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tasks :
- fix the notification link to the app
12 months ago
- 01 change scanning flow - allow them to stay on the QR/scanning screen after scanning someone
12 months ago
- 24 contextual tutorials
12 months ago
12 months ago
- 24 Move to Vite assignee:jason
- feeds - add "remote" filter, if they choose 'visible' then warn that they won't see any others, cache list & don't reload front page on change
12 months ago
- .1 add shortcut from project (etc?) to the public project page in a browser
12 months ago
- .1 add KindSpring link to ideas
- .1 on feed, don't show "to someone anonymous" if it's to a project
12 months ago
- 16 save data backups in Google
- 16 generate and use passkeys for identities
- .5 show "give" buttons (eg. from anonymous) even if they can't give, greyed out, and give them a warning and instructions
- .2 when adding a claim on home screen, push that claim to the top of the list
- .2 fix give dialog from "more contacts" off home page to allow giving to this user
- .5 stop from seeing an error on the first page when browser doesn't support service workers (which I've seen on iPhone; visible in Firefox private window)
- .2 don't show a warning on a totally new project when the authorized agent is set
- .2 anchor hash into BTC
- .2 list the "show more" contacts alphabetically
- .5 add back the explicit wait for browser subscription timing problems?
- .5 make Time Safari a share_target for images
- 08 add image on profile
12 months ago
- 01 ask to detect location & record it in settings
- 01 if personal location is set, show potential local affiliations
- 02 refactor the buttons for chosing a search location so that the actions are clear assignee-group:ui
- 24 compelling UI for credential presentations
- discover who in my network has activity on a project
- 24 compelling UI for statistics (eg. World?)
12 months ago
- 01 in the feed, group by project or contact or topic or time/$ (via BC); new projects, offers, search area, etc assignee-group:ui
- 01 separate not-on-platform vs totally anonymous; terminology "unidentified"?
12 months ago
- .2 add links between projects assignee-group:ui
- 24 make the contact browsing on the front page something that invites more action
- .5 change server plan & project endpoints to use jwtId as identifier rather than rowid
- 16 edit offers & gives, or revoke allowing re-creation
- .1 When available in the server, give message for 'nonAmountGiven' on offers on ProjectsView page.
- .1 Add help instructions for "Encryption key has changed" error. (It is a problem if localStorage is cleared, but the contacts & settings remain and they have to restore their seeds.)
- .1 show better error when user with no ID goes to the "My Project" page
- 01 in front page prompt for ideas for gratitude :
- randomize (not show in order)
- checkboxes - show non-person-oriented messages, show only contacts, show only projects
- .5 add a notice on the front page if their notifications are off
- 08 allow user to add a time when they want their daily notification
- .5 prompt for the name directly when they visit the QR scan page
- 01 mark a project as inactive
- 01 add share button for sending a message to confirmers when we can't see the claim (like the "visible" links)
- .5 add TimeSafari as a shareable app
- .5 choose a project's alternative agent ("authorized representative") via a contact chooser (not just copy-paste a DID)
- .5 find out why clicking quickly back-and-forth onto the "my project" page often shows error "You need an identifier to load your projects." (easier to reproduce on desktop?)
- .5 bug - it didn't show the "fulfills offer" on the claim detail page for a give that had one -
- 01 replace all "confirm" prompts with nicer modal
- .1 hide project-create button on project page if not registered
- .1 hide offer & give buttons on project list page if not registered
- .1 add cursor-pointer on the icons for giving on the project page, and on the list of projects on the discover page
- .2 record when InfiniteScroll hits the end of the list and don't trigger any more loads (feed, project list, give & offer lists)
- bug (that is hard to reproduce) - got blank screen and errors on iPhone with no bottom tabs
- bug - turning notifications on from the help screen did not stay, though account screen toggle did stay (From Jason on iPhone.)
- refactor - supply the projectId to the OfferDialog just like we do with the GiftedDialog offerId (in the "open" method, maybe as well as an attribute)
- the confirm button on each give on the ProjectViewView page doesn't have all the context of the ClaimView page, so it can show sometimes inappropriately; consider consolidation
- make the "give" on contact screen work like other give (allowing donation vs current blank)
- .2 on ClaimView, the "ask someone" should refer to "visible" IDs, or to confirmations only if confirmations are visible
- message "send them to this page" on ClaimView should be a link (for installed app)
- When we update a version, desktop browser users have seen nothing happen after clicking on the contact page QR and on the account page "Help"; errors show in the console. Reload fixed it. If this happens on mobile, ask the user to reload.
