Browse Source
- Remove commented console.log statements from main.ts - Add test output directories to .gitignore: - playwright-tests/ - test-playwright/ - test-playwright-results/ Keeps repository clean by excluding test artifacts and removing unused logging statements.side_step
3 changed files with 173 additions and 165 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ |
/** |
* @file Font Awesome Icon Library Configuration |
* @description Centralizes Font Awesome icon imports and library configuration |
* @author Matthew Raymer |
*/ |
import { library } from "@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core"; |
import { |
faArrowDown, |
faArrowLeft, |
faArrowRight, |
faArrowRotateBackward, |
faArrowUpRightFromSquare, |
faArrowUp, |
faBan, |
faBitcoinSign, |
faBurst, |
faCalendar, |
faCamera, |
faCaretDown, |
faChair, |
faCheck, |
faChevronDown, |
faChevronLeft, |
faChevronRight, |
faChevronUp, |
faCircle, |
faCircleCheck, |
faCircleInfo, |
faCircleQuestion, |
faCircleUser, |
faClock, |
faCoins, |
faComment, |
faCopy, |
faDollar, |
faEllipsis, |
faEllipsisVertical, |
faEnvelopeOpenText, |
faEraser, |
faEye, |
faEyeSlash, |
faFileContract, |
faFileLines, |
faFilter, |
faFloppyDisk, |
faFolderOpen, |
faForward, |
faGift, |
faGlobe, |
faHammer, |
faHand, |
faHandHoldingDollar, |
faHandHoldingHeart, |
faHouseChimney, |
faImagePortrait, |
faLeftRight, |
faLightbulb, |
faLink, |
faLocationDot, |
faLongArrowAltLeft, |
faLongArrowAltRight, |
faMagnifyingGlass, |
faMessage, |
faMinus, |
faPen, |
faPersonCircleCheck, |
faPersonCircleQuestion, |
faPlus, |
faQuestion, |
faQrcode, |
faRightFromBracket, |
faRotate, |
faShareNodes, |
faSpinner, |
faSquare, |
faSquareCaretDown, |
faSquareCaretUp, |
faSquarePlus, |
faTrashCan, |
faTriangleExclamation, |
faUser, |
faUsers, |
faXmark, |
} from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; |
// Initialize Font Awesome library with all required icons
library.add( |
faArrowDown, |
faArrowLeft, |
faArrowRight, |
faArrowRotateBackward, |
faArrowUpRightFromSquare, |
faArrowUp, |
faBan, |
faBitcoinSign, |
faBurst, |
faCalendar, |
faCamera, |
faCaretDown, |
faChair, |
faCheck, |
faChevronDown, |
faChevronLeft, |
faChevronRight, |
faChevronUp, |
faCircle, |
faCircleCheck, |
faCircleInfo, |
faCircleQuestion, |
faCircleUser, |
faClock, |
faCoins, |
faComment, |
faCopy, |
faDollar, |
faEllipsis, |
faEllipsisVertical, |
faEnvelopeOpenText, |
faEraser, |
faEye, |
faEyeSlash, |
faFileContract, |
faFileLines, |
faFilter, |
faFloppyDisk, |
faFolderOpen, |
faForward, |
faGift, |
faGlobe, |
faHammer, |
faHand, |
faHandHoldingDollar, |
faHandHoldingHeart, |
faHouseChimney, |
faImagePortrait, |
faLeftRight, |
faLightbulb, |
faLink, |
faLocationDot, |
faLongArrowAltLeft, |
faLongArrowAltRight, |
faMagnifyingGlass, |
faMessage, |
faMinus, |
faPen, |
faPersonCircleCheck, |
faPersonCircleQuestion, |
faPlus, |
faQrcode, |
faQuestion, |
faRotate, |
faRightFromBracket, |
faShareNodes, |
faSpinner, |
faSquare, |
faSquareCaretDown, |
faSquareCaretUp, |
faSquarePlus, |
faTrashCan, |
faTriangleExclamation, |
faUser, |
faUsers, |
faXmark, |
); |
// Export the FontAwesomeIcon component for use in other files
export { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome"; |
Reference in new issue