# TimeSafari.app - Crowd-Funder for Time - PWA

[Time Safari](https://timesafari.org/) allows people to ease into collaboration: start with expressions of gratitude
and expand to crowd-fund with time & money, then record and see the impact of contributions.

## Roadmap

See [project.task.yaml](project.task.yaml) for current priorities.
(Numbers at the beginning of lines are estimated hours. See [taskyaml.org](https://taskyaml.org/) for details.)

## Setup & Building

Quick start:

npm install
npm run dev

See the test locations for "IMAGE_API_SERVER" or "PARTNER_API_SERVER" below, or use <http://localhost:3000> for local endorser.ch

### Build the test & production app

npm run serve

### Lint and fix files

npm run lint

### Run all UI tests

Look below for the "test-all" instructions.

### Compile and minify for test & production

* If there are DB changes: before updating the test server, open browser(s) with current version to test DB migrations.

* `npx prettier --write ./sw_scripts/`

* Update the ClickUp tasks & CHANGELOG.md & the version in package.json, run `npm install`.

* Commit everything (since the commit hash is used the app).

* Put the commit hash in the changelog (which will help you remember to bump the version later).

* Tag with the new version, [online](https://gitea.anomalistdesign.com/trent_larson/crowd-funder-for-time-pwa/releases) or `git tag 0.3.55 && git push origin 0.3.55`.

* For test, build the app (because test server is not yet set up to build):

TIME_SAFARI_APP_TITLE="TimeSafari_Test" VITE_APP_SERVER=https://test.timesafari.app VITE_BVC_MEETUPS_PROJECT_CLAIM_ID=https://endorser.ch/entity/01HWE8FWHQ1YGP7GFZYYPS272F VITE_DEFAULT_ENDORSER_API_SERVER=https://test-api.endorser.ch VITE_DEFAULT_IMAGE_API_SERVER=https://test-image-api.timesafari.app VITE_DEFAULT_PARTNER_API_SERVER=https://test-partner-api.endorser.ch VITE_PASSKEYS_ENABLED=true npm run build

   ... and transfer to the test server:

   rsync -azvu -e "ssh -i ~/.ssh/..." dist ubuntutest@test.timesafari.app:time-safari

(Let's replace that with a .env.development or .env.staging file.)

(Note: The test BVC_MEETUPS_PROJECT_CLAIM_ID does not resolve as a URL because it's only in the test DB and the prod redirect won't redirect there.)

* For prod, get on the server and run the correct build:

  ... and log onto the server:

  * `pkgx +npm sh`

  * `cd crowd-funder-for-time-pwa && git checkout master && git pull && git checkout 0.3.55 && npm install && npm run build && cd -`

  (The plain `npm run build` uses the .env.production file.)

* Back up the time-safari/dist folder & deploy: `mv time-safari/dist time-safari-dist-prev.0 && mv crowd-funder-for-time-pwa/dist time-safari/`

* Record the new hash in the changelog. Edit package.json to increment version & add "-beta", `npm install`, and commit. Also record what version is on production.

## Tests

See [TESTING.md](test-playwright/TESTING.md) for detailed test instructions.

## Icons

To add an icon, add to main.ts and reference with `fa` element and `icon` attribute with the hyphenated name.

## Other

### Reference Material

* Notifications can be type of `toast` (self-dismiss), `info`, `success`, `warning`, and `danger`.
  They are done via [notiwind](https://www.npmjs.com/package/notiwind) and set up in App.vue.

* [Customize Vue configuration](https://cli.vuejs.org/config/).

* If you are deploying in a subdirectory, add it to `publicPath` in vue.config.js, eg: `publicPath: "/app/time-tracker/",`

### Kudos

Gifts make the world go 'round!

* [WebStorm by JetBrains](https://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/) for the free open-source license
* [Máximo Fernández](https://medium.com/@maxfarenas) for the 3D [code](https://github.com/maxfer03/vue-three-ns) and [explanatory post](https://medium.com/nicasource/building-an-interactive-web-portfolio-with-vue-three-js-part-three-implementing-three-js-452cb375ef80)
* [Many tools & libraries](https://gitea.anomalistdesign.com/trent_larson/crowd-funder-for-time-pwa/src/branch/master/package.json#L10) such as Nodejs.org, IntelliJ Idea, Veramo.io, Vuejs.org, threejs.org
* [Bush 3D model](https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/lupine-plant-bf30f1110c174d4baedda0ed63778439)
* [Forest floor image](https://www.goodfreephotos.com/albums/textures/leafy-autumn-forest-floor.jpg)
* Time Safari logo assisted by [DALL-E in ChatGPT](https://chat.openai.com/g/g-2fkFE8rbu-dall-e)
* [DiceBear](https://www.dicebear.com/licenses/) and [Avataaars](https://www.dicebear.com/styles/avataaars/#details) for human-looking identicons
* Some gratitude prompts thanks to [Develop Good Habits](https://www.developgoodhabits.com/gratitude-journal-prompts/)