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myTest01.001&mcs&0&&What color is the sky?&blue&red;white;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
myTest01.002&mcs&0&&Why did the chicken cross the road?&to get to the other side&to test cars swerving capabilities;to sleep on it;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
myTest01.003&tf&0&&This is a hard test&FALSE&TRUE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
myTest01.004&tf&1&N&<table bgcolor=lightgray border=10 height=1
;width=380> ;<tr><td align=center><h2> KPSS <td ;align=center><i><b>Page 1 of 10</b></i> ;</center></table> <br><br><table bgcolor=lightgray ;border=10 ;height=1 ;width=380> ;<tr><td align=center><h2> KPSS <td ;align=center><i><b>Page 2 of 10</b></i> ;</center></table> <br><br><table bgcolor=lightgray ;border=10 ;height=1 ;width=380> ;<tr><td align=center><h2> KPSS <td ;align=center><i><b>Page 3 of 10</b></i> ;</center></table> <br><br><table bgcolor=lightgray ;border=10 ;height=1 ;width=380> ;<tr><td align=center><h2> KPSS <td ;align=center><i><b>Page 4 of 10</b></i> ;</center></table> <br><br><table bgcolor=lightgray ;border=10 ;height=1 ;width=380> ;<tr><td align=center><h2> KPSS <td ;align=center><i><b>Page 5 of 10</b></i> ;</center></table> <br><br><table bgcolor=lightgray ;border=10 ;height=1 ;width=380> ;<tr><td align=center><h2> KPSS <td ;align=center><i><b>Page 6 of 10</b></i> ;</center></table> <br><br><table bgcolor=lightgray ;border=10 ;height=1 ;width=380> ;<tr><td align=center><h2> KPSS <td ;align=center><i><b>Page 7 of 10</b></i> ;</center></table> <br><br> ;<table bgcolor=lightgray border=10 ;height=1 ;width=380> ;<tr><td align=center><h2> KPSS <td ;align=center><i><b>Page 8 of 10</b></i> ;</center></table> <br><br><table bgcolor=lightgray ;border=10 ;height=1 ;width=380> ;<tr><td align=center><h2> KPSS <td ;align=center><i><b>Page 9 of 10</b></i> ;</center></table> <br><br> ;<table bgcolor=lightgray border=10 ;height=1 ;width=380> ;<tr><td align=center><h2> KPSS <td ;align=center><i><b>Page 10 of 10</b></i> ;</center></table> <br><br><table bgcolor=lightgray ;border=10 height=1 ;width=380> ;4. Are you able to view the file? ;<a ;href=> ;view </a> ;&YES&NO&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N. myTest01.005&tf&2&N&Are you able to view the graphics file?&YES&NO&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.