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939 lines
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939 lines
35 KiB
* @fileoverview iOS test runner for Capacitor-based mobile app
* This script handles the build and testing of the iOS app using Xcode's
* command-line tools. It ensures the app is properly synced with the latest
* web build and runs the test suite on a specified iOS simulator.
* Process flow:
* 1. Clean and reset iOS platform (if needed)
* 2. Check prerequisites (Xcode, CocoaPods, Capacitor setup)
* 3. Sync Capacitor project with latest web build
* 4. Build app for iOS simulator
* 5. Run XCTest suite
* Prerequisites:
* - macOS operating system
* - Xcode installed with command line tools
* - iOS simulator available
* - Capacitor iOS platform added to project
* - Valid iOS development certificates
* Exit codes:
* - 0: Tests completed successfully
* - 1: Build or test failure
* @example
* // Run directly
* node scripts/test-ios.js
* // Run via npm script
* npm run test:ios
* @requires child_process
* @requires path
* @requires fs
* @author TimeSafari Team
* @license MIT
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
const { join } = require('path');
const { existsSync, mkdirSync, appendFileSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync, readdirSync, statSync, accessSync } = require('fs');
const readline = require('readline');
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
const { constants } = require('fs');
const question = (prompt) => new Promise((resolve) => rl.question(prompt, resolve));
// Make sure to close readline at the end
process.on('SIGINT', () => {
// Format date as YYYY-MM-DD-HHMMSS
const getLogFileName = () => {
const now = new Date();
const date = now.toISOString().split('T')[0];
const time = now.toTimeString().split(' ')[0].replace(/:/g, '');
return `build_logs/ios-build-${date}-${time}.log`;
// Create logger function
const createLogger = (logFile) => {
return (message) => {
const timestamp = new Date().toISOString();
const logMessage = `[${timestamp}] ${message}\n`;
appendFileSync(logFile, logMessage);
* Clean up and reset iOS platform
* This function completely removes and recreates the iOS platform to ensure a fresh setup
* @param {function} log - Logging function
* @returns {boolean} - Success status
const cleanIosPlatform = async (log) => {
log('🧹 Cleaning iOS platform (complete reset)...');
// Check for package.json and capacitor.config.ts/js
if (!existsSync('package.json')) {
log('⚠️ package.json not found. Are you in the correct directory?');
throw new Error('package.json not found. Cannot continue without project configuration.');
log('✅ package.json exists');
const capacitorConfigExists =
existsSync('capacitor.config.ts') ||
existsSync('capacitor.config.js') ||
if (!capacitorConfigExists) {
log('⚠️ Capacitor config file not found');
log('Creating minimal capacitor.config.ts...');
try {
// Get app name from package.json
const packageJson = JSON.parse(readFileSync('package.json', 'utf8'));
const appName = || 'App';
const appId = packageJson.capacitor?.appId || 'io.ionic.starter';
// Create a minimal capacitor config
const capacitorConfig = `
import { CapacitorConfig } from '@capacitor/cli';
const config: CapacitorConfig = {
appId: '${appId}',
appName: '${appName}',
webDir: 'dist',
bundledWebRuntime: false
export default config;
writeFileSync('capacitor.config.ts', capacitorConfig);
log('✅ Created capacitor.config.ts');
} catch (configError) {
log('⚠️ Failed to create Capacitor config file');
log('Please create a capacitor.config.ts file manually');
throw new Error('Capacitor configuration missing. Please configure manually.');
} else {
log('✅ Capacitor config exists');
// Check if the platform exists first
if (existsSync('ios')) {
log('🗑️ Removing existing iOS platform directory...');
try {
execSync('rm -rf ios', { stdio: 'inherit' });
log('✅ Existing iOS platform removed');
} catch (error) {
log(`⚠️ Error removing iOS platform: ${error.message}`);
