You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2289 lines
68 KiB

# $Id:,v 1.5 2006/04/12 19:18:47 ddoughty Exp $
# Source File:
# Get config
# use strict;
use FileHandle;
use Time::Local;
use Data::Dumper;
use URI::Escape;
require '';
require '';
require '';
require '';
#use strict;
use vars qw($testcomplete $cgiroot $pathsep $dataroot );
warn "INFO: " . __FILE__ . " running.\n" ;
$FORM{"idlist"} =~ tr/\000/,/ ; # Change separator for multiple values from NULL to comma. HBI
my $HBI_Debug_IntegroTS = 0 ;
my @sortbys = qw(Name LoginID Date);
my ($bExport,$idlist);
#print STDERR Dumper(\%FORM,\%CLIENT,\%SESSION);
if (exists $FORM{'grouping'} and $FORM{'grouping'} eq 'subset') {
$idlist = &getIdlist($CLIENT{'clid'},$FORM{'idlist'});
# Get the time stamp style
my $timestamp;
if ($FORM{'timestamp'} eq 'currenttime') {
$timestamp = scalar(localtime(time));
} elsif ($FORM{"timestamp"} eq 'custom' and $FORM{'customtime'} ne '') {
$timestamp = $FORM{'customtime'};
} elsif ($FORM{'timestamp'} eq 'mostrecent' and $FORM{'tstid'}) {
my $file = join($pathsep,$testcomplete,"$CLIENT{'clid'}.$FORM{'tstid'}.history");
my $fh = new FileHandle;
if ($fh->open($file)) {
my @history = map([split(/(?:<<>>|&)/,$_,4)],<$fh>);
#print "<pre>".Dumper(\@history)."</pre>";
if (defined $idlist) {
foreach (reverse @history) {
if (exists $idlist->{$_->[2]}) {
$timestamp = scalar(localtime(toGMSeconds($_->[0])));
} else {
$timestamp = scalar(localtime(toGMSeconds($history[$#history]->[0])));
} else {
print STDERR "Could not open $file in\n";
if (defined $timestamp) {
$timestamp = "<font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"3\"><b>$timestamp</b></font><br><BR>\n";
} else {
$timestamp = "<br>\n";
if ($FORM{'export'}) {
print "Content-Type: application/doc\n\n";
} elsif ($FORM{'csv'}) {
print "Content-Type: text/x-csv\n\n";
} else {
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
#print STDERR Dumper(\%FORM,$idlist);
if (&get_session($FORM{'tid'})) {
if ($FORM{'testsummary'} eq 'composite') {
} elsif ($FORM{'testsummary'} eq 'bycnd') {
} else {
if ($bExport) {
sub extract_test_data() {
&get_test_profile($CLIENT{'clid'}, $FORM{'tstid'});
my @filelist = &get_test_result_files($testcomplete, "$CLIENT{'clid'}","$TEST{'id'}");
my @colhdrs=();
push @colhdrs,"";
if ($FORM{'cndnme'}) {
push @colhdrs,"left:Last Name";
push @colhdrs,"left:First Name";
push @colhdrs,"left:MI";
push @colhdrs,"left:User ID";
if ($FORM{'cndeml'}) {
push @colhdrs,"left:Email Address";
if ($FORM{'cnd1'}) {
push @colhdrs,"left:$CLIENT{'clcnd1'}";
if ($FORM{'cnd2'}) {
push @colhdrs,"left:$CLIENT{'clcnd2'}";
if ($FORM{'cnd3'}) {
push @colhdrs,"left:$CLIENT{'clcnd3'}";
if ($FORM{'cnd4'}) {
push @colhdrs,"left:$CLIENT{'clcnd4'}";
if ($FORM{'cndscr'}) {
push @colhdrs,"center:Correct";
push @colhdrs,"center:Incorrect";
push @colhdrs,"right:Score";
my @dataflds=();
my @unsorted=();
my $row="";
my @qsumry=();
my $user="";
my $joint="\&";
my $colhdr;
my $colalgn;
my $fidx;
for ($fidx = 0; $fidx <= $#filelist; $fidx++ ) {
$user = $filelist[$fidx];
$user =~ s/.$TEST{'id'}$//;
$user =~ s/^$CLIENT{'clid'}.//;
my $excuser="inc$user";
if ($FORM{$excuser}) {
&get_test_sequence_for_reports( $CLIENT{'clid'}, $user, $TEST{'id'});
@qsumry = split(/\&/, $SUBTEST_SUMMARY{2});
if ($FORM{'cndnme'}) {
if ($FORM{'cndeml'}) {
if ($FORM{'cnd1'}) {
if ($FORM{'cnd2'}) {
if ($FORM{'cnd3'}) {
if ($FORM{'cnd4'}) {
if ($FORM{'cndscr'}) {
push @unsorted, $row;
my @sorted=sort @unsorted;
my $rowcount=$#filelist+1;
my ($i);
for $i (0 .. $#sorted) {
@dataflds=split($joint, $sorted[$i]);
if ($bExport) {
for $i (1 .. $#dataflds) {
print "$dataflds[$i]";
if ($i == $#dataflds) {
print "\n";
} else {
print "\t";
} else {
print "<TR>\n";
for $i (1 .. $#dataflds) {
($colalgn,$colhdr) = split(/:/,$colhdrs[$i]);
print "\t\t<td align=$colalgn valign=top>$dataflds[$i]</td>\n";
print "<TR>\n";
sub print_report_dataextract_header {
my ($ncount,@cols)= @_;
my $colhdr;
my $colalgn;
my $i;
if ($bExport) {
print "$TEST{'desc'}\n";
print "Raw Data Extraction\n";
print "$ncount Completed Responses\n";
for $i (1 .. $#cols) {
($colalgn,$colhdr) = split(/:/,$cols[$i]);
print "$colhdr";
if ($i == $#cols) {
print "\n";
} else {
print "\t";
} else {
print "<HTML>\n";
print "<HEAD>\n";
print "\t<TITLE>Test Data Extraction</TITLE>\n";
print "\t<SCRIPT language=\"JavaScript\">\n";
print "\t<\!--\n";
print "\t function wdwOnLoad() {\n";
print "\t window.focus();\n";
print "\t }\n";
print "\t window.onload=wdwOnLoad;\n";
print "\t//-->\n";
print "\t</SCRIPT>\n";
print "</HEAD>\n";
print "<BODY>\n";
print "<CENTER>\n";
print "<B>$TEST{'desc'}</B><BR>\n";
print "<B>Raw Data Extraction</B><BR>\n";
print "<font size=2><I>$ncount Completed Responses</I></font>\n";
#print "<TABLE cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 border=0 width=\"100\%\">\n";
print "<TABLE cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 border=0 width=100%>\n";
print "\t<TR>\n";
for $i (1 .. $#cols) {
($colalgn,$colhdr) = split(/:/,$cols[$i]);
print "\t\t<td align=$colalgn valign=top><b>$colhdr</b></td>\n";
print "\t<\TR>\n";
sub date_out_of_range {
my ($completedat,$datefm,$dateto) = @_;
my @unsorted=();
push @unsorted, $completedat;
push @unsorted, $datefm;
push @unsorted, $dateto;
my @sorted = sort @unsorted;
my $bretyes = ($sorted[1] eq $unsorted[0]) ? 0 : 1;
return $bretyes;
sub sort_test_results {
my ($sortby,@rows) = @_;
if ($sortby eq 'Name') {
#print STDERR "by Name\n";
return sort {$a->{'columns'}->[0] cmp $b->{'columns'}->[0];} @rows;
} elsif ($sortby eq 'LoginID') {
#print STDERR "by LoginID\n";
return sort {$a->{'columns'}->[1] cmp $b->{'columns'}->[1];} @rows;
} elsif ($sortby eq 'Date') {
#print STDERR "by Date\n";
return sort {$a->{'end'} <=> $b->{'end'};} @rows;
} else {
#print STDERR "by Nothing\n";
return @rows;
sub show_test_resultsbycnd {
&get_test_profile($CLIENT{'clid'}, $FORM{'tstid'});
my @filelist = &get_test_result_files($testcomplete, "$CLIENT{'clid'}","$TEST{'id'}");
my ($url) = ("$cgiroot/");
if (not $FORM{'sortby'}) {$FORM{'sortby'}=$sortbys[0];}
