Matthew Aaron Raymer 9e4046a69d Adding class-based Vue Plugin for Vue stub 2 years ago
public init 2 years ago
src Adding class-based Vue Plugin for Vue stub 2 years ago
.browserslistrc init 2 years ago
.eslintrc.js In transition ... experimenting 2 years ago
.gitignore Added NewEditAccountView and gitignore 2 years ago
README.md First iteration of account creation. More refactoring to come 2 years ago
babel.config.js init 2 years ago
package-lock.json In transition ... experimenting 2 years ago
package.json In transition ... experimenting 2 years ago
postcss.config.js Adding Tailwind and start application views 2 years ago
tailwind.config.js Fix config 2 years ago
tsconfig.json init 2 years ago
vue.config.js Cleaned up old Dexie class. Added mnemonic and dateCreated columns. 2 years ago



Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

// Import an existing ID
export const importAndStoreIdentifier = async (mnemonic: string, mnemonicPassword: string, toLowercase: boolean, previousIdentifiers: Array<IIdentifier>) => {

  // just to get rid of variability that might cause an error
  mnemonic = mnemonic.trim().toLowerCase()

  // an approach I pieced together
  // requires: yarn add elliptic
  // ... plus:
  // const EC = require('elliptic').ec
  // const secp256k1 = new EC('secp256k1')
  const keyHex: string = bip39.mnemonicToEntropy(mnemonic)
  // returns a KeyPair from the elliptic.ec library
  const keyPair = secp256k1.keyFromPrivate(keyHex, 'hex')
  // this code is from did-provider-eth createIdentifier
  const privateHex = keyPair.getPrivate('hex')
  const publicHex = keyPair.getPublic('hex')
  const address = didJwt.toEthereumAddress(publicHex)

  // from https://github.com/uport-project/veramo/discussions/346#discussioncomment-302234
  // ... which almost works but the didJwt.toEthereumAddress is wrong
  // requires: yarn add bip32
  // ... plus: import * as bip32 from 'bip32'
  const seed: Buffer = await bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic)
  const root = bip32.fromSeed(seed)
  const node = root.derivePath(UPORT_ROOT_DERIVATION_PATH)
  const privateHex = node.privateKey.toString("hex")
  const publicHex = node.publicKey.toString("hex")
  const address = didJwt.toEthereumAddress('0x' + publicHex)

  // from https://github.com/uport-project/veramo/discussions/346#discussioncomment-302234
  // requires: yarn add @ethersproject/hdnode
  // ... plus: import { HDNode } from '@ethersproject/hdnode'
  const hdnode: HDNode = HDNode.fromMnemonic(mnemonic)
  const rootNode: HDNode = hdnode.derivePath(UPORT_ROOT_DERIVATION_PATH)
  const privateHex = rootNode.privateKey.substring(2) // original starts with '0x'
  const publicHex = rootNode.publicKey.substring(2) // original starts with '0x'
  let address = rootNode.address

  const prevIds = previousIdentifiers || [];

  if (toLowercase) {
    const foundEqual = R.find(
      (id) => utility.rawAddressOfDid(id.did) === address,
    if (foundEqual) {
      // They're trying to create a lowercase version of one that exists in normal case.
      // (We really should notify the user.)
      appStore.dispatch(appSlice.actions.addLog({log: true, msg: "Will create a normal-case version of the DID since a regular version exists."}))
    } else {
      address = address.toLowerCase()
  } else {
    // They're not trying to convert to lowercase.
    const foundLower = R.find((id) =>
      utility.rawAddressOfDid(id.did) === address.toLowerCase(),
    if (foundLower) {
      // They're trying to create a normal case version of one that exists in lowercase.
      // (We really should notify the user.)
      appStore.dispatch(appSlice.actions.addLog({log: true, msg: "Will create a lowercase version of the DID since a lowercase version exists."}))
      address = address.toLowerCase()

  appStore.dispatch(appSlice.actions.addLog({log: false, msg: "... derived keys and address..."}))

  const newId = newIdentifier(address, publicHex, privateHex, UPORT_ROOT_DERIVATION_PATH)
  appStore.dispatch(appSlice.actions.addLog({log: false, msg: "... created new ID..."}))

  // awaiting because otherwise the UI may not see that a mnemonic was created
  const savedId = await storeIdentifier(newId, mnemonic, mnemonicPassword)
  appStore.dispatch(appSlice.actions.addLog({log: false, msg: "... stored new ID..."}))
  return savedId

// Create a totally new ID
export const createAndStoreIdentifier = async (mnemonicPassword) => {

  // This doesn't give us the entropy/seed.
  //const id = await agent.didManagerCreate()

  const entropy = crypto.randomBytes(32)
  const mnemonic = bip39.entropyToMnemonic(entropy)
  appStore.dispatch(appSlice.actions.addLog({log: false, msg: "... generated mnemonic..."}))

  return importAndStoreIdentifier(mnemonic, mnemonicPassword, false, [])