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ntma1.001&mcs&0&&Check only one selection that best describes your company's operations:&&Tools, Dies, and Fixtures;Molds;Special Machines;Precision Machining (excluding Aerospace);Aerospace Machining and Fabrication;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ntma1.002&mcm&0&&Company location:&&New England (ME, VT, RI, NH, MA, CT);Northeastern Central (DC, NY,PA,NJ,DE,MD,WV,VA);Southeastern (FL,KY,NC,SC,TN,GA,AL,MS);North Central (OH,MI,IL,IN,WI);Central (IA,MO,NE,KS,MN);Central Southwest (AR,LA,OK,TX,NM,CO);Central Northwest (ND,SD,MT,WY);Greater Pacific Southwest (CA,NV,AZ,UT);Greater Pacific Northwest (ID, WA, OR);&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ntma1.003&mcs&0&&Total number of employees on 06/30/01?&&1-5;6-10;11-20;21-40;41-75;75+;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Please indicate the exact number of employees here:
ntma1.004&mcs&0&N&Total number of employees on 12/31/01?&&1-5;6-10;11-20;21-40;41-75;75+;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Please indicate the exact number of employees here:
ntma1.005&mcs&0&&Current average workweek per skilled employee (hours per week):&&less than 40;40;41-45;46-50;more than 50;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ntma1.006&mcs&0&&Current business conditions:&&Excellent;Very Good;Good;Fair;Poor;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If possible, please provide any specifics or details about why you chose this rating.
ntma1.007&ord&0&N&Compare your company's current level of business with that of third quarter 2000 (please indicate your answer numerically as follows: 1 for UP, 2 for Same, 3 for Down)&Quoting;Shipments;Order Backlog;Profits;Employment;&&&&&o&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ntma1.008&mcs&0&N&Projected business conditions over the next six months.&&Substantial increase;Moderate increase;Remain the same;Moderate decrease;Substantial decrease;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Any details you can provide as to why you chose the above answer would be helpful
ntma1.009&nrt&0&&Any additional comments:&2000&&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.