if (not $FORM{'reverse'}) {$FORM{'reverse'}=0;}
foreach (keys %FORM) {
if (($_ ne 'sortby') and ($_ ne 'reverse') and ($FORM{$_} !~ /\s+/)) {
#print STDERR "$_=$FORM{$_}\n";
$url .= "&$_=$FORM{$_}";
} else {
#print STDERR "NOT $_=$FORM{$_}\n";
my $csvurl = $url."&csv=1&sortby=$FORM{'sortby'}&reverse=".($FORM{'reverse'}?0:1);
my $reverseurl = $url."&sortby=$FORM{'sortby'}&reverse=".($FORM{'reverse'}?0:1);
my %sorturls;
foreach my $sorter (@sortbys) {
$sorturls{$sorter} = $url."&sortby=$sorter";
my @sorted=();
my @unsorted=();
my $user;
my $test;
my $qidx;
my $trash;
my $subjskl;
my $subj;
my $sklvl;
my $subjlist=",";
my @qids=();
my @qsumry=();
my @corincs=();
my $bysubjflag = ($FORM{'statsbysubj'} ne '') ? 1 : 0;
my @subjects=();
my @subjcnts=();
my @subjtot=();
my @subjmean=();
my @subjmedian=();
my @meanscore=split('\,',"0,0,0,0,100,0,0");
my @medianscore=();
my $i=0;
my $j=0;
my $fidx;
my @rows=();
my $row={};
my @answ=();
my $qid;
my $usrnm;
my $nresultcount=$#filelist+1;
my $mtime;
my $completedat;
my $displaydate;
if ($FORM{'mofm'} < 10) { $FORM{'mofm'}="0$FORM{'mofm'}";}
if ($FORM{'moto'} < 10) { $FORM{'moto'}="0$FORM{'moto'}";}
if ($FORM{'dyfm'} < 10) { $FORM{'dyfm'}="0$FORM{'dyfm'}";}
if ($FORM{'dyto'} < 10) { $FORM{'dyto'}="0$FORM{'dyto'}";}
my $datefm="$FORM{'yrfm'}\-$FORM{'mofm'}\-$FORM{'dyfm'}";
my $dateto="$FORM{'yrto'}\-$FORM{'moto'}\-$FORM{'dyto'}";
for ($fidx = 0; $fidx <= $#filelist; $fidx++ ) {
$user = $filelist[$fidx];
$user =~ s/.$TEST{'id'}$//;
$user =~ s/^$CLIENT{'clid'}.//;
my $history = get_testhistory_from_log($CLIENT{'clid'},$user,$FORM{'tstid'});
if (not defined $history) {
#print STDERR "$user from history.\n";
$history = get_cnd_test_from_history($testcomplete,$CLIENT{'clid'},$user,$FORM{'tstid'});
} else {
#print STDERR "$user from log.\n";
if (not defined $history) {
# no log file entry for this test
#print STDERR "$user inferred from $testcomplete.$pathsep.$filelist[$fidx]\n";
my $mtime = (stat($testcomplete.$pathsep.$filelist[$fidx]))[9];
$history->{'end'} = $mtime;
$history->{'start'} = $history->{'end'};
#print STDERR Dumper($history);
#open (TMPFILE, "<$trash");
#$mtime = (stat(TMPFILE))[9];
#close TMPFILE;
$completedat = &format_date_time("yyyy-mm-dd", "1", "-10000", $history->{'end'});
$displaydate = &format_date_time("dd-mmm-yyyy", "1", "-10000", $history->{'end'});
#print STDERR "$completedat $displaydate $datefm $dateto\n";
if (&date_out_of_range($completedat,$datefm,$dateto)) {
my $excuser="inc$user";
if ($FORM{$excuser}) {
&get_test_sequence_for_reports( $CLIENT{'clid'}, $user, $TEST{'id'});
@qids = split(/\&/, $SUBTEST_QUESTIONS{2});
@qsumry = split(/\&/, $SUBTEST_SUMMARY{2});
@corincs = split(/\//, $qsumry[$#qsumry]);
for $i (0 .. $#subjects) {
$usrnm="$CANDIDATE{'nml'}, $CANDIDATE{'nmf'} $CANDIDATE{'nmm'}";
$row={'columns' => [$usrnm,$user,$displaydate]};
$row->{'start'} = $history->{'start'};
$row->{'end'} = $history->{'end'};
#print STDERR "Survey = $TEST_SESSION{'srvy'}\n";
if ($SUBTEST_SUMMARY{2} ne 'Not Scored by Definition') {
for $qid (1 .. $#qids) {
($test,$qidx) = split(/\./, $qids[$qid]);
($trash,$subjskl) = split(/::/, $answ[$qid]);
unless ($subjlist =~ /\,$subj\,/i) {
$subjlist = join('',$subjlist,"$subj\,");
push @subjects,"$subj";
$subjcnts[$i][0]=0; # questions in subject area
$subjcnts[$i][1]=0; # correct answers
$subjcnts[$i][2]=0; # incorrect answers
$subjcnts[$i][3]=0; # pct correct
$subjmean[$i][0]=0; # population count
$subjmean[$i][1]=0; # population value summation
$subjmean[$i][2]=0; # population mean
$subjmean[$i][3]=0; # population standard deviation
$subjmean[$i][4]=100; # population range-low
$subjmean[$i][5]=0; # population range-high
for $i (0 .. $#subjects) {
if ($subj eq $subjects[$i]) {
if (substr($corincs[$qid],0,1) eq '1') {
} else {
if ($bysubjflag) {
for $i (0 .. $#subjects) {
push @{$row->{'columns'}},$subjcnts[$i][0],$subjcnts[$i][1],$subjcnts[$i][2],$subjcnts[$i][3];
#$subjmean[$i][4]=(($subjcnts[$i][3] < $subjmean[$i][4]) || ($subjmean[$i][4] == 0)) ? $subjcnts[$i][3] : $subjmean[$i][4];
$subjmean[$i][4]=($subjcnts[$i][3] < $subjmean[$i][4]) ? $subjcnts[$i][3] : $subjmean[$i][4];
$subjmean[$i][5]=($subjcnts[$i][3] > $subjmean[$i][5]) ? $subjcnts[$i][3] : $subjmean[$i][5];
$meanscore[0]++; # data count
$meanscore[1]+=$qsumry[2]; # sum of values
$meanscore[2]=int(($meanscore[1]/$meanscore[0])); # unbiased population mean
$meanscore[4]=($qsumry[2] < $meanscore[4]) ? $qsumry[2] : $meanscore[4];
$meanscore[5]=($qsumry[2] > $meanscore[5]) ? $qsumry[2] : $meanscore[5];
push @{$row->{'columns'}},$qsumry[0],$qsumry[1],$qsumry[2];
push @rows, $row;
@sorted=sort {$a <=> $b} @medianscore;
if (($#sorted % 2) == 0) {
} else {
my @scores=();
for $i (0 .. $#subjects) {
for $j (0 .. $#filelist) {
@sorted=sort {$a <=> $b} @scores;
if (($#sorted % 2) == 0) {
} else {
# The sorting block
if ($FORM{'reverse'}) {
@sorted = reverse &sort_test_results($FORM{'sortby'},@rows);
} else {
@sorted = &sort_test_results($FORM{'sortby'},@rows);
# end of the sorting block
if ($FORM{'csv'}) {
my $colspan=&print_report_bycnd_header($nresultcount,$bysubjflag,\%sorturls,$FORM{'sortby'},
my $symbol="";
my @cols=();
my @rowhdrs=('Questions','Correct','Incorrect','Pct Correct');
my $rowspan=($bysubjflag) ? ($#rowhdrs+1) : 1;
foreach my $row (@sorted) {
my ($start,$end,$duration,$datestamp,$total);
if ($bExport) {
print "$cols[0]\t$cols[1]\t$cols[2]\t";
if ($bysubjflag) { print "\n";}
} else {
#($start,$end,$duration) = get_teststartend($CLIENT{'clid'},$cols[1],$FORM{'tstid'});
$start = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d",reverse((localtime($row->{'start'}))[0..2]));
$end = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d",reverse((localtime($row->{'end'}))[0..2]));
$duration = &fmtDuration($row->{'end'} - $row->{'start'});
if ($end == "Unknown" ) {
$datestamp = "";
} else {
my $gmend = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d",reverse((gmtime($row->{'end'}))[0..2]));
$datestamp = "$cols[2] $gmend GMT";
$datestamp =~ s/ /_/g;
$total = $cols[-3] + $cols[-2];
my $params = "tid=$SESSION{'tid'}&clid=$CLIENT{'clid'}&cndid=".