log('⚠️ You may need to manually remove the ios directory');
return false;
// Rebuild web assets first to ensure they're available
log('🔄 Building web assets before adding iOS platform...');
try {
execSync('rm -rf dist', { stdio: 'inherit' });
execSync('npm run build:web', { stdio: 'inherit' });
execSync('npm run build:capacitor', { stdio: 'inherit' });
log('✅ Web assets built successfully');
} catch (error) {
log(`⚠️ Error building web assets: ${error.message}`);
log('⚠️ Continuing with platform addition, but it may fail if web assets are required');
// Add the platform back
log('➕ Adding iOS platform...');
try {
execSync('npx cap add ios', { stdio: 'inherit' });
log('✅ iOS platform added successfully');
// Verify critical files were created
if (!existsSync('ios/App/Podfile')) {
log('⚠️ Podfile was not created - something is wrong with the Capacitor setup');
return false;
if (!existsSync('ios/App/App/Info.plist')) {
log('⚠️ Info.plist was not created - something is wrong with the Capacitor setup');
return false;
log('✅ iOS platform setup verified - critical files exist');
return true;
} catch (error) {
log(`⚠️ Error adding iOS platform: ${error.message}`);
return false;
* Check all prerequisites for iOS testing
* Verifies and attempts to install/initialize all required components
const checkPrerequisites = async (log) => {
log('🔍 Checking prerequisites for iOS testing...');
// Check for macOS
if (process.platform !== 'darwin') {
throw new Error('iOS testing is only supported on macOS');
log('✅ Running on macOS');
// Verify Xcode installation
try {
const xcodeOutput = execSync('xcode-select -p').toString().trim();
log(`✅ Xcode command line tools found at: ${xcodeOutput}`);
} catch (error) {
log('⚠️ Xcode command line tools not found');
log('Please install Xcode from the App Store and run:');
log('xcode-select --install');
throw new Error('Xcode command line tools not found. Please install Xcode first.');
// Check Xcode version
try {
const xcodeVersionOutput = execSync('xcodebuild -version').toString().trim();
log(`✅ Xcode version: ${xcodeVersionOutput.split('\n')[0]}`);
} catch (error) {
log('⚠️ Unable to determine Xcode version');
// Check for CocoaPods
try {
const podVersionOutput = execSync('pod --version').toString().trim();
log(`✅ CocoaPods version: ${podVersionOutput}`);
} catch (error) {
log('⚠️ CocoaPods not found');
log('Attempting to install CocoaPods...');
try {
log('🔄 Installing CocoaPods via gem...');
execSync('gem install cocoapods', { stdio: 'inherit' });
log('✅ CocoaPods installed successfully');
} catch (gemError) {
log('⚠️ Failed to install CocoaPods via gem');
log('Please install CocoaPods manually:');
log('1. sudo gem install cocoapods');
log('2. brew install cocoapods');
throw new Error('CocoaPods installation failed. Please install manually.');
log('✅ All prerequisites for iOS testing are met');
return true;
// Check for iOS simulator
const checkSimulator = async (log) => {
log('🔍 Checking for iOS simulator...');
const simulatorsOutput = execSync('xcrun simctl list devices available -j').toString();
const simulatorsData = JSON.parse(simulatorsOutput);
// Get all available devices/simulators with their UDIDs
const allDevices = [];
// Process all runtime groups (iOS versions)
Object.entries(simulatorsData.devices).forEach(([runtime, devices]) => {
devices.forEach(device => {
udid: device.udid,
state: device.state,
runtime: runtime,
// Check for booted simulators first
const bootedDevices = allDevices.filter(device => device.state === 'Booted');
if (bootedDevices.length > 0) {
log(`📱 Found ${bootedDevices.length} running simulator(s): ${ =>', ')}`);
return bootedDevices;
// No booted devices found, try to boot one
log('⚠️ No running iOS simulator found. Attempting to boot one...');
// Prefer iPhone devices, especially newer models
const preferredDevices = [
'iPhone 15', 'iPhone 14', 'iPhone 13', 'iPhone 12', 'iPhone', // Prefer newer iPhones first
'iPad' // Then iPads if no iPhones available
