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faceval.001&mcs&0&N&<font size="3"><i>Part 1 of 3 - </font><font size="5">Course Objectives:</i><br><br></font>1. Were course objectives clearly communicated?::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&obj.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.002&mcs&0&N&2. To what extent did the course achieve its objectives?::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&obj.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.003&mcs&0&N&3. How appropriate was the amount of work you had to do in order to meet the course objectives?::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&obj.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.004&mcs&0&N&4. Was the course appropriately challenging, supporting high academic standards?::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&obj.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.005&mcs&0&N&5. Did you achieve the learning outcomes specified for the course?::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&obj.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.006&mcs&0&N&6. Overall, how much did you learn from this instructor?::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&obj.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.007&mcs&0&N&<font size="3"><i>Part 2 of 3 - </font><font size="5">Course Materials:</i><br><br> <font color="ff0000"> To what extent did each of the following facilitate your learning in the course?</font></font><br><br>7. …required readings::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&mat.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.008&mcs&0&N&8. …additional required materials, such as handouts or visuals::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&mat.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.009&mcs&0&N&9. …use of technology::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&mat.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.010&mcs&0&N&10. …course assignments?::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&mat.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.011&mcs&0&N&11. Did the instructor clearly communicate course requirements for evaluation?::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&mat.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.012&mcs&0&N&12. Were course evaluation techniques, (such as tests, papers, presentations, and/or projects), consistent with course objectives? ::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&mat.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.013&mcs&0&N&<font size="3"><i>Part 3 of 3 - </font><font size="5">The Instructor:</i><br><br> </font><br><br>13. 7. Were class lectures and guest speakers, discussions and/or exercises effective in helping you learn?::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&inst.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.014&mcs&0&N&14. Did the instructor promote an open atmosphere where in which diverse views could be expressed? ::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&inst.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.015&mcs&0&N&15. Was the instructor’s communication style clear and effective? ::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&inst.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.016&mcs&0&N&16. Was this instructor’s attitude conducive to learning (e.g., was the instructor concerned; and enthusiastic)?::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&inst.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.017&mcs&0&N&17. To what degree did the instructor welcome and appreciate the multiple perspectives of all students including those of members of diverse groups (e.g., gender, age, racial/ethnic, sexual orientation, physical ability)?::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&inst.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.018&mcs&0&N&18. Was this the instructor conscientious, i.e., showing concern for an instructor's concerning duties and responsibilities to the class (e.g., promptness in returning assignments, preparedness, efficient use of time, being well-organized)?::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&inst.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.019&mcs&0&N&19. Did the instructor behave in an appropriate and professional manner?preparedness, efficient use of time, being well-organized)?::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&inst.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.020&mcs&0&N&20. Was this instructor accessible (e.g., available during office hours, by Internet or telephone within a week, being willing to schedule individual appointments when needed)?::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&inst.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.021&mcs&0&N&21. Was the instructor’s feedback useful?::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&inst.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.022&mcs&0&N&22. Was the instructor’s feedback timely?::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&inst.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.023&mcs&0&N&23. To what extent did this course contribute to Alliant’s mission to ensure the acquisition of knowledge and competencies that are essential to live, lead and solve problems in a global society?::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&course.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.024&mcs&0&N&24. To what extent did this course enhance your preparation as a professional?::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&course.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.025&mcs&0&N&25. Was the instructor’s own professional experience incorporated into the course?::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&course.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.026&mcs&0&N&26. To what extent did the instructor relate practice or experience to underlying theory and research?::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&course.0&&&&&1:h&&&N.
faceval.027&mcs&0&N&27. Did the instructor demonstrate a personal commitment to high standards of professional competence?::: ::: :::&&Not at all;Slightly;Moderately;Very Much;Extremely;&&&&n&course.0&&&&&1:h&&&Y.Comments on This Course and Instructor: