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test: enhance deep link testing with real JWT examples

- Add real JWT example for invite testing
- Add detailed JWT payload documentation
- Update with valid claim IDs
- Add test case for single contact invite
- Improve test descriptions and organization

This improves test coverage by using real-world JWT examples
and valid claim identifiers.
Matthew Raymer 2 weeks ago
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 26
  4. 30
  5. 125
  6. 254
  7. 279
  8. 47
  9. 23


@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ export interface PlanSummaryRecord {
name?: string;
startTime?: string;
url?: string;
jwtId?: string;


@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import {
App as CapacitorApp,
} from '../../../node_modules/@capacitor/app';
} from "../../../node_modules/@capacitor/app";
import type { PluginListenerHandle } from "@capacitor/core";


@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
* @fileoverview Endorser Server Interface and Utilities
* @author Matthew Raymer
* This module provides the interface and utilities for interacting with the Endorser server.
* It handles authentication, data validation, and server communication for claims, contacts,
* and other core functionality.
* Key Features:
* - Deep link URL path constants
* - DID validation and handling
* - Contact management utilities
* - Server authentication
* - Plan caching
* @module endorserServer
@ -136,35 +136,35 @@ export function isEmptyOrHiddenDid(did?: string): boolean {
* @param {Function} func - Test function to apply to strings
* @param {any} input - Object/array to recursively test
* @returns {boolean} True if any string passes the test function
* @example
* testRecursivelyOnStrings(isDid, { user: { id: "did:example:123" } })
* // Returns: true
* Recursively tests strings within a nested object/array structure against a test function
* This function traverses through objects and arrays to find all string values and applies
* a test function to each string found. It handles:
* - Direct string values
* - Strings in objects (at any depth)
* - Strings in arrays (at any depth)
* - Mixed nested structures (objects containing arrays containing objects, etc)
* @param {Function} func - Test function that takes a string and returns boolean
* @param {any} input - Value to recursively search (can be string, object, array, or other)
* @returns {boolean} True if any string in the structure passes the test function
* @example
* // Test if any string is a DID
* const obj = {
* user: {
* user: {
* id: "did:example:123",
* details: ["name", "did:example:456"]
* details: ["name", "did:example:456"]
* }
* };
* testRecursivelyOnStrings(isDid, obj); // Returns: true
* @example
* // Test for hidden DIDs
* const obj = {
@ -175,12 +175,12 @@ export function isEmptyOrHiddenDid(did?: string): boolean {
function testRecursivelyOnStrings(
func: (arg0: any) => boolean,
input: any
input: any,
): boolean {
// Test direct string values
if ( === "[object String]") {
return func(input);
// Recursively test objects and arrays
else if (input instanceof Object) {
if (!Array.isArray(input)) {
@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ const planCache: LRUCache<string, PlanSummaryRecord> = new LRUCache({
* @param {string} apiServer - API server URL
* @param {string} [requesterDid] - Optional requester DID for private info
* @returns {Promise<PlanSummaryRecord|undefined>} Plan data or undefined if not found
* @throws {Error} If server request fails
export async function getPlanFromCache(


@ -145,28 +145,28 @@ import { Contact, ContactMethod } from "../db/tables/contacts";
* Contact Edit View Component
* @author Matthew Raymer
* This component provides a full-featured contact editing interface with support for:
* - Basic contact information (name, notes)
* - Multiple contact methods with type selection
* - Data validation and persistence
* Workflow:
* 1. Component loads with DID from route params
* 2. Fetches existing contact data from IndexedDB
* 3. Presents editable form with current values
* 4. Validates and saves updates back to database
* Contact Method Types:
* - CELL: Mobile phone numbers
* - EMAIL: Email addresses
* - WHATSAPP: WhatsApp contact info
* State Management:
* - Maintains separate state for form fields to prevent direct mutation
* - Handles array cloning for contact methods to prevent reference issues
* - Manages dropdown state for method type selection
* Navigation:
* - Back button returns to previous view
* - Save redirects to contact detail view
@ -207,13 +207,13 @@ export default class ContactEditView extends Vue {
* Component lifecycle hook that initializes the contact edit form
* Workflow:
* 1. Extracts DID from route parameters
* 2. Queries database for existing contact
* 3. Populates form fields with contact data
* 4. Handles missing contact error case
* @throws Will not throw but redirects on error
* @emits Notification on contact not found
* @emits Router navigation on error
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ export default class ContactEditView extends Vue {
* Adds a new empty contact method to the methods array
* Creates a new method object with empty fields for:
* - label: Custom label for the method
* - type: Communication type (CELL, EMAIL, WHATSAPP)
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ export default class ContactEditView extends Vue {
* Removes a contact method at the specified index
* @param index The array index of the method to remove
removeContactMethod(index: number) {
@ -261,10 +261,10 @@ export default class ContactEditView extends Vue {
* Toggles the type selection dropdown for a contact method
* If the clicked dropdown is already open, closes it.
* If another dropdown is open, closes it and opens the clicked one.
* @param index The array index of the method whose dropdown to toggle
toggleDropdown(index: number) {
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ export default class ContactEditView extends Vue {
* Sets the type for a contact method and closes the dropdown
* @param index The array index of the method to update
* @param type The new type value (CELL, EMAIL, WHATSAPP)
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ export default class ContactEditView extends Vue {
* Saves the edited contact information to the database
* Workflow:
* 1. Clones contact methods array to prevent reference issues
* 2. Normalizes method types to uppercase
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ export default class ContactEditView extends Vue {
* 4. Updates database with new values
* 5. Notifies user of success
* 6. Redirects to contact detail view
* @throws Will not throw but notifies on validation errors
* @emits Notification on type changes or success
* @emits Router navigation on success
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ export default class ContactEditView extends Vue {
async saveEdit() {
// without this conversion, "Failed to execute 'put' on 'IDBObjectStore': [object Array] could not be cloned."
const contactMethodsObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.contactMethods));
// Normalize method types to uppercase
const contactMethods = ContactMethod) =>
R.set(R.lensProp("type"), method.type.toUpperCase(), method),


@ -3,7 +3,10 @@
<section id="Content" class="p-6 pb-24 max-w-3xl mx-auto">
<!-- Back -->
<div class="text-lg text-center font-light relative px-7">
<h1 class="text-lg text-center px-2 py-1 absolute -left-2 -top-1" @click="$router.back()">
class="text-lg text-center px-2 py-1 absolute -left-2 -top-1"
<font-awesome icon="chevron-left" class="fa-fw"></font-awesome>
@ -17,28 +20,43 @@
<font-awesome icon="spinner" class="animate-spin" />
<div v-else>
<span v-if="contactsImporting.length > sameCount" class="flex justify-center">
v-if="contactsImporting.length > sameCount"
class="flex justify-center"
<input v-model="makeVisible" type="checkbox" class="mr-2" />
Make my activity visible to these contacts.
<div v-if="sameCount > 0">
<span v-if="sameCount == 1">One contact is the same as an existing contact</span>
<span v-else>{{ sameCount }} contacts are the same as existing contacts</span>
<span v-if="sameCount == 1"
>One contact is the same as an existing contact</span
<span v-else
>{{ sameCount }} contacts are the same as existing contacts</span
<!-- Results List -->
<ul v-if="contactsImporting.length > sameCount" class="border-t border-slate-300">
v-if="contactsImporting.length > sameCount"
class="border-t border-slate-300"
<li v-for="(contact, index) in contactsImporting" :key="contact.did">
<div v-if="
!contactsExisting[contact.did] ||
" class="grow overflow-hidden border-b border-slate-300 pt-2.5 pb-4">
!contactsExisting[contact.did] ||
class="grow overflow-hidden border-b border-slate-300 pt-2.5 pb-4"
<h2 class="text-base font-semibold">
<input v-model="contactsSelected[index]" type="checkbox" />
{{ || AppString.NO_CONTACT_NAME }}
<span v-if="contactsExisting[contact.did]" class="text-orange-500">Existing</span>
<span v-if="contactsExisting[contact.did]" class="text-orange-500"
<span v-else class="text-green-500">New</span>
<div class="text-sm truncate">
@ -51,9 +69,13 @@
<div class="font-bold">Old Value</div>
<div class="font-bold">New Value</div>
<div v-for="(value, contactField) in contactDifferences[
]" :key="contactField" class="grid grid-cols-3 border">
v-for="(value, contactField) in contactDifferences[
class="grid grid-cols-3 border"
<div class="border font-bold p-1">
{{ capitalizeAndInsertSpacesBeforeCaps(contactField) }}
@ -66,7 +88,8 @@
class="bg-gradient-to-b from-blue-400 to-blue-700 shadow-[inset_0_-1px_0_0_rgba(0,0,0,0.5)] text-sm text-white mt-2 px-2 py-1.5 rounded"
Import Selected Contacts
@ -78,10 +101,18 @@
get the full text and paste it. (Note that iOS cuts off data in text
messages.) Ask the person to send the data a different way, eg. email.
<div class="mt-4 text-center">
<textarea v-model="inputJwt" placeholder="Contact-import data"
class="mt-4 border-2 border-gray-300 p-2 rounded" cols="30" @input="() => checkContactJwt(inputJwt)" />
placeholder="Contact-import data"
class="mt-4 border-2 border-gray-300 p-2 rounded"
@input="() => checkContactJwt(inputJwt)"
<br />
<button class="ml-2 p-2 bg-blue-500 text-white rounded" @click="() => processContactJwt(inputJwt)">
class="ml-2 p-2 bg-blue-500 text-white rounded"
@click="() => processContactJwt(inputJwt)"
Check Import
@ -94,26 +125,26 @@
* @file Contact Import View Component
* @author Matthew Raymer
* This component handles the import of contacts into the TimeSafari app.
