# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).

## [0.3.15] - 2024.06.22 - c8f0f2c2b16b9f0b4b47d40f7bf29058c7baa68e
### Added
- Edit gives
- Page to edit claim JSON before submitting
- Update of imported contacts
- Improve messaging on give dialog
- Section for gives provided by plan
- Deletion of an identity
- UI for choosing a passkey creation (not enabled on prod)
- Cache signatures for reports for passkey-signed requests
- Refactor: consolidate alternative signing, eg. for passkeys & did:peer
- Playwright tests
### Changed
- Linked projects display below description (instead of at bottom)
### Fixed
- Visibility toggle appearance
### Changed in DB or environment
- Nothing

## [0.3.14] - 2024.06.22 - 1611d22892f683f43856d2503eee7f391b6bbce8
### Added
- Clearer give-confirmation screen
- BX currency https://thebx.medium.com/
- Deselection of project on gifted details page
### Fixed
- Don't show registration pop-up for a new contact that is registered
### Changed in DB or environment
- Nothing

## [0.3.13] - 2024.05.24 - 08b67984e443c58d9178ad3776013b0bce7afddc
### Added
- Photos on projects
### Changed in DB or environment
- Nothing

## [0.3.12] - 2024.05.19 - 141fb39ad19c44d82fe1a33bf85115beacf50870
### Fixed
- Photo share (share_target) failed because requests were sent to server
### Changed in DB or environment
- Nothing

## [0.3.11] - 2024.05.19 - 567bcad88dfb7e9ac8fea72530d1163985e4a7cc
### Added
- Choose a file for gifts, and a URL for gifts & profiles
### Fixed
- Multiple button pushes were required to switch camera
### Changed in DB or environment
- Nothing

## [0.3.10] - 2024.05.11 - 03ac31d98110f7828cf9acb366db8d01b185f64c
### Added
- Share an image
- Choose a file on the device for a profile image
### Changed in DB or environment
- Nothing

## [0.3.9] - 2024.04.28 - 874e717e698b93a1ace9f588e675b8a3dccd7617
### Added
- Offers on contacts page
- Checks on front page until they show as registered
### Changed
- Scanned contacts now add immediately and prompt for registration.
- Better UI for gives on contact page
- Better UI for all confirmation messages
### Fixed
- Repeated elements at top of main feed
### Changed in DB or environment
- Nothing

## [0.3.8] - 2024.04.20 - 15c026c80ce03a26cae3ff80b0888934c101c7e2
### Added
- Profile image for user
### Fixed
- Slow loading of home page feed
### Changed in DB or environment
- Nothing

## [0.3.7] - 2024.04.10 - cf18f1543a700d62a5f9e764905a4aafe1fb229b
### Added
- Filter on home page feed
- Ability to set time of daily notification
- Jump to app on click of notification
### Changed
- Built with vite
- Descriptions on home page to include projects
### Changed in DB or environment
- Nothing

## [0.3.6] - 2024.03.24 - 3a07e31d6313ab95711265562d9023c42916e141
### Added
- Button to mirror photo during video
- More detailed onboarding help screen
- Public-data blurb
### Changed in DB or environment
- Nothing

## [0.3.5] - 2024.03.23 - 28754bdfb1e11aa221dd49a5dce4219b69cf6a9d
### Added
- Photo on gift records
### Fixed
- Environment variable for BVC meetings project
- Environment variables and build enhancements for test vs prod
### Changed in DB or environment
- New environment variable for image API server
- Test that a new browser session will get the right default APIs.
- Test that a new browser session will send the right BVC meetings project.

## [0.2.17] - 2024.03.01 - 3612ea42240c5e1b7d7eff29a39ff18f1b869b36
### Added
- Shortcut page for Bountiful Voluntaryist Community
### Changed
- More readable, targeted summaries in home-page feed items
### Changed in DB
- Nothing

## [0.2.14] - 2024.02.14 - 5f9edea1167dbfb64e16648764eed8c09b24eaeb
### Changed
- Combine all service worker scripts into a single file.
### Changed in DB
- Nothing

## [0.2.13] - 2024.02.07
### Added
- Display of user's offers
- Check for valid DIDs
### Fixed
- Name display on give prompt
- Non-numbers on number input & autocapitalize on URL input
### Changed in DB
- Nothing

## [0.2.12] - 2024.02.01
### Added
- Prompts for gratitude

## [0.2.11] - 2024.01.28
### Added
- Actions to share claim data with contacts
- Bulk CSV import from Endorser Mobile export
- Dates on give summaries

## [0.2.10] - 2024.01.18 - 667e1e8890b42de59cd939caca1a01c7a7a702be
### Added
- Person identicons for contacts
- Confirmation & delivery directly from project page
- Offer dialog now allows units
- Links from claim detail page to the fulfilled project or offer
- Link to project from home feed
- Copy to clipboard in more places
### Fixed
- "More Contacts" for give on project page now links correctly.

## [0.2.9] - 2024.01.15 - e5e702f8a5a53a6efbed48d35f0bc3cee63024a0
### Fixed
- Set visibility for new contact.

## [0.2.8] - 2024.01.14
### Added
- Automatic ID creation from home page
- Agent who can also edit a project
### Fixed
- Cannot declare anonymous gift

## [0.2.7] - 2024.01.12
### Added
- Give to fulfill a particular offer
- Give as part of a trade as opposed to a donation
- Error notifications on import
### Changed
- Library security updates
- Visibility of actions & confirmations on claim page
### Fixed
- Name of offerer

## [0.2.2] - 2024.01.05
### Added
- Check for notification capability on front screen
- Contact next-public-key-hash in manual textual input
- Confirmation for contact visibility change
- YAML rendering of full claim details
- Hints for onboarding on the contact screen

## [0.2.0] - 2024.01.04
### Added
- Contact next-public-key-hash
- Icon for Android
- More thorough messaging and testing for notifications

## [0.1.9] - 2024.01.01
### Added
- Import for contacts and settings
- Second download button for DuckDuckGo
### Changed
- Removed some keys from Dexie's IndexedDB declarations

## [0.1.8] - 2023.12.27- d26d1d360152a7d0e559b68486e85b72b88bd9ff
### Added
- DB logging for service-worker events
- Help page for notifications
- Test notification & web-push triggers inside app
- Check that the app is installed
### Fixed
- Project issuer display name

## [0.1.7] - 2023.12.19 - 91c6c7c11c71f96006cc876fc946f1f98a274ba2
### Changed
- Icons
### Fixed
- Notification switch now shows message
- Prod/test server warning message at top of page

## [0.1.6] - 2023.12.17 - b445b1234fbfcf6b37d695373f259aab0eda1118
### Added
- Infinite scroll on home page
### Changed
- UI improvements
- Show web-push subscription info
- Icon

## [0.1.5] - 2023.12.09 - 9c36bb509a9bae9bb3306d3bd9eeb144b67aa8ad
### Added
- Web push notifications (though not finalized)
- Credentials details page
- See more data without an ID
- Change units of a give

## [0.1.4] - 2023.11.20 - 7311d36726f3667ec4c68f241f91d404273ad4db
### Added
- Offer on a project
### Changed
- Automatically set as visible when importing a contact

## [0.1.3] - 2023.11.08 - 910f57ec7d2e50803ae3d04f4b927e0f5219fbde
### Added
- Contact name editing
### Changed
- Don't show actions on front page if not registered.
### Removed
- Home page Notiwind test buttons

## [0.1.2] - 2023.11.01 - 7f6c93802911a030a89fe3706e18b5c17151e5bb
### Added
- Basics: create ID, record a give, declare a project, search, and get notifications.