let deviceToLaunch = null;
// Try to find a device from our preferred list
for (const preferredName of preferredDevices) {
const matchingDevices = allDevices.filter(device =>
| && device.state === 'Shutdown');
if (matchingDevices.length > 0) {
// Sort by runtime to prefer newer iOS versions
matchingDevices.sort((a, b) => b.runtime.localeCompare(a.runtime));
deviceToLaunch = matchingDevices[0];
// If no preferred device found, take any available device
if (!deviceToLaunch && allDevices.length > 0) {
const availableDevices = allDevices.filter(device => device.state === 'Shutdown');
if (availableDevices.length > 0) {
deviceToLaunch = availableDevices[0];
if (!deviceToLaunch) {
throw new Error('No available iOS simulators found. Please create a simulator in Xcode first.');
// Boot the selected simulator
log(`🚀 Booting iOS simulator: ${} (${deviceToLaunch.runtime})`);
execSync(`xcrun simctl boot ${deviceToLaunch.udid}`);
// Wait for simulator to fully boot
log('⏳ Waiting for simulator to boot completely...');
// Give the simulator time to fully boot before proceeding
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10000));
log(`✅ Successfully booted simulator: ${}`);
return [{ name:, udid: deviceToLaunch.udid }];
// Verify Xcode installation
const verifyXcodeInstallation = (log) => {
log('🔍 Checking Xcode installation...');
try {
execSync('xcode-select -p');
log('✅ Xcode command line tools found');
} catch (error) {
throw new Error('Xcode command line tools not found. Please install Xcode first.');
// Generate test data using generate_data.ts
const generateTestData = async (log) => {
log('\n🔍 DEBUG: Starting test data generation...');
// Check directory structure
log('📁 Current directory:', process.cwd());
log('📁 Directory contents:', require('fs').readdirSync('.'));
if (!existsSync('.generated')) {
log('📁 Creating .generated directory');
mkdirSync('.generated', { recursive: true });
try {
log('🔄 Attempting to run generate_data.ts...');
execSync('npx ts-node test-scripts/generate_data.ts', { stdio: 'inherit' });
log('✅ Test data generation completed');
// Verify and log generated files content
const requiredFiles = [
log('\n📝 Verifying generated files:');
for (const file of requiredFiles) {
if (!existsSync(file)) {
log(`❌ Missing file: ${file}`);
} else {
const content = readFileSync(file, 'utf8');
log(`\n📄 Content of ${file}:`);
try {
const parsed = JSON.parse(content);
if (file.includes('test-env.json')) {
log('🔑 CONTACT1_DID in test-env:', parsed.CONTACT1_DID);
if (file.includes('contacts.json')) {
log('👥 First contact DID:', parsed[0]?.did);
} catch (e) {
log(`❌ Error parsing ${file}:`, e);
} catch (error) {
log(`\n⚠️ Test data generation failed: ${error.message}`);
log('⚠️ Creating fallback test data...');
// Create fallback data with detailed logging
const fallbackTestEnv = {
"CONTACT1_DID": "did:ethr:0x35A71Ac3fA0A4D5a4903f10F0f7A3ac4034FaB5B",
"APP_URL": "https://app.timesafari.example"
const fallbackContacts = [
"id": "contact1",
"name": "Test Contact",
"did": "did:ethr:0x35A71Ac3fA0A4D5a4903f10F0f7A3ac4034FaB5B"
log('\n📝 Writing fallback data:');
log('TestEnv:', JSON.stringify(fallbackTestEnv, null, 2));
log('Contacts:', JSON.stringify(fallbackContacts, null, 2));
writeFileSync('.generated/test-env.json', JSON.stringify(fallbackTestEnv, null, 2));
writeFileSync('.generated/contacts.json', JSON.stringify(fallbackContacts, null, 2));
// Verify fallback data was written
log('\n🔍 Verifying fallback data:');
try {
const writtenTestEnv = JSON.parse(readFileSync('.generated/test-env.json', 'utf8'));
const writtenContacts = JSON.parse(readFileSync('.generated/contacts.json', 'utf8'));
log('Written TestEnv:', writtenTestEnv);
log('Written Contacts:', writtenContacts);
} catch (e) {
log('❌ Error verifying fallback data:', e);
// Build web assets
const buildWebAssets = async (log) => {
log('🌐 Building web assets...');
execSync('rm -rf dist', { stdio: 'inherit' });
