You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

80 lines
2.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/perl -I /usr/local/httpd/cgi-bin
# this script is for the purpose of resnding emails,
# that either were not actually sent by the system,
# or got lost.
# These emails must have been logged in the folder notify
# in the clients primary folder.
# For example:
# Without the leading pound signs,
# The first few lines in the files look like this:
# To:,
# Subject: Completed: James Baumann
# The only parameter is the filename of
# the file in the notify folder.
# The client-id is hardcoded.
$ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT} = "/home/hivy/TestManager-Trunk/Testmanager/htdocs" ;
$ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT} = "/usr/local/httpd/htdocs" ;
local $Client_ID = "sandbox" ;
local $Client_ID = "usnscc" ;
local $Sleep_Time = 301 ;
require '';
# The above also includes the script.
if ($#ARGV < 0) {
warn "No parameter on the command line.\n" ;
die "Usage: EmailFileName\n" ;
local $error_Cnt = 0;
local $mail_file ;
foreach $file_name (@ARGV) {
# warn "Email file name is $file_name\n" ;
$mail_file = join( $pathsep, $pubroot, $Client_ID, "notify", $file_name);
unless (-r $mail_file && -f _ && -s _) {
warn "Full email path: $mail_file\n" ;
warn "Full email path is either not readable, not a regular file, or is empty.\n" ;
$error_Cnt ++ ;
if ($error_Cnt) {
die "ERROR: One or more files is inaccessible.\n" ;
foreach $file_name (@ARGV) {
# warn "Email file name is $file_name\n" ;
local ($From, $To_Addrs, $Subject, $Text) ;
local @Entire_File ;
local ($result ) ;
$mail_file = join( $pathsep, $pubroot, $Client_ID, "notify", $file_name);
$result = open FHAND, $mail_file ;
die "ERROR: file $mail_file by " . ($! + 0) . " $! " unless ($result) ;
@Entire_File = <FHAND> ;
close FHAND ;
$From = shift @Entire_File ; # Get the first line.
$To_addrs = shift @Entire_File ;
$Subject = shift @Entire_File ;
chomp $From ;
$From =~ s/^From:// ;
chomp $To_addrs ;
$To_addrs =~ s/^To:\s*// ;
chomp $Subject ;
$Subject =~ s/^Subject:\s*// ;
$Text = join "", @Entire_File ;
&send_mail ( $From, $To_addrs, $Subject, $Text) ;
print "DONE: $file_name from $From TO $To_addrs About $Subject \n" ;
sleep $Sleep_Time ;