl;
const publicKeyHex = accountFromExtendedKey(publicExtendedKey).publicKey;
const unsignedPayload: UnsignedEvent = {
// why doesn't "...signedPayload" work?
kind: signedPayload.kind,
tags: signedPayload.tags,
content: signedPayload.content,
created_at: signedPayload.created_at,
pubkey: publicKeyHex,
// Why does IntelliJ not see matching types?
const payload = serializeEvent(unsignedPayload as UnsignedEvent);
const partnerParams = {
jwtId: jwtId,
linkCode: linkCode,
inputJson: JSON.stringify(content),
pubKeyHex: publicKeyHex,
pubKeyImage: payload,
pubKeySigHex: signedPayload.sig,
const headers = await getHeaders(this.activeDid);
const linkResp = await const linkResp = await
endorserPartnerUrl, endorserPartnerUrl,
partnerParams, partnerParams,
@ -689,5 +749,17 @@ export default class NewEditProjectView extends Vue {
public onCancelClick() { public onCancelClick() {
(this.$router as Router).back(); (this.$router as Router).back();
} }
public showNostrPartnerInfo() {
group: "alert",
type: "info",
title: "About Nostr Events",
text: "This will submit this project to a partner on the nostr network. It will contain your public key data which may allow correlation, so don't allow this if you're not comfortable with that.",
} }
</script> </script>


