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feat: Add comprehensive mobile testing infrastructure

- Add test scripts for Android and iOS platforms
- Create prerequisite checker for mobile development setup
- Add device/simulator availability checks
- Update test-all command to include mobile tests
- Add granular test commands for web and mobile

The changes improve testing by:
1. Adding structured mobile test runners
2. Validating development environment setup
3. Separating web and mobile test flows
4. Adding device availability checks
5. Providing detailed test documentation

Added scripts:
- check-prerequisites.js: Validates dev environment
- test-android.js: Runs Android tests
- test-ios.js: Runs iOS tests
- run-available-mobile-tests.js: Smart platform detection
Matthew Raymer 11 hours ago
  1. 9
  2. 185
  3. 132
  4. 91
  5. 93


@ -13,7 +13,14 @@
"lint-fix": "eslint --ext .js,.ts,.vue --ignore-path .gitignore --fix src", "lint-fix": "eslint --ext .js,.ts,.vue --ignore-path .gitignore --fix src",
"prebuild": "eslint --ext .js,.ts,.vue --ignore-path .gitignore src && node sw_combine.js", "prebuild": "eslint --ext .js,.ts,.vue --ignore-path .gitignore src && node sw_combine.js",
"test-local": "npx playwright test -c playwright.config-local.ts --trace on", "test-local": "npx playwright test -c playwright.config-local.ts --trace on",
"test-all": "npm run build && npx playwright test -c playwright.config-local.ts --trace on", "test-all": "npm run test:prerequisites && npm run build && npm run test:web && npm run test:mobile",
"test:prerequisites": "node scripts/check-prerequisites.js",
"test:web": "npx playwright test -c playwright.config-local.ts --trace on",
"test:mobile": "npm run build:capacitor && npm run test:android && npm run test:ios",
"test:android": "node scripts/test-android.js",
"test:ios": "node scripts/test-ios.js",
"check:android-device": "adb devices | grep -w 'device' || (echo 'No Android device connected' && exit 1)",
"check:ios-device": "xcrun xctrace list devices 2>&1 | grep -w 'Booted' || (echo 'No iOS simulator running' && exit 1)",
"clean:electron": "rimraf dist-electron", "clean:electron": "rimraf dist-electron",
"build:pywebview": "vite build --config vite.config.pywebview.mts", "build:pywebview": "vite build --config vite.config.pywebview.mts",
"build:electron": "npm run clean:electron && vite build --config vite.config.electron.mts && node scripts/build-electron.js", "build:electron": "npm run clean:electron && vite build --config vite.config.electron.mts && node scripts/build-electron.js",


@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
* @fileoverview Prerequisites checker for mobile development environment
* This script verifies that all necessary tools and configurations are in place
* for mobile app development, including both Android and iOS platforms.
* Features:
* - Validates development environment setup
* - Checks required command-line tools
* - Verifies Android SDK and device connectivity
* - Confirms iOS development tools and simulator status
* Prerequisites checked:
* - Node.js and npm installation
* - Gradle for Android builds
* - Xcode and command line tools for iOS
* - ANDROID_HOME environment variable
* - Android platform files
* - Connected Android devices/emulators
* - iOS platform files
* - Running iOS simulators
* Exit codes:
* - 0: All checks passed
* - 1: One or more checks failed
* @example
* // Run directly
* node scripts/check-prerequisites.js
* // Run via npm script
* npm run test:prerequisites
* @author TimeSafari Team
* @license MIT
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
const { existsSync } = require('fs');
* Checks if a command-line tool is available by attempting to run its --version command
* @param {string} command - The command to check (e.g., 'node', 'npm', 'gradle')
* @param {string} errorMessage - The error message to display if the command is not available
* @returns {boolean} - True if the command exists and is executable, false otherwise
* @example
* checkCommand('node', 'Node.js is required')
* // Returns true if node is available, false otherwise
function checkCommand(command, errorMessage) {
try {
execSync(command + ' --version', { stdio: 'ignore' });
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
* Verifies Android development environment setup
* Checks for:
* 1. ANDROID_HOME environment variable
* 2. Android platform files in project
* 3. Connected Android devices or running emulators
* @returns {boolean} - True if Android setup is complete and valid, false otherwise
* @example
* if (!checkAndroidSetup()) {
* console.error('Android prerequisites not met');
* }
function checkAndroidSetup() {
// Check ANDROID_HOME environment variable
// This is required for Android SDK tools access
if (!process.env.ANDROID_HOME) {
console.error('❌ ANDROID_HOME environment variable not set');
return false;
// Check if Android platform was added to the project
// The 'android' directory should exist if platform was added via 'npx cap add android'
if (!existsSync('android')) {
console.error('❌ Android platform not added. Run: npx cap add android');
return false;
// Check for connected devices or running emulators
// Uses ADB (Android Debug Bridge) to list connected devices
try {
const devices = execSync('adb devices').toString();
// Parse ADB output - looking for lines ending with 'device' (not 'offline' or 'unauthorized')
if (!devices.split('\n').slice(1).some(line => line.includes('device'))) {
console.error('❌ No Android devices connected');
return false;
} catch (e) {
console.error('❌ ADB not available');
return false;
return true;
* Verifies iOS development environment setup
* Checks for:
* 1. iOS platform files in project
* 2. Running iOS simulators
* 3. Xcode command line tools availability
* @returns {boolean} - True if iOS setup is complete and valid, false otherwise
* @example
* if (!checkIosSetup()) {
* console.error('iOS prerequisites not met');
* }
function checkIosSetup() {
// Check if iOS platform was added to the project
// The 'ios' directory should exist if platform was added via 'npx cap add ios'
if (!existsSync('ios')) {
console.error('❌ iOS platform not added. Run: npx cap add ios');
return false;
// Check for available and running iOS simulators
// Uses xcrun simctl to list simulator devices
try {
const simulators = execSync('xcrun simctl list devices available').toString();
if (!simulators.includes('Booted')) {
console.error('❌ No iOS simulator running');
return false;
} catch (e) {
console.error('❌ Xcode command line tools not available');
return false;
return true;
* Main function to check all prerequisites for mobile development
* Verifies:
* 1. Required command line tools (node, npm, gradle, xcodebuild)
* 2. Android development setup
* 3. iOS development setup
* Exits with code 1 if any checks fail
* @example
* // Run from package.json script:
* // "test:prerequisites": "node scripts/check-prerequisites.js"
function main() {
let success = true;
// Check required command line tools
// These are essential for building and testing the application
success &= checkCommand('node', 'Node.js is required');
success &= checkCommand('npm', 'npm is required');
success &= checkCommand('gradle', 'Gradle is required for Android builds');
success &= checkCommand('xcodebuild', 'Xcode is required for iOS builds');
// Check platform-specific development environments
success &= checkAndroidSetup();
success &= checkIosSetup();
// Exit with error if any checks failed
if (!success) {
console.log('✅ All prerequisites met!');
// Execute the checks