print "\t<TR>\n";
print "\t\t<TD rowspan=$rowspan valign=top><a href=\"$cgiroot/$params\" TARGET=\"testreport\">$cols[0]</a></TD>\n";
print "\t\t<TD rowspan=$rowspan valign=top>$cols[1]</TD>\n";
print "\t\t<TD rowspan=$rowspan valign=top>$cols[2]</TD>\n";
if ($bysubjflag) {
for $j (0 .. $#rowhdrs) {
$symbol=($j==3) ? "\%" : "";
if ($j > 0) {
if ($bExport == 0) {
print "\t<TR>\n";
if ($bExport) {
print "\t\t$rowhdrs[$j]\t";
} else {
print "\t\t<TD align=right valign=top><font size=2><i>$rowhdrs[$j]</i></font></TD>\n";
for $fidx (0 .. $#subjects) {
if ($bExport) {
print "$cols[$qid]\t";
} else {
print "\t\t<TD align=center valign=top>$cols[$qid]$symbol</TD>\n";
if ($j==3) {
if ($j == 0) {
if ($bExport) {
print "$cols[$fidx++]\t";
print "$cols[$fidx++]\t";
print "$cols[$fidx]\t";
} else {
print "\t\t<TD rowspan=$rowspan align=center valign=bottom>$cols[$fidx++]</TD>\n";
print "\t\t<TD rowspan=$rowspan align=center valign=bottom>$cols[$fidx++]</TD>\n";
print "\t\t<TD rowspan=$rowspan align=center valign=bottom>$cols[$fidx]\%</TD>\n";
if ($bExport) {
print "\n";
} else {
print "\t</TR>\n";
} else {
if ($bExport) {
print "$cols[$j++]\t";
print "$cols[$j++]\t";
print "$cols[$j]\n";
} else {
print "\t\t<TD rowspan=$rowspan align=left valign=top>$start</TD>\n";
print "\t\t<TD rowspan=$rowspan align=left valign=top>$end</TD>\n";
print "\t\t<TD rowspan=$rowspan align=left valign=top>$duration</TD>\n";
if ($SUBTEST_SUMMARY{2} ne 'Not Scored by Definition') {
print "\t\t<TD rowspan=$rowspan align=center valign=top>$cols[$j++]</TD>\n";
print "\t\t<TD rowspan=$rowspan align=center valign=top>$cols[$j++]</TD>\n";
print "\t\t<TD rowspan=$rowspan align=center valign=top>$cols[$j]\%</TD>\n";
} else {
print "\t\t<TD rowspan=$rowspan align=center valign=top colspan=3>Not Scored by Definition</TD>\n";
print "\t</TR>\n";
if ($bysubjflag) {
if ($bExport==0) {
print "\t<TR>\n";
print "\t\t<TD colspan=$colspan valign=cemter><HR width=100\%></TD>\n";
print "\t</TR>\n";
if ($bysubjflag) {
@rowhdrs=('Questions','Correct','Incorrect','Pct Correct','Unbiased Mean','Std. Dev.','Range-Low','Range-High','Median');
for $j (0 .. $#rowhdrs) {
if ($bExport == 0) {
print "\t<TR>\n";
if ($j == 0) {
if ($bExport) {
print "\n\tComposite\t";
} else {
print "\t\t<TD rowspan=$rowspan colspan=3 align=right valign=top><font size=2><b><i>Composite</i></b></font></TD>\n";
} else {
if ($bExport) {
print "\t\t";
if ($bExport) {
print "$rowhdrs[$j]\t";
} else {
print "\t\t<TD align=right valign=top><font size=2><i>$rowhdrs[$j]</i></font></TD>\n";
if ($j < 4) {
$symbol=($j==3) ? "\%" : "";
for $fidx (0 .. $#subjects) {
if ($bExport) {
print "$subjtot[$fidx][$j]\t";
} else {
print "\t\t<TD align=center valign=top><b>$subjtot[$fidx][$j]</b>$symbol</TD>\n";
if ($j == 0) {
if ($bExport) {
print "\t\t";
} else {
print "\t\t<TD rowspan=3 colspan=3 align=center valign=top>\&nbsp\;<br></TD>\n";
} elsif ($j == 3) {
if ($bExport) {
print "\tOverall\t";
} else {
print "\t\t<TD colspan=3 align=center valign=top><b><i>Overall</i><b></TD>\n";
} else {
for $fidx (0 .. $#subjects) {
if ($i == 6) {
if ($bExport) {
print "$subjmedian[$fidx][0]\t";
} else {
print "\t\t<TD align=center valign=top><b>$subjmedian[$fidx][0]</b>$symbol</TD>\n";
} else {
if ($i==3) {
if ($bExport) {
print "$subjmean[$fidx][$i]\t";
} else {
print "\t\t<TD align=center valign=top>\&\#177<b>$subjmean[$fidx][$i]</b>$symbol</TD>\n";
} else {
if ($bExport) {
print "$subjmean[$fidx][$i]\t";
} else {
print "\t\t<TD align=center valign=top><b>$subjmean[$fidx][$i]</b>$symbol</TD>\n";
if ($i==3) {
if ($bExport) {
print "\t$meanscore[$i]\t";
} else {
print "\t\t<TD colspan=3 align=center valign=top>\&\#177<b>$meanscore[$i]</b>$symbol</TD>\n";
} elsif ($i==6) {
if ($bExport) {
print "\t$medianscore[0]\t";
} else {
print "\t\t<TD colspan=3 align=center valign=top><b>$medianscore[0]</b>$symbol</TD>\n";
} else {
if ($bExport) {
print "\t$meanscore[$i]\t";
} else {
print "\t\t<TD colspan=3 align=center valign=top><b>$meanscore[$i]</b>$symbol</TD>\n";
if ($bExport) {
print "\n";
} else {
print "\t</TR>\n";
if ($bExport == 0) {
print "\t<TR>\n";
print "\t\t<TD colspan=$colspan valign=cemter><HR width=100\%></TD>\n";
print "\t</TR>\n";
} elsif ($SUBTEST_SUMMARY{2} ne 'Not Scored by Definition') {
@rowhdrs=('Unbiased Mean','Std. Dev.','Range-Low','Range-High','Median');
#print STDERR Dumper(\@meanscore);
for $j (0 .. $#rowhdrs) {
if ($bExport == 0) {
print "\t<TR>\n";
if ($j==0) {
if ($bExport) {
print "\tComposite\n";
} else {
print "\t\t<TD rowspan=$rowspan colspan=6 align=right valign=top><font size=2><b><i>Composite</i></b></font></TD>\n";
if ($bExport) {
print "\t$rowhdrs[$j]\t";
} else {
print "\t\t<TD align=right colspan=2 valign=top><font size=2><i>$rowhdrs[$j]</i></font></TD>\n";
if ($j==1) {
if ($bExport) {
print "\t\t$meanscore[$i]";
} else {
print "\t\t<TD align=center valign=top>\&\#177<b>$meanscore[$i]</b>$symbol</TD>\n";
