import json import time from mnemonic import Mnemonic from eth_account import Account import jwt import requests from typing import Tuple, Dict, Any # Constants DEFAULT_ROOT_DERIVATION_PATH = "m/84737769'/0'/0'/0'" API_SERVER = "" # Replace with your endorser API URL # Step 1: Generate a mnemonic seed phrase def generate_mnemonic() -> str: mnemo = Mnemonic("english") return mnemo.generate(strength=256) # 24-word mnemonic # Step 2: Derive Ethereum address and keys from mnemonic def derive_address(mnemonic: str, derivation_path: str = DEFAULT_ROOT_DERIVATION_PATH) -> Tuple[str, str, str, str]: mnemonic = mnemonic.strip().lower() seed = Mnemonic("english").to_seed(mnemonic) # Derive the account using eth-account (simplified, assumes single derivation) account = Account.from_mnemonic(mnemonic, account_path=derivation_path) address = account.address private_hex = account.privateKey.hex()[2:] # Remove '0x' public_hex = account.key.public_key.to_hex()[2:] # Remove '0x' return address, private_hex, public_hex, derivation_path # Step 3: Create a DID identifier def new_identifier(address: str, public_key_hex: str, private_key_hex: str, derivation_path: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: did = f"did:ethr:{address}" key_id = f"{did}#keys-1" identifier = { "did": did, "keys": [{ "id": key_id, "type": "Secp256k1VerificationKey2018", "controller": did, "ethereumAddress": address, "publicKeyHex": public_key_hex, "privateKeyHex": private_key_hex }], "services": [] } return identifier # Step 4: Initialize a new account (DID creation) def initialize_account() -> Dict[str, Any]: # Generate mnemonic mnemonic = generate_mnemonic() # Derive keys and address address, private_hex, public_hex, derivation_path = derive_address(mnemonic) # Create DID identifier identity = new_identifier(address, public_hex, private_hex, derivation_path) # Simulate storing (in a real app, save to a database) account_data = { "did": identity["did"], "identity": json.dumps(identity), "mnemonic": mnemonic, "derivation_path": derivation_path } print("Account initialized:", account_data) return identity # Step 5: Create a Verifiable Credential JWT def create_endorser_jwt(did: str, private_key_hex: str, payload: Dict[str, Any], expires_in: int = 3600) -> str: # Prepare JWT headers and payload headers = {"typ": "JWT", "alg": "ES256K"} current_time = int(time.time()) jwt_payload = { "iat": current_time, "exp": current_time + expires_in, "iss": did, **payload } # Sign the JWT using the private key private_key_bytes = bytes.fromhex(private_key_hex) jwt_token = jwt.encode( jwt_payload, private_key_bytes, algorithm="ES256K", headers=headers ) return jwt_token # Step 6: Create and submit a registration claim def register(active_did: str, private_key_hex: str, api_server: str = API_SERVER) -> Dict[str, Any]: # Create a simple VC payload (replace with your specific claim) vc_payload = { "vc": { "@context": [""], "type": ["VerifiableCredential"], "credentialSubject": { "id": active_did, "status": "registered" } } } # Sign the VC as a JWT jwt_token = create_endorser_jwt(active_did, private_key_hex, vc_payload) # Submit to the API url = f"{api_server}/api/v2/claim" payload = {"jwtEncoded": jwt_token} try: response = url, json=payload, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"} ) response_data = response.json() if response.status_code == 200 and response_data.get("success"): return {"success": True} else: return {"error": "Registration failed", "details": response_data} except requests.RequestException as e: return {"error": f"Error submitting claim: {str(e)}"} # Main execution def main(): # Step 1: Create a new DID identity = initialize_account() active_did = identity["did"] private_key_hex = identity["keys"][0]["privateKeyHex"] # Step 2: Register the DID result = register(active_did, private_key_hex) print("Registration result:", result) if __name__ == "__main__": main()