@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
* @fileoverview Runs mobile tests based on available platforms and devices
* This script intelligently detects available mobile platforms and their
* associated devices/simulators, then runs tests only for the available
* configurations. This allows for flexible testing across different
* development environments without failing when a platform is unavailable.
* Platform detection:
* - Android: Checks for SDK and connected devices/emulators
* - iOS: Checks for macOS, Xcode, and running simulators
* Features:
* - Smart platform detection
* - Graceful handling of unavailable platforms
* - Clear logging of test execution
* - Comprehensive error reporting
* Exit codes:
* - 0: Tests completed successfully on available platforms
* - 1: Tests failed or no platforms available
* @example
* // Run directly
* node scripts/run-available-mobile-tests.js
* // Run via npm script
* npm run test:mobile:available
* @requires child_process
* @requires fs
* @author TimeSafari Team
* @license MIT
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
const { existsSync } = require('fs');
* Executes mobile tests on available platforms
* This function performs the following steps:
* 1. Checks Android environment and device availability
* 2. Checks iOS environment and simulator availability (on macOS)
* 3. Runs tests on available platforms
* 4. Reports results and handles errors
* Platform-specific checks:
* Android:
* - ANDROID_HOME environment variable
* - Android platform files existence
* - Connected devices via ADB
* iOS:
* - macOS operating system
* - iOS platform files existence
* - Running simulators via xcrun
* @async
* @throws {Error} If tests fail or no platforms are available
* @example
* runAvailableMobileTests().catch(error => {
* console.error('Test execution failed:', error);
* process.exit(1);
* });
async function runAvailableMobileTests() {
try {
// Check Android availability
// Requires both SDK (ANDROID_HOME) and platform files
const androidAvailable = existsSync('android') && process.env.ANDROID_HOME;
let androidDeviceAvailable = false;
if (androidAvailable) {
try {
// Check for connected devices using ADB
const devices = execSync('adb devices').toString();
// Parse ADB output for actually connected devices
// Filters out unauthorized or offline devices
androidDeviceAvailable = devices.split('\n').slice(1).some(line => line.includes('device'));
} catch (e) {
console.log('⚠️ Android SDK available but no devices connected');
// Check iOS availability
// Only possible on macOS with Xcode installed
const iosAvailable = process.platform === 'darwin' && existsSync('ios');
let iosSimulatorAvailable = false;
if (iosAvailable) {
try {
// Check for running simulators using xcrun
const simulators = execSync('xcrun simctl list devices available').toString();
// Look for 'Booted' state in simulator list
iosSimulatorAvailable = simulators.includes('Booted');
} catch (e) {
console.log('⚠️ iOS platform available but no simulator running');
// Execute tests for available platforms
if (androidDeviceAvailable) {
console.log('🤖 Running Android tests...');
// Run Android tests via npm script
execSync('npm run test:android', { stdio: 'inherit' });
if (iosSimulatorAvailable) {
console.log('🍎 Running iOS tests...');
// Run iOS tests via npm script
execSync('npm run test:ios', { stdio: 'inherit' });
// Error if no platforms are available for testing
if (!androidDeviceAvailable && !iosSimulatorAvailable) {
console.error('❌ No mobile platforms available for testing');
console.log('✅ Available mobile tests completed successfully');
} catch (error) {
// Handle any errors during test execution
console.error('❌ Mobile tests failed:', error);
// Execute the test runner