} elsif ($j==4) {
if ($bExport) {
print "\t\t$medianscore[0]";
} else {
print "\t\t<TD align=center valign=top><b>$medianscore[0]</b>$symbol</TD>\n";
} else {
if ($bExport) {
print "\t\t$meanscore[$i]";
} else {
print "\t\t<TD align=center valign=top><b>$meanscore[$i]</b>$symbol</TD>\n";
if ($bExport) {
print "\n";
} else {
print "\t</TR>\n";
if ($bExport == 0) {
print "\t<TR>\n";
print "\t\t<TD colspan=9 valign=cemter><HR width=100\%></TD>\n";
print "\t</TR>\n";
} else {
if ($bExport == 0) {
print "\t<TR>\n";
print "\t\t<TD colspan=9 valign=cemter><HR width=100\%></TD>\n";
print "\t</TR>\n";
sub print_report_bycnd_header {
my ($ncount,$bysubj,$sorturls,$sortby,$csvurl,$reverseurl,@subjects) = @_;
my $i;
my $titlesfx="";
my $nsubjects = $#subjects;
my $colspan=$nsubjects+2;
my $colspan2=$nsubjects+2;
if ($bysubj) {
$titlesfx=" (Subject Area)";
} else {
my $sortspan = int($colspan2/8); # wac changed 4 to 8 to make columns closer
if ($bExport) {
print "$TEST{'desc'}\n";
print "Question$titlesfx Response Statistics\n";
print "$ncount Completed Responses\n";
print "Candidate\tDate\t";
if ($bysubj) {
print "BD\t";
for $i (0 .. $nsubjects) {
print "$subjects[$i]\t";
print "TC\tTI\tTS\n";
} else {
print "<HTML>\n";
print "<HEAD>\n";
print "\t<TITLE>Question Response Statistics</TITLE>\n";
print "\t<SCRIPT language=\"JavaScript\">\n";
print "\t<\!--\n";
print "\t function wdwOnLoad() {\n";
print "\t window.focus();\n";
print "\t }\n";
print "\t window.onload=wdwOnLoad;\n";
print "\t//-->\n";
print "\t</SCRIPT>\n";
print "</HEAD>\n";
print "<BODY>\n";
print "<CENTER>\n";
print "<B>$TEST{'desc'}</B><BR>\n";
print "<B>Question$titlesfx Response Statistics</B><BR>\n";
print "<font size=2><I>$ncount Completed Responses</I></font>\n";
#print "<TABLE cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 border=0 width=\"100\%\">\n";
print "<TABLE cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 border=0 width=100%>\n";
print "\t<TR>\n";
print "\t\t<TD colspan=$sortspan valign=center>\n";
foreach (@sortbys) {
if ($_ ne $sortby) {
print "\t\t\t<a href=\"$sorturls->{$_}\">Sort by $_</a><br>\n";
} else {
print "\t\t\tSorted by $_<br>\n";
print "\t\t\t</td><TD colspan=".($colspan2-$sortspan)." valign=center>";
print "<a href=\"$csvurl\">CSV Report</a>\n\t\t\t<br>&nbsp;<br>";
print "<A href=\"$reverseurl\">Change to ".($FORM{'reverse'}?'ascending':'descending')."</a>\n\t\t</TD>\n";
print "\t</TR>\n";
print "\t<TR><TD colspan=$colspan2><HR WIDTH=\"100\%\"></TD></TR>\n";
print "\t<TR>\n";
print "\t\t<TD rowspan=2 valign=bottom><font size=2><B>Candidate</B></font></TD>\n";
print "\t\t<TD rowspan=2 valign=bottom><font size=2><B>LoginID</B></TD>\n";
print "\t\t<TD rowspan=2 valign=bottom><font size=2><B>Date</B></font></TD>\n";
if ($bysubj) {
print "\t\t<TD colspan=$colspan align=center valign=top><font size=2><B>Subject Areas</B></font></TD>\n";
} else {
print "\t\t<TD rowspan=2 valign=bottom><font size=2><B>Start</B></TD>\n";
print "\t\t<TD rowspan=2 valign=bottom><font size=2><B>End</B></font></TD>\n";
print "\t\t<TD rowspan=2 valign=bottom><font size=2><B>Duration</B></font></TD>\n";
print "\t\t<TD colspan=3 align=center valign=bottom><font size=2><B>Overall</B></font></TD>\n";
print "\t</TR>\n";
print "\t<TR>\n";
if ($bysubj) {
print "\t\t<TD align=center valign=top><font size=2><B>\&nbsp\;</B></font></TD>\n";
for $i (0 .. $nsubjects) {
print "\t\t<TD align=center valign=top><font size=2><B>$subjects[$i]</B></font></TD>\n";
print "\t\t<TD align=center valign=top><font size=2><B>Correct</B></font></TD>\n";
print "\t\t<TD align=center valign=top><font size=2><B>Incorrect</B></font></TD>\n";
print "\t\t<TD align=center valign=top><font size=2><B>Score</B></font></TD>\n";
print "\t</TR>\n";
print "\t<TR><TD colspan=$colspan2><HR WIDTH=\"100\%\"></TD></TR>\n";
return $colspan2;
sub print_report_bycnd_footer {
if ($bExport) { return;}
print "</TABLE>\n";
print "</BODY>\n";
print "</HTML>\n";
sub print_report_bycnd_csv {
print "userid,testname,date,score\n";
my %testlookup;
my $lookupfile = join($pathsep,$dataroot,"namelookup.$CLIENT{'clid'}");
#print STDERR "Opening $lookupfile\n";
if (-e $lookupfile) {
my $fh = new FileHandle;
if ($fh->open($lookupfile)) {
while ($_ = <$fh>) {
my @line = split(/\s+/,$_,2);
$testlookup{$line[0]} = $line[1];
foreach (@_) {
my @row = @{$_->{'columns'}};
my ($userid,$testid,$date,$score) = ($row[1],$TEST{'id'},$row[2],$row[$#row]);
if ($testlookup{$testid}) {$testid = $testlookup{$testid};}
print join(',',$userid,$testid,$date,$score)."\n";
sub show_test_composite {
my ($idlist) = @_;
$mymsg = "";
my $nresponses=0;
&get_test_profile($CLIENT{'clid'}, $FORM{'tstid'});
@filelist = &get_test_result_files($testcomplete, "$CLIENT{'clid'}","$TEST{'id'}");
@questions = &get_question_list($TEST{'id'},$CLIENT{'clid'});
$qhdr = shift @questions;
@sorted = sort @questions;
@questions = @sorted;
unshift @questions, $qhdr;
@sorted = ();
