5 changed files with 491 additions and 506 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,481 @@ |
<template> |
<transition |
enter-active-class="transform ease-out duration-300 transition" |
enter-from-class="translate-y-2 opacity-0 sm:translate-y-4" |
enter-to-class="translate-y-0 opacity-100 sm:translate-y-0" |
leave-active-class="transition ease-in duration-500" |
leave-from-class="opacity-100" |
leave-to-class="opacity-0" |
> |
<div |
v-if="isVisible" |
class="fixed z-[100] top-0 inset-x-0 w-full absolute inset-0 h-screen flex flex-col items-center justify-center bg-slate-900/50" |
> |
<div |
class="flex w-11/12 max-w-sm mx-auto mb-3 overflow-hidden bg-white rounded-lg shadow-lg" |
> |
<div class="w-full px-6 py-6 text-slate-900 text-center"> |
<p v-if="serviceWorkerReady && vapidKey" class="text-lg mb-4"> |
Would you like to be notified of new activity once a day? |
</p> |
<p v-else class="text-lg mb-4"> |
Waiting for system initialization, which may take up to 10 |
seconds... |
<fa icon="spinner" spin /> |
</p> |
<div v-if="serviceWorkerReady && vapidKey"> |
<span class="flex flex-row justify-center"> |
<span class="mt-2">Yes, tell me at: </span> |
<input |
type="number" |
@change="checkHourInput" |
class="rounded-l border border-r-0 border-slate-400 ml-2 mt-2 px-2 py-2 text-center w-20" |
v-model="hourInput" |
/> |
<input |
type="number" |
@change="checkMinuteInput" |
class="border border-slate-400 mt-2 px-2 py-2 text-center w-20" |
v-model="minuteInput" |
/> |
<span |
class="rounded-r border border-slate-400 bg-slate-200 text-center text-blue-500 mt-2 px-2 py-2 w-20" |
@click="hourAm = !hourAm" |
> |
<span v-if="hourAm"> AM <fa icon="chevron-down" /> </span> |
<span v-else> PM <fa icon="chevron-up" /> </span> |
</span> |
</span> |
<button |
class="block w-full text-center text-md font-bold uppercase bg-blue-600 text-white mt-2 px-2 py-2 rounded-md" |
@click=" |
close(); |
turnOnNotifications(); |
" |
> |
Turn on Daily Message |
</button> |
</div> |
<button |
@click="close()" |
class="block w-full text-center text-md font-bold uppercase bg-slate-600 text-white mt-4 px-2 py-2 rounded-md" |
> |
No, Not Now |
</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</transition> |
</template> |
<script lang="ts"> |
import { Component, Vue } from "vue-facing-decorator"; |
import { DEFAULT_PUSH_SERVER, NotificationIface } from "@/constants/app"; |
import { logConsoleAndDb, retrieveSettingsForActiveAccount } from "@/db/index"; |
import { urlBase64ToUint8Array } from "@/libs/crypto/vc/util"; |
import * as libsUtil from "@/libs/util"; |
// Example interface for error |
interface ErrorResponse { |
message: string; |
} |
// PushSubscriptionJSON is defined in the Push API https://www.w3.org/TR/push-api/#dom-pushsubscriptionjson |
interface PushSubscriptionWithTime extends PushSubscriptionJSON { |
notifyTime: { utcHour: number; minute: number }; |
notifyType: string; |
} |
interface ServiceWorkerMessage { |
type: string; |
data: string; |
} |
interface ServiceWorkerResponse { |
// Define the properties and their types |
success: boolean; |
message?: string; |
} |
interface VapidResponse { |
data: { |
vapidKey: string; |
}; |
} |
@Component |
export default class PushNotificationPermission extends Vue { |
$notify!: (notification: NotificationIface, timeout?: number) => void; |
hourAm = true; |
hourInput = "8"; |
isVisible = false; |
minuteInput = "00"; |
serviceWorkerReady = false; |
vapidKey = ""; |
async open() { |
this.isVisible = true; |
try { |
const settings = await retrieveSettingsForActiveAccount(); |
let pushUrl = DEFAULT_PUSH_SERVER; |
if (settings?.webPushServer) { |
pushUrl = settings.webPushServer; |
} |
if (pushUrl.startsWith("http://localhost")) { |
logConsoleAndDb("Not checking for VAPID in this local environment."); |
} else { |
let responseData = ""; |
await this.axios |
.get(pushUrl + "/web-push/vapid") |
.then((response: VapidResponse) => { |
this.vapidKey = response.data?.vapidKey || ""; |
logConsoleAndDb("Got vapid key: " + this.vapidKey); |
responseData = JSON.stringify(response.data); |
navigator.serviceWorker?.addEventListener( |
"controllerchange", |
() => { |
logConsoleAndDb( |
"New service worker is now controlling the page", |
); |
}, |
); |
}); |
if (!this.vapidKey) { |
this.$notify( |
{ |
group: "alert", |
type: "danger", |
title: "Error Setting Notifications", |
text: "Could not set notifications.", |
}, |
5000, |
); |
logConsoleAndDb( |
