You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

879 lines
30 KiB

# $Id:,v 1.5 2006/10/17 14:39:59 ddoughty Exp $
# Source File:
# Get config
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sub CreateMasters() {
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sub PrintQuestionsOCR() {
my $trash;
my $r=0;
my $c=0;
my $rowhtml;
my $questionindex;
$referencepage = "";
$allowupdate = 0;
$scored = 1;
foreach $questionindex (1 .. $#questions) {
$qtype = $QUESTION{'qtp'};
$anstype = $QUESTION{'qalb'};
($qsubj, $sklvl) = split(/\./, $QUESTION{'subj'});
if ($sklvl eq '') { $sklvl = 3; }
($keyresponse,$kflags) = split(/::/, $keyanswers[$questionindex]);
$scoreable = 1;
$credit = $noanswertag;
$checked = "";
$answerkey = "";
$studentkey = "";
$qanswermatch = "";
@txts = ();
if ($qtype eq 'nrt') {
# &PrintQuestionNRT($TEST{'seq'});
} elsif ($qtype eq 'tf') {
} elsif ($qtype eq 'esa') {
# &PrintQuestionESA($TEST{'seq'});
} elsif ($qtype eq 'mcs') {
} elsif ($qtype eq 'mcm') {
# &PrintQuestionMCM($TEST{'seq'});
} elsif ($qtype eq 'mch') {
# &PrintQuestionMCH($TEST{'seq'});
} elsif ($qtype eq 'ord') {
# &PrintQuestionORD($TEST{'seq'});
$rowhtml = join('',"<TR>","<TD align=right valign=\"top\" width=30><font $textcolor>$questionindex. </font></TD>",$answerkey,"</TR>\n");
$c=int(($questionindex-1) / 50);
$r=(($questionindex-1) % 50);
if ($c == 0) {
push @ocrcoltbl0,$rowhtml;
} elsif ($c==1) {
push @ocrcoltbl1,$rowhtml;
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push @ocrcoltbl2,$rowhtml;
sub PrintQuestions() {
my $trash;
$referencepage = "";
$allowupdate = 0;
$scored = 1;
@tstquestions = ();
foreach $questionindex (1 .. $#questions) {
$qtype = $QUESTION{'qtp'};
$anstype = $QUESTION{'qalb'};
($qsubj, $sklvl) = split(/\./, $QUESTION{'subj'});
if ($sklvl eq '') { $sklvl = 3; }
($keyresponse,$kflags) = split(/::/, $keyanswers[$questionindex]);
$scoreable = 1;
$credit = $noanswertag;
$checked = "";
$answerkey = "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=550 $bordercolor>\n";
$studentkey = "";
$qanswermatch = "";
@txts = ();
if ($qtype eq 'nrt') {
} elsif ($qtype eq 'tf') {
} elsif ($qtype eq 'esa') {
} elsif ($qtype eq 'mcs') {
} elsif ($qtype eq 'mcm') {
} elsif ($qtype eq 'mch') {
} elsif ($qtype eq 'ord') {
if ($qtype ne 'esa' ) { $answerkey = join('', $answerkey,"</table>\n"); }
$qlinked = "";
$questionillustration = "";
if ($showgraphics) {
if ($QUESTION{'qim'} eq '1') {
$qlinked = $QUESTION{'illustration'};
($trash,$qlinked)= split(/img=/, $qlinked);
($qlinked,$trash) = split(/\" /, $qlinked);
$qlinked = "<IMG NAME=\"qimage\" SRC=\"$cgiroot/$SESSION{'tid'}\&img=$qlinked\" BORDER=0>";
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$qlinked = $QUESTION{'illustration'};
if ($qlinked ne "") {
if ($refpage) {
$referencepage = join('', $referencepage,"<font size=2 $textcolor><B><I>Illustration below is for question $questionindex.</I></B><BR></font>\n$qlinked<BR>\&nbsp\;<BR>\n");
} else {
$questionillustration = " <TR>
<TD width=30>\&nbsp\;<BR></TD>
<TD colspan=2 width=550>
<font size=2 $textcolor><B><I>Illustration below is for question $questionindex.</I></B><BR></font>
$questionillustration =~ s/BORDER=0/BORDER=1/g;
$qother = "";
$joinsc = " ";
if ($oshowqid) {
$qother = join('', $qother, "$QUESTION{'id'}");
$joinsc = ":";
if ($oshowsubj) {
$qother = join($joinsc, $qother, "$qsubj ");
$joinsc = ":";
if ($oshowskill) {
$qother = join($joinsc, $qother, "$skilllevel[$sklvl] ");
if ($qother ne '') {
$qother = join('', "<font size=1><B>", uc($qother), "</B></font><BR>");
$scoremsg = ($printscoreboxes) ? "<input type=checkbox> <input type=checkbox><BR>\nSCORING<BR>USE ONLY" : "";
if ($colspan eq 2) {
$tstquestion = "$questionillustration
<TD rowspan=2 valign=\"top\" width=30><font $textcolor>$questionindex. </font></TD>
<TD colspan=2 valign=\"top\" width=550><font $textcolor>$qother$QUESTION{'qtx'}</font></TD>
<TD rowspan=2 align=center valign=\"top\" width=60>
<Font size=1 $textcolor>
<TD colspan=2 valign=\"top\" width=550><font $textcolor>$answerkey</font></TD>
} else {
$tstquestion = "$questionillustration
<TD rowspan=2 valign=\"top\" width=30><font $textcolor>$questionindex. </font></TD>
<TD colspan=2 valign=\"top\" width=550><font $textcolor>$qother$QUESTION{'qtx'}</font></TD>
<TD rowspan=2 align=center valign=\"top\" width=60>
