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tweak some more tasks (so it's clear which ones require UI expertise)

Trent Larson 11 months ago
  1. 7


@ -10,10 +10,9 @@ tasks:
- 01 fix the Discovery map display to not show on top of bottom icons (and any other UI tweaks on the map flow) assignee-group:ui - 01 fix the Discovery map display to not show on top of bottom icons (and any other UI tweaks on the map flow) assignee-group:ui
- .1 add instructions for map location selection - .1 add instructions for map location selection
- 01 Show pop-up or some message confirming that settings & contacts download has been initiated/finished assignee:matthew assignee-group:ui - 01 Show pop-up or some message confirming that settings & contacts download has been initiated/finished
- 01 Ensure each action sent to the server has a confirmation - eg registration (ie a toast something that dismisses after 5-10s) assignee-group:ui - 01 Ensure each action sent to the server has a confirmation - eg registration (ie a toast something that dismisses after 5-10s)
- SEE: assignee:jose assignee-group:ui
- Home Feed & Quick Give screen : - Home Feed & Quick Give screen :
- 01 save the feed-viewed status in settings storage ("afterQuery") - 01 save the feed-viewed status in settings storage ("afterQuery")
@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ tasks:
- 04 allow user to download claims, mine + ones I can see about me from others - 04 allow user to download claims, mine + ones I can see about me from others
- 02 allow user to create new DIDs from the same seed phrase (ie. increment derivation path) - 02 allow user to create new DIDs from the same seed phrase (ie. increment derivation path)
- .5 on ProjectView page, show immediate feedback when a gift is given (on list?) -- and consider the same for Home & Contacts pages assignee-group:ui - .5 on ProjectView page, show immediate feedback when a gift is given (on list?) -- and consider the same for Home & Contacts pages
- .5 customize favicon assignee-group:ui - .5 customize favicon assignee-group:ui
- .2 Show a warning if both giver and recipient are the same (but still allow?) - .2 Show a warning if both giver and recipient are the same (but still allow?)
- 01 Would it look better to shrink the buttons on many pages so they don't expand to the width of the screen? assignee-group:ui - 01 Would it look better to shrink the buttons on many pages so they don't expand to the width of the screen? assignee-group:ui