@ -6,27 +6,29 @@
<section id="Content" class="p-6 pb-24 max-w-3xl mx-auto"> <section id="Content" class="p-6 pb-24 max-w-3xl mx-auto">
<!-- Breadcrumb --> <!-- Breadcrumb -->
<div id="ViewBreadcrumb"> <div id="ViewBreadcrumb">
<h1 class="text-lg text-center font-light relative px-7"> <div>
<!-- Back --> <h1 class="text-center text-lg font-light relative px-7">
<button <!-- Back -->
@click="$router.go(-1)" <button
class="text-lg text-center px-2 py-1 absolute -left-2 -top-1" @click="$router.go(-1)"
> class="text-lg text-center px-2 py-1 absolute -left-2 -top-1"
<fa icon="chevron-left" class="fa-fw"></fa> >
</button> <fa icon="chevron-left" class="fa-fw"></fa>
Project Idea </button>
</h1> Project Idea
<h2 class="text-xl font-semibold"> </h1>
{{ name }} <h2 class="text-center text-xl font-semibold">
<button {{ name }}
v-if="activeDid === issuer || activeDid === agentDid" <button
@click="onEditClick()" v-if="activeDid === issuer || activeDid === agentDid"
title="Edit" @click="onEditClick()"
data-testId="editClaimButton" title="Edit"
> data-testId="editClaimButton"
<fa icon="pen" class="text-sm text-blue-500 ml-2 mb-1" /> >
</button> <fa icon="pen" class="text-sm text-blue-500 ml-2 mb-1" />
</h2> </button>
</div> </div>
<!-- Project Details --> <!-- Project Details -->
@ -47,22 +49,22 @@
<div class="text-sm mb-3"> <div class="text-sm mb-3">
<div class="truncate"> <div class="truncate">
<fa icon="user" class="fa-fw text-slate-400"></fa> <fa icon="user" class="fa-fw text-slate-400"></fa>
{{ {{ issuerInfoObject?.displayName }}
serverUtil.didInfo(issuer, activeDid, allMyDids, allContacts)
<span v-if="!serverUtil.isEmptyOrHiddenDid(issuer)"> <span v-if="!serverUtil.isEmptyOrHiddenDid(issuer)">
<button <a
@click=" :href="`/did/${issuer}`"
libsUtil.doCopyTwoSecRedo( target="_blank"
issuer, class="text-blue-500"
() => (showDidCopy = !showDidCopy),
class="ml-2 mr-2"
> >
<fa icon="copy" class="text-slate-400 fa-fw"></fa> <fa icon="arrow-up-right-from-square" class="fa-fw" />
</button> </a>
<span v-show="showDidCopy">Copied DID</span> </span>
<span v-else-if="serverUtil.isHiddenDid(issuer)">
class="fa-fw text-blue-500 cursor-pointer"
</span> </span>
</div> </div>
<div v-if="startTime"> <div v-if="startTime">
@ -74,14 +76,21 @@
<a <a
:href="getOpenStreetMapUrl()" :href="getOpenStreetMapUrl()"
target="_blank" target="_blank"
class="underline" class="underline text-blue-500"
>Map View >Map View
<fa icon="arrow-up-right-from-square" class="fa-fw" /> <fa
class="fa-fw text-blue-500"
</a> </a>
</div> </div>
<div v-if="url"> <div v-if="url">
<fa icon="globe" class="fa-fw text-slate-400"></fa> <fa icon="globe" class="fa-fw text-slate-400"></fa>
<a :href="addScheme(url)" target="_blank" class="underline"> <a
class="underline text-blue-500"
{{ domainForWebsite(this.url) }} {{ domainForWebsite(this.url) }}
<fa icon="arrow-up-right-from-square" class="fa-fw" /> <fa icon="arrow-up-right-from-square" class="fa-fw" />
</a> </a>
@ -475,6 +484,8 @@
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
</section> </section>
<HiddenDidDialog ref="hiddenDidDialog" />
</template> </template>
<script lang="ts"> <script lang="ts">
@ -506,11 +517,13 @@ import {
} from "../libs/endorserServer"; } from "../libs/endorserServer";
import * as serverUtil from "../libs/endorserServer"; import * as serverUtil from "../libs/endorserServer";
import { retrieveAccountDids } from "../libs/util"; import { retrieveAccountDids } from "../libs/util";
import HiddenDidDialog from "../components/HiddenDidDialog.vue";
@Component({ @Component({
components: { components: {
EntityIcon, EntityIcon,
GiftedDialog, GiftedDialog,
OfferDialog, OfferDialog,
ProjectIcon, ProjectIcon,
QuickNav, QuickNav,
@ -522,6 +535,7 @@ export default class ProjectViewView extends Vue {
activeDid = ""; activeDid = "";
agentDid = ""; agentDid = "";
agentDidVisibleToDids: Array<string> = [];
allMyDids: Array<string> = []; allMyDids: Array<string> = [];
allContacts: Array<Contact> = []; allContacts: Array<Contact> = [];
apiServer = ""; apiServer = "";
@ -538,6 +552,12 @@ export default class ProjectViewView extends Vue {
imageUrl = ""; imageUrl = "";
isRegistered = false; isRegistered = false;
issuer = ""; issuer = "";
issuerInfoObject: {
known: boolean;
displayName: string;
profileImageUrl?: string;
} | null = null;
issuerVisibleToDids: Array<string> = [];
latitude = 0; latitude = 0;
longitude = 0; longitude = 0;
name = ""; name = "";
@ -545,7 +565,6 @@ export default class ProjectViewView extends Vue {
offersHitLimit = false; offersHitLimit = false;
projectId = ""; // handle ID projectId = ""; // handle ID
recentlyCheckedAndUnconfirmableJwts: string[] = []; recentlyCheckedAndUnconfirmableJwts: string[] = [];
showDidCopy = false;
startTime = ""; startTime = "";
truncatedDesc = ""; truncatedDesc = "";
truncateLength = 40; truncateLength = 40;
@ -623,8 +642,17 @@ export default class ProjectViewView extends Vue {
startDateTime.toLocaleTimeString(); startDateTime.toLocaleTimeString();
} }
this.agentDid =; this.agentDid =;
this.agentDidVisibleToDids = || [];
this.imageUrl =; this.imageUrl =;
this.issuer =; this.issuer =;
this.issuerInfoObject = serverUtil.didInfoObject(
this.issuerVisibleToDids = || []; = || "(no name)"; = || "(no name)";
this.description = || "(no description)"; this.description = || "(no description)";
this.truncatedDesc = this.description.slice(0, this.truncateLength); this.truncatedDesc = this.description.slice(0, this.truncateLength);
@ -1156,5 +1184,15 @@ export default class ProjectViewView extends Vue {
); );
} }
} }
openHiddenDidDialog() {
(this.$refs.hiddenDidDialog as HiddenDidDialog).open(
} }
</script> </script>


@ -361,14 +361,14 @@ export default class ProjectsView extends Vue {
if (resp.status === 200 && { if (resp.status === 200 && {
const plans: PlanData[] =; const plans: PlanData[] =;
for (const plan of plans) { for (const plan of plans) {
const { name, description, handleId, image, issuerDid, rowid } = plan; const { name, description, handleId, image, issuerDid, rowId } = plan;
this.projects.push({ this.projects.push({
name, name,
description, description,
image, image,
handleId, handleId,
issuerDid, issuerDid,
rowid, rowId,
}); });
} }
} else { } else {
@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ export default class ProjectsView extends Vue {
async loadMoreProjectData(payload: boolean) { async loadMoreProjectData(payload: boolean) {
if (this.projects.length > 0 && payload) { if (this.projects.length > 0 && payload) {
const latestProject = this.projects[this.projects.length - 1]; const latestProject = this.projects[this.projects.length - 1];
await this.loadProjects(`beforeId=${latestProject.rowid}`); await this.loadProjects(`beforeId=${latestProject.rowId}`);
} }
} }


