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smc.001&mcs&0&&Overall, how would you rate this year's Spring Management Conference?&&Excellent;Good;Fair;Lacking;&&&&a&.0&&&&
smc.002&mcs&0&&Were the Learning Forums at this year's Spring Management Conference relevant to your business?&&Definitely;Somewhat;Not at all;&&&&a&.0&&&&
smc.003&nrt&0&&What Learning Forum topics would you like to see offered at next year's meeting?&500&&&&&&.0&&&&
smc.004&mcs&0&&Were the Special Interest Group Sessions informative and worthwhile?&&Definitely;Somewhat;Not at all;&&&&a&.0&&&&
smc.005&mcs&0&&Do you plan on joining the Special Interest Group(s) based on the information you received at the session(s)?&&Yes;No;Undecided;&&&&a&.0&&&&
smc.006&nrt&0&&What Special Interest Groups would you like to see DMIA form in the future?&500&&&&&&.0&&&&
smc.007&mcs&0&&Please evaluate the current mix of sessions, social activities, and free time offered at SMC:&&The current mix is ideal;Offer less free time and social activities, and add more educational sessions;XXXXX;&&&&a&.0&&&&
smc.008&mcs&0&&Please evaluate the type of sessions offered at SMC:&&Offer more sessions where I can learn from consultants;Offer more interactive sessions where we can learn from and share ideas with other members;The current setup is ideal;&&&&a&.0&&&&
smc.009&mcs&0&&How do you rate the Ritz Carlton and/or San Juan as a location for this meeting?&&Excellent;Good;Fair;Lacking;&&&&a&.0&&&&
smc.010&mcs&0&N&Are you planning to attend NEXT year's Spring Management Conference in Albuquerque, NM at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa? &&Yes;No;Undecided;&&&a&a.0&.0&&&
smc.011&mcs&0&&Would you be more likely to attend future Spring Management Conferences if they were held in resorts (with self-contained activities) or city destinations?&&I prefer resorts;I prefer city hotels;The venue makes no difference in my decision to attend;&&&&a&.0&&&&
smc.012&nrt&0&&What one thing would you expect from DMIA that would better meet your needs?&1000&&&&&&.0&&&&