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Building TimeSafari
This guide explains how to build TimeSafari for different platforms.
- Node.js (LTS version recommended)
- npm (comes with Node.js)
- Git
- For iOS builds: macOS with Xcode installed
- For Android builds: Android Studio with SDK installed
- For desktop builds: Additional build tools based on your OS
Initial Setup
Clone the repository:
git clone [repository-url] cd TimeSafari
Install dependencies:
npm install
Web Build
To build for web deployment:
Run the production build:
npm run build
The built files will be in the
directory. -
To test the production build locally:
npm run serve
Desktop Build (Electron)
Building for Linux
Build the electron app in production mode:
npm run build:electron-prod
Package the Electron app for Linux:
# For AppImage (recommended) npm run electron:build-linux # For .deb package npm run electron:build-linux-deb
The packaged applications will be in
:- AppImage:
- DEB:
- AppImage:
Running the Packaged App
AppImage: Make executable and run
chmod +x dist-electron-packages/TimeSafari-*.AppImage ./dist-electron-packages/TimeSafari-*.AppImage
DEB: Install and run
sudo dpkg -i dist-electron-packages/timesafari_*_amd64.deb timesafari
Development Testing
For testing the Electron build before packaging:
# Build and run in development mode (includes DevTools)
npm run electron:dev
# Build in production mode and test
npm run build:electron-prod && npm run electron:start
Mobile Builds (Capacitor)
iOS Build
Prerequisites: macOS with Xcode installed
Build the web assets:
npm run build:capacitor
Update iOS project with latest build:
npx cap sync ios
Open the project in Xcode:
npx cap open ios
Use Xcode to build and run on simulator or device.
If you have forked this to make your own app, you'll want to customize the ios files:
rm -rf ios
npx cap add ios
... and then repeat the steps above.
Android Build
Prerequisites: Android Studio with SDK installed
Build the web assets:
rm -rf dist npm run build:web npm run build:capacitor
Update Android project with latest build:
npx cap sync android
Open the project in Android Studio:
npx cap open android
Use Android Studio to build and run on emulator or device.
If you have forked this to make your own app, you'll want to customize the android files:
rm -rf android
npx cap add android
... and then: repeat the steps above, and look below for the deep link configuration.
Building Android from the console
cd android
./gradlew clean
./gradlew build -Dlint.baselines.continue=true
cd ..
npx cap run android
Configuring Android for deep links
You must add the following intent filter to the android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
<intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<data android:scheme="timesafari" />
You must also add the following to the android/app/build.gradle
android {
// ... existing config ...
lintOptions {
disable 'UnsanitizedFilenameFromContentProvider'
abortOnError false
baseline file("lint-baseline.xml")
// Ignore Capacitor module issues
ignore 'DefaultLocale'
ignore 'UnsanitizedFilenameFromContentProvider'
ignore 'LintBaseline'
ignore 'LintBaselineFixed'
Modify /android/build.gradle
to use a stable version of AGP and make sure Kotlin version is compatible.
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
// Use a stable version of AGP
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:8.1.0'
// Make sure Kotlin version is compatible
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.8.0"
allprojects {
repositories {
// Add this to handle version conflicts
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy {
force 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.8.0'
force 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-common:1.8.0'
PyWebView Desktop Build
Prerequisites for PyWebView
Python 3.8 or higher
pip (Python package manager)
virtualenv (recommended)
System dependencies:
# For Ubuntu/Debian sudo apt-get install python3-webview # or sudo apt-get install python3-gi python3-gi-cairo gir1.2-gtk-3.0 gir1.2-webkit2-4.0 # For Arch Linux sudo pacman -S webkit2gtk python-gobject python-cairo # For Fedora sudo dnf install python3-webview # or sudo dnf install python3-gobject python3-cairo webkit2gtk3
Create and activate a virtual environment (recommended):
python -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate # On Linux/macOS # or .venv\Scripts\activate # On Windows
Install Python dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If encountering PyInstaller version errors:
# Try installing the latest stable version
pip install --upgrade pyinstaller
Development of PyWebView
Start the PyWebView development build:
npm run pywebview:dev
Building for Distribution
npm run pywebview:package-linux
The packaged application will be in dist/TimeSafari
npm run pywebview:package-win
The packaged application will be in dist/TimeSafari
npm run pywebview:package-mac
The packaged application will be in dist/TimeSafari
Run local tests:
npm run test-local
See TESTING.md for more details.
Check code style:
npm run lint
Fix code style issues:
npm run lint-fix
Environment Configuration
See .env.*
files for configuration.
- The application uses PWA (Progressive Web App) features for web builds
- Electron builds disable PWA features automatically
- Build output directories:
- Web:
- Electron:
- Capacitor:
- Web:
Version Management
Update CHANGELOG.md with new changes
Update version in package.json
Commit changes and tag release:
git tag <VERSION_TAG> git push origin <VERSION_TAG>
After deployment, update package.json with next version + "-beta"
Test Server
# Build using staging environment
npm run build -- --mode staging
# Deploy to test server
rsync -azvu -e "ssh -i ~/.ssh/<YOUR_KEY>" dist ubuntutest@test.timesafari.app:time-safari/
Production Server
# On the production server:
pkgx +npm sh
cd crowd-funder-for-time-pwa
git checkout master && git pull
git checkout <VERSION_TAG>
npm install
npm run build
cd -
# Backup and deploy
mv time-safari/dist time-safari-dist-prev.0 && mv crowd-funder-for-time-pwa/dist time-safari/
Troubleshooting Builds
Common Build Issues
Missing Environment Variables
- Check that all required variables are set in your .env file
- For development, ensure local services are running on correct ports
Electron Build Failures
- Verify Node.js version compatibility
- Check that all required dependencies are installed
- Ensure proper paths in electron/main.js
Mobile Build Issues
- For iOS: Xcode command line tools must be installed
- For Android: Correct SDK version must be installed
- Check Capacitor configuration in capacitor.config.ts