- 01 show my VCs - most interesting, or via search
- 04 allow user to download & prove chains of VCs, mine + ones I can see about me from others
- revenue to support server operation
12 months ago
- .1 copy button for seed
- .5 If notifications are not enabled, add message to front page with link/button to enable
- make server endpoint for full English description of limits
- create a help-desk document & add screenshots
- .1 update "offer" units to have same functionality as "give" units
- .5 add a link to any 'give' records that fulfill an offer on ClaimView
- 01 on home page, prompt for install check in addition to "supports notifications" check (since they won't get notified if Chrome is closed)
- 01 on Mac (& Windows?) desktop, add a help blurb so that they can find it again (since it doesn't show in Application list)
- bug (that is hard to reproduce) - got error adding on Firefox user #0 as contact for themselves
- bug (that is hard to reproduce) - in Chrome, install app then delete app and try from Chrome browser and see log errors "Uncaught TypeError: self.appendDailyLog is not a function"
- bug (that is hard to reproduce) - on the second 'give' recorded on prod it showed me as the agent
- 04 remove 'rowid' references (that are sqlite-specific); may involve server
- 04 look at other examples for better onboarding UI, eg
- .5 Add inactive flag / end date, start date to project
- .3 check that Android shows "back" buttons on screens without bottom tray
- .1 Make give description text box into something that expands as they type?
- .2 Show a warning if both giver and recipient are the same (but still allow?)
12 months ago
- .5 Shrink the buttons on project pages so they don't expand to the width of the screen assignee-group:ui
- .5 Display a more appealing confirmation on the map when erasing the marker
- .5 remove references to localStorage for projectId (now that it's pulling from the path)
- switch some checks for activeDid to check for isRegistered
- .2 in SeedBackupView, don't load the mnemonic and keep it in memory; only load it when they click "show"
- .5 fix cert generation on server (since it didn't happen automatically for Nov 30)
- warn if they're using the web (android only?)
- .5 fix the "onboarding help" list of instructions so that it always formats right (currently doesn't show numbers aligned on Google Pixel 6a, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 12 mini)
- .5 make the "onboarding help" it so that it doesn't cover the QR icon on the contacts page
- .5 fix masked icon (because some of the top-right of the binoculars is cut off)
- contacts v+ :
- 01 Import all the non-sensitive data (ie. contacts & settings).
- .2 show error to user when adding a duplicate contact
- 01 parse input more robustly (with CSV lib and not commas)
- stats v1 :
2 years ago
- 01 show numeric stats
- 04 show different graphic for projects vs people (gnome?) on world
2 years ago
- 01 link to world for specific stats
- .5 don't load another instance of a bush if it already exists
- maybe - allow type annotations in World.js & landmarks.js (since we get this error - "Types are not supported by current JavaScript version")
- 08 convert to cleaner implementation (maybe Drie --
- .5 show seed phrase in a QR code for transfer to another device
- .5 on DiscoverView, switch to a filter UI (eg. just from friend)
- .5 don't show "Offer" on project screen if they aren't registered
- 01 especially for iOS, check for new version & update, eg.
12 months ago
- 24 allow a person record with interests, including location; purpose? contact methods? enhance other connections the same? (suggestion from Philippines) assignee-group:ui
- 24 brief introduction slides
- 12 feedback
- 32 accept images for projects
- 32 accept images for contacts
- import project interactions from GitHub/GitLab and manage signing
- show total time offered to & fulfilled to a project
- show total time offered by & fulfilled by a contact
- linking between projects or plans :
- show total time given to & from a project
- terminology:
- for subtasks: fulfills (is it really the same?), feeds, contributes to, supplies, boosts, advances
- for blocking: blocks, precedes, comes before, is sought by -- vs follows, seeks, builds on ("contributes to" isn't specific enough, "succeeds" has different, possibly confusing meaning)
- .5 Replace Gifted/Give in ContactsView with GiftedDialog
- Stats :
- 01 point out user's location on the world
- 01 present a credential selected from the stats
- 04 show gives spreading to other places
- badge for most gives/receives/confirms per day/week/month
- badge for amount given/offered to your project
- set a goal of given/offers
- automated tests, eg. pup-test or cypress
- Notifications (wake on the phone, push notifications)
- 02 change push server so that the web-push/subscribe call sets up a thread for the 10-seconds-later push notification, but returns immediately to the callee
- pull instead of push, maybe via scheduled runs
- have a notification pop-up on Mac screen
- 16 Connect with phone contacts - this may be a whole different app, because we want a quick link A) to the same phone contact and B) from the phone contact app
- Support KERI AIDs
- Support Peer DIDs
- Support messaging through DIDComm
- Write to or read from a different ledger (eg. private ACDC, EAS &
- 01 On nearby search, if user starts changing their box but cancels and goes back to the map it is zoomed far out. Fix to fit the box better.
- allow some gives even if they aren't registered - maybe someday as a gift to the world, but we really want this to be built via personal connections -- and that allows spam
- .1 When Chrome shows compatibility
then change the canShare check in this app to check the real canShare() method.
log :
- videos for multiple identities and for adding time to contacts done:2023-03-29
- project lists, contact totals & actions, multiple identifiers, stats-world, activity feed, rename of this project file (use "--follow --") milestone:2 done:2023-06-27