@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
* @fileoverview Android test runner for Capacitor-based mobile app
* This script handles the build, installation, and testing of the Android app.
* It ensures the app is properly synced, built, installed on a device/emulator,
* and runs the test suite.
* Process flow:
* 1. Sync Capacitor project with latest web build
* 2. Build debug APK
* 3. Install APK on connected device/emulator
* 4. Run instrumented tests
* Prerequisites:
* - Android SDK installed and ANDROID_HOME set
* - Gradle installed and in PATH
* - Connected Android device or running emulator
* - Capacitor Android platform added to project
* Exit codes:
* - 0: Tests completed successfully
* - 1: Build, installation, or test failure
* @example
* // Run directly
* node scripts/test-android.js
* // Run via npm script
* npm run test:android
* @requires child_process
* @requires path
* @author TimeSafari Team
* @license MIT
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
const { join } = require('path');
* Runs the complete Android test suite including build, installation, and testing
* The function performs the following steps:
* 1. Syncs the Capacitor project with latest web build
* 2. Builds and installs debug version of the app
* 3. Runs instrumented Android tests
* @async
* @throws {Error} If any step in the build or test process fails
* @example
* runAndroidTests().catch(error => {
* console.error('Test execution failed:', error);
* process.exit(1);
* });
async function runAndroidTests() {
try {
// Sync Capacitor project with latest web build
// This ensures the Android project has the latest web assets
execSync('npx cap sync android', {
stdio: 'inherit',
// Inherit stdio to show real-time output
// Build and install debug version of the app
// Uses Gradle wrapper to ensure consistent build environment
execSync('cd android && ./gradlew assembleDebug installDebug', {
stdio: 'inherit',
// assembleDebug: Creates debug APK
// installDebug: Installs APK on connected device
// Run the instrumented Android tests
// These are the tests defined in android/app/src/androidTest
execSync('cd android && ./gradlew connectedAndroidTest', {
stdio: 'inherit',
// connectedAndroidTest: Runs tests on connected device
console.log('✅ Android tests completed successfully');
} catch (error) {
// Log the error and exit with failure code
console.error('❌ Android tests failed:', error);
// Execute the test suite


@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
* @fileoverview iOS test runner for Capacitor-based mobile app
* This script handles the build and testing of the iOS app using Xcode's
* command-line tools. It ensures the app is properly synced with the latest
* web build and runs the test suite on a specified iOS simulator.
* Process flow:
* 1. Sync Capacitor project with latest web build
* 2. Build app for iOS simulator
* 3. Run XCTest suite
* Prerequisites:
* - macOS operating system
* - Xcode installed with command line tools
* - iOS simulator available
* - Capacitor iOS platform added to project
* - Valid iOS development certificates
* Exit codes:
* - 0: Tests completed successfully
* - 1: Build or test failure
* @example
* // Run directly
* node scripts/test-ios.js
* // Run via npm script
* npm run test:ios
* @requires child_process
* @requires path
* @author TimeSafari Team
* @license MIT
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
const { join } = require('path');
* Runs the complete iOS test suite including build and testing
* The function performs the following steps:
* 1. Syncs the Capacitor project with latest web build
* 2. Builds and tests the app using xcodebuild
* Note: This function requires a running iOS simulator. The test will
* fail if no simulator is available or if it's not in a booted state.
* @async
* @throws {Error} If any step in the build or test process fails
* @example
* runIosTests().catch(error => {
* console.error('Test execution failed:', error);
* process.exit(1);
* });
async function runIosTests() {
try {
// Sync Capacitor project with latest web build
// This ensures the iOS project has the latest web assets
execSync('npx cap sync ios', {
stdio: 'inherit',
// Inherit stdio to show real-time output
// Build and run tests using xcodebuild
'cd ios && xcodebuild test ' +
'-workspace App/App.xcworkspace ' + // Workspace containing the project
'-scheme App ' + // The scheme to build and test
'-destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 14"', // Target simulator
stdio: 'inherit',
// test: Builds and runs tests
// -workspace: Specifies the Xcode workspace
// -scheme: Specifies the scheme to test
// -destination: Specifies the target simulator
console.log('✅ iOS tests completed successfully');
} catch (error) {
// Log the error and exit with failure code
console.error('❌ iOS tests failed:', error);
// Execute the test suite