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india06.001&mcs&0&N&1) Please rate your overall satisfaction as a participant at Transform World: India 2006?&&very satisfied;somewhat satisfied;somewhat dissatisfied;very dissatisfied;&&&&a&p1.0&&&Y.Comments:&&1:v&&&N.
india06.002&nrt&0&N&2) What were the most positive aspects of the event, or what did you personally <br>find the most valuable about TW: India 2006?&1000&&&&&&p1.0&&&&&1&&&N.
india06.003&nrt&0&N&3) What did you find least valuable about the event, and why?&2000&&&&&&p1.0&&&&&1&&&N.
india06.004&nrt&0&N&4) What suggestions do you have for future Transform World Events?&2000&&&&&&p1.0&&&&&1&&&N.
india06.005&plc&0&N&5) <i>Below are the stated objectives for this event. Please read the objectives and answer the 2 questions that follow:</i><br><br><blockquote>Transform World: India 2006 seeks <br><br>1. to exalt Jesus ­ as Lord and God through worship<br>2. to empower God’s people with deeper understanding of His Word as itrelates to His transformational mission.<br>3. to encourage and motivate servant leaders in various streams oftransformational ministries in India and abroad<br>4. to call God’s people committed to see transformation to partner inGod’s mission in India today <br>5. to embrace the Transformational Covenant and its application todaily praxis of Christian ministry<br>6. to explore the proposition that spiritual-social transformationbegins to occur within a culture when a creative Christian minority says“yes” to the God-appointed calling based on the application of biblicaltruth to a specific setting in light of the kairos/catalytic nature of thegospel.<br>7. to express solidarity through prayer with the Dalit-Bahujan peoples as they seek freedom from centuries of caste-based oppression on October28th, 2006.</blockquote> <br><br><i></i>&N&&&&&&p2.0&&&&&1&&&N.
india06.006&mcs&0&N&6) How well did the event meet its stated objectives?&&very well;objectives were partially met;did not meet objectives;&&&&a&p2.0&&&&&1:v&&&Y.If you answered b) or c), please explain<br>which objectives you feel were not met:
india06.007&tf&0&N&7) Had you read the list of event objectives prior to attending this event?&YES&NO&&&&&p2.0&&&&&1&&&N.
india06.008&mtx&0&N&8) Please tell us about your focus group participation.&1;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;&Our group had strong leadership;Our group stayed on topic;Input and ideas were solicited from all present;Discussion was open and robust;::4::4::Strongly <br>agree;Somewhat <br>agree;Somewhat <br>disagree;Strongly <br>Disagree;&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Additional Comments:
india06.009&mtx&0&N&9) Questions about General Administration.&xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;&My lodging was satisfactory.;The meals were satsifactory.;Event Registration was satisfactory.;Pre-event admin was satisfactory;The meeting site was satisfactory.;::5::3::Yes;No;Undecided;&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Additional Comments:
india06.010&mtx&0&N&10) Future Participation:&1;xxx;xxx;1;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;&I would attend TW-type event again.;I would recommend TW-type event to others.;I am interested in participating in state-wide or city-wide Transform <br>World type events in India or in my own country.;I am interested in being a servant catalyst for transformation <br>in India or in my own country.;I am interested in being part of a facilitative team <br>of a Transform World type event in India or in my own country.;::5::3::Yes;No;Undecided;&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Please provide your contact information:<br><br>Name, address, telephone, and/or email address
india06.011&mcs&0&N&11) Please indicate your age group?&&15-25;26-35;36-45;46-55;56-65;66-75;more than 75 years;&&&&a&p3.0&&&&&1:v&&&Y.What is your occupation?
india06.012&mcs&0&N&12) Where do you live?&&I am currently a resident of India;I currenlty live in another country;&&&&a&p3.0&&&&&1:v&&&Y.Please indicate your City, State, <br>and Country of residence here:
india06.013&mcs&0&N&13) How many years have you been a follower of Jesus?&&1-2;3-5;6-10;11-15;16-20;21-25;more than 25 years;&&&&a&p3.0&&&&&1:v&&&Y.<i>If you would be comfortable doing so, please write a brief <br>endorsement that we could use in our literature or on <br>our website as we plan and conduct similar events