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* End-to-End Contact Management Tests
* Comprehensive test suite for Time Safari's contact management and gift recording features.
* Tests run sequentially to avoid state conflicts and API rate limits.
* Test Flow:
* 1. Contact Creation & Verification
* - Add contact using DID
* - Verify contact appears in list
* - Rename contact and verify change
* - Check contact appears in "Record Something" section
* 2. Gift Recording Flow
* - Generate unique gift details
* - Record gift to contact
* - Verify gift confirmation
* - Check gift appears in activity feed
* 3. Contact Import/Export Tests
* - Copy contact details to clipboard
* - Delete existing contact
* - Import contact from clipboard
* - Verify imported contact details
* Test Data Generation:
* - Gift titles: "Gift " + 16-char random string
* - Gift amounts: Random 1-99 value
* - Contact names: Predefined test values
* - DIDs: Uses test accounts (e.g., did:ethr:0x000...)
* Key Selectors:
* - Contact list: 'li[data-testid="contactListItem"]'
* - Gift recording: '#sectionRecordSomethingGiven'
* - Contact name: '[data-testid="contactName"] input'
* - Alert dialogs: 'div[role="alert"]'
* Timeouts & Retries:
* - Uses OS-specific timeouts (longer for Linux)
* - Implements retry logic for network operations
* - Waits for UI animations and state changes
* Alert Handling:
* - Closes onboarding dialogs
* - Handles registration prompts
* - Verifies alert dismissal
* State Requirements:
* - Clean database state
* - No existing contacts for test DIDs
* - Available API rate limits
* @example Basic contact addition
* ```typescript
* await page.goto('./contacts');
* await page.getByPlaceholder('URL or DID, Name, Public Key')
* .fill('did:ethr:0x000...., User Name');
* await page.locator('button > svg.fa-plus').click();
* ```
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
import { importUser } from './testUtils';
test('Check usage limits', async ({ page }) => {
// Check without ID first
await page.goto('./account');
await expect(page.locator('div.bg-slate-100.rounded-md').filter({ hasText: 'Usage Limits' })).toBeHidden();
// Import user 01
const did = await importUser(page, '01');
// Verify that "Usage Limits" section is visible
await expect(page.locator('#sectionUsageLimits')).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator('#sectionUsageLimits')).toContainText('You have done');
await expect(page.locator('#sectionUsageLimits')).toContainText('You have uploaded');
await expect(page.getByText('Your claims counter resets')).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByText('Your registration counter resets')).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByText('Your image counter resets')).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Recheck Limits' })).toBeVisible();
// Set name
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Set Your Name' }).click();
const name = 'User ' + did.slice(11, 14);
await page.getByPlaceholder('Name').fill(name);
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save', exact: true }).click();