# Initialize an array to hold collected answers for each question.
for (1 .. $#questions) {
($id,$qtp,$qim,$qil,$qtx,$qca,$qia,$qrm) = split(/\&/, $questions[$_]);
if ( $qtp eq 'nrt' ) {
$qca = 'N/A';
$qtx =~ s/\;/<BR>/g;
($test,$qid) = split(/\./, $id);
$qstatsid[$qid] = $id;
$qstatsqc[$qid] = 0; # occurrences of question
$qstatsqp[$qid] = 0; # percent occurrences of question
$qstatsqt[$qid] = $qtx; # question text
if ($qil eq 'Y') {
$qstatsqf[$qid] = "obs"; # question type
} else {
$qstatsqf[$qid] = $qtp; # question type
$qallans = "";
if ($qtp eq 'tf') {
$qallans = "$qca\;$qia\;$xlatphrase[670]"; #670=No Response
} elsif ($qtp eq 'mcs' || $qtp eq 'mca' || $qtp eq 'lik') {
if ($qca eq '') {
$qallans = "$qia\;$xlatphrase[670]";
} else {
$qallans = "$qca\;$qia\;$xlatphrase[670]";
} elsif ($qtp eq 'mtx' || $qtp eq 'mtr') {
# DED When qca is saved correctly in tdef,
# put this back and delte rest:
# $qallans = "$qca";
### DED 2/25/05 Assumes RC labels, not lblall
($qiar, $numqiar, $numqiac, $qiac) = split("::", $qia);
@qiar = split("\;", $qiar);
@qiac = split("\;", $qiac);
$qallans = "";
foreach $qiarow (@qiar)
foreach $qiacol (@qiac)
$qallans .= "xxx\;";
} elsif ($qtp eq 'mcm') {
if ($qca eq '') {
$qallans = "$qia";
} else {
$qallans = "$qca\;$qia";
} elsif ($qtp eq 'esa') {
if ($qca eq '') {
$qallans = "";
} else {
$qallans = "$qca";
} elsif ($qtp eq 'nrt') {
if ($qca eq 'N/A') {
$qallans = "Other\;$xlatphrase[670]\;";
} else {
$qallans = "$qca\;Other\;$xlatphrase[670]\;";
} elsif ($qtp eq 'mch') {
@qcans = split(/\;/, $qca);
@qians = split(/\;/, $qia);
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#qcans; $i++ ) {
$qallans = join('', $qallans, "$qcans[$i]===$qians[$i]<BR>");
} elsif ($qtp eq 'ord') {
$qallans = "$qca";
$qallans =~ s/\;\;/\;/g;
$qstatsqr[$qid] = $qallans; # response options
$fqstatsqr[$qid] = $qallans; ### DED for FBQ
$qstatsqw[$qid] = ();
if (($qtp eq 'mch') || ($qtp eq 'ord')) {
if ($qtp eq 'mch') {
@qstato = split(/<BR>/, $qallans);
} else {
@qstato = split(/\;/, $qallans);
$ncount = $#qstato + 1;
$ncount = int(($ncount * ($ncount + 1)) + 3);
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $ncount; $i++ ) {
$qstatsqrc[$qid] = join('', $qstatsqrc[$qid], "0\;"); # response option count
$qstatsqrp[$qid] = join('', $qstatsqrp[$qid], "0\;"); # response option percentage
} elsif ($qtp eq 'mcm' || $qtp eq 'esa' || $qtp eq 'mtx' || $qtp eq 'mtr') {
### ASSUMES rank=1..10 - need to allow for other ranks
@qstato = split(/\;/, $qallans);
if ($qtp eq 'mtr')
# Have to allow for [1..10] in
# each answer, so make it big!
$ncount = (($#qstato + 1) * 10) + 3;
$ncount = $#qstato + 3;
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $ncount; $i++ ) {
$qstatsqrc[$qid] = join('', $qstatsqrc[$qid], "0\;"); # response option count
$qstatsqrp[$qid] = join('', $qstatsqrp[$qid], "0\;"); # response option percentage
} else {
@qstato = split(/\;/, $qallans);
foreach $qstat (@qstato) {
$qstatsqrc[$qid] = join('', $qstatsqrc[$qid], "0\;"); # response option count
$qstatsqrp[$qid] = join('', $qstatsqrp[$qid], "0\;"); # response option percentage
@qstato = ();
# Collect the answers from each test.
$ncount = $#filelist + 1;
for (my $fidx = 0; $fidx <= $#filelist; $fidx++ ) {
$user = $filelist[$fidx];
$user =~ s/.$TEST{'id'}$//;
$user =~ s/^$CLIENT{'clid'}.//;
if (defined $idlist and not $idlist->{$user}) {
my $excuser="inc$user";
if ($FORM{$excuser}) {
&get_test_sequence_for_reports( $CLIENT{'clid'}, $user, $TEST{'id'});
@qids = split(/\&/, $SUBTEST_QUESTIONS{2});
@qrsp = split(/\&/, $SUBTEST_RESPONSES{2});
@qsumry = split(/\&/, $SUBTEST_SUMMARY{2});
@corincs = split(/\//, $qsumry[5]);
@qsumry = ();
@qsumry = split(/\&/, $SUBTEST_ANSWERS{2});
@qansseq = ();
for (1 .. $#qids) {
($test,$qidx) = split(/\./, $qids[$_]);
($qansord,$trash) = split(/::/, $qsumry[$_]);
$qansord =~ s/\=([0-1])//g;
$qansseq[$_] = $qansord;
($qresp,$qucmt) = split(/::/, $qrsp[$_]);
$qresp=~ tr/+/ /;
$qresp=~ tr/'//d;
##### v ADT - 7/03/2002 ###################################
# Added code to print NRT answers in the form of the comments
#push @qresponses, "$qidx\&$user\&$qresp";
if ($qucmt ne '') {
$qucmt =~ tr/+/ /;
$qucmt =~ tr/'//d;
push @qucmts, "$qidx\&$user\&$qucmt";
### DED 10/28/2002 Support for filter-by-question (FBQ)
if ($FORM{'question'} eq $qids[$_]) {
### DED 10/28/2002 Support for filter-by-question (fbq)
#print "<p>FormQues= $FORM{'question'} Ans= $FORM{'answer'} Qansseq= $qansseq[$fqididx]<p>\n";
if ($fqid ne "" && $FORM{'answer'} ne "") {
if ($qstatsqf[$fqid] eq 'mcs' || $qstatsqf[$fqid] eq 'mca' || $qstatsqf[$fqid] eq 'lik') {
shift @fqansseq;
shift @fans;
foreach $fans (@fans) {
for (0 .. $#fqansseq) {
if ($fans ne "No+Response") {
if ($ffresp[0] eq "") {
} else {
foreach (@ffresp) {
if ($qrsp[$fqididx] eq $fresp && $fresp ne "") {
if ($fmatch == 1) { break; }
} elsif ($qstatsqf[$fqid] eq 'mcm') {
shift @fqansseq;
shift @fans;
for (0 .. $#fqansseq) {
if ($fans[0] ne "No+Response") {
foreach (@fans) {
if ($ffresp[0] eq "") {
} else {
foreach (@ffresp) {
if ($qrsp[$fqididx] eq $fresp && $fresp ne "") {
} elsif ($qstatsqf[$fqid] eq 'tf') {
if ($FORM{'answer'} eq "\&0" ) {
} elsif ($FORM{'answer'} eq "\&1" ) {
SWITCH: for ($qansseq[$fqididx]) {
$fresp = /TRUE/ && "FALSE"
|| /FALSE/ && "TRUE"
|| /YES/ && "NO"
|| /NO/ && "YES"
|| "bad";
} elsif ($FORM{'answer'} eq "\&No+Response") {
} else {
if ($qrsp[$fqididx] eq $fresp && $fresp ne "bad") {
} elsif ($qstatsqf[$fqid] eq 'esa') {
shift @fans;
if ($fans[0] eq "No+Response") {
if ($fqr eq $qrsp[$fqididx]) {
} else {
foreach (@fans) {
if ($fqr eq $fqrsp && $fqr ne "") {
#print "<p>FQid= $fqid Qtp= $qstatsqf[$fqid] Qstatsid= $qstatsid[$fqid] Fresp= $fresp Qrsp=$qrsp[$fqididx]<p>\n";
if ($fmatch == 0) {
### Don't count this one
#print "...Skipping...";
@fqucmts = @qucmts;
@qucmts = ();
foreach (@fqucmts) {
if (!($_ =~ /\&$user\&/)) {
push @qucmts, "$_";
### DED End fbq support
for (1 .. $#qids) {
($test,$qidx) = split(/\./, $qids[$_]);
if ($qstatsqf[$qidx] ne 'obs') {
$qstatsqp[$qidx] = format_percent(($qstatsqc[$qidx] / $ncount),
{ fmt => "%.0f" } );
@qstatc = split(/\;/, $qstatsqrc[$qidx]);
@qstatp = split(/\;/, $qstatsqrp[$qidx]);
if ($qstatsqf[$qidx] eq 'tf') {
@qstato = split(/\;/, $qstatsqr[$qidx]);
if ($qrsp[$_] eq $qstato[0]) {
} elsif ($qrsp[$_] eq $qstato[1]) {
} else {
}elsif ($qstatsqf[$qidx] eq 'esa'){
$ncountidx = $#qstatc - 2;
$qresp = $qrsp[$_];
$qresp =~ s/\+/ /g;
if ($qresp ne '') {
# if answered, Determine from the score summary
# if answered correctly
$corinc = substr($corincs[$_], 0, 1);
if ($corinc == 0) {
if ($corinc == 1) {
@qansord = split(/\;/, $qansseq[$_]);
for $q (0 .. $#qansord) {
if ($qansord[$q] eq $qresp) {
} else { # incorrect
for $q (0 .. $#qstatw) {
if ($qstatw[$q] eq $qresp) {
if ($found != 1) {
} else {
@qansord = ();
