You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

95 lines
2.5 KiB

# Source File:
# Get config
require '';
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
if (&get_session($FORM{'tid'})) {
&get_test_profile($SESSION{'clid'}, $FORM{'tstid'});
if ($FORM{'dbop'} eq 'h') {
} else {
if ($FORM{'dbop'} eq 'g') {
} elsif ($FORM{'dbop'} eq 'd') {
if(&delete_custom_page()) {
} elsif ($FORM{'dbop'} eq 's') {
} else {
if ($FORM{'page'} eq '') {
$FORM{'cxpselected'}=($FORM{'page'} eq 'cxp') ? " selected" : "";
$FORM{'cepselected'}=($FORM{'page'} eq 'cep') ? " selected" : "";
$FORM{'cxfselected'}=($FORM{'page'} eq 'cxf') ? " selected" : "";
$FORM{'cefselected'}=($FORM{'page'} eq 'cef') ? " selected" : "";
$FORM{'cxuselected'}=($FORM{'page'} eq 'cxu') ? " selected" : "";
$FORM{'ceuselected'}=($FORM{'page'} eq 'ceu') ? " selected" : "";
$FORM{'insselected'}=($FORM{'page'} =~ 'cxpcxfcxu') ? "" : " selected";
} else {
sub get_custom_page {
my $rec;
my $customexitfile=join($pathsep,$questionroot,"$TEST{'id'}.$SESSION{'clid'}.$FORM{'page'}");
if (file_exists($customexitfile)) {
if (open(TMPFILE,"<$customexitfile")) {
my @cstextrecs=<TMPFILE>;
close TMPFILE;
my $customfilecontents="";
foreach $rec (@cstextrecs) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub save_custom_page {
my $customexitfile=join($pathsep,$questionroot,"$TEST{'id'}.$SESSION{'clid'}.$FORM{'page'}");
my $fileexisted=file_exists($customexitfile);
if (open(TMPFILE,">$customexitfile")) {
print TMPFILE "$FORM{'cstmpgrawhtml'}";
close TMPFILE;
unless ($fileexisted) { my $chmod = chmod 0777,$customexitfile;}
return 1;
return 0;
sub delete_custom_page() {
my $rec;
my $customexitfile=join($pathsep,$questionroot,"$TEST{'id'}.$SESSION{'clid'}.$FORM{'page'}");
if (file_exists($customexitfile)) {
my $filepath=join($pathsep,$questionroot);
my $customexitfile="$TEST{'id'}.$SESSION{'clid'}.$FORM{'page'}";
if (chdir($filepath)) {
my $cnt = unlink "$customexitfile";
if ($cnt != 0 ) {
return 1;
return 0;