Note: Before you can share with others or take any action, you
need an identifier.
Create An Identifier
{{ givenName }}
People {{ profileImageUrl ? "without your image" : "" }} see this
(if you've let them see your activity):
{{ activeDid }}Copied
Your Activity
Note: Before you can publicly announce a new project or time
commitment, a friend needs to register you.
Share Your Info
App Notifications
Notification status may have changed. Refresh this page to see the
latest setting.
Troubleshoot your notification setup.
Location for Searches
Set Search Area…
Usage Limits
{{ limitsMessage }}
You have done
{{ endorserLimits.doneClaimsThisWeek }} claims out of
{{ endorserLimits.maxClaimsPerWeek }} for this week. Your
claims counter resets at
You have done
{{ endorserLimits.doneRegistrationsThisMonth }} registrations
out of {{ endorserLimits.maxRegistrationsPerMonth }} for this
(You can register nobody on your first day, and after that only one
a day in your first month.)
Your registration counter resets at
{{ readableDate(endorserLimits.nextMonthBeginDateTime) }}
You have uploaded
{{ imageLimits?.doneImagesThisWeek }} images out of
{{ imageLimits?.maxImagesPerWeek }} for this week. Your image
counter resets at