} elsif ($qstatsqf[$qidx] eq 'nrt'){
# HBI This is the code to put the narrative answers in the report.
if ($qrsp[$_] ne '') {
$qrsp[$_] =~ s/\;/\:/g;
$qrsp[$_] =~ s/\r//g;
$qrsp[$_] =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
$qstatsqr[$qidx] = join('<br><br>',$qstatsqr[$qidx],$qrsp[$_]);
} else {
} elsif ($qstatsqf[$qidx] eq 'mcs' || $qstatsqf[$qidx] eq 'mca' || $qstatsqf[$qidx] eq 'lik') {
### DED Filter out "?" and "xxx" in qrsp so will match
$qrsp[$_] =~ s/\?//g;
$qrsp[$_] =~ s/xxx//g;
@qansord = split(/\?/, $qansseq[$_]);
shift @qansord;
$found = 0;
### DED 10/09/02 Changed to allow for
### randomized answers
#for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#qansord; $i++ ) {
#if (("$qansord[$i]" eq "$qrsp[$_]") && ($qrsp[$_] ne '')) {
if ($qrsp[$_] ne '') {
$found = 1;
unless ($found) {
# increment "No Response"
@qansord = ();
} elsif ($qstatsqf[$qidx] eq 'mtx') {
$ncountidx = $#qstatc - 2;
$qresp = $qrsp[$_];
$qresp =~ s/xxx//g;
$qresp =~ s/\?//g;
if ($qresp ne '') {
# if answered, Determine from the score summary
# if answered correctly
$corinc = substr($corincs[$_], 0, 1);
if ($corinc == 0) {
if ($corinc == 0) {
($id,$qtp,$qim,$qil,$qtx,$qca,$qia,$qrm) = split(/\&/, $questions[$qidx]);
($qiar, $numqiar, $numqiac, $qiac) = split("::", $qia);
@qiar = split("\;", $qiar);
@qiac = split("\;", $qiac);
# skipping answer sequence part (no rand answ)
$holding3 = $_;
@qresps = split(/\?/, $qrsp[$_]);
shift @qresps;
foreach $qiarow (@qiar)
foreach $qiacol (@qiac)
if ($qresps[$i] ne "xxx") {
} else {
# increment No Response counter
@qansord = ();
$_ = $holding3;
} elsif ($qstatsqf[$qidx] eq 'mtr') {
$ncountidx = $#qstatc - 2;
$qresp = $qrsp[$_];
$qresp =~ s/xxx//g;
$qresp =~ s/\?//g;
if ($qresp ne '') {
# if answered, Determine from the score summary
# if answered correctly
$corinc = substr($corincs[$_], 0, 1);
if ($corinc == 0) {
if ($corinc == 0) {
($id,$qtp,$qim,$qil,$qtx,$qca,$qia,$qrm) = split(/\&/, $questions[$qidx]);
($qiar, $numqiar, $numqiac, $qiac) = split("::", $qia);
@qiar = split("\;", $qiar);
@qiac = split("\;", $qiac);
# skipping answer sequence part (no rand answ)
$holding3 = $_;
@qresps = split(/\?/, $qrsp[$_]);
shift @qresps;
foreach $qiarow (@qiar)
foreach $qiacol (@qiac)
if ($qresps[$iqresps] ne "xxx")
# $qresps[$iqresps] will be [1..10], so adjust index accordingly
$irank = $iqstatc + $qresps[$iqresps] - 1;
$iqstatc += 10;
} else {
# increment No Response counter
@qansord = ();
$_ = $holding3;
} elsif ($qstatsqf[$qidx] eq 'mcm') {
$ncountidx = $#qstatc - 2;
$qresp = $qrsp[$_];
$qresp =~ s/xxx//g;
$qresp =~ s/\?//g;
if ($qresp ne '') {
# if answered, Determine from the score summary
# if answered correctly
$corinc = substr($corincs[$_], 0, 1);
if ($corinc == 0) {
if ($corinc == 0) {
@qansord = split(/\?/, $qansseq[$_]);
shift @qansord;
$holding3 = $_;
#$found = 0;
### DED 10/18/02 Changed to allow for
### randomized answers & new format
@qresps = split(/\?/, $qrsp[$_]);
shift @qresps;
foreach $qresp (@qresps) {
if ($qresp ne "xxx") {
} else {
@qansord = ();
$_ = $holding3;
} elsif ($qstatsqf[$qidx] eq 'mch') {
$ncountidx = $#qstatc - 2;
$qresp = $qrsp[$_];
$qresp =~ s/xxx//g;
$qresp =~ s/\?//g;
if ($qresp ne '') {
# if answered, Determine from the score summary
# if answered correctly
$corinc = substr($corincs[$_], 0, 1);
