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# TimeSafari Docs |
## Generating PDF from Markdown on OSx |
This uses Pandoc and BasicTex (LaTeX) Installed through Homebrew. |
### Set Up |
```bash |
# See |
brew install pandoc |
brew install basictex |
pandoc -o keystore-migration.pdf |
# Setting up LaTex packages |
# First update tlmgr |
sudo tlmgr update --self |
# Then install LaTex packages |
sudo tlmgr install titlesec |
sudo tlmgr install framed |
sudo tlmgr install threeparttable |
sudo tlmgr install wrapfig |
sudo tlmgr install multirow |
sudo tlmgr install enumitem |
sudo tlmgr install bbding |
sudo tlmgr install titling # Required for the fancy headers used |
sudo tlmgr install tabu |
sudo tlmgr install mdframed |
sudo tlmgr install tcolorbox |
sudo tlmgr install textpos |
sudo tlmgr install import |
sudo tlmgr install varwidth |
sudo tlmgr install needspace |
sudo tlmgr install tocloft # Required for \tableofcontents generation |
sudo tlmgr install ntheorem |
sudo tlmgr install environ |
sudo tlmgr install trimspaces |
sudo tlmgr install lastpage # Enables Page X of Y |
sudo tlmgr install collection-fontsrecommended # And set up fonts |
sudo tlmgr install libertine # The main font the doc uses |
``` |
### Usage |
Use the `pandoc` command to generate a PDF. |
```bash |
pandoc -o usage-guide.pdf |
``` |
And you can open the PDF with the `open` command. |
```bash |
open usage-guide.pdf |
``` |
Or use this one-liner |
```bash |
pandoc -o usage-guide.pdf && open usage-guide.pdf |
``` |
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{\huge\textbf{TimeSafari Usage guide}} |
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{\Large Signing up users, adding contacts, and adding gifts.} |
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{\Large Trent Larson, Kent Bull} |
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{\large 2024-06-25} |
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# Purpose of Document |
Both end-users and development team members need to know how to use TimeSafari. |
This document serves to show how to use every feature of the TimeSafari platform. |
Sections of this document are geared specifically for software developers and quality assurance |
team members. |
Companion videos will also describe end-to-end workflows for the end-user. |
# TimeSafari |
## Overview |
\pagebreak |
# 1 - End Users |
This section covers application usage for people who will use TimeSafari as intended. It is a |
simplified guide illustrating how to gain value from using TimeSafari. |
\pagebreak |
# 2 - Software Developers |
This section is tailored for software developers seeking to use the application during development, |
quality assurance, and testing. |
# Bootstrapping a local development environment |
The first concern a software developer has when working on TimeSafari is to set up a local |
development environment. This section will guide you through the process. |
## Prerequisites |
1. Have the following installed on your local machine: |
- Node.js and NPM |
- A web browser. For this guide, we will use Google Chrome. |
- Git |
- A code editor |
2. Create an API key on Infura. This is necessary for the Endorser API to connect to the Ethereum |
blockchain. |
- You can create an account on Infura [here](\ |
Click "CREATE NEW API KEY" and label the key. Then click "API Keys" in the top menu bar to |
be taken back to the list of keys. |
Click "VIEW STATS" on the key you want to use. |
![](images/01_infura-api-keys.png){ width=550px } |
- Go to the key detail page. Then click "MANAGE API KEY". |
![](images/02-infura-key-detail.png){ width=550px } |
- Click the copy and paste button next to the string of alphanumeric characters.\ |
This is your API, also known as your project ID. |
![](images/03-infura-api-key-id.png){width=550px } |
- Save this for later during the Endorser API setup. This will go in your `INFURA_PROJECT_ID` |
environment variable. |
## Setup steps |
### 1. Clone the following repositories from their respective Git hosts: |
- [TimeSafari Frontend](\ |
This is a Progressive Web App (PWA) built with VueJS and TypeScript. |
Note that the clone command here is different from the one you would use for GitHub. |
```bash |
git clone git clone \ |
ssh:// |
``` |
- [TimeSafari Backend - Endorser API](\ |
This is a NodeJS service providing the backend for TimeSafari. |
```bash |
git clone |
``` |
\pagebreak |
### 2. Database creation |
#### Alternative 1 - use test data |
To generate a development database and perform user setup you can run a local test with instructions |
below to generate sample data. Then copy the test database, rename it to `-dev` as below:\ |
`cp ../endorser-ch-test-local.sqlite3 ../endorser-ch-dev.sqlite3` \ |
and rerun `npm run dev` to give yourself user #0 and others from the ETHR_CRED_DATA in [the test util file]( |
#### Alternative 2 - boostrap single seed user |
In this method you will end up with two accounts in the database, one for the first boostrap user, |
and the second as the primary user you will use during testing. The first user will invite the |
second user to the app. |
1. Install dependencies and environment variables.\ |
In endorser-ch install dependencies and set up environment variables to allow starting it up in |
development mode. |
```bash |
cd endorser-ch |
npm clean install # or npm ci |
cp .env.local .env |
``` |
Edit the .env file's INFURA_PROJECT_ID with the value you saved earlier in the |
prerequisites.\ |
Then create the SQLite database by running `npm run flyway migrate` with environment variables |
set correctly to select the default SQLite development user as follows. |