<Font size=1 $textcolor>
<TD valign=\"top\" width=275><font $textcolor>$answerkey</font></TD>
<TD valign=\"top\" width=275><font $textcolor>$qanswermatch</font></TD>
push @tstquestions, $tstquestion;
return @tstquestions;
sub PrintQuestionNRT {
my ($ttyp) = @_;
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<tr><td valign=top width=550><font $textcolor>\n");
if ($keyprint == 1) {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<textarea rows=10 cols=60>$keyresponse</textarea>");
} else {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<textarea rows=10 cols=60></textarea>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"</font></td></tr>\n");
sub PrintQuestionTF {
my ($ttyp) = @_;
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<td valign=top colspan=8><font $textcolor>\n");
if ($ttyp eq 'svy') {
$checked = ($QUESTION{'qca'} eq "TRUE") ? "CHECKED": "";
$checked = ($keyprint == 1) ? $checked : "";
if (!$onoradios) { $answerkey .= "<input type=\"radio\"$checked>"; }
$answerkey .= "TRUE<BR>\n";
$checked = ($QUESTION{'qca'} eq "FALSE") ? "CHECKED": "";
$checked = ($keyprint == 1) ? $checked : "";
if (!$onoradios) { $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<input type=\"radio\"$checked>"); }
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"FALSE<BR>\n");
} else {
if ($keyprint) {
if ($oblackoutthrowoffs) {
if ($QUESTION{'qca'} eq "TRUE") {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<input type=\"radio\" CHECKED>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"TRUE<BR>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<img src=\"$PATHS{'graphurl'}/blackbar.jpg\" height=10 width=100 border=1>");
if (!$onoradios) { $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<input type=\"radio\">"); }
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"X<BR>\n");
} else {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<img src=\"$PATHS{'graphurl'}/blackbar.jpg\" height=10 width=100 border=1>");
if (!$onoradios) { $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<input type=\"radio\">"); }
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"X<BR>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<input type=\"radio\" CHECKED>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"FALSE<BR>\n");
} else {
if ($QUESTION{'qca'} eq "TRUE") {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<input type=\"radio\" CHECKED>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"TRUE<BR>\n");
if (!$onoradios) { $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<input type=\"radio\">"); }
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"FALSE<BR>\n");
} else {
if (!$onoradios) { $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<input type=\"radio\">\n"); }
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"TRUE<BR>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<input type=\"radio\" CHECKED>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"FALSE<BR>\n");
} else {
if (!$onoradios) { $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"radio\">");}
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"&nbsp;&nbsp;TRUE");
if (!$onoradios) { $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"radio\">");}
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"&nbsp;&nbsp;FALSE");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"</font></td>\n");
sub PrintQuestionESA {
my ($ttyp) = @_;
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<tr><td valign=top width=550><font $textcolor>\n");
$lenresponse = length($keyresponse) + 4;
if ($keyprint == 1) {
$answerkey = "<input type=text size=$lenresponse value=\"$keyresponse\">";
} else {
$answerkey = "<input type=text size=$lenresponse>";
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"</font></td></tr>\n");
sub PrintQuestionMCS {
my ($ttyp) = @_;
if ($ttyp eq 'svy') {
@txts = ();
if ($QUESTION{'qca'} ne '') {
push @txts, $QUESTION{'qca'};
@txts_wro = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qia'});
foreach $qia (@txts_wro) {
push @txts, $qia;
@kans = split(/\?/,$keyresponse);
foreach $j (1 .. $#kans) {
$jidx = $j-1;
@indexs = split(/=/, $kans[$j]);
$checked = ($indexs[1] == '1') ? " CHECKED" : "";
$checked = ($keyprint == 1) ? $checked : "";
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<td align=right valign=top width=20><font $textcolor>\n");