if ($corinc == 0) {
### DED 10/18/02 Changed for
### random answers and new format
# Count occurrence of each match
# $qansseq[$qidx] [Wrong! DED]
# $qansseq[$_]
# &a.
# $qrsp[$_]
# &dgihbfcea [Old format]
# &?d?g?i?h?b?f?c?e?a [New]
#$qansseq[$qidx] =~ s/\&//g;
$qansseq[$_] =~ s/\&//g;
$qrsp[$_] =~ s/\&//g;
$qrsp[$_] =~ s/ //g;
#@corord = split(/\./, $qansseq[$qidx]);
@corord = split(/\./, $qansseq[$_]);
#@selord = split(//,$qrsp[$_]);
@selord = split(/\?/,$qrsp[$_]);
shift @selord;
$corhold = $_;
if ($corinc == 0) {
for (0 .. $#selord) {
if ($selord[$_] ne 'xxx') {
($x = &get_label_index($corord[0],$selord[$_]))++;
$y = $corord[$x];
#$ncountidx = int($_ * $#corord + $y);
$ncountidx = int($y * $#corord + $_);
} else {
$ncountidx = int(($#corord * $#corord ) + $_);
$_ = $corhold;
@selord = ();
@corord = ();
} else {
} elsif ($qstatsqf[$qidx] eq 'ord') {
$ncountidx = $#qstatc - 2;
$qresp = $qrsp[$_];
$qresp =~ s/xxx//g;
### DED 10/18/02 Changed for
### random answers and new format
$qresp =~ s/\?//g;
if ($qresp ne '') {
# if answered, Determine from the score summary
# if answered correctly
$corinc = substr($corincs[$_], 0, 1);
if ($corinc == 0) {
# Count occurrence of each incorrect order
# &o.
# &34521 [Old format]
# &?3?4?5?2?1 [New]
#$qansseq[$qidx] =~ s/\&//g;
$qansseq[$_] =~ s/\&//g;
$qrsp[$_] =~ s/\&//g;
#@corord = split(/\./, $qansseq[$qidx]);
@corord = split(/\./, $qansseq[$_]);
#@selord = split(//,$qrsp[$_]);
@selord = split(/\?/,$qrsp[$_]);
shift @selord;
$corhold = $_;
if ($corinc == 0) {
for (1 .. $#corord) {
$ncountidx = int(($corord[$_]) * $#corord);
$x = int($_ - 1);
if ($selord[$x] ne 'xxx') {
$ncountidx = $ncountidx + int($selord[$x]) - 1;
} else {
$ncountidx = int(($#corord * $#corord) + $_ - 1);
$_ = $corhold;
@selord = ();
@corord = ();
} else {
### DED 8/20/2002 If checked, don't count
### "No Response" in statistics
if ($FORM{'exnoresp'}) {
if ($qstatsqc[$qidx] > $qstatc[$#qstatc]) {
$denom = $qstatsqc[$qidx] - $qstatc[$#qstatc];
} else {
$denom = 1;
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#qstatc-1; $i++ ) {
$qstatp[$i] = format_percent($qstatc[$i] / $denom);
} else {
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#qstatc; $i++ ) {
$qstatp[$i] = format_percent($qstatc[$i] / $qstatsqc[$qidx]);
$qstatsqrc[$qidx] = "";
foreach $qstat (@qstatc) {
$qstatsqrc[$qidx] = join('', $qstatsqrc[$qidx], "$qstat\;");
$qstatsqrp[$qidx] = "";
### DED 8/22/2002 Exclude "No Response"
### from statistics
if ($FORM{'exnoresp'}) {
$count = $#qstatc-1;
} else {
$count = $#qstatp
for (0 .. $count) {
$qstatsqrp[$qidx] = join('', $qstatsqrp[$qidx], "$qstatp[$_]\;");
if (($qstatsqf[$qidx] eq 'mcm') || ($qstatsqf[$qidx] eq 'mch') || ($qstatsqf[$qidx] eq 'ord') || ($qstatsqf[$qidx] eq 'mtx') || ($qstatsqf[$qidx] eq 'mtr')) {
$npctidxend = $#qstatc - 3;
$nincidx = $#qstatc - 1;
$ntotinc = $qstatc[$nincidx];
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $npctidxend; $i++ ) {
if ($ntotinc == 0) {
$qstatp[$i] = 0;
} else {
$qstatp[$i] = format_percent($qstatc[$i] / $ntotinc);
$qstatsqrp[$qidx] = "";
foreach $qstat (@qstatp) {
$qstatsqrp[$qidx] = join('', $qstatsqrp[$qidx], "$qstat\;");
} elsif ($qstatsqf[$qidx] eq 'esa') {
$npctidxend = $#qstatc - 3;
$ncoridx = $#qstatc - 2;
$nincidx = $#qstatc - 1;
$ntotcor = $qstatc[$ncoridx];
$ntotinc = $qstatc[$nincidx];
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $npctidxend; $i++ ) {
if ($ntotcor == 0) {
$qstatp[$i] = 0;
} else {
$qstatp[$i] = format_percent($qstatc[$i] / $ntotcor);
$qstatsqrp[$qidx] = "";
foreach $qstat (@qstatp) {
$qstatsqrp[$qidx] = join('', $qstatsqrp[$qidx], "$qstat\;");
$nincidx = $#qstatc - 1;
$ntotinc = $qstatc[$nincidx];
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#qstatsqwc; $i++ ) {
if ($ntotinc == 0) {
$qstatsqwp[$i] = 0;
} else {
$qstatsqwp[$i] = format_percent($qstatsqwc[$i] / $ntotinc);
@qstato = ();
@qstatc = ();
@qstatp = ();
if ($#qucmts != -1) {
@qsumry=sort @qucmts;
print HTMLHeaderPlain("Question Response Statistics");
print "<center><font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"5\"><b>$TEST{'desc'}<br>Question Response Statistics</b></font><br><br>\n";
print "<font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"3\"><b>$FORM{'orgname'}</b></font><br>\n";
if ($FORM{'uberheader'} ne "") {
print "<font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"3\"><b>".$FORM{'uberheader'}."</b></font><br>\n";
} elsif (defined $idlist) {
my $groups = getGroups($CLIENT{'clid'});
print "<font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"3\"><b>Groups: "
.join(", ",map($groups->{$_}->{'grpnme'},split(/,/,$FORM{'idlist'})))."</b></font><br>\n";
} else {
#print "<font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"3\"><b>Organization-wide Report</b></font><br>\n";
print "<font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"3\"><b></b></font><br>\n";
print $timestamp;
print "</center>\n";
print "<blockquote>\n";
print "<font size=2><I>$nresponses Completed Responses</I></font>
<TABLE cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 border=0 width=100%>
<TR><TD colspan=6><HR WIDTH=\"100\%\"></TD></TR>
$sobsolete = "";
if ($TEST{'seq'} eq 'svy' || $TEST{'seq'} eq 'dmg') {
$incresponse = "";
} else {
$incresponse = "INCORRECT";
for (1 ..$#questions) {
($test,$qid) = split(/\./, $qstatsid[$_]);
if (!($FORM{'exunans'} && $qstatsqc[$qid] < $FORM{'minunans'})) {
if ($qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'obs') {
if ($TEST{'seq'} ne 'svy' && $TEST{'seq'} ne 'dmg') {
$sobs = "
<TD valign=top><I>$qstatsid[$_]</I></TD>
<TD colspan=2 valign=top><font size=1>INACTIVE</font></TD>
<TD colspan=3 valign=top>$qstatsqt[$qid]</TD>
<TR><TD colspan=6><HR WIDTH=\"100\%\"></TD></TR>
$sobsolete = join('', $sobsolete, $sobs);
} else {
if (($qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'mcm') || ($qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'mch') || ($qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'ord') || ($qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'esa') || ($qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'mtx') || ($qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'mtr')) {
if ($qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'mch') {
@qstato = split(/<BR>/, $qstatsqr[$qid]);
} else {
@qstato = split(/\;/, $qstatsqr[$qid]);
if ($qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'esa') {
@qstatw = split(/\;/, $qstatsqw[$qid]);
shift @qstatw;
$rowspan1 = ($TEST{'seq'} ne 'svy' && $TEST{'seq'} ne 'dmg') ? 5 : 4;
$rowspan2 = ($TEST{'seq'} ne 'svy' && $TEST{'seq'} ne 'dmg') ? 5 : 4;