execSync('npm run build:web', { stdio: 'inherit' });
execSync('npm run build:capacitor', { stdio: 'inherit' });
log('✅ Web assets built successfully');
// Configure iOS project
const configureIosProject = async (log) => {
log('📱 Configuring iOS project...');
// Skip cap sync since we just did a clean platform add
log('✅ Using freshly created iOS platform');
// Register URL scheme for deeplink tests
log('🔗 Configuring URL scheme for deeplink tests...');
if (checkAndRegisterUrlScheme(log)) {
log('✅ URL scheme configuration completed');
} else {
log('⚠️ URL scheme could not be registered automatically');
log('⚠️ Deeplink tests may not work correctly');
log('⚙️ Installing CocoaPods dependencies...');
try {
// Try to run pod install normally first
log('🔄 Running "pod install" in ios/App directory...');
execSync('cd ios/App && pod install', { stdio: 'inherit' });
log('✅ CocoaPods installation completed');
} catch (error) {
// If that fails, provide detailed instructions
log(`⚠️ CocoaPods installation failed: ${error.message}`);
log('⚠️ Please ensure CocoaPods is installed correctly:');
log('1. If using system Ruby: "sudo gem install cocoapods"');
log('2. If using Homebrew Ruby: "brew install cocoapods"');
log('3. Then run: "cd ios/App && pod install"');
// Try to continue despite the error
log('⚠️ Attempting to continue with the build process...');
// Add information about iOS security dialogs
log('\n📱 iOS Security Dialog Information:');
log('⚠️ iOS will display security confirmation dialogs when testing deeplinks');
log('⚠️ This is a security feature of iOS and cannot be bypassed in normal testing');
log('⚠️ You will need to manually approve each deeplink test by clicking "Open" in the dialog');
log('⚠️ The app must be running in the foreground for deeplinks to work properly');
log('⚠️ If tests appear to hang, check if a security dialog is waiting for your confirmation');
// Build and test iOS project
const buildAndTestIos = async (log, simulator) => {
const simulatorName = simulator[0].name;
log('🏗️ Building iOS project...');
execSync('cd ios/App && xcodebuild clean -workspace App.xcworkspace -scheme App', { stdio: 'inherit' });
log('✅ Xcode clean completed');
log(`🏗️ Building for simulator: ${simulatorName}`);
execSync(`cd ios/App && xcodebuild build -workspace App.xcworkspace -scheme App -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=${simulatorName}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' });
log('✅ Xcode build completed');
// Check if the project is configured for testing by querying the scheme capabilities
try {
log(`🧪 Checking if scheme is configured for testing`);
const schemeInfo = execSync(`cd ios/App && xcodebuild -scheme App -showBuildSettings | grep TEST`).toString();
if (schemeInfo.includes('ENABLE_TESTABILITY = YES')) {
log(`🧪 Attempting to run tests on simulator: ${simulatorName}`);
try {
execSync(`cd ios/App && xcodebuild test -workspace App.xcworkspace -scheme App -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=${simulatorName}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' });
log('✅ iOS tests completed successfully');
} catch (testError) {
log(`⚠️ Tests failed or scheme not properly configured for testing: ${testError.message}`);
log('⚠️ This is normal if no test targets have been added to the project');
log('⚠️ Skipping test step and continuing with the app launch');
} else {
log('⚠️ Project does not have testing enabled in build settings');
log('⚠️ Skipping test step and continuing with the app launch');
} catch (error) {
log('⚠️ Unable to determine if testing is configured');
log('⚠️ Skipping test step and continuing with the app launch');
// Run the app
const runIosApp = async (log, simulator) => {
const simulatorName = simulator[0].name;
const simulatorUdid = simulator[0].udid;
log(`📱 Running app in simulator: ${simulatorName} (${simulatorUdid})...`);
// Use the --target parameter to specify the device directly, avoiding the UI prompt
