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01:00.000 --> 01:30.000 |
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh |
01:30.180 --> 01:39.380 |
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, |
02:09.380 --> 02:31.420 |
what the hell just happened there um hmm that is a strange and bizarre thing that happened |
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right there that I don't understand at all hold on one just second please sorry I'm going |
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to open up a different one and I'm gonna say what it's like I lost us a font that's so |
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bizarre weird okay so let's see how do we fix that problem let's see here sorry about that |
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I'm just gonna take time to figure this out what happened it really did it just changed it to |
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something else okay so we'll just put it back to ultra then thank you very much you dorks um wow |
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that's weird I don't know what happened there I don't that is just so bizarre and I can't stand |
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it I can't like have a crappy font um this isn't the best font um I got to use my Gotham but I |
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don't know why isn't it oh no it's back you shit what is happening there that is so bizarre what in |
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the world oh thanks for tolerating this one man show thank you very much I mean you saw it right |
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the font was all screwed up what the hell happened I don't gremlins is what it is it's it is really |
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bizarre but that it just came back um anyway welcome to the show good to see you guys thanks for |
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joining me |
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is a fizzy in 611 good to you know I just picked verses that the deep state bad guys tell me to |
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put on um you know all the controllers that I have all these people that are behind the scenes |
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influencing me like my wife and my three kids my big dog and this guy named mark who lives in |
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Boston I mean it's just kind of a joke to me but thank you very much I'm not making fun of a fizzy |
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in 611 at all I'm just was making a big joke loving Daniel |
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I think truth is good for kids we're so busy lying we don't even recognize the truth no more in |
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society we want everybody to feel good that's not that's not the way life is |
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but you can tell if someone's lying you know you can sort of feel it in people |
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and I have lied I'm sure I'll lie again I don't want to lie you know I don't think I'm a liar |
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I try not to be a liar I don't want to be a liar I think it's like really important not to be a liar |
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it's almost hard to put a laugh track behind that anymore because what he said is just so |
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brutally in your face um Tucker Carlson is gonna be featured in today's show again just so you know |
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mark mark mark you're so funny as a surgeon you should be speaking out on this you could |
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save lives if you did what the fuck I didn't know anything about this how am I meant to know about |
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this you know what I don't know about everything like um you shouldn't you shouldn't think that |
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just because you're on to something that someone else you'd be doing it to buddy we've all got |
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our own jobs to do I don't tell you what to do what the fuck anyway I mean the reason why I try |
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to get through to you get your number call you and you're busy last time and I'm not busy is |
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look I went back through the podcast and I'm afraid I think it wasn't good enough mate |
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um I don't know how to explain this to you but you know it was about it was just over an |
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hour but the thing is what was relevant was like literally just 15 minutes and it was just dragged |
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out and there was not enough substance not enough facts not enough details um I would also say |
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try and work on your presentation you you drag things out and speak very slowly and |
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it's just you need to be a bit more punchy bit more punchy bit more animated bit more lively |
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I mean I don't know if you're just a bit flat that day or what I don't know but you just I think |
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you're I don't know your style you can have you just could inject yourself with a little bit more |
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energy a little bit more animation so what I was going to do actually was create some clips |
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of the podcast and do a sub stack and obviously credit you and reference you and talk about the |
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opioid deaths and all that kind of stuff so that was the plan I'm sorry mate I've just |
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got a lot of fucking podcasts got a lot of recordings and I'm trying to keep the quality of the |
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content quite high and my faith on this occasion it just it just wasn't good enough |
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this voice is Doc Malek from the UK just being honest with you um it just the quality wasn't |
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up to scratch all right mate bye um this phone call took place about six or seven weeks after |
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Doc Malek interviewed Mark um under some constraints because apparently had a funeral that day and he |
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only had an hour to record it and so it was kind of rushed and he didn't really want to do it and |
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he wasn't that into it but they recorded it anyway and he was so busy because he's done so many |
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podcasts that he knew that it wasn't going to come out for six to eight weeks anyway and he told |
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that to Mark after the recording and six to eight weeks later Mark just pinged him and said hey |
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you know Malek you might be able to save some people if you would talk about the fact that |
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maybe giving supplemental oxygen to people who were on pulse ox might not have been the best idea in |
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the beginning of the pandemic maybe they're still doing it now you could call attention to this |
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and save lives and that was the response was laughter and incredibility incredibility |
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incredibility i don't i don't while i'm just butchering that word um like he didn't believe |
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mark like he was uh found it ridiculous that mark wanted him to talk about something that he was |
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talking about and instead of addressing whatever it was that mark mentioned he just said it was |
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ridiculous for mark to think that anyone should pay attention to everything or whatever mark wants |
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him to i mean he made it about something that it wasn't if he was really a doctor then what he |
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could have said was mark i think you've got a really good point with supplemental oxygen you |
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should keep following up on it but don't harass me i just found out about it from you right now but |
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instead three or four f words later we haven't said anything about the idea and once you realize that |
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all of these people whether they're on signal talking about jj kui or whether they're in a |
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bitcoin chat group talking about jj kui all of these people aren't talking about the fundamental |
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messages of giga ohm biological when they say that i'm crazy they're not talking about the |
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fundamental messages of giga ohm biological that have been ignored by all the people that i'm attacking |
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and i'm not really attacking them right we're just saying that the ideas that they're presenting |
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they're not following them to their logical conclusion and instead they're stopping well short |
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almost the exact same way that tony fauci and petered asak and richard ebright and and emily |