* It supports multiple import methods and handles duplicate detection,
* contact validation, and visibility settings.
* Import Methods:
* 1. Direct URL Query Parameters:
* Example: /contact-import?contacts=[{"did":"did:example:123","name":"Alice"}]
* 2. JWT in URL Path:
* Example: /contact-import/eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksifQ...
* - Supports both single and bulk imports
* - JWT payload can be either:
* a) Array format: { contacts: [{did: "...", name: "..."}, ...] }
* b) Single contact: { own: true, did: "...", name: "..." }
* 3. Manual JWT Input:
* - Accepts pasted JWT strings
* - Validates format and content before processing
* URL Examples:
* ```
* # Bulk import via query params
@ -121,35 +152,35 @@
* {"did":"did:example:123","name":"Alice"},
* {"did":"did:example:456","name":"Bob"}
* ]
* # Single contact via JWT
* /contact-import/eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksifQ.eyJvd24iOnRydWUsImRpZCI6ImRpZDpleGFtcGxlOjEyMyJ9...
* # Bulk import via JWT
* /contact-import/eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksifQ.eyJjb250YWN0cyI6W3siZGlkIjoiZGlkOmV4YW1wbGU6MTIzIn1dfQ...
* # Redirect to contacts page (single contact)
* /contacts?contactJwt=eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksifQ...
* ```
* Features:
* - Automatic duplicate detection
* - Field-by-field comparison for existing contacts
* - Batch visibility settings
* - Auto-import for single new contacts
* - Error handling and validation
* State Management:
* - Tracks existing contacts
* - Maintains selection state for bulk imports
* - Records differences for duplicate contacts
* - Manages visibility settings
* Security Considerations:
* - JWT validation for imported contacts
* - Visibility control per contact
* - Error handling for malformed data
* @example
* // Component usage in router
* {
@ -157,7 +188,7 @@
* name: "contact-import",
* component: ContactImportView
* }
* @see {@link Contact} for contact data structure
* @see {@link setVisibilityUtil} for visibility management
@ -188,21 +219,21 @@ import { decodeEndorserJwt } from "../libs/crypto/vc";
* Contact Import View Component
* @author Matthew Raymer
* This component handles the secure import of contacts into TimeSafari via JWT tokens.
* It supports both single and multiple contact imports with validation and duplicate detection.
* Import Workflows:
* 1. JWT in URL Path (/contact-import/[JWT])
* - Extracts JWT from path
* - Decodes and validates contact data
* - Handles both single and multiple contacts
* 2. JWT in Query Parameter (/contacts?contactJwt=[JWT])
* - Used for single contact redirects
* - Processes JWT from query parameter
* - Redirects to appropriate view
* JWT Payload Structure:
* ```json
* {
@ -216,13 +247,13 @@ import { decodeEndorserJwt } from "../libs/crypto/vc";
* "iss": "did:ethr:0x..."
* }
* ```
* Security Features:
* - JWT validation
* - Issuer verification
* - Duplicate detection
* - Contact data validation
* @component
@ -275,23 +306,23 @@ export default class ContactImportView extends Vue {
* Component lifecycle hook that initializes the contact import process
* This method handles three distinct import scenarios:
* 1. Query Parameter Import:
* - Checks for contacts in URL query parameters
* - Parses JSON array of contacts if present
* 2. JWT URL Import:
* - Extracts JWT from URL path using regex pattern '/contact-import/(ey.+)$'
* - Decodes JWT without validation (supports future-dated QR codes)
* - Handles two JWT payload formats:
* a. Array format: payload.contacts or direct array
* b. Single contact format: redirects to contacts page with JWT
* 3. Auto-Import Logic:
* - Automatically imports if exactly one new contact is present
* - Only triggers if no existing contacts match
* @throws Will not throw but logs errors during JWT processing
* @emits router.push when redirecting for single contact import
@ -328,7 +359,7 @@ export default class ContactImportView extends Vue {
// JWT tokens always start with 'ey' (base64url encoded header)
const JWT_PATTERN = /\/contact-import\/(ey.+)$/;
const jwt = window.location.pathname.match(JWT_PATTERN)?.[1];
if (jwt) {
const parsedJwt = decodeEndorserJwt(jwt);
const contacts: Array<Contact> =
@ -391,7 +422,12 @@ export default class ContactImportView extends Vue {
> = {};
Object.keys(contactIn).forEach((key) => {
if (!R.equals(contactIn[key as keyof Contact], existingContact[key as keyof Contact])) {
if (
contactIn[key as keyof Contact],
existingContact[key as keyof Contact],
) {
differences[key] = {
old: existingContact[key as keyof Contact],
new: contactIn[key as keyof Contact],
@ -517,8 +553,9 @@ export default class ContactImportView extends Vue {
group: "alert",
type: "danger",
title: "Visibility Error",
text: `Failed to set visibility for ${failedVisibileToContacts.length} contact${failedVisibileToContacts.length == 1 ? "" : "s"
}. You must set them individually: ${ =>", ")}`,
text: `Failed to set visibility for ${failedVisibileToContacts.length} contact${
failedVisibileToContacts.length == 1 ? "" : "s"
}. You must set them individually: ${ =>", ")}`,


@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue } from "vue-facing-decorator";
import { Router } from "vue-router";
import { Router, RouteLocationNormalized } from "vue-router";
import QuickNav from "../components/QuickNav.vue";
import { APP_SERVER, NotificationIface } from "../constants/app";
@ -52,19 +52,69 @@ import { decodeEndorserJwt } from "../libs/crypto/vc";
import { errorStringForLog } from "../libs/endorserServer";
import { generateSaveAndActivateIdentity } from "../libs/util";
@Component({ components: { QuickNav } })
* Invite One Accept View Component
* @author Matthew Raymer
* This component handles accepting single-use invitations to join the platform.