execSync(`npx cap run ios --target="${simulatorUdid}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' });
log('✅ App launched successfully');
const validateTestData = (log) => {
log('\n=== VALIDATING TEST DATA ===');
const generateFreshTestData = () => {
log('\n🔄 Generating fresh test data...');
try {
// Ensure .generated directory exists
if (!existsSync('.generated')) {
mkdirSync('.generated', { recursive: true });
// Execute the generate_data.ts script synchronously
log('Running generate_data.ts...');
execSync('npx ts-node test-scripts/generate_data.ts', {
stdio: 'inherit',
encoding: 'utf8'
// Read and validate the generated files
const testEnvPath = '.generated/test-env.json';
const contactsPath = '.generated/contacts.json';
if (!existsSync(testEnvPath) || !existsSync(contactsPath)) {
throw new Error('Generated files not found after running generate_data.ts');
const testEnv = JSON.parse(readFileSync(testEnvPath, 'utf8'));
const contacts = JSON.parse(readFileSync(contactsPath, 'utf8'));
// Validate required fields
if (!testEnv.CONTACT1_DID) {
throw new Error('CONTACT1_DID missing from generated test data');
log('Generated test data:', {
testEnv: testEnv,
contacts: contacts
return { testEnv, contacts };
} catch (error) {
log('❌ Test data generation failed:', error);
throw error;
try {
// Try to read existing data or generate fresh data
const testEnvPath = '.generated/test-env.json';
const contactsPath = '.generated/contacts.json';
let testData;
// If either file is missing or invalid, generate fresh data
if (!existsSync(testEnvPath) || !existsSync(contactsPath)) {
testData = generateFreshTestData();
} else {
try {
const testEnv = JSON.parse(readFileSync(testEnvPath, 'utf8'));
const contacts = JSON.parse(readFileSync(contactsPath, 'utf8'));
// Validate required fields
if (!testEnv.CLAIM_ID || !testEnv.CONTACT1_DID) {
log('⚠️ Existing test data missing required fields, regenerating...');
testData = generateFreshTestData();
} else {
testData = { testEnv, contacts };
} catch (error) {
log('⚠️ Error reading existing test data, regenerating...');
testData = generateFreshTestData();
// Final validation of data
if (!testData.testEnv.CLAIM_ID || !testData.testEnv.CONTACT1_DID) {
throw new Error('Test data validation failed even after generation');
log('✅ Test data validated successfully');
log('📄 Test Environment:', JSON.stringify(testData.testEnv, null, 2));
return testData;
} catch (error) {
log(`❌ Test data validation failed: ${error.message}`);
throw error;
* Run deeplink tests
* Optionally tests deeplinks if the test data is available
* @param {function} log - Logging function
* @returns {Promise<void>}
const runDeeplinkTests = async (log) => {
log('\n=== Starting Deeplink Tests ===');
// Validate test data before proceeding
let testEnv, contacts;
try {
({ testEnv, contacts } = validateTestData(log));
} catch (error) {
log('❌ Cannot proceed with tests due to invalid test data');
log(`Error: ${error.message}`);
log('Please ensure test data is properly generated before running tests');
process.exit(1); // Exit with error code
// Now we can safely create the deeplink tests knowing we have valid data
const deeplinkTests = [
url: `timesafari://claim/${testEnv.CLAIM_ID}`,
description: 'Claim view'
url: `timesafari://claim-cert/${testEnv.CERT_ID || testEnv.CLAIM_ID}`,
description: 'Claim certificate view'
url: `timesafari://claim-add-raw/${testEnv.RAW_CLAIM_ID || testEnv.CLAIM_ID}`,
description: 'Raw claim addition'
url: 'timesafari://did/test',
description: 'DID view with test identifier'
url: `timesafari://did/${testEnv.CONTACT1_DID}`,
description: 'DID view with contact DID'
url: (() => {
if (!testEnv?.CONTACT1_DID) {
throw new Error('Cannot construct contact-edit URL: CONTACT1_DID is missing');
const url = `timesafari://contact-edit/${testEnv.CONTACT1_DID}`;
log('Created contact-edit URL:', url);
return url;
description: 'Contact editing'
url: `timesafari://contacts/import?contacts=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(contacts))}`,