"Error Setting Notifications: web push server response didn't have vapidKey: " + |
responseData, |
true, |
); |
} |
} |
} catch (error) { |
if (window.location.host.startsWith("localhost")) { |
logConsoleAndDb( |
"Ignoring the error getting VAPID for local development.", |
); |
} else { |
logConsoleAndDb( |
"Got an error initializing notifications: " + JSON.stringify(error), |
true, |
); |
this.$notify( |
{ |
group: "alert", |
type: "danger", |
title: "Error Setting Notifications", |
text: "Got an error setting notifications.", |
}, |
5000, |
); |
} |
} |
// there may be a long pause here on first initialization |
navigator.serviceWorker?.ready.then(() => { |
this.serviceWorkerReady = true; |
}); |
} |
private close() { |
this.isVisible = false; |
} |
private sendMessageToServiceWorker( |
message: ServiceWorkerMessage, |
): Promise<unknown> { |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
if (navigator.serviceWorker?.controller) { |
const messageChannel = new MessageChannel(); |
messageChannel.port1.onmessage = (event: MessageEvent) => { |
if (event.data.error) { |
reject(event.data.error as ErrorResponse); |
} else { |
resolve(event.data as ServiceWorkerResponse); |
} |
}; |
navigator.serviceWorker?.controller.postMessage(message, [ |
messageChannel.port2, |
]); |
} else { |
reject("Service worker controller not available"); |
} |
}); |
} |
private askPermission(): Promise<NotificationPermission> { |
logConsoleAndDb( |
"Requesting permission for notifications: " + JSON.stringify(navigator), |
); |
if ( |
!("serviceWorker" in navigator && navigator.serviceWorker?.controller) |
) { |
return Promise.reject("Service worker not available."); |
} |
const secret = localStorage.getItem("secret"); |
if (!secret) { |
return Promise.reject("No secret found."); |
} |
return this.sendSecretToServiceWorker(secret) |
.then(() => this.checkNotificationSupport()) |
.then(() => this.requestNotificationPermission()) |
.catch((error) => Promise.reject(error)); |
} |
private sendSecretToServiceWorker(secret: string): Promise<void> { |
const message: ServiceWorkerMessage = { |
type: "SEND_LOCAL_DATA", |
data: secret, |
}; |
return this.sendMessageToServiceWorker(message).then((response) => { |
logConsoleAndDb( |
"Response from service worker: " + JSON.stringify(response), |
); |
}); |
} |
private checkNotificationSupport(): Promise<void> { |
if (!("Notification" in window)) { |
alert("This browser does not support notifications."); |
return Promise.reject("This browser does not support notifications."); |
} |
if (window.Notification.permission === "granted") { |
return Promise.resolve(); |
} |
return Promise.resolve(); |
} |
private requestNotificationPermission(): Promise<NotificationPermission> { |
return window.Notification.requestPermission().then( |
(permission: string) => { |
if (permission !== "granted") { |
alert( |
"Allow this app permission to make notifications for personal reminders." + |
" You can adjust them at any time in your settings.", |
); |
throw new Error("We weren't granted permission."); |
} |
return permission; |
}, |
); |
} |
private checkHourInput() { |
const hourNum = parseInt(this.hourInput); |
if (isNaN(hourNum)) { |
this.hourInput = "12"; |
} else if (hourNum < 1) { |
this.hourInput = "12"; |
this.hourAm = !this.hourAm; |
} else if (hourNum > 12) { |
this.hourInput = "1"; |
this.hourAm = !this.hourAm; |
} else { |
this.hourInput = hourNum.toString(); |
} |
} |
private checkMinuteInput() { |
const minuteNum = parseInt(this.minuteInput); |
if (isNaN(minuteNum)) { |
this.minuteInput = "00"; |
} else if (minuteNum < 0) { |
this.minuteInput = "59"; |
} else if (minuteNum < 10) { |
this.minuteInput = "0" + minuteNum; |
} else if (minuteNum > 59) { |
this.minuteInput = "00"; |
} else { |
this.minuteInput = minuteNum.toString(); |
} |
} |
public async turnOnNotifications() { |
return this.askPermission() |
.then((permission) => { |
logConsoleAndDb("Permission granted: " + JSON.stringify(permission)); |
// Call the function and handle promises |
return this.subscribeToPush(); |
}) |
.then(() => { |
logConsoleAndDb("Subscribed successfully."); |
return navigator.serviceWorker?.ready; |
}) |
.then((registration) => { |
return registration.pushManager.getSubscription(); |
}) |
.then(async (subscription) => { |
if (subscription) { |
await this.$notify( |
{ |
group: "alert", |
type: "info", |
title: "Notification Setup Underway", |
text: "Setting up notifications for interesting activity, which takes about 10 seconds. If you don't see a final confirmation, check the 'Troubleshoot' page.", |