} else {
@qstato = split(/\;/, $qstatsqr[$qid]);
if ( $qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'nrt' ){
$qstato[1] =~ s/\/\//<BR>/g;
$qstato[1] =~ s/\//<BR>/g;
$qstato[1] =~ s/:/<BR>/g;
$qstato[1] =~ s/\+/ /g;
$rowspan1 = 2;
$rowspan2 = 2;
if ($FORM{'showcmts'} eq 'withq') {
$outary[$_] .= "
<TD rowspan=$rowspan1 valign=top><I>$qstatsid[$_]</I></TD>
<TD rowspan=$rowspan2 valign=top>$qstatsqc[$qid]</TD>
<TD rowspan=$rowspan2 valign=top>$qstatsqp[$qid]\%</TD>
<TD colspan=3 valign=top>$qstatsqt[$qid]</font></TD>
@qstatc = split(/\;/, $qstatsqrc[$qid]);
@qstatp = split(/\;/, $qstatsqrp[$qid]);
if (($qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'mcm') || ($qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'mch') || ($qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'ord') || $qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'esa' || $qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'mtx' || $qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'mtr') {
$ncountidx = $#qstatc - 2;
$qstatccor = $qstatc[$ncountidx];
$qstatpcor = $qstatp[$ncountidx];
$qstatcinc = $qstatc[$ncountidx+1];
$qstatpinc = $qstatp[$ncountidx+1];
$qstatcnor = $qstatc[$ncountidx+2];
$qstatpnor = $qstatp[$ncountidx+2];
if ($TEST{'seq'} ne svy && $TEST{'seq'} ne dmg) {
$outary[$_] .= "
<TD valign=top><font size=2>$qstatccor</font></TD>
<TD valign=top><font size=2>$qstatpcor\%</font></TD>
<TD valign=top><font size=2>$xlatphrase[137]</font></TD>
$outary[$_] .= "
<TD valign=top><font size=2>$qstatcinc</font></TD>
<TD valign=top><font size=2>$qstatpinc\%</font></TD>
<TD valign=top><font size=2>INCORRECT</font></TD>
} else {
$outary[$_] .= "
<TD valign=top><font size=2>$qstatcinc</font></TD>
<TD valign=top><font size=2>$qstatpinc\%</font></TD>
<TD valign=top><font size=2>RESPONSES</font></TD>
$outary[$_] .= "
<TD valign=top><font size=2>$qstatcnor</font></TD>";
if ($FORM{'exnoresp'}) {
$outary[$_] .= "<TD valign=top><font size=2>&nbsp;</font></TD>\n";
} else {
$outary[$_] .= "<TD valign=top><font size=2>$qstatpnor\%</font></TD>\n";
$outary[$_] .= "<TD valign=top><font size=2>$xlatphrase[670]</font></TD>
if (($qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'mch') || ($qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'ord')) {
if ($qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'mch') {
$sphrase = "(matched to \&gt\;\&gt\;\&gt\;)";
@matchwords = ();
@matchtos = ();
foreach $qstat (@qstato) {
($matchword, $matchto) = split(/\=\=\=/, $qstat);
push @matchwords, $matchword;
push @matchtos, $matchto;
push @matchtos, "Left Blank";
} else {
$sphrase = "(ordered as number \&gt\;\&gt\;\&gt\;)";
@matchwords = ();
@matchtos = @qstato;
$matchidx = 1;
foreach $qstat (@qstato) {
push @matchwords, "$matchidx";
push @matchtos, "Not Used";
$colspan = int((($#matchwords + 1) * 2) + 1);
$outary[$_] .= "<TR>
<TD colspan=3>
<TABLE cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=1>
<TD colspan=$colspan align=center><font size=2>BREAKDOWN OF $incresponse RESPONSES<font></TD>
<TD rowspan=2 align=right valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>$sphrase</NOBR></font></TD>";
foreach $matchword (@matchwords) {
$outary[$_] .= "
<TD colspan=2 align=center><font size=2>$matchword</font></TD>";
$outary[$_] .= "
foreach $matchword (@matchwords) {
$outary[$_] .= "
<TD align=center><font size=2>Cnt</font></TD>
<TD align=center><font size=2>Pct</font></TD>";
$outary[$_] .= "
$matchidx = 0;
foreach $matchto (@matchtos) {
$outary[$_] .= "
if ($matchto eq $matchtos[$#matchtos]) {
$outary[$_] .= "
<TD align=right valign=top><font size=2>$matchto</font></TD>";
} else {
$outary[$_] .= "
<TD valign=top><font size=2>$matchto</font></TD>";
foreach $matchword (@matchwords) {
$outary[$_] .= "
<TD align=center valign=top><font size=2>$qstatc[$matchidx]</font></TD>
<TD align=center valign=top><font size=2>$qstatp[$matchidx]\%</font></TD>";
$outary[$_] .= "
$outary[$_] .= "
} elsif ($qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'mtx' || $qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'mtr') {
($id,$qtp,$qim,$qil,$qtx,$qca,$qia,$qrm) = split(/\&/, $questions[$qid]);
($qiar, $numqiar, $numqiac, $qiac) = split("::", $qia);
@qiar = split("\;", $qiar);
@qiac = split("\;", $qiac);
$holdmcm = $_;
if ($qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'mtr')
$colspan = ($#qiac + 1) * 3 + 1;
$colspan2 = 3;
$colspan = ($#qiac + 1) * 2 + 1;
$colspan2 = 2;
$outary[$_] .= "
<TD colspan=3>
<TABLE cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=1>
<TD colspan=$colspan align=center><font size=2>BREAKDOWN OF $incresponse RESPONSES<font></TD>
foreach $qiacol (@qiac)
$outary[$_] .= "<TD colspan=$colspan2 align=center>$qiacol</TD>";
$outary[$_] .= "\n</TR>
foreach $qiacol (@qiac)
if ($qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'mtr')
$outary[$_] .= "<TD align=center><font size=2><NOBR>Rank</NOBR></font></TD>";
$outary[$_] .= "<TD align=center><font size=2><NOBR>Cnt</NOBR></font></TD>
<TD align=center><font size=2><NOBR>Pct</NOBR></font></TD>";
$outary[$_] .= "\n</TR>\n";
foreach $qiarow (@qiar)
$outary[$_] .= "<TR>
foreach $qiacol (@qiac)
if ($qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'mtr')
$outary[$_] .= "<TD align=center>";
for $irank (1 .. 10)
$outary[$_] .= "$irank<br>";
$outary[$_] .= "</TD>";
$outary[$_] .= "<TD align=center>";
for $irank (1 .. 10)
$outary[$_] .= "$qstatc[$i+$irank-1]<br>";
$outary[$_] .= "</TD>";
$outary[$_] .= "<TD align=center>";
for $irank (1 .. 10)
$outary[$_] .= "$qstatp[$i+$irank-1]\%<br>";
$outary[$_] .= "</TD>";
$i += 10;
$outary[$_] .= "<TD align=center>$qstatc[$i]</TD>";
$outary[$_] .= "<TD align=center>$qstatp[$i]\%</TD>";
$outary[$_] .= "\n</TR>\n";
$outary[$_] .= "\n</TABLE>
} elsif ($qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'mcm') {
$outary[$_] .= "
<TD colspan=3>
<TABLE cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=1>
<TD colspan=3 align=center><font size=2>BREAKDOWN OF $incresponse RESPONSES<font></TD>
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>Response Option</NOBR></font></TD>
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>Cnt</NOBR></font></TD>
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>Pct</NOBR></font></TD>
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>";
foreach $qstat (@qstato) {
$outary[$_] .= "$qstat<BR>";
$outary[$_] .= "</NOBR></font>
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>";
$holdmcm = $_;
$endidx = $#qstatc - 3;
for (0 .. $endidx) {
$outary[$_] .= "$qstatc[$_]<BR>";
$outary[$_] