import BaseDexie, { Table } from "dexie"; import { encrypted, Encryption } from "@pvermeer/dexie-encrypted-addon"; import { Account, AccountsSchema, Contact, ContactsSchema, MASTER_SETTINGS, Settings, SettingsSchema, } from "./tables"; type AllTables = { accounts: Table; contacts: Table; settings: Table; }; /** * In order to make the next line be acceptable, the program needs to have its linter suppress a rule: * * * and change *any* to *unknown* * * */ type DexieTables = AllTables; export type Dexie = BaseDexie & T; export const db = new BaseDexie("KickStart") as Dexie; const AllSchemas = Object.assign( {}, AccountsSchema, ContactsSchema, SettingsSchema ); /** * Needed to enable a special webpack setting to allow *await* below: * */ // create password and place password in localStorage const secret = localStorage.getItem("secret") || Encryption.createRandomEncryptionKey(); if (localStorage.getItem("secret") == null) { localStorage.setItem("secret", secret); } //console.log("IndexedDB Encryption Secret:", secret); encrypted(db, { secretKey: secret }); db.version(1).stores(AllSchemas); // initialize, a la db.on("populate", function () { // ensure there's an initial entry for settings db.settings.add({ id: MASTER_SETTINGS }); });