}, |
-1, |
); |
// we already checked that this is a valid hour number |
const rawHourNum = libsUtil.numberOrZero(this.hourInput); |
const adjHourNum = this.hourAm |
? // If it's AM, then we'll change it to 0 for 12 AM but otherwise use rawHourNum |
rawHourNum === 12 |
? 0 |
: rawHourNum |
: // Otherwise it's PM, so keep a 12 but otherwise add 12 |
rawHourNum === 12 |
? 12 |
: rawHourNum + 12; |
const hourNum = adjHourNum % 24; // probably unnecessary now |
const utcHour = |
hourNum + Math.round(new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / 60); |
const finalUtcHour = (utcHour + (utcHour < 0 ? 24 : 0)) % 24; |
const minuteNum = libsUtil.numberOrZero(this.minuteInput); |
const utcMinute = |
minuteNum + Math.round(new Date().getTimezoneOffset() % 60); |
const finalUtcMinute = (utcMinute + (utcMinute < 0 ? 60 : 0)) % 60; |
const subscriptionWithTime: PushSubscriptionWithTime = { |
notifyTime: { utcHour: finalUtcHour, minute: finalUtcMinute }, |
notifyType: "DAILY_CHECK", |
...subscription.toJSON(), |
}; |
await this.sendSubscriptionToServer(subscriptionWithTime); |
// To help investigate potential issues with this: https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/migrate-v1 |
logConsoleAndDb( |
"Subscription data sent to server with endpoint: " + |
subscription.endpoint, |
); |
return subscriptionWithTime; |
} else { |
throw new Error("Subscription object is not available."); |
} |
}) |
.then(async (subscription: PushSubscriptionWithTime) => { |
logConsoleAndDb( |
"Subscription data sent to server and all finished successfully.", |
); |
await libsUtil.sendTestThroughPushServer(subscription, true); |
this.$notify( |
{ |
group: "alert", |
type: "success", |
title: "Notifications Turned On", |
text: "Notifications are on. You should see at least one on your device; if not, check the 'Troubleshoot' page.", |
}, |
-1, |
); |
}) |
.catch((error) => { |
logConsoleAndDb( |
"Got an error setting notification permissions: " + |
" string " + |
error.toString() + |
" JSON " + |
JSON.stringify(error), |
true, |
); |
alert("Some error occurred setting notification permissions."); |
// unsubscribe just in case we failed after getting a subscription |
navigator.serviceWorker?.ready |
.then((registration) => registration.pushManager.getSubscription()) |
.then((subscription) => { |
if (subscription) { |
subscription.unsubscribe(); |
} |
}); |
}); |
} |
private subscribeToPush(): Promise<void> { |
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => { |
if (!("serviceWorker" in navigator && "PushManager" in window)) { |
const errorMsg = "Push messaging is not supported"; |
console.warn(errorMsg); |
return reject(new Error(errorMsg)); |
} |
if (window.Notification.permission !== "granted") { |
const errorMsg = "Notification permission not granted"; |
console.warn(errorMsg); |
return reject(new Error(errorMsg)); |
} |
const applicationServerKey = urlBase64ToUint8Array(this.vapidKey); |
const options: PushSubscriptionOptions = { |
userVisibleOnly: true, |
applicationServerKey: applicationServerKey, |
}; |
navigator.serviceWorker?.ready |
.then((registration) => { |
return registration.pushManager.subscribe(options); |
}) |
.then((subscription) => { |
logConsoleAndDb( |
"Push subscription successful: " + JSON.stringify(subscription), |
); |
resolve(); |
}) |
.catch((error) => { |
logConsoleAndDb( |
"Push subscription failed: " + |
JSON.stringify(error) + |
" - " + |
JSON.stringify(options), |
true, |
); |
// Inform the user about the issue |
alert( |
"We encountered an issue setting up push notifications. " + |
"If you wish to revoke notification permissions, please do so in your browser settings.", |
); |
reject(error); |
}); |
}); |
} |
private sendSubscriptionToServer( |
subscription: PushSubscriptionWithTime, |
): Promise<void> { |
logConsoleAndDb("About to send subscription... " + subscription); |
return fetch("/web-push/subscribe", { |
method: "POST", |
headers: { |
"Content-Type": "application/json", |
}, |
body: JSON.stringify(subscription), |
}).then((response) => { |
if (!response.ok) { |
console.error("Bad response subscribing to web push: ", response); |
throw new Error("Failed to send push subscription to server"); |
} |
logConsoleAndDb("Push subscription sent to server successfully."); |
}); |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style scoped> |
/* Add any specific styles for this component here */ |
</style> |
Reference in new issue