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cloud-L6.001&esa&0&&Some cloud computing vendors have made huge missteps, and _______ and security incidents have plagued both
;public and private cloud environments.&outages&&Some cloud computing vendors have made huge missteps, and [outages] and security incidents have plagued
;both public and private cloud environments.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L6.002&esa&0&&Cloud failures either have huge _________ implications for the companies involved and their customers, or
;they are an embarrassment, or both.&financial&&Cloud failures either have huge [financial] implications for the companies involved and their customers,
;or they are an embarrassment, or both.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L6.003&esa&0&&In the fall of 2014, hackers targeted celebrity accounts on Apple's iCloud service and were able to obtain
;— and post online — nude pictures of some famous actresses and models. Apple said the attack occurred
;because attackers were able to guess or crack users' _________.&passwords&&In the fall of 2014, hackers targeted celebrity accounts on Apple's iCloud service and were able to obtain
;— and post online — nude pictures of some famous actresses and models. Apple said the attack occurred
;because attackers were able to guess or crack users' [passwords].&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L6.004&esa&0&&On August 3, 2009, PayPal's online payment service suffered a global outage for an hour, and after that,
;the service suffered partial outages for another three and a half hours. At the time, a company
;spokesperson said that the cloud-based service was processing an average of $2,000 in payments every
;______.&second&&On August 3, 2009, PayPal's online payment service suffered a global outage for an hour, and after that,
;the service suffered partial outages for another three and a half hours. At the time, a company
;spokesperson said that the cloud-based service was processing an average of $2,000 in payments every
;[second].&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N. cloud-L6.005&esa&0&&In May of 2016,'s customers could not access their ________ for nearly an entire day.&accounts&&In May of 2016,'s customers could not access their [accounts] for nearly an entire day.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N. cloud-L6.006&esa&0&&Salesforce lost about five hours' worth of data for some customers. The company's official explanation ;said, "The service disruption was caused by a ________ failure, which introduced a file integrity issue. ;The issue was resolved by restoring from a prior backup, which was not impacted by the file integrity ;issues.&database&&Salesforce lost about five hours' worth of data for some customers. The company's official explanation ;said, "The service disruption was caused by a [database] failure, which introduced a file integrity issue. ;The issue was resolved by restoring from a prior backup, which was not impacted by the file integrity ;issues.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N. cloud-L6.007&esa&0&&In late October 2012, hurricane Sandy, damaged twenty-four states and caused massive power outages. Many ;cloud computing data centers switched to generator power, some ran out of fuel, and others had to shut down ;due to ________.&flooding&&In late October 2012, hurricane Sandy, damaged twenty-four states and caused massive power outages. Many ;cloud computing data centers switched to generator power, some ran out of fuel, and others had to shut down ;due to [flooding].&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N. cloud-L6.008&esa&0&&In August 2012, Knight Capital deployed a new software algorithm that did not function as intended and ;began making money-losing trades up to 40 times per ______.&second&&In August 2012, Knight Capital deployed a new software algorithm that did not function as intended and ;began making money-losing trades up to 40 times per [second].&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N. cloud-L6.009&esa&0&&Knight Capital's transactions caused the share price for 148 different stocks to drop dramatically, ;prompting the New York Stock Exchange to step in and temporarily halt _______. Before the algorithm was ;stopped, Knight Capital had lost $440 million, and within days, the company's stock had lost 75 percent of ;its value.&trading&&Knight Capital's transactions caused the share price for 148 different stocks to drop dramatically, ;prompting the New York Stock Exchange to step in and temporarily halt [trading]. Before the algorithm was ;stopped, Knight Capital had lost $440 million, and within days, the company's stock had lost 75 percent of ;its value.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N. cloud-L6.010&esa&0&&On October 1, 2013, when the U.S. federal government rolled out to allow people to sign up ;to buy health insurance and less than _ percent of the people who wanted to sign up online were able to ;do so. (answer is a single digit number)&1&&On October 1, 2013, when the U.S. federal government rolled out to allow people to sign up ;to buy health insurance and less than [1] percent of the people who wanted to sign up online were able to ;do so. (answer is a single digit number)&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N. cloud-L6.011&esa&0&&____ overruns for the project were about $1.7 billion. The original budget was just $93.7 ;million.&Cost&&[Cost] overruns for the project were about $1.7 billion. The original budget was just $93.7 ;million.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N. cloud-L6.012&esa&0&&Many observers say that the government could have avoided these problems if it had used a well-known cloud ;computing vendor instead of trying to build its infrastructure on top of legacy equipment. They also ;faulted the developers for inadequate _______ and a lack of oversight and accountability.&testing&&Many observers say that the government could have avoided these problems if it had used a well-known cloud ;computing vendor instead of trying to build its infrastructure on top of legacy equipment. They also ;faulted the developers for inadequate [testing] and a lack of oversight and accountability.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N. cloud-L6.013&esa&0&&On Christmas Eve in 2012, AWS’s Elastic ____ Balancing service went awry, resulting in Netflix downtime. &Load&&On Christmas Eve in 2012, AWS’s Elastic [Load] Balancing service went awry, resulting in Netflix downtime. &&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N. cloud-L6.014&esa&0&&In 2014 Netflix rebooted 218 of its production nodes during an AWS ______, and 22 failed to reboot.&update&&In 2014 Netflix rebooted 218 of its production nodes during an AWS [update], and 22 failed to reboot.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N. cloud-L6.015&esa&0&&On November 18, 2014, the Azure Storage Service was hit by a massive outage as a result of ________ updates ;for performance increases. A similar one followed in December, 2015. &software&&On November 18, 2014, the Azure Storage Service was hit by a massive outage as a result of [software] ;updates for performance increases. A similar one followed in December, 2015. &&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N. cloud-L6.016&esa&0&&On October 21, 2016, Dyn DNS underwent a series of Distributed Denial of _______ (DDoS) attacks. Websites ;and businesses hit included some big names, including Airbnb, Twitter, Amazon, Ancestry, Netflix, and ;PayPal. &Service&&On October 21, 2016, Dyn DNS underwent a series of Distributed Denial of [Service] (DDoS) attacks. Websites ;and businesses hit included some big names, including Airbnb, Twitter, Amazon, Ancestry, Netflix, and ;PayPal. &&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N. cloud-L6.017&esa&0&&The Oct 2016 DDoS attacks alerted the world to the practical threat of large-scale Internet of Things (IoT) ;_______.&attacks&&The Oct 2016 DDoS attacks alerted the world to the practical threat of large-scale Internet of Things (IoT) ;[attacks].&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N. cloud-L6.018&esa&0&&On June 30, 2016, scores of Office 365 clients saw their _____ services going offline for more than 12 ;hours. Several similar instances followed throughout 2015 and continued through 2016.&email&&On June 30, 2016, scores of Office 365 clients saw their [email] services going offline for more than 12 ;hours. Several similar instances followed throughout 2015 and continued through 2016.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.