@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
<QuickNav selected="Discover" />
<TopMessage />
<!-- CONTENT -->
<section id="Content" class="p-6 pb-24 max-w-3xl mx-auto">
<!-- Breadcrumb -->
<div id="ViewBreadcrumb" class="mb-8">
<h1 id="ViewHeading" class="text-lg text-center font-light relative px-7">
<!-- Back -->
class="text-lg text-center px-2 py-1 absolute -left-2 -top-1"
<fa icon="chevron-left" class="fa-fw"></fa>
Individual Profile
<!-- Loading Animation -->
class="fixed left-6 mt-16 text-center text-4xl leading-none bg-slate-400 text-white w-14 py-2.5 rounded-full"
<fa icon="spinner" class="fa-spin-pulse"></fa>
<div v-else-if="profile">
<!-- Profile Info -->
<div class="mt-8">
<div class="text-sm">
<fa icon="user" class="fa-fw text-slate-400"></fa>
{{ didInfo(profile.issuerDid, activeDid, allMyDids, allContacts) }}
<p v-if="profile.description" class="mt-4 text-slate-600">
{{ profile.description }}
<!-- Map for first coordinates -->
<div v-if="profile?.locLat && profile?.locLon" class="mt-4">
<h2 class="text-lg font-semibold">Location</h2>
<div class="h-96 mt-2 w-full">
:center="[profile.locLat, profile.locLon]"
<l-marker :lat-lng="[profile.locLat, profile.locLon]">
didInfo(profile.issuerDid, activeDid, allMyDids, allContacts)
<!-- Map for second coordinates -->
<div v-if="profile?.locLat2 && profile?.locLon2" class="mt-4">
<h2 class="text-lg font-semibold">Second Location</h2>
<div class="h-96 mt-2 w-full">
:center="[profile.locLat2, profile.locLon2]"
<l-marker :lat-lng="[profile.locLat2, profile.locLon2]">
didInfo(profile.issuerDid, activeDid, allMyDids, allContacts)
<div v-else class="text-center mt-8">
<p class="text-lg text-slate-500">Profile not found.</p>
<script lang="ts">
import "leaflet/dist/leaflet.css";
import { Component, Vue } from "vue-facing-decorator";
import { LMap, LTileLayer, LMarker, LPopup } from "@vue-leaflet/vue-leaflet";
import { Router, RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded } from "vue-router";
import QuickNav from "@/components/QuickNav.vue";
import TopMessage from "@/components/TopMessage.vue";
import { DEFAULT_PARTNER_API_SERVER, NotificationIface } from "@/constants/app";
import { db } from "@/db/index";
import { Contact } from "@/db/tables/contacts";
import { didInfo, getHeaders } from "@/libs/endorserServer";
import { UserProfile } from "@/libs/partnerServer";
import { retrieveAccountDids } from "@/libs/util";
components: {
export default class UserProfileView extends Vue {
$notify!: (notification: NotificationIface, timeout?: number) => void;
$router!: Router;
$route!: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded;
activeDid = "";
allContacts: Array<Contact> = [];
allMyDids: Array<string> = [];
isLoading = true;
profile: UserProfile | null = null;
// make this function available to the Vue template
didInfo = didInfo;
async mounted() {
const settings = await db.settings.toArray();
this.activeDid = settings[0]?.activeDid || "";
this.partnerApiServer =
settings[0]?.partnerApiServer || this.partnerApiServer;
this.allContacts = await db.contacts.toArray();
this.allMyDids = await retrieveAccountDids();
await this.loadProfile();
async loadProfile() {
const profileId: string = this.$ as string;
if (!profileId) {
this.isLoading = false;
try {
const response = await fetch(
method: "GET",
headers: await getHeaders(this.activeDid),
if (response.status === 200) {
const result = await response.json();
this.profile =;
} else {
throw new Error("Failed to load profile");
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error loading profile:", error);
group: "alert",
type: "danger",
title: "Error",
text: "There was a problem loading the profile.",
} finally {
this.isLoading = false;


@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ test('Check usage limits', async ({ page }) => {
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Set Your Name' }).click(); await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Set Your Name' }).click();
const name = 'User ' + did.slice(11, 14); const name = 'User ' + did.slice(11, 14);
await page.getByPlaceholder('Name').fill(name); await page.getByPlaceholder('Name').fill(name);
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' }).click(); await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save', exact: true }).click();
}); });


@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
import { importUser, createUniqueStringsArray } from './testUtils'; import { importUser, createUniqueStringsArray } from './testUtils';
test('Create 10 new projects', async ({ page }) => { test('Create 10 new projects', async ({ page }) => {
test.setTimeout(40000); // Set timeout longer since it often fails at 30 seconds
const projectCount = 10; const projectCount = 10;
// Standard texts // Standard texts
