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- Match Python/TypeScript implementations - Use consistent JWT signing approach - Maintain payload compatibility - Add detailed documentationpull/127/head
1 changed files with 176 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
# DID Creation and Registration Flow |
# @author Matthew Raymer |
# |
# This script implements the creation and registration of Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) |
# with the service. It matches the Python and TypeScript implementations. |
# |
# Flow: |
# 1. Generate or load mnemonic seed phrase |
# 2. Derive Ethereum keys and address |
# 3. Create DID identifier |
# 4. Initialize account |
# 5. Create signed JWT |
# 6. Register DID with endorser service |
# Constants |
ENDORSER_DID="did:ethr:0x0000694B58C2cC69658993A90D3840C560f2F51F" |
ENDORSER_PRIVATE_KEY="2b6472c026ec2aa2c4235c994a63868fc9212d18b58f6cbfe861b52e71330f5b" |
# Create temporary directory for operations |
TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) |
trap 'rm -rf "$TMPDIR"' EXIT |
initialize_account() { |
# Generate or load mnemonic |
if [ ! -f "mnemonic.txt" ]; then |
# Generate 24-word mnemonic using Python |
python3 -c " |
from eth_account.hdaccount import generate_mnemonic |
print(generate_mnemonic(language='english')) |
" > mnemonic.txt |
fi |
# Read and process mnemonic |
MNEMONIC=$(cat mnemonic.txt) |
# Derive address and keys using Python |
IDENTITY=$(python3 -c " |
from eth_account import Account |
from eth_keys import keys |
import json |
Account.enable_unaudited_hdwallet_features() |
mnemonic = '$MNEMONIC'.strip() |
account = Account.from_mnemonic(mnemonic) |
address = account.address |
private_key = account.key.hex()[2:] |
pk = keys.PrivateKey(account.key) |
public_key = pk.public_key.to_hex()[2:] |
identity = { |
'did': f'did:ethr:{address}', |
'keys': [{ |
'id': f'did:ethr:{address}#keys-1', |
'type': 'Secp256k1VerificationKey2018', |
'controller': f'did:ethr:{address}', |
'ethereumAddress': address, |
'publicKeyHex': public_key, |
'privateKeyHex': private_key |
}], |
'services': [] |
} |
print(json.dumps(identity)) |
") |
echo "Account initialized:" |
echo "$IDENTITY" | jq . |
echo |
# Export for other functions |
export IDENTITY |
} |
create_endorser_jwt() { |
local did="$1" |
local private_key="$2" |
local payload="$3" |
local sub_did="$4" |
# Create JWT header and payload |
local now=$(date +%s) |
local exp=$((now + 3600)) |
local header='{"typ":"JWT","alg":"ES256K"}' |
local jwt_payload=$(echo "$payload" | jq --arg iss "$did" \ |
--arg iat "$now" \ |
--arg exp "$exp" \ |
'. + {iss: $iss, iat: ($iat|tonumber), exp: ($exp|tonumber)}') |
# Base64URL encode header and payload |
local header_b64=$(echo -n "$header" | base64 -w 0 | tr '/+' '_-' | tr -d '=') |
local payload_b64=$(echo -n "$jwt_payload" | base64 -w 0 | tr '/+' '_-' | tr -d '=') |
local message="$header_b64.$payload_b64" |
# Sign using Python eth_keys (matching TypeScript ES256K implementation) |
local signature=$(python3 -c " |
from eth_keys import keys |
import hashlib |
import base64 |
private_key_bytes = bytes.fromhex('$private_key') |
private_key = keys.PrivateKey(private_key_bytes) |
message_hash = hashlib.sha256('$message'.encode()).digest() |
signature = private_key.sign_msg_hash(message_hash) |
signature_bytes = signature.r.to_bytes(32, 'big') + signature.s.to_bytes(32, 'big') |
print(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(signature_bytes).decode().rstrip('=')) |
") |
echo "$message.$signature" |
} |
register() { |
local active_did="$1" |
echo "Endorser DID: $ENDORSER_DID" |
echo "Active DID: $active_did" |
# Create registration claim |
local vc_payload=$(cat <<EOF |
{ |
"vc": { |
"@context": [""], |
"type": ["VerifiableCredential"], |
"credentialSubject": { |
"@context": "", |
"@type": "RegisterAction", |
"agent": { |
"identifier": "$ENDORSER_DID" |
}, |
"participant": { |
"identifier": "$active_did" |
}, |
"object": "", |
"endTime": $(( $(date +%s) + 7*24*60*60 )) |
} |
} |
} |
) |
echo "Registration Claim:" |
echo "$vc_payload" | jq . |
echo |
# Create and sign JWT |
local jwt_token=$(create_endorser_jwt "$ENDORSER_DID" "$ENDORSER_PRIVATE_KEY" "$vc_payload" "$active_did") |
echo "Generated JWT:" |
echo "$jwt_token" |
echo |
# Submit registration |
local response=$(curl -s -X POST "$API_SERVER/api/v2/claim" \ |
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \ |
-d "{\"jwtEncoded\": \"$jwt_token\"}") |
echo "Registration response:" |
echo "$response" | jq . |
} |
main() { |
initialize_account |
# Extract DID and private key from identity |
local active_did=$(echo "$IDENTITY" | jq -r .did) |
local private_key=$(echo "$IDENTITY" | jq -r .keys[0].privateKeyHex) |
# Register DID |
register "$active_did" |
} |
main "$@" |
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