if (!$onoradios) { $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<input type=\"radio\"$checked>"); }
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<td align=right valign=top width=20><font $textcolor>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$albls[$jidx].");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td><td valign=top width=510><font $textcolor>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$txts[$indexs[0]]\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td>\n");
} else {
push @txts, $QUESTION{'qca'};
@txts_wro = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qia'});
foreach $qia (@txts_wro) {
push @txts, $qia;
@kans = split(/\?/,$keyresponse);
foreach $j (1 .. $#kans) {
$jidx = $j-1;
@indexs = split(/=/, $kans[$j]);
if ($keyprint) {
$checked = ($indexs[1] eq '1') ? " CHECKED" : "";
if (($ocrstyle) && ($ocrsheetno > 0)) {
if ($checked ne "") {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<td align=left valign=top width=20><font $textcolor>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;$albls[$jidx].");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"</font></td><td valign=top width=10><font $textcolor>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<img src=\"$PATHS{'graphurl'}/blackbar.jpg\" height=10 width=10 border=1>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td>");
} elsif (($oblackoutthrowoffs) && ($keyprint)) {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<td align=left valign=top width=20><font $textcolor>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;$albls[$jidx].");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"</font></td><td valign=top width=10><font $textcolor>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<img src=\"$PATHS{'graphurl'}/redbar.jpg\" height=10 width=10 border=1>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td>");
} else {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<td align=left valign=top width=20><font $textcolor>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;$albls[$jidx].");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"</font></td><td valign=top width=10><font $textcolor>");
if (!$onoradios) { $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<input type=radio $checked>"); }
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td>");
} else {
if ($checked ne "") {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<tr><td align=right valign=top width=20><font $textcolor>\n");
if (!$onoradios) { $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<input type=\"radio\"$checked>"); }
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<td align=right valign=top width=20><font $textcolor>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$albls[$jidx].");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td><td valign=top width=510><font $textcolor>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$txts[$indexs[0]]\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td></tr>\n");
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$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<tr><td align=right valign=top width=20><font $textcolor>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<img src=\"$PATHS{'graphurl'}/blackbar.jpg\" height=10 width=30 border=1>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<td align=right valign=top width=20><font $textcolor>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td><td valign=top width=510><font $textcolor>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<img src=\"$PATHS{'graphurl'}/blackbar.jpg\" height=10 width=100 border=1>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td></tr>\n");
} else {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<tr><td align=right valign=top width=20><font $textcolor>\n");
if ($ocrstyle || $onoradios) {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;");
} else {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<input type=\"radio\"$checked>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<td align=right valign=top width=20><font $textcolor>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$albls[$jidx].");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td><td valign=top width=510><font $textcolor>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$txts[$indexs[0]]\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td></tr>\n");