* It supports multiple invitation formats and provides user feedback during the process.
* Workflow:
* 1. Component loads with JWT from route or user input
* 2. Validates JWT format and signature
* 3. Processes invite data and redirects to contacts page
* 4. Handles errors with user feedback
* Supported Invite Formats:
* 1. Direct JWT in URL path: /invite-one-accept/{jwt}
* 2. JWT in text message URL:{jwt}
* 3. JWT surrounded by other text: "Your invite code is {jwt}"
* Security Features:
* - JWT validation
* - Identity generation if needed
* - Error handling for invalid/expired invites
* @see ContactsView for completion of invite process
components: { QuickNav },
export default class InviteOneAcceptView extends Vue {
/** Notification function injected by Vue */
$notify!: (notification: NotificationIface, timeout?: number) => void;
/** Router instance for navigation */
$router!: Router;
/** Route instance for current route */
$route!: RouteLocationNormalized;
activeDid: string = "";
apiServer: string = "";
checkingInvite: boolean = true;
inputJwt: string = "";
/** Active user's DID */
activeDid = "";
/** API server endpoint */
apiServer = "";
/** Loading state for invite processing */
checkingInvite = true;
/** User input for manual JWT entry */
inputJwt = "";
* Component lifecycle hook that initializes invite processing
* Workflow:
* 1. Opens database connection
* 2. Retrieves account settings
* 3. Ensures active DID exists or generates one
* 4. Extracts JWT from URL path
* 5. Processes invite automatically
* @throws Will not throw but logs errors
* @emits Notifications on errors
async mounted() {
this.checkingInvite = true;
// Load or generate identity
const settings = await retrieveSettingsForActiveAccount();
this.activeDid = settings.activeDid || "";
this.apiServer = settings.apiServer || "";
@ -73,81 +123,155 @@ export default class InviteOneAcceptView extends Vue {
this.activeDid = await generateSaveAndActivateIdentity();
const jwt = window.location.pathname.substring(
// Extract JWT from route path
const jwt = (this.$route.params.jwt as string) || "";
await this.processInvite(jwt, false);
this.checkingInvite = false;
// process the invite JWT and/or text message containing the URL with the JWT
* Processes an invite JWT and/or text containing the invite
* Handles multiple input formats:
* 1. Direct JWT:
* - Raw JWT string starting with "ey"
* - Example: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksifQ...
* 2. URL containing JWT:
* - Full URL with JWT in path
* - Pattern: /invite-one-accept/{jwt}
* - Example:
* 3. Text with embedded JWT:
* - JWT surrounded by other text
* - Uses regex to extract JWT pattern
* - Example: "Your invite code is eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1Q... Click to accept"
* Extraction Process:
* 1. First attempts URL pattern match
* 2. If no URL found, looks for JWT pattern (ey...)
* 3. Validates extracted JWT format
* 4. Redirects to contacts page on success
* Error Handling:
* - Missing JWT: Shows "Missing Invite" notification
* - Invalid JWT: Logs error and shows generic error message
* - Network Issues: Captured in try/catch block
* @param jwtInput Raw input that may contain a JWT
* @param notifyOnFailure Whether to show error notifications
* - true: Shows UI notifications for errors
* - false: Silently logs errors (used for auto-processing)
* @throws Will not throw but logs errors
* @emits Notifications on errors if notifyOnFailure is true
* @emits Router navigation on success to /contacts?inviteJwt={jwt}
async processInvite(jwtInput: string, notifyOnFailure: boolean) {
this.checkingInvite = true;
try {
let jwt: string = jwtInput ?? "";
// parse the string: extract the URL or JWT if surrounded by spaces
// and then extract the JWT from the URL
// (For another approach used with contacts, see getContactPayloadFromJwtUrl)
const urlMatch = jwtInput.match(/(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/);
if (urlMatch && urlMatch[1]) {
// extract the JWT from the URL, meaning any character except "?"
