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2 years ago
- 01 add a location for a project via map pin
- 04 search by a bounding box for local projects (see API by clicking on "Nearby")
- 01 Replace Gifted/Give in ContactsView with GiftedDialog assignee:matthew
- 02 Fix images on projectview - allow choice of image from a pallete of images or a url image (discovery page display also)
- SEE: assignee:jose
- 08 Scan QR code to import into contacts assignee:matthew
- SEE:
- 40 notifications :
- push, where we trigger a ServiceWorker(?) in the app to reach out and check for new data assignee:matthew
- Show pop-up or some message confirming that settings & contacts download has been initiated/finished assignee:matthew
- Ensure each action sent to the server has a confirmation - eg registration (ie a toast something that dismisses after 5-10s)
- SEE: assignee:jose
- Home Feed & Quick Give screen :
- 01 save the feed-viewed status in settings storage ("afterQuery")
- 01 quick action - send action, maybe choose via canvas tool
- SEE:
- 24 Move to Vite assignee:matthew
- .5 fix where user 0 sees no txns from user 1 on contacts page but sees them on list page
- .2 on ProjectViewView, show different messages for "to" and "from" sections if none exist
- .2 fix static icon to the right on project page (Matthew - I've made "Rotary" into issuer?) assignee:jose
- .2 fix rate limit verbiage (with the new one-per-day allowance) assignee:trent
2 years ago
- Discuss whether the remaining tasks are worthwhile before MVP release.
- contacts v+ :
- 01 Import all the non-sensitive data (ie. contacts & settings).
- .2 show error to user when adding a duplicate contact
- 01 parse input more robustly (with CSV lib and not commas)
- stats v1 :
2 years ago
- 01 show numeric stats
- 01 link to world for specific stats
- .5 don't load another instance of a bush if it already exists
- maybe - allow type annotations in World.js & landmarks.js (since we get this error - "Types are not supported by current JavaScript version")
- 08 convert to cleaner implementation (maybe Drie --
- .5 on ProjectView page, show immediate feedback when a gift is given (on list?) -- and consider the same for Home & Contacts pages
- .5 customize favicon
- 04 allow user to download claims, mine + ones I can see about me from others
- Do we want to combine first name & last name?
- Show a warning if both giver and recipient are the same (but still allow?)
- Release Minimum Viable Product :
- 08 thorough testing for errors & edge cases
- Turn off stats-world or ensure it's usable (eg. cannot zoom out too far and lose world, cannot screenshot).
- Add disclaimers.
- Rename DB to TimeSafari.
- Switch default server to the public server.
- Deploy to a server.
- Ensure public server has limits that work for group adoption.
- Test PWA features on Android and iOS.
blocks: ref:
- linking between projects or plans :
- show total time given to & from a project
- terminology:
- for subtasks: fulfills (is it really the same?), feeds, contributes to, supplies, boosts, advances
- for blocking: blocks, precedes, comes before, is sought by -- vs follows, seeks, builds on ("contributes to" isn't specific enough, "succeeds" has different, possibly confusing meaning)
- Stats :
- 01 point out user's location on the world
- 01 present a credential selected from the stats
- 04 show gives spreading to other places
- badge for most gives/receives/confirms per day/week/month
- badge for amount given/offered to your project
- set a goal of given/offers
- automated tests, eg. cypress
- Notifications (wake on the phone, push notifications)
- Connect with phone contacts
- Multiple identities
- Peer DID
- DIDComm
- Write to or read from a different ledger (eg. private ACDC,
- Do we want split first name & last name?
- 40 notifications v+ :
- pull, w/ scheduled runs
- videos for multiple identities and for adding time to contacts done:2023-03-29
- project lists, contact totals & actions, multiple identifiers, stats-world, activity feed, rename of this project file (use "--follow --") milestone:2 done:2023-06-27