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import{V as f,C as h,_ as g,g as u,h as x,j as e,k as o,i,w as v,x as y}from"./index-BLqts8WY.js";import{Q as b}from"./QuickNav-DgCyvgDx.js";var w=Object.defineProperty,T=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,k=(d,t,l,r)=>{for(var s=r>1?void 0:r?T(t,l):t,a=d.length-1,n;a>=0;a--)(n=d[a])&&(s=(r?n(t,l,s):n(s))||s);return r&&s&&w(t,l,s),s};let p=class extends f{};p=k([h({components:{QuickNav:b}})],p);const C={id:"Content",class:"p-6 pb-24 max-w-3xl mx-auto"},c={class:"ml-4"},S={class:"ml-4"};function V(d,t,l,r,s,a){const n=u("fa"),m=u("router-link");return y(),x("section",C,[t[21]||(t[21]=e("div",{class:"mb-8"},[e("h1",{id:"ViewHeading",class:"text-4xl text-center font-light pt-4 mb-8"}," Time Safari Onboarding Instructions ")],-1)),e("p",null,[t[0]||(t[0]=o(" To invite someone the easiest way, send them a link that you generate from this page: ")),i(m,{to:{name:"invite-one"},class:"bg-gradient-to-b from-green-400 to-green-700 shadow-[inset_0_-1px_0_0_rgba(0,0,0,0.5)] text-white px-1.5 py-2 rounded-md"},{default:v(()=>[i(n,{icon:"envelope-open-text",class:"fa-fw text-xl"})]),_:1})]),t[22]||(t[22]=e("p",null,"Then watch that page to see when they accept their invite.",-1)),e("p",null,[t[1]||(t[1]=o(" (That page is also reachable from the Contacts ")),i(n,{icon:"users"}),t[2]||(t[2]=o(" page though the invitation ")),i(n,{icon:"envelope-open-text"}),t[3]||(t[3]=o(" icon.) "))]),t[23]||(t[23]=e("h1",{class:"mt-4 font-bold text-xl"},"Next Steps",-1)),t[24]||(t[24]=o(" Although not totally necessary, backups are important to understand. ")),e("div",c,[t[6]||(t[6]=e("h1",{class:"font-bold text-xl"},"Without a backup, you can lose data.",-1)),e("div",null,[e("p",null,[t[4]||(t[4]=o(" Exporting backups (from the Account ")),i(n,{icon:"circle-user"}),t[5]||(t[5]=o(" screen) is important for the case where they lose their device. This is especially true for the Identifier Seed: that is theirs and and theirs alone, and currently nobody else can recover it if they lose it. The good thing is that anyone can create a new account and simply inform their network of their new ID. "))])])]),t[25]||(t[25]=e("h1",{class:"mt-4 font-bold text-xl"},"Advanced",-1)),t[26]||(t[26]=o(" The following are optional steps for even more functionality. ")),e("div",S,[t[15]||(t[15]=e("h1",{class:"font-bold text-xl"},"Add Contact & Register",-1)),e("p",null,[t[7]||(t[7]=o(" You share even more information such as your picture and name when you share with your QR code at these links: ")),i(n,{icon:"qrcode"})]),t[16]||(t[16]=e("p",null," Scanning those with your cameras will automatically register people and add them to each other's contact lists. ",-1)),t[17]||(t[17]=e("p",null," The following are more detailed manual steps: ",-1)),e("div",null,[t[12]||(t[12]=e("p",null," 1) Have them follow their yellow prompts. ",-1)),e("p",null,[t[8]||(t[8]=o(" 2) Scan their QR, or have them tap on it to copy their info and send it to you. Then you can add them to your Contacts ")),i(n,{icon:"users"})]),e("p",null,[t[9]||(t[9]=o(" 3) You can register them at their info page ")),i(n,{icon:"circle-info"}),t[10]||(t[10]=o(" and click on the register button ")),i(n,{icon:"person-circle-question"})]),e("p",null,[t[11]||(t[11]=o(" 4) Add yourself to their Contacts ")),i(n,{icon:"users"})])]),t[18]||(t[18]=e("h1",{class:"font-bold text-xl"},"Install",-1)),t[19]||(t[19]=e("div",null,[e("p",null,' Have them visit in a browser, preferably Chrome or Safari, and then look for the "Install" selection which adds this app to their desktop. This enables other things, like the ability to "share" a photo from their device directly to Time Safari, and it makes notifications more reliable. ')],-1)),t[20]||(t[20]=e("h1",{class:"font-bold text-xl"},"Enable Notifications",-1)),e("div",null,[e("p",null,[t[13]||(t[13]=o(" Enable notifications from the Account page ")),i(n,{icon:"circle-user"}),t[14]||(t[14]=o(". Those notifications might show up on the device depending on your settings. For the most reliable habits, set an alarm or do some other ritual to record gratitude every day. "))])])])])}const O=g(p,[["render",V]]);export{O as default};