<!-- QUICK NAV -->
<nav id="QuickNav" class="fixed bottom-0 left-0 right-0 bg-slate-200">
<ul class="flex text-2xl p-2 gap-2">
<!-- Home Feed -->
<li class="basis-1/5 rounded-md text-slate-500">
<router-link :to="{ name: 'home' }" class="block text-center py-3 px-1">
<fa icon="house-chimney" class="fa-fw"></fa>
<!-- Search -->
<li class="basis-1/5 rounded-md text-slate-500">
:to="{ name: 'discover' }"
class="block text-center py-3 px-1"
<fa icon="magnifying-glass" class="fa-fw"></fa>
<!-- Projects -->
<li class="basis-1/5 rounded-md text-slate-500">
:to="{ name: 'projects' }"
class="block text-center py-3 px-1"
<fa icon="folder-open" class="fa-fw"></fa>
<!-- Commitments -->
<li class="basis-1/5 rounded-md text-slate-500">
:to="{ name: 'commitments' }"
class="block text-center py-3 px-1"
<fa icon="hand" class="fa-fw"></fa>
<!-- Profile -->
<li class="basis-1/5 rounded-md bg-slate-400 text-white">
:to="{ name: 'account' }"
class="block text-center py-3 px-1"
<fa icon="circle-user" class="fa-fw"></fa>
<!-- CONTENT -->
<section id="Content" class="p-6 pb-24">
<!-- Heading -->
<h1 id="ViewHeading" class="text-4xl text-center font-light pt-4 mb-8">
Your Identity
<!-- Friend referral requirement notice -->
class="bg-amber-200 text-amber-900 border-amber-500 border-dashed border text-center rounded-md overflow-hidden px-4 py-3 mb-4"
<p class="mb-4">
<b>Important:</b> before you can create a new project or commit time to
one, you need a friend to register you.
class="inline-block text-md uppercase bg-amber-600 text-white px-4 py-2 rounded-md"
Share Your ID
<!-- Identity Details -->
<div class="bg-slate-100 rounded-md overflow-hidden px-4 py-3 mb-4">
<h2 class="text-xl font-semibold mb-2">{{ firstName }} {{ lastName }}</h2>
<div class="text-slate-500 text-sm font-bold">ID</div>
class="text-sm text-slate-500 flex justify-between items-center mb-1"
><code>{{ address }}</code>
<button @click="copy(address)">
<fa icon="copy" class="text-slate-400 fa-fw ml-1"></fa>
class="text-xs uppercase bg-slate-500 text-white px-1.5 py-1 rounded-md"
<fa icon="share-nodes" class="fa-fw"></fa>
class="text-xs uppercase bg-slate-500 text-white px-1.5 py-1 rounded-md ml-1"
<fa icon="qrcode" class="fa-fw"></fa>
<div class="text-slate-500 text-sm font-bold">Public Key</div>
<div class="text-sm text-slate-500 mb-1">
><code>{{ publicHex }}</code>
<button @click="copy(publicHex)">
<fa icon="copy" class="text-slate-400 fa-fw ml-1"></fa>
<div class="text-slate-500 text-sm font-bold">Derivation Path</div>
<div class="text-sm text-slate-500 mb-1">
><code>{{ derivationPath }}</code>
<button @click="copy(derivationPath)">
<fa icon="copy" class="text-slate-400 fa-fw ml-1"></fa>
:to="{ name: 'new-edit-account' }"
class="block text-center text-lg font-bold uppercase bg-blue-600 text-white px-2 py-3 rounded-md mb-8"
>Edit Identity</router-link
<h3 class="text-sm uppercase font-semibold mb-3">Contact Actions</h3>
class="block w-full text-center text-md uppercase bg-slate-500 text-white px-1.5 py-2 rounded-md mb-6"
>Scan New Contact</a
<h3 class="text-sm uppercase font-semibold mb-3">Identity Actions</h3>
class="block w-full text-center text-md uppercase bg-slate-500 text-white px-1.5 py-2 rounded-md mb-2"
>Backup Seed</a
class="block w-full text-center text-md uppercase bg-slate-500 text-white px-1.5 py-2 rounded-md mb-6"
>Backup Other Data</a
<!-- QR code popup -->
<dialog id="dlgQR" class="backdrop:bg-black/75 rounded-md">
<form method="dialog">
<div class="text-slate-500 text-center">
<b>ID:</b> <code>did:peer:kl45kj41lk451kl3</code>
<img src="img/sample-qr-code.png" class="w-full mb-3" />
class="block w-full text-center text-md uppercase bg-slate-500 text-white px-1.5 py-2 rounded-md mb-2"
Copy to Clipboard
class="block w-full text-center text-md uppercase bg-slate-500 text-white px-1.5 py-2 rounded-md"
<div v-bind:class="computedAlertClassNames()">
class="close-button bg-slate-200 w-8 leading-loose rounded-full absolute top-2 right-2"
<fa icon="xmark"></fa>
<h4 class="font-bold pr-5">{{ alertTitle }}</h4>
<p>{{ alertMessage }}</p>
<script lang="ts">
import { Options, Vue } from "vue-class-component";
import { useClipboard } from "@vueuse/core";
import { db } from "@/db";
import { MASTER_SETTINGS } from "@/db/tables";
import { deriveAddress, generateSeed, newIdentifier } from "@/libs/crypto";
//import { testServerRegisterUser } from "../test";
components: {},
export default class AccountViewView extends Vue {
// This registers current user in vue plugin with: $vm.ctx.testRegisterUser()
//testRegisterUser = testServerRegisterUser;
address = "";
firstName = "";
lastName = "";
mnemonic = "";
publicHex = "";
derivationPath = "";
copy = useClipboard().copy;
// 'created' hook runs when the Vue instance is first created
async created() {
await db.open();
try {
const settings = await db.settings.get(MASTER_SETTINGS);
if (settings) {
this.firstName = settings.firstName || "";
this.lastName = settings.lastName || "";
const numAccounts = await db.accounts.count();
if (numAccounts === 0) {
let privateHex = "";
this.mnemonic = generateSeed();
[this.address, privateHex, this.publicHex, this.derivationPath] =
const newId = newIdentifier(
await db.accounts.add({
dateCreated: new Date(),
derivationPath: this.derivationPath,
identity: JSON.stringify(newId),
mnemonic: this.mnemonic,
publicKeyHex: newId.keys[0].publicKeyHex,
} catch (err) {
this.alertMessage =
"Clear your cache and start over (after data backup). See console log for more info.";
console.log("Telling user to clear cache because:", err);
this.alertTitle = "Error Creating Account";
this.isAlertVisible = true;
const accounts = await db.accounts.toArray();
const identity = JSON.parse(accounts[0].identity);
this.address = identity.did;
this.publicHex = identity.keys[0].publicKeyHex;
this.derivationPath = identity.keys[0].meta.derivationPath;
alertMessage = "";
alertTitle = "";
isAlertVisible = false;
public onClickClose() {
this.isAlertVisible = false;
this.alertTitle = "";
this.alertMessage = "";
public computedAlertClassNames() {
return {
hidden: !this.isAlertVisible,
"dismissable-alert": true,
"bg-slate-100": true,
"p-5": true,
rounded: true,
"drop-shadow-lg": true,
absolute: true,
"top-3": true,
"inset-x-3": true,
"transition-transform": true,
"ease-in": true,
"duration-300": true,