Note: Before you can share with others or take any action, you need an identifier.
{{ activeDid }}
Note: Before you can publicly announce a new project or time commitment, a friend needs to register you.
You have done {{ endorserLimits.doneClaimsThisWeek }} claims out of {{ endorserLimits.maxClaimsPerWeek }} for this week. Your claims counter resets at {{ readableDate(endorserLimits.nextWeekBeginDateTime) }}
You have done {{ endorserLimits.doneRegistrationsThisMonth }} registrations out of {{ endorserLimits.maxRegistrationsPerMonth }} for this month. (You can register nobody on your first day, and after that only one a day in your first month.) Your registration counter resets at {{ readableDate(endorserLimits.nextMonthBeginDateTime) }}
You have uploaded {{ imageLimits?.doneImagesThisWeek }} images out of {{ imageLimits?.maxImagesPerWeek }} for this week. Your image counter resets at {{ readableDate(imageLimits?.nextWeekBeginDateTime) }}
After the download, you can save the file in your preferred storage location.
Beware: the features here can be confusing and even change data in ways you do not expect. But we support your freedom!
Deep Identifier Details{{ publicBase64 }}
{{ publicHex }}
{{ derivationPath }}