description: 'Contacts import'
// Log the final test configuration
log('\n5. Final Test Configuration:');
deeplinkTests.forEach((test, i) => {
log(`\nTest ${i + 1}:`);
log(`Description: ${test.description}`);
log(`URL: ${test.url}`);
// Show instructions for iOS security dialogs
log('\n📱 IMPORTANT: iOS Security Dialog Instructions:');
log('1. Each deeplink test will trigger a security confirmation dialog');
log('2. You MUST click "Open" on each dialog to continue testing');
log('3. The app must be running in the FOREGROUND');
log('4. You will need to press Enter in this terminal after handling each dialog');
log('5. You can abort the testing process by pressing Ctrl+C\n');
// Ensure app is in foreground
log('⚠️ IMPORTANT: Please make sure the app is in the FOREGROUND now');
await question('Press Enter when the app is visible and in the foreground...');
try {
// Execute each test
let testsCompleted = 0;
let testsSkipped = 0;
for (const test of deeplinkTests) {
// Show upcoming test info before execution
log('\n📱 NEXT TEST:');
log(`Description: ${test.description}`);
log(`URL to test: ${test.url}`);
// Clear prompt for user action
await question('\n⏎ Press Enter to execute this test (or Ctrl+C to quit)...');
try {
log('🚀 Executing deeplink test...');
log('⚠️ iOS SECURITY DIALOG WILL APPEAR - Click "Open" to continue');
execSync(`xcrun simctl openurl booted "${test.url}"`, { stdio: 'pipe' });
log(`✅ Successfully executed: ${test.description}`);
// Show progress
log(`\n📊 Progress: ${testsCompleted}/${deeplinkTests.length} tests completed`);
// If there are more tests, show the next one
if (testsCompleted < deeplinkTests.length) {
const nextTest = deeplinkTests[testsCompleted];
log('\n⏭️ NEXT UP:');
log(`Next test will be: ${nextTest.description}`);
log(`URL: ${nextTest.url}`);
await question('\n⏎ Press Enter when ready for the next test...');
} catch (deeplinkError) {
const errorMessage = deeplinkError.message || '';
// Handle specific error for URL scheme not registered
if (errorMessage.includes('OSStatus error -10814') || errorMessage.includes('NSOSStatusErrorDomain, code=-10814')) {
log(`⚠️ URL scheme not properly handled: ${test.description}`);
} else {
log(`⚠️ Failed to execute deeplink test: ${test.description}`);
log(`⚠️ Error: ${errorMessage}`);
log('⚠️ Continuing with next test...');
// Show next test info after error handling
if (testsCompleted + testsSkipped < deeplinkTests.length) {
const nextTest = deeplinkTests[testsCompleted + testsSkipped];
log('\n⏭️ NEXT UP:');
log(`Next test will be: ${nextTest.description}`);
log(`URL: ${nextTest.url}`);
await question('\n⏎ Press Enter when ready for the next test...');
log('\n🎉 All deeplink tests completed!');
log(`✅ Successful: ${testsCompleted}`);
log(`⚠️ Skipped: ${testsSkipped}`);
if (testsSkipped > 0) {
log('\n📝 Note about skipped tests:');
log('1. The app needs to have the URL scheme registered in Info.plist');
log('2. The app needs to be rebuilt after registering the URL scheme');
log('3. The app must be running in the foreground for deeplink tests to work');
log('4. iOS security dialogs must be manually approved for each deeplink test');
log('5. If these conditions are met and tests still fail, check URL handling in the app code');
} catch (error) {
log(`❌ Deeplink tests setup failed: ${error.message}`);
log('⚠️ Deeplink tests might be unavailable or test data is missing');
// Check and register URL scheme if needed
const checkAndRegisterUrlScheme = (log) => {
log('🔍 Checking if URL scheme is registered in Info.plist...');
const infoPlistPath = 'ios/App/App/Info.plist';
// Check if Info.plist exists
if (!existsSync(infoPlistPath)) {
log('⚠️ Info.plist not found at: ' + infoPlistPath);
return false;
// Read Info.plist content
const infoPlistContent = readFileSync(infoPlistPath, 'utf8');
// Check if URL scheme is already registered
if (infoPlistContent.includes('<string>timesafari</string>')) {
log('✅ URL scheme "timesafari://" is already registered in Info.plist');
