import BaseDexie, { Table } from "dexie";
import { encrypted, Encryption } from "@pvermeer/dexie-encrypted-addon";
import { accountsSchema, Account } from "./tables/accounts";
import { contactsSchema, Contact } from "./tables/contacts";
type AllTables = {
accounts: Table<Account>;
contacts: Table<Contact>;
* In order to make the next line be acceptable, the program needs to have its linter suppress a rule:
* https://typescript-eslint.io/rules/no-unnecessary-type-constraint/
* and change *any* to *unknown*
* https://9to5answer.com/how-to-bypass-warning-unexpected-any-specify-a-different-type-typescript-eslint-no-explicit-any
type DexieTables = AllTables;
export type Dexie<T extends unknown = DexieTables> = BaseDexie & T;
export const db = new BaseDexie("kickStarter") as Dexie;
* Needed to enable a special webpack setting to allow *await* below:
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72474803/error-the-top-level-await-experiment-is-not-enabled-set-experiments-toplevelaw
// create password and place password in localStorage
const secret =
localStorage.getItem("secret") || Encryption.createRandomEncryptionKey();
if (localStorage.getItem("secret") == null) {
localStorage.setItem("secret", secret);
console.log("DB encryption secretKey:", secret);
encrypted(db, { secretKey: secret });