```bash |
export NODE_ENV=dev |
export DBUSER=sa |
export DBPASS=sasa |
npm run flyway migrate |
``` |
The first run of flyway migrate may take some time to complete because the entire Flyway |
distribution must be downloaded prior to executing migrations. |
Successful output looks similar to the following: |
``` |
Database: jdbc:sqlite:../endorser-ch-dev.sqlite3 (SQLite 3.41) |
Schema history table "main"."flyway_schema_history" does not exist yet |
Successfully validated 10 migrations (execution time 00:00.034s) |
Creating Schema History table "main"."flyway_schema_history" ... |
Current version of schema "main": << Empty Schema >> |
Migrating schema "main" to version "1 - initial-anew" |
Migrating schema "main" to version "2 - registration" |
Migrating schema "main" to version "3 - plan project" |
Migrating schema "main" to version "4 - offer gave" |
Migrating schema "main" to version "5 - more confirmations" |
Migrating schema "main" to version "6 - providers urls" |
Migrating schema "main" to version "7 - hash nonce" |
Migrating schema "main" to version "8 - project location" |
Migrating schema "main" to version "9 - plan links" |
Migrating schema "main" to version "10 - gift or trade" |
Successfully applied 10 migrations to schema "main", now at version v10 (execution time 00:00.043s) |
A Flyway report has been generated here: /Users/kbull/code/timesafari/endorser-ch/report.html |
``` |
\pagebreak |
2. Generate the first user in TimeSafari PWA and bootstrap that user in Endorser's database.\ |
As TimeSafari is an invite-only platform the first user must be manually bootstrapped since |
no other users exist to be able to invite the first user. This first user must be added manually |
to the SQLite database used by Endorser. In this setup you generate the first user from the PWA. |
This user is automatically generated on first usage of the TimeSafari PWA. Bootstrapping that |
user is required so that this first user can register other users. |
- Change directories into `crowd-funder-for-time-pwa` |
```bash |
cd .. |
cd crowd-funder-for-time-pwa |
``` |
- Ensure the `.env.development` file exists and has the following values: |
```env |
``` |
- Install dependencies and run in dev mode. For now don't worry about configuring the app. All we |
need is to generate the first root user and this happens automatically on app startup. |
```bash |
npm clean install # or npm ci |
npm run dev |
``` |
- Open the app in a browser and go to the developer tools. It is recommended to use a completely |
separate browser profile so you do not clear out your existing user account. We will be |
completely resetting the PWA app state prior to generating the first user. |
In the Developer Tools go to the Application tab. |
![](images/04-pwa-chrome-devtools.png){width=350px} |
Click the "Clear site data" button and then refresh the page. |
- Click the account button in the bottom right corner of the page. |
![](images/05-pwa-account-button.png){width=150px} |
- This will take you to the account page titled "Your Identity" on which you can see your DID, |
a `did:ethr` DID in this case. |
![](images/06-pwa-account-page.png){width=350px} |
- Copy the DID by selecting it and copying it to the clipboard or by clicking the copy and paste |
button as shown in the image. |
![](images/07-pwa-did-copied.png){width=200px} |
In our case this DID is:\ |
`did:ethr:0xe4B783c74c8B0e229524e44d0cD898D272E02CD6` |
- Add that DID to the following echoed SQL statement where it says `YOUR_DID` |
```bash |
echo "INSERT INTO registration (did, maxClaims, maxRegs, epoch) |
VALUES ('YOUR_DID', 100, 10000, 1719348718092);" |
| sqlite3 ./endorser-ch-dev.sqlite3 |
``` |
and run this command in the parent directory just above the `endorser-ch` directory. |
It needs to be the parent directory of your `endorser-ch` repository because when |
`endorser-ch` creates the SQLite database it depends on it creates it in the parent directory |
of `endorser-ch`. |
- You can verify with an SQL browser tool that your record has been added to the `registration` |
table. |
![](images/08-endorser-sqlite-row-added.png){width=350px} |
3. Then start the Endorser service in development mode with the following commands. |
```bash |
cd ./endorser-ch |
export NODE_ENV=dev |
npm run dev |
``` |
This starts the Endorser service on port 3000. |
4. Create the second user by opening up a separate browser profile or incognito session, opening the |
TimeSafari PWA at `http://localhost:8080`. You will see the yellow banner stating "Someone must |
register you before you can give or offer." |
![](images/09-pwa-second-profile-first-open.png){width=350px} |
- If you want to ensure you have a fresh user account then open the developer tools, clear the |
Application data as before, and then refresh the page. This will generate a new user in the |
browser's IndexedDB database. |
5. Go to the second users' account page to copy the DID. |
![](images/10-pwa-second-user-did.png){width=350px} |
6. Copy the DID and put it in the text bar on the "Your Contacts" page for the first account |
![](images/11-pwa-first-user-add-contact.png){width=350px} |
7. Click the "+" plus icon to add the user. |
![](images/12-pwa-first-user-contact-added.png){width=350px} |
8. Then click the register button to register the second user. |
![](images/13-pwa-first-user-register-second-user-btn.png){width=350px} |
9. Click "YES" on the dialog that shows up. |
![](images/14-pwa-first-user-register-yes.png){width=350px} |
After this a notification will pop up indicating whether registration was successful or not. |
10. You have finished the initial set up of users. |