return true;
log('⚠️ URL scheme "timesafari://" is not registered in Info.plist');
log('⚠️ Attempting to register the URL scheme automatically...');
try {
// Look for the closing dict tag to insert our URL types
const closingDictIndex = infoPlistContent.lastIndexOf('</dict>');
if (closingDictIndex === -1) {
log('⚠️ Could not find closing dict tag in Info.plist');
return false;
// Create URL types entry
const urlTypesEntry = `
// Insert URL types entry before closing dict
const updatedPlistContent =
infoPlistContent.substring(0, closingDictIndex) +
urlTypesEntry +
// Write updated content back to Info.plist
const { writeFileSync } = require('fs');
writeFileSync(infoPlistPath, updatedPlistContent, 'utf8');
log('✅ URL scheme "timesafari://" registered in Info.plist');
log('⚠️ You will need to rebuild the app for changes to take effect');
return true;
} catch (error) {
log(`⚠️ Failed to register URL scheme: ${error.message}`);
return false;
// Helper function to get the app identifier from package.json or capacitor config
const getAppIdentifier = () => {
try {
// Try to read from capacitor.config.ts/js/json
if (existsSync('capacitor.config.json')) {
const config = JSON.parse(readFileSync('capacitor.config.json', 'utf8'));
return config.appId;
if (existsSync('capacitor.config.js')) {
// We can't directly require the file, but we can try to extract the appId
const content = readFileSync('capacitor.config.js', 'utf8');
const match = content.match(/appId:\s*['"]([^'"]+)['"]/);
if (match && match[1]) return match[1];
if (existsSync('capacitor.config.ts')) {
// Similar approach for TypeScript
const content = readFileSync('capacitor.config.ts', 'utf8');
const match = content.match(/appId:\s*['"]([^'"]+)['"]/);
if (match && match[1]) return match[1];
// Fall back to package.json
const packageJson = JSON.parse(readFileSync('package.json', 'utf8'));
if (packageJson.capacitor && packageJson.capacitor.appId) {
return packageJson.capacitor.appId;
// Default fallback
return 'app.timesafari';
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error getting app identifier:', error);
return 'app.timesafari'; // Default fallback
* Runs the complete iOS test suite including build and testing
* The function performs the following steps:
* 1. Cleans and resets the iOS platform
* 2. Verifies prerequisites and project setup
* 3. Syncs the Capacitor project with latest web build
* 4. Builds the app using xcodebuild
* 5. Optionally runs tests if configured
* 6. Launches the app in the simulator
* If no simulator is running, it automatically selects and boots one.
* @async
* @throws {Error} If any step in the build process fails
* @example
* runIosTests().catch(error => {
* console.error('Test execution failed:', error);
* process.exit(1);
* });
async function runIosTests() {
// Create build_logs directory if it doesn't exist
if (!existsSync('build_logs')) {
const logFile = getLogFileName();
const log = createLogger(logFile);
try {
log('🚀 Starting iOS build and test process...');
// Clean and reset iOS platform first
const cleanSuccess = await cleanIosPlatform(log);
if (!cleanSuccess) {
throw new Error('Failed to clean and reset iOS platform. Please check the logs for details.');
// Check prerequisites
await checkPrerequisites(log);
// Generate test data
await generateTestData(log);
// Verify Xcode installation
// Check for simulator or boot one if needed
const simulator = await checkSimulator(log);
// Configure iOS project
await configureIosProject(log);
// Build and test using the selected simulator
await buildAndTestIos(log, simulator);
// Run the app in the simulator
await runIosApp(log, simulator);
// Run deeplink tests after app is installed
await runDeeplinkTests(log);
log('🎉 iOS build and test process completed successfully');
log(`📝 Full build log available at: ${logFile}`);
} catch (error) {
log(`❌ iOS tests failed: ${error.message}`);
log(`📝 Check build log for details: ${logFile}`);
// Execute the test suite