- 24allow a person record with interests, including location; purpose? contact methods? enhance other connections the same? (suggestion from Philippines) assignee-group:ui
- 24Move to Vite
- .1 add KindSpring link to ideas
- .1 on feed, don't show "to someone anonymous" if it's to a project
- .1 on feed, don't show "to someone anonymous" if it's to a project
- .1 on ideas, put an "x" to close it assignee-group:ui
- .1 on ideas, put an "x" to close it assignee-group:ui
- 16save data backups in Google
- 16save data backups in Google
@ -123,7 +125,10 @@ tasks :
- .5 don't show "Offer" on project screen if they aren't registered
- .5 don't show "Offer" on project screen if they aren't registered
- 01especially for iOS, check for new version & update, eg. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52221805/any-way-yet-to-auto-update-or-just-clear-the-cache-on-a-pwa-on-ios
- 01especially for iOS, check for new version & update, eg. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52221805/any-way-yet-to-auto-update-or-just-clear-the-cache-on-a-pwa-on-ios
- 24Move to Vite
- 24allow a person record with interests, including location; purpose? contact methods? enhance other connections the same? (suggestion from Philippines) assignee-group:ui