import { defineConfig , devices } from "@playwright/test" ;
import { isLinuxEnvironment , getOSSpecificConfig } from './test-playwright/testUtils' ;
/ * *
* Read environment variables from file .
* https : //
* /
// import dotenv from 'dotenv';
// dotenv.config({ path: path.resolve(__dirname, '.env') });
/ * *
* See https : //
* /
export default defineConfig ( {
testDir : "./test-playwright" ,
. . . getOSSpecificConfig ( ) ,
/* Run tests in files in parallel */
fullyParallel : true ,
/* Fail the build on CI if you accidentally left test.only in the source code. */
forbidOnly : ! ! process . env . CI ,
/* Retry on CI only */
retries : process.env.CI ? 2 : 0 ,
/* Opt out of parallel tests on CI. */
workers : isLinuxEnvironment ( ) ? 4 : undefined ,
/* Reporter to use. See */
reporter : [
[ 'list' ] ,
[ 'html' ] ,
// ['html', { open: 'never' }], // don't automatically open report page after tests complete even with failures
[ 'json' , { outputFile : 'test-playwright-results/test-results.json' } ]
] ,
/* Shared settings for all the projects below. See */
use : {
/* Base URL to use in actions like `await page.goto('/')`. */
baseURL : "http://localhost:8081" ,
/* Collect trace when retrying the failed test. See */
trace : "retain-on-failure" ,
// Add request logging
logger : {
isEnabled : ( name , severity ) = > severity === 'error' || name === 'api' ,
log : ( name , severity , message , args ) = > console . log ( ` ${ severity } : ${ message } ` , args )
} ,
/* Configure projects for major browsers */
projects : [
name : 'chromium-serial' ,
testMatch : /.*\/(35-record-gift-from-image-share|40-add-contact)\.spec\.ts/ ,
use : {
. . . devices [ 'Desktop Chrome' ] ,
permissions : [ "clipboard-read" ] ,
} ,
workers : 1 , // Force serial execution for problematic tests
} ,
name : 'firefox-serial' ,
testMatch : /.*\/(35-record-gift-from-image-share|40-add-contact)\.spec\.ts/ ,
use : { . . . devices [ 'Desktop Firefox' ] } ,
workers : 1 ,
} ,
name : 'chromium' ,
testMatch : /^(?!.*\/(35-record-gift-from-image-share|40-add-contact)\.spec\.ts).+\.spec\.ts$/ ,
use : {
. . . devices [ 'Desktop Chrome' ] ,
permissions : [ "clipboard-read" ] ,
} ,
} ,
name : 'firefox' ,
testMatch : /^(?!.*\/(35-record-gift-from-image-share|40-add-contact)\.spec\.ts).+\.spec\.ts$/ ,
use : { . . . devices [ 'Desktop Firefox' ] } ,
} ,
/* Test against mobile viewports. */
name : "Mobile Chrome" ,
use : { . . . devices [ "Pixel 5" ] } ,
} ,
/* Test against branded browsers. */
] ,
/* Configure global timeout; default is 30000 milliseconds */
// the image upload will often not succeed at 5 seconds
timeout : 30000 , // various tests fail at various times with 25000
/* Run your local dev server before starting the tests */
/ * *
* This could be an array of servers , meaning we could start the Endorser server as well :
* {
* command : "cd ../endorser-ch; NODE_ENV=test-local npm run dev" ,
* url : 'http://localhost:3000' ,
* reuseExistingServer : ! process . env . CI ,
* } ,
* But if we do then the testInfo . config . webServer is null and the API - setting test 00 fails .
* It is worth considering a change such that Time Safari ' s default Endorser API server is NOT set
* in the user ' s settings so that it can be blanked out and the default is used .
* /
webServer : {
command :
"VITE_APP_SERVER=http://localhost:8081 VITE_DEFAULT_ENDORSER_API_SERVER=http://localhost:3000 VITE_DEFAULT_PARTNER_API_SERVER=http://localhost:3000 VITE_DEFAULT_IMAGE_API_SERVER= VITE_PASSKEYS_ENABLED=true npm run dev -- --port=8081" ,
url : "http://localhost:8081" ,
reuseExistingServer : ! process . env . CI ,
} ,
} ) ;