Nobody has confirmed this.
One person has confirmed this.
{{ totalConfirmers() }} people have confirmed this.
Nobody that you know confirmed this claim, nor do they have any
confirmers in their network.
Nobody that you know has issued or confirmed this claim.
The following people have confirmed this claim.
{{ didInfo(confirmerId) }}
The following people can connect you with people who have issued or
confirmed this claim.
{{ didInfo(confsVisibleTo) }}
You have confirmed this claim.
You cannot confirm this because you issued this claim, so you already
count as confirming it.
You cannot confirm this because it contains hidden identifiers.
Some of the details are not visible to you; they show as "HIDDEN". They
are not visible to any of your direct contacts, either.
You can ask one of your contacts to take a look and see if their
contacts can see more details:
click to send them this page info
and see if they can make an introduction. Someone is connected to
people closer to them; if you don't know who to ask, try the person
who registered you.
You can ask one of your contacts to take a look and see if their
contacts can see more details:
click to copy this page info
and see if they can make an introduction. Someone is connected to
people closer to them; if you don't know who to ask, try the person
who registered you.