sub PrintQuestionMCM {
my ($ttyp) = @_;
if ($ttyp eq 'svy') {
@txts = ();
if ($QUESTION{'qca'} ne '') {
@txts = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qca'});
@txts_wro = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qia'});
foreach $qia (@txts_wro) {
push @txts, $qia;
@kans = split(/\?/,$keyresponse);
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<tr><td valign=top width=550><font $textcolor>\n");
foreach $j (1 .. $#kans) {
$jidx = $j-1;
@indexs = split(/=/, $kans[$j]);
$checked = ($studentresponse =~ /$jidx/) ? " CHECKED" : "";
$answerkey = join('',$studentkey,"$albls[$jidx].","<input type=\"checkbox\"$checked>$txts[$indexs[0]]<BR>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"</font></td></tr>\n");
} else {
@txts = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qca'});
@txts_wro = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qia'});
foreach $qia (@txts_wro) {
push @txts, $qia;
@kans = split(/\?/,$keyresponse);
foreach $j (1 .. $#kans) {
$jidx = $j-1;
@indexs = split(/=/, $kans[$j]);
if ($keyprint) {
$checked = ($indexs[1] eq '1') ? " CHECKED" : "";
if (($ocrstyle) && ($ocrsheetno > 0)) {
if ($checked ne "") {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<td align=left valign=top width=20><font $textcolor>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;$albls[$jidx].");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"</font></td><td valign=top width=10><font $textcolor>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<img src=\"$PATHS{'graphurl'}/blackbar.jpg\" height=10 width=10 border=1>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td>");
} elsif (($oblackoutthrowoffs) && ($keyprint)) {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<td align=left valign=top width=20><font $textcolor>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;$albls[$jidx].");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"</font></td><td valign=top width=10><font $textcolor>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<img src=\"$PATHS{'graphurl'}/redbar.jpg\" height=10 width=10 border=1>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td>");
} else {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<td align=left valign=top width=20><font $textcolor>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;$albls[$jidx].");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"</font></td><td valign=top width=10><font $textcolor>");
if (!$onoradios) { $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<input type=radio $checked>"); }
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td>");
} else {
if ($checked ne "") {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<tr><td align=right valign=top width=20><font $textcolor>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<input type=\"checkbox\"$checked>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<td align=right valign=top width=20><font $textcolor>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$albls[$jidx].");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td><td valign=top width=510><font $textcolor>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$txts[$indexs[0]]\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td></tr>\n");
} elsif (($oblackoutthrowoffs) && ($keyprint)) {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<tr><td align=right valign=top width=20><font $textcolor>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<img src=\"$PATHS{'graphurl'}/blackbar.jpg\" height=10 width=30 border=1>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<td align=right valign=top width=20><font $textcolor>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td><td valign=top width=510><font $textcolor>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<img src=\"$PATHS{'graphurl'}/blackbar.jpg\" height=10 width=100 border=1>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td></tr>\n");
} else {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<tr><td align=right valign=top width=20><font $textcolor>\n");
if ($ocrstyle) {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;");