const internalMatch = urlMatch[1].match(/\/invite-one-accept\/([^?]+)/);
if (internalMatch && internalMatch[1]) {
jwt = internalMatch[1];
} else {
// extract the JWT (which starts with "ey") if it is surrounded by other input
const spaceMatch = jwtInput.match(/(ey[\w.-]+)/);
if (spaceMatch && spaceMatch[1]) {
jwt = spaceMatch[1];
const jwt = this.extractJwtFromInput(jwtInput);
if (!jwt) {
if (notifyOnFailure) {
group: "alert",
type: "danger",
title: "Missing Invite",
text: "There was no invite. Paste the entire text that has the data.",
} else {
//const payload: JWTPayload =
// That's good enough for an initial check.
// Send them to the contacts page to finish, with inviteJwt in the query string.
name: "contacts",
query: { inviteJwt: jwt },
await this.validateAndRedirect(jwt);
} catch (error) {
const fullError = "Error accepting invite: " + errorStringForLog(error);
logConsoleAndDb(fullError, true);
if (notifyOnFailure) {
group: "alert",
type: "danger",
title: "Error",
text: "There was an error processing that invite.",
this.handleError(error, notifyOnFailure);
} finally {
this.checkingInvite = false;
* Extracts JWT from various input formats
* @param input Raw input text
* @returns Extracted JWT or empty string
private extractJwtFromInput(input: string): string {
const jwtInput = input ?? "";
// Try URL format first
const urlMatch = jwtInput.match(/(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/);
if (urlMatch?.[1]) {
const internalMatch = urlMatch[1].match(/\/invite-one-accept\/([^?]+)/);
if (internalMatch?.[1]) return internalMatch[1];
// Try direct JWT format
const spaceMatch = jwtInput.match(/(ey[\w.-]+)/);
if (spaceMatch?.[1]) return spaceMatch[1];
return "";
* Validates JWT and redirects to contacts page
* @param jwt JWT to validate
private async validateAndRedirect(jwt: string) {
name: "contacts",
query: { inviteJwt: jwt },
* Handles missing JWT error
* @param notify Whether to show notification
private handleMissingJwt(notify: boolean) {
if (notify) {
group: "alert",
type: "danger",
title: "Missing Invite",
text: "There was no invite. Paste the entire text that has the data.",
* Handles processing errors
* @param error Error that occurred
* @param notify Whether to show notification
private handleError(error: unknown, notify: boolean) {
const fullError = "Error accepting invite: " + errorStringForLog(error);
logConsoleAndDb(fullError, true);
if (notify) {
group: "alert",
type: "danger",
title: "Error",
text: "There was an error processing that invite.",
this.checkingInvite = false;
// check the invite JWT
* Validates invite data format
* Checks for common error cases:
* - Truncated URLs
* - Missing JWT data
* - Invalid URL formats
* @param jwtInput Raw input to validate
* @throws Will not throw but shows notifications
* @emits Notifications on validation errors
async checkInvite(jwtInput: string) {
if (
jwtInput.endsWith(APP_SERVER) ||


@ -193,6 +193,38 @@ import {
import * as libsUtil from "../libs/util";
import { retrieveAccountDids } from "../libs/util";
* Offer Details View Component
* @author Matthew Raymer
* This component handles the creation and editing of offers within the platform.
* It supports both new offers and editing existing ones, with validation and
* submission handling.
