Adds native deep linking capabilities:
- Configure timesafari:// URL scheme for iOS and Android
- Add @capacitor/app dependency and configuration
- Implement deep link handler with improved error logging
- Support parameterized routes like claim/:id
- Add debug logging for native platforms
- Handle app mounting state for deep links
Technical changes:
- Update AndroidManifest.xml with intent filters
- Add URL scheme to iOS Info.plist
- Add @capacitor/app to Podfile and Gradle
- Enhance main.capacitor.ts with robust deep link handling
- Update gradle wrapper from 8.9 to 8.10.2
- Update android build tools from 8.7.3 to 8.8.0
- Maintain build compatibility with latest tooling
These updates ensure the Android build process uses the latest stable
versions of the build tools and gradle wrapper.