} else {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<input type=\"checkbox\"$checked>");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<td align=right valign=top width=20><font $textcolor>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$albls[$jidx].");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td><td valign=top width=510><font $textcolor>\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$txts[$indexs[0]]\n");
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"\&nbsp;</font></td></tr>\n");
# if ($keyprint) {
# $checked = ($indexs[1] eq '1') ? " CHECKED" : "";
# if ($oblackoutthrowoffs) {
# if ($checked ne '') {
# $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$albls[$jidx].","<input type=\"checkbox\" $checked>$txts[$indexs[0]]<BR>\n");
# } else {
# $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<img src=\"$PATHS{'graphurl'}/blackbar.jpg\" height=10 width=100 border=1><input type=\"checkbox\">X<BR>\n");
# }
# } else {
# $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$albls[$jidx].","<input type=\"checkbox\"$checked>$txts[$indexs[0]]<BR>\n");
# }
# } else {
# $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$albls[$jidx].","<input type=\"checkbox\">$txts[$indexs[0]]<BR>\n");
# }
# $colspan=2;
sub PrintQuestionMCH {
my ($ttyp) = @_;
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<tr><td valign=top width=550><font $textcolor>\n");
if ($ttyp eq 'svy') {
@txts = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qca'});
@txts_wro = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qia'});
@ansopts = split(/\./, $keyresponse);
$ansopt = shift @ansopts;
$keyresponse = "";
for (0 .. $#ansopts) {
$cansord[$ansopts[$_]] = $albls[$_];
$qanswermatch = join('',$qanswermatch, "<I>($cansord[$ansopts[$_]]) $txts_wro[$ansopts[$_]]</I><BR>\n");
foreach $cansord (@cansord) {
$keyresponse = join('', $keyresponse, $cansord);
for (0 .. $#ansopts) {
if ($keyprint == 1) {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$albls[$_].","<input type=text size=2 value=\"$cansord[$_]\"> $txts[$_]<BR>\n");
} else {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$albls[$_].","<input type=text size=2> $txts[$_]<BR>\n");
@cansord = ();
} else {
@txts = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qca'});
@txts_wro = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qia'});
@ansopts = split(/\./, $keyresponse);
$trash = shift @ansopts;
$keyresponse = "";
for (0 .. $#ansopts) {
$cansord[$ansopts[$_]] = $albls[$_];
$qanswermatch = join('',$qanswermatch, "$cansord[$ansopts[$_]].\&nbsp\;\&nbsp\;$txts_wro[$ansopts[$_]]<BR>\n");
foreach $cansord (@cansord) {
$keyresponse = join('', $keyresponse, $cansord);
for (0 .. $#ansopts) {
if ($keyprint == 1) {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$albls[$_].","<input type=text size=2 value=\"$cansord[$_]\"> $txts[$_]<BR>\n");
} else {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$albls[$_].","<input type=text size=2> $txts[$_]<BR>\n");
@cansord = ();
# $colspan=1;
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"</font></td></tr>\n");
sub PrintQuestionORD {
my ($ttyp) = @_;
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"<tr><td valign=top width=550><font $textcolor>\n");
if ($ttyp eq 'svy') {
@txts = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qca'});
@ansopts = split(/\./, $keyresponse);
$trash = shift @ansopts;
for (0 .. $#ansopts) {
$ansopt = $ansopts[$_];
if ($keyprint == 1) {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$albls[$_].","<input type=text size=3 value=\"$ansopt\"> $txts[$ansopts[$_]]<BR>\n");
} else {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$albls[$_].","<input type=text size=3> $txts[$ansopts[$_]]<BR>\n");
} else {
@txts = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qca'});
@ansopts = split(/\./, $keyresponse);
$trash = shift @ansopts;
for (0 .. $#ansopts) {
$ansopt = $ansopts[$_];
if ($keyprint == 1) {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$albls[$_].","<input type=text size=3 value=\"$ansopt\"> $txts[$ansopts[$_]]<BR>\n");
} else {
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$albls[$_].","<input type=text size=3> $txts[$ansopts[$_]]<BR>\n");
# $colspan=2;
$answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"</font></td></tr>\n");
sub PrintOCRSheets() {
my @tstquestions = ();
return @tstquestions;