* Features:
* - Offer amount and unit selection
* - Item description
* - Conditional requirements
* - Expiration date setting
* - Project or recipient targeting
* - Raw claim editing option
* Data Flow:
* 1. Component loads with optional previous offer data
* 2. Retrieves account settings and contact information
* 3. Populates form with existing or default values
* 4. Validates and submits offer to server
* 5. Redirects on success or shows error
* Security Features:
* - DID validation
* - JWT handling for edits
* - Server-side validation
* - Privacy controls for data sharing
* @see GiftedDialog for related gift creation
* @see ClaimAddRawView for raw claim editing
components: {
@ -200,35 +232,96 @@ import { retrieveAccountDids } from "../libs/util";
export default class OfferDetailsView extends Vue {
/** Notification function injected by Vue */
$notify!: (notification: NotificationIface, timeout?: number) => void;
/** Current route instance */
$route!: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded;
/** Router instance for navigation */
$router!: Router;
/** Currently active DID */
activeDid = "";
/** API server endpoint */
apiServer = "";
/** Offer amount input field */
amountInput = "0";
/** Conditions for the offer */
descriptionOfCondition = "";
/** Description of offered item */
descriptionOfItem = "";
/** Path to redirect after completion */
destinationPathAfter = "";
/** Controls back button visibility */
hideBackButton = false;
/** Additional message to display */
message = "";
/** Flag for project assignment */
offeredToProject = false;
/** Flag for recipient assignment */
offeredToRecipient = false;
/** DID of offer creator */
offererDid: string | undefined;
/** Offer ID for editing */
offerId = "";
/** Previous offer data for editing */
prevCredToEdit?: GenericCredWrapper<OfferVerifiableCredential>;
/** Project ID if offer is for project */
projectId = "";
/** Project name display */
projectName = "a project";
/** Recipient DID if offer is for person */
recipientDid = "";
/** Recipient name display */
recipientName = "";
/** Advanced features visibility flag */
showGeneralAdvanced = false;
/** Unit type for offer amount */
unitCode = "HUR";
/** Expiration date input */
validThroughDateInput = "";
/** Utility library reference */
libsUtil = libsUtil;
* Component lifecycle hook that initializes the offer form
* Workflow:
* 1. Extracts previous offer data if editing
* 2. Sets initial form values from route or previous offer
* 3. Loads account settings and contacts
* 4. Retrieves project information if needed
* 5. Sets offer assignment flags
* @throws Will not throw but shows notifications
* @emits Notifications on loading errors
async mounted() {
try {
await this.loadPreviousOffer();
await this.initializeFormValues();
await this.loadAccountSettings();
await this.loadRecipientInfo();
await this.loadProjectInfo();
} catch (err: any) {
console.error("Error in mounted:", err);
group: "alert",
type: "danger",
title: "Error",
text: err.message || "There was an error loading the offer details.",
* Loads previous offer data if editing an existing offer
* @throws Will not throw but shows notifications
private async loadPreviousOffer() {
try {
this.prevCredToEdit = (this.$route.query["prevCredToEdit"] as string)
? (JSON.parse(
@ -246,34 +339,38 @@ export default class OfferDetailsView extends Vue {
* Initializes form values from route params or previous offer
private async initializeFormValues() {
const prevAmount =
this.amountInput =
(this.$route.query["amountInput"] as string) ||
(prevAmount ? String(prevAmount) : "") ||
this.unitCode = ((this.$route.query["unitCode"] as string) ||
this.prevCredToEdit?.claim?.includesObject?.unitCode ||
this.unitCode) as string;
this.descriptionOfCondition =
this.prevCredToEdit?.claim?.description || this.descriptionOfCondition;
this.descriptionOfItem =
(this.$route.query["description"] as string) ||
this.prevCredToEdit?.claim?.itemOffered?.description ||
this.destinationPathAfter =
(this.$route.query["destinationPathAfter"] as string) || "";
this.offererDid = ((this.$route.query["offererDid"] as string) ||
(this.prevCredToEdit?.claim?.agent as unknown as { identifier: string })
?.identifier ||
this.offererDid) as string;
this.hideBackButton =
(this.$route.query["hideBackButton"] as string) === "true";
this.message = (this.$route.query["message"] as string) || "";
// find any project ID
// Set project info from previous offer or route
let project;
if (
this.prevCredToEdit?.claim?.itemOffered?.isPartOf?.["@type"] ===
@ -294,43 +391,43 @@ export default class OfferDetailsView extends Vue {
this.validThroughDateInput =
this.prevCredToEdit?.claim?.validThrough || this.validThroughDateInput;
try {
const settings = await retrieveSettingsForActiveAccount();
this.apiServer = settings.apiServer ?? "";
this.activeDid = settings.activeDid ?? "";
this.showGeneralAdvanced = settings.showGeneralAdvanced ?? false;
if (this.recipientDid && !this.recipientName) {
const allContacts = await db.contacts.toArray();
const allMyDids = await retrieveAccountDids();
this.recipientName = didInfo(
// these should be functions but something's wrong with the syntax in the <> conditional
this.offeredToProject = !!this.projectId;
this.offeredToRecipient = !this.offeredToProject && !!this.recipientDid;
* Loads account settings and updates component state
* @throws Will not throw but logs errors
private async loadAccountSettings() {
const settings = await retrieveSettingsForActiveAccount();
this.apiServer = settings.apiServer ?? "";
this.activeDid = settings.activeDid ?? "";
this.showGeneralAdvanced = settings.showGeneralAdvanced ?? false;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
} catch (err: any) {
console.error("Error retrieving settings from database:", err);
group: "alert",
type: "danger",
title: "Error",
text: err.message || "There was an error retrieving your settings.",
* Loads recipient information if recipient DID exists
private async loadRecipientInfo() {
if (this.recipientDid && !this.recipientName) {
const allContacts = await db.contacts.toArray();
const allMyDids = await retrieveAccountDids();
this.recipientName = didInfo(
// Set assignment flags
this.offeredToProject = !!this.projectId;
this.offeredToRecipient = !this.offeredToProject && !!this.recipientDid;
* Loads project information if project ID exists
private async loadProjectInfo() {
if (this.projectId && !this.projectName) {
// console.log("Getting project name from cache", this.projectId);
const project = await getPlanFromCache(
@ -343,16 +440,32 @@ export default class OfferDetailsView extends Vue {
* Changes the unit type for the offer amount
* Cycles through available unit types in UNIT_SHORT.
* Updates display and internal state.
changeUnitCode() {
const units = Object.keys(this.libsUtil.UNIT_SHORT);
const index = units.indexOf(this.unitCode);
this.unitCode = units[(index + 1) % units.length];
* Increments the offer amount by 1
* Handles string to number conversion and updates display.
increment() {
this.amountInput = `${(parseFloat(this.amountInput) || 0) + 1}`;
* Decrements the offer amount by 1
* Prevents negative values and handles string to number conversion.
decrement() {
this.amountInput = `${Math.max(
@ -360,6 +473,15 @@ export default class OfferDetailsView extends Vue {
* Handles cancellation of offer creation/editing
* Workflow:
* 1. Checks for destination path
* 2. Navigates to destination or previous page
* @emits Router navigation
cancel() {
if (this.destinationPathAfter) {
(this.$router as Router).push({ path: this.destinationPathAfter });
@ -368,10 +490,28 @@ export default class OfferDetailsView extends Vue {
* Handles back button navigation
* @emits Router navigation to previous page
cancelBack() {
(this.$router as Router).back();
* Validates and initiates offer submission
* Workflow:
* 1. Validates active DID exists
* 2. Checks for negative amounts
* 3. Ensures description or amount exists
* 4. Shows processing notification
* 5. Calls recordOffer for submission
* @throws Will not throw but shows notifications
* @emits Notifications for validation errors or processing
async confirm() {
if (!this.activeDid) {
@ -426,6 +566,15 @@ export default class OfferDetailsView extends Vue {
await this.recordOffer();
* Notifies user about project assignment restrictions
* Shows appropriate error message based on:
* - Missing project ID
* - Conflict with recipient assignment
* @emits Notification with error message
notifyUserOfProject() {
if (!this.projectId) {
@ -451,6 +600,15 @@ export default class OfferDetailsView extends Vue {
* Notifies user about recipient assignment restrictions
* Shows appropriate error message based on:
* - Missing recipient DID
* - Conflict with project assignment
* @emits Notification with error message
notifyUserOfRecipient() {
if (!this.recipientDid) {
@ -477,11 +635,18 @@ export default class OfferDetailsView extends Vue {
* Records the offer to the server
* Workflow:
* 1. Determines if editing existing or creating new
* 2. Prepares offer data with assignments
* 3. Submits to server via appropriate method
* 4. Handles success/error responses
* 5. Navigates on success
* @param offererDid may be null
* @param description may be an empty string
* @param amountInput may be 0
* @param unitCode may be omitted, defaults to "HUR"
* @throws Will not throw but shows notifications
* @emits Notifications for success/failure
* @emits Router navigation on success
public async recordOffer() {
try {
@ -568,6 +733,17 @@ export default class OfferDetailsView extends Vue {
* Constructs offer parameters for raw editing
* Creates a JSON string containing:
* - Offer details
* - Assignments
* - Conditions
* - Expiration
* @returns JSON string of offer parameters
constructOfferParam() {
const recipientDid = this.offeredToRecipient
? this.recipientDid
@ -589,11 +765,11 @@ export default class OfferDetailsView extends Vue {
return claimStr;
// Helper functions for readability
* @param result response "data" from the server
* @returns true if the result indicates an error
* Checks if server response indicates an error
* @param result Response data from server
* @returns true if response indicates error
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
isCreationError(result: any) {
@ -601,8 +777,10 @@ export default class OfferDetailsView extends Vue {
* @param result direct response eg. ErrorResult or SuccessResult (potentially with embedded "data")
* @returns best guess at an error message
* Extracts error message from server response
* @param result Server response object
* @returns Best available error message
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
getCreationErrorMessage(result: any) {
@ -613,6 +791,13 @@ export default class OfferDetailsView extends Vue {
* Shows privacy information dialog
* Displays standard privacy message about data sharing.
