id&qtp&qim&qil&qtx&qca&qia&qrm&qnxt&qprv&qalb&subj&wght&pts&flr&ded&layout&qfixed&qptsbyans&flags india06.001&mcs&0&N&1) Please rate your overall satisfaction as a participant at Transform World: India 2006?&&very satisfied;somewhat satisfied;somewhat dissatisfied;very dissatisfied;&&&&a&p1.0&&&Y.Comments:&&1:v&&&N. india06.002&nrt&0&N&2) What were the most positive aspects of the event, or what did you personally
find the most valuable about TW: India 2006?&1000&&&&&&p1.0&&&&&1&&&N. india06.003&nrt&0&N&3) What did you find least valuable about the event, and why?&2000&&&&&&p1.0&&&&&1&&&N. india06.004&nrt&0&N&4) What suggestions do you have for future Transform World Events?&2000&&&&&&p1.0&&&&&1&&&N. india06.005&plc&0&N&5) Below are the stated objectives for this event. Please read the objectives and answer the 2 questions that follow:

Transform World: India 2006 seeks

1. to exalt Jesus ­ as Lord and God through worship
2. to empower God’s people with deeper understanding of His Word as itrelates to His transformational mission.
3. to encourage and motivate servant leaders in various streams oftransformational ministries in India and abroad
4. to call God’s people committed to see transformation to partner inGod’s mission in India today
5. to embrace the Transformational Covenant and its application todaily praxis of Christian ministry
6. to explore the proposition that spiritual-social transformationbegins to occur within a culture when a creative Christian minority says“yes” to the God-appointed calling based on the application of biblicaltruth to a specific setting in light of the kairos/catalytic nature of thegospel.
7. to express solidarity through prayer with the Dalit-Bahujan peoples as they seek freedom from centuries of caste-based oppression on October28th, 2006.

&N&&&&&&p2.0&&&&&1&&&N. india06.006&mcs&0&N&6) How well did the event meet its stated objectives?&&very well;objectives were partially met;did not meet objectives;&&&&a&p2.0&&&&&1:v&&&Y.If you answered b) or c), please explain
which objectives you feel were not met: india06.007&tf&0&N&7) Had you read the list of event objectives prior to attending this event?&YES&NO&&&&&p2.0&&&&&1&&&N. india06.008&mtx&0&N&8) Please tell us about your focus group participation.&1;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;&Our group had strong leadership;Our group stayed on topic;Input and ideas were solicited from all present;Discussion was open and robust;::4::4::Strongly
Disagree;&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Additional Comments: india06.009&mtx&0&N&9) Questions about General Administration.&xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;&My lodging was satisfactory.;The meals were satsifactory.;Event Registration was satisfactory.;Pre-event admin was satisfactory;The meeting site was satisfactory.;::5::3::Yes;No;Undecided;&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Additional Comments: india06.010&mtx&0&N&10) Future Participation:&1;xxx;xxx;1;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;&I would attend TW-type event again.;I would recommend TW-type event to others.;I am interested in participating in state-wide or city-wide Transform
World type events in India or in my own country.;I am interested in being a servant catalyst for transformation
in India or in my own country.;I am interested in being part of a facilitative team
of a Transform World type event in India or in my own country.;::5::3::Yes;No;Undecided;&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Please provide your contact information:

Name, address, telephone, and/or email address india06.011&mcs&0&N&11) Please indicate your age group?&&15-25;26-35;36-45;46-55;56-65;66-75;more than 75 years;&&&&a&p3.0&&&&&1:v&&&Y.What is your occupation? india06.012&mcs&0&N&12) Where do you live?&&I am currently a resident of India;I currenlty live in another country;&&&&a&p3.0&&&&&1:v&&&Y.Please indicate your City, State,
and Country of residence here: india06.013&mcs&0&N&13) How many years have you been a follower of Jesus?&&1-2;3-5;6-10;11-15;16-20;21-25;more than 25 years;&&&&a&p3.0&&&&&1:v&&&Y.If you would be comfortable doing so, please write a brief
endorsement that we could use in our literature or on
our website as we plan and conduct similar events