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cop and all these other people that are absolutely positively caught up into a scooby-doo |
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where they believe implausible biology is possible is the fundamental problem here |
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and none of these people who are calling me crazy or mark deep state or me working for bad guys |
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are ever going to acknowledge that since they heard the truth from me they haven't said it again |
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since doc malik put my first interview with him behind a paywall he hasn't repeated any of the |
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things that i've said to any of his guests that's why i think he's full of shit in the meantime he's |
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given a platform to sashilatapova and maryll nass and robert melon never having a critical |
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question for any of them but instead just letting them get on stage and actually tuning up and |
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harmonizing with them for the whole performance and the last interview that i had with him that's |
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not behind a paywall is almost 20% of him whining about his own situation that we've come to understand |
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is a little bit different apparently last year he was negotiating with the wellness company |
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for a $50,000 signing bonus is that how you think that i negotiated with robert f Kennedy jr when |
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he asked me to help him and consult on the wuhan cover up book do you think that that's how much |
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i asked for a $50,000 signing bonus and $10,000 a month with a three-year contract and a five |
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percent equity in the book and a 12-month salary with an early termination and maybe a board member |
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of CHDEU when it gets formed and this was a year ago this email is supposedly real here he is on |
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twitter saying nice hit piece bravo how did you get a copy of the email and why is it taken out of |
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context if this is taken out of context then uh i don't need to know the context the context is |
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very simple here is a doctor who didn't stand up for shit didn't have principles about shit |
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until 2022 and now he's negotiating as if he's joe rogan of eu for a salary that i'm sure he was |
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going to disclose to all of his followers i'm sure he was going to convert all of his support to |
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two free subscriptions once he got this job |
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like i did when i got hired by robert f Kennedy jr and then told everybody that you can stop your |
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subscriptions you can stop supporting me i've got a job i'm gonna be okay i told a lot of people to |
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pause you see the difference between somebody who really is just trying to raise a family and do |
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the right thing and doesn't really know what the right answer is all the time versus somebody |
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who is intimately part of a machine and a ladder that they know is available to climb |
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now i just took these two screenshots and popped them in five minutes ago because my computer had |
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to restart for a update and so that's why i'm late but this guy is going bananas offline in |
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several little signal chat groups that i actually used to be a part of |
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and coordinating his message against me with other people who used to |
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meddle with me before i cut them out of my life and it is a coordinated symphony of people that i |
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already had on my bulletin board two years ago as people that were meddlers before they actually |
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revealed themselves many of them i've pointed out to you already in the years past |
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now believe it or not they are on a signal chat bitcoin group that i used to be a part of more |
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than a year ago that ryan cole is a part of that all these you know interesting people some people |
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with connections to crossfit and bsi and and they're all there pretending that the main message |
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of this stream isn't intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of |
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augmenting the immune system is dumb trying to pretend that the main message of this this |
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stream isn't r&a can't pandemic and trying to pretend that the reason why i'm angry is not |
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because everybody ignores those messages but because i'm trying to get ahead or because i'm |
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trying to self emulate for the deep state it is hilarious to me that people with bitcoin and |
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billion-dollar trading experience are pretending that they tried to help me in the last three years |
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it is hilarious to me that people who have intimate connections to bitcoin and the |
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international original international covid summit wherever it occurred is it was it Costa Rica or |
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florida or some bullshit like that that have connections to wall street trading that have |
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connections to day trading scams that are all pretending that somehow when i contacted Jonathan |
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kui i totally meant to help him i tried to help him start a business blah blah blah blah blah |
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while i was losing my career in my house and paying for my bills with a credit card these |
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people were helping me start a business one of the businesses that somebody was trying to help me |
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start was trying to sell gold and trading cards and magic cards being held like like fine art in in |
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airport lockers i shit you not the idea was to have baseball expensive baseball cards |
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stored in in airport lockers and then we would sell you know bitcoin or or or or shares in those |
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things in terms of bitcoin and then people would have ways of using their bitcoin to invest in |
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shit that was one of the ways that this guy was going to help me |
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and now that guy from years ago is now in a bitcoin group that he himself started and is still |
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coordinating talking coordinatedly with this poser pretending that i'm self-immulating and |
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i'm not sending my main message anymore and instead i'm attacking all these people |
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because that's what the deep state wants me to do |
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it's hard for me to believe that anybody in those chats believes these things but that's what's |
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going on right now ladies and gentlemen just in case you want to know what this means |
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tall trees catch much wind the wind's getting windier up here i can tell you that for sure |
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i believe he has a PhD in some sort of scientific discipline from what i understand |
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all right is the audio really off okay then i'm just going to restart it again i'm going to |
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see what happens okay um it might be because of this youtube thing let me just stop this |
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and then i'm going to stop this okay i'm going to stop streaming is going to start it all over |
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okay guys that's just what we're going to do and um if it if it doesn't work with the start |
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all over then that's too bad but i i want to get this stream right and i don't want to have to |
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re-record it um so here we go i'll be right |
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# Window Update Glitch Stream FFS -- (16 May 2024) -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief |
## Streams |
- https://twitch.tv/videos/2147185406 |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
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# Aspiration: Campbell, Weinstein, and Girardot -- (16 May 2024) -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief |
## Streams |
- https://twitch.tv/videos/2147441997 |
Reference in new issue