5 changed files with 109 additions and 10 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ |
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; |
import { importUser, generateNewEthrUser, switchToUser } from './testUtils'; |
test('New offers for another user', async ({ page }) => { |
const user01Did = await generateNewEthrUser(page); |
await page.goto('./'); |
expect(page.getByTestId('newDirectOffersActivityNumber')).toBeHidden(); |
await importUser(page, '00'); |
await page.goto('./contacts'); |
await page.getByPlaceholder('URL or DID, Name, Public Key').fill(user01Did + ', A Friend'); |
await page.locator('button > svg.fa-plus').click(); |
await expect(page.locator('div[role="alert"] span:has-text("Contact Added")')).toBeVisible(); |
await page.locator('div[role="alert"] button:has-text("No")').click(); // don't register
await page.locator('div[role="alert"] button > svg.fa-xmark').click(); // dismiss info alert
await expect(page.locator('div[role="alert"] button > svg.fa-xmark')).toBeHidden(); // ensure alert is gone
// show buttons to make offers directly to people
await page.getByRole('button').filter({ hasText: /Show Given Hours/i }).click(); |
// make an offer directly to user 1
// Generate a random string of 3 characters, skipping the "0." at the beginning
const randomString1 = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 5); |
await page.getByTestId('offerButton').click(); |
await page.getByTestId('inputDescription').fill(`help of ${randomString1} from #000`); |
await page.getByTestId('inputOfferAmount').fill('1'); |
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Sign & Send' }).click(); |
await expect(page.getByText('That offer was recorded.')).toBeVisible(); |
await page.locator('div[role="alert"] button > svg.fa-xmark').click(); // dismiss info alert
await expect(page.locator('div[role="alert"] button > svg.fa-xmark')).toBeHidden(); // ensure alert is gone
// make another offer to user 1
const randomString2 = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 5); |
await page.getByTestId('offerButton').click(); |
await page.getByTestId('inputDescription').fill(`help of ${randomString2} from #000`); |
await page.getByTestId('inputOfferAmount').fill('3'); |
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Sign & Send' }).click(); |
await expect(page.getByText('That offer was recorded.')).toBeVisible(); |
await page.locator('div[role="alert"] button > svg.fa-xmark').click(); // dismiss info alert
await expect(page.locator('div[role="alert"] button > svg.fa-xmark')).toBeHidden(); // ensure alert is gone
// as user 1, go to the home page and check that two offers are shown as new
await switchToUser(page, user01Did); |
await page.goto('./'); |
await page.getByTestId('closeOnboardingAndFinish').click(); |
let offerNumElem = page.getByTestId('newDirectOffersActivityNumber'); |
await expect(offerNumElem).toHaveText('2'); |
await offerNumElem.click(); |
await expect(page.getByText('New Offers To You')).toBeVisible(); |
await page.getByTestId('showOffersToUser').click(); |
// note that they show in reverse chronologicalorder
await expect(page.getByText(`help of ${randomString2} from #000`)).toBeVisible(); |
await expect(page.getByText(`help of ${randomString1} from #000`)).toBeVisible(); |
// click on the latest offer to keep it as "unread"
await page.hover(`li:has-text("help of ${randomString2} from #000")`); |
// await page.locator('li').filter({ hasText: `help of ${randomString2} from #000` }).click();
// await page.locator('div').filter({ hasText: /keep all above/ }).click();
// now find the "Click to keep all above as new offers" after that list item and click it
const liElem = page.locator('li').filter({ hasText: `help of ${randomString2} from #000` }); |
await liElem.hover(); |
const keepAboveAsNew = liElem.locator('div').filter({ hasText: /keep all above/ }); |
await keepAboveAsNew.click(); |
// now see that only one offer is shown as new
await page.goto('./'); |
offerNumElem = page.getByTestId('newDirectOffersActivityNumber'); |
await expect(offerNumElem).toHaveText('1'); |
await offerNumElem.click(); |
await expect(page.getByText('New Offer To You')).toBeVisible(); |
await page.getByTestId('showOffersToUser').click(); |
// now see that no offers are shown as new
await page.goto('./'); |
// wait until the list with ID listLatestActivity has at least one visible item
await page.locator('#listLatestActivity li').first().waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); |
await expect(page.getByTestId('newDirectOffersActivityNumber')).toBeHidden(); |
}); |
Reference in new issue