* @emits Notification with privacy message
explainData() {


@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
<ul v-else class="text-sm border-t border-slate-300">
v-for="offer in offersToThis"
class="py-1.5 border-b border-slate-300"
<div class="flex justify-between gap-4">
@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
<ul v-else class="text-sm border-t border-slate-300">
v-for="give in givesToThis"
class="py-1.5 border-b border-slate-300"
<div class="flex justify-between gap-4">
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@
<ul v-else class="text-sm border-t border-slate-300">
v-for="give in givesProvidedByThis"
class="py-1.5 border-b border-slate-300"
<div class="flex justify-between gap-4">
@ -571,30 +571,31 @@ import HiddenDidDialog from "../components/HiddenDidDialog.vue";
* Project View Component
* @author Matthew Raymer
* This component displays detailed project information and manages interactions including:
* This component displays and manages detailed project information. It handles:
* - Project loading and display from URL-encoded project handles
* - Project metadata (name, description, dates, location)
* - Issuer information and verification
* - Project contributions and fulfillments
* - Offers and gifts tracking
* - Contact interactions
* Data Flow:
* 1. Component loads with project ID from route
* 2. Fetches project data, contacts, and account settings
* 3. Loads related data (offers, gifts, fulfillments)
* 4. Updates UI with paginated results
* Security Features:
* - DID visibility controls
* - JWT validation for imports
* - Permission checks for actions
* State Management:
* - Maintains separate loading states for different data types
* - Handles pagination limits
* - Tracks confirmation states
* @see GiftedDialog for gift creation
* @see OfferDialog for offer creation
* @see HiddenDidDialog for DID privacy explanations
@ -698,13 +699,13 @@ export default class ProjectViewView extends Vue {
* Component lifecycle hook that initializes the project view
* Workflow:
* 1. Loads account settings and contacts
* 2. Retrieves all account DIDs
* 3. Extracts project ID from URL
* 4. Initializes project data loading
* @throws Logs errors but continues loading
* @emits Notification on profile loading errors
@ -743,12 +744,12 @@ export default class ProjectViewView extends Vue {
* Loads project data and related information
* Workflow:
* 1. Fetches project details from API
* 2. Updates component state with project data
* 3. Initializes related data loading (gifts, offers, fulfillments)
* @param projectId Project handle ID
* @param userDid Active user's DID
* @throws Logs errors and notifies user
@ -842,10 +843,10 @@ export default class ProjectViewView extends Vue {
* Loads gifts made to this project
* Handles pagination and updates component state with results.
* Uses beforeId for pagination based on last loaded gift.
* @throws Logs errors and notifies user
* @emits Notification on loading errors
@ -898,10 +899,10 @@ export default class ProjectViewView extends Vue {
* Loads gifts provided by this project
* Similar to loadGives but for outgoing gifts.
* Maintains separate pagination state.
* @throws Logs errors and notifies user
* @emits Notification on loading errors
@ -957,10 +958,10 @@ export default class ProjectViewView extends Vue {
* Loads offers made to this project
* Handles pagination and filtering of valid offers.
* Updates component state with results.
* @throws Logs errors and notifies user
* @emits Notification on loading errors
@ -1013,9 +1014,9 @@ export default class ProjectViewView extends Vue {
* Loads projects that fulfill this project
* Manages pagination state and updates component with results.
* @throws Logs errors and notifies user
* @emits Notification on loading errors
@ -1069,9 +1070,9 @@ export default class ProjectViewView extends Vue {
* Loads project that this project fulfills
* Updates fulfilledByThis state with result.
* @throws Logs errors and notifies user
* @emits Notification on loading errors


@ -82,13 +82,9 @@ test_link "timesafari://claim-add-raw/123?claimJwtId=jwt123"
echo "\nTesting Project Routes:"
test_link "timesafari://project/"
# Test invite routes
echo "\nTesting Invite Routes:"
test_link "timesafari://invite-one-accept/eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksifQ"
# Test gift routes
echo "\nTesting Gift Routes:"
test_link "timesafari://confirm-gift/789"
test_link "timesafari://confirm-gift/01JMTC8T961KFPP2N8ZB92ER4K"
# Test offer routes
echo "\nTesting Offer Routes:"
@ -112,5 +108,22 @@ test_link "timesafari://invalid-route/123"
test_link "timesafari://claim/123?view=invalid"
test_link "timesafari://did/invalid-did"
# Single invite JWT test
# Header: {"typ":"JWT","alg":"ES256K"}
# Payload: {
# "iat": 1740740453,
# "contact": {
# "did": "did:ethr:0xFEd3b416946b23F3F472799053144B4E34155B5b",
# "name": "Jordan",
# "nextPubKeyHashB64": "IBfRZfwdzeKOzqCx8b+WlLpMJHOAT9ZknIDJo7F3rZE=",
# "publicKeyBase64": "A1eIndfaxgMpVwyD5dYe74DgjuIo5SwPZFCcLdOemjf"
# },
# "iss": "did:ethr:0xD53114830D4a5D90416B43Fc99a25b0dF8bb1BAd"
# }
test_link "timesafari://invite-one-accept/$SINGLE_INVITE_JWT" "Single contact invite via JWT"
echo "\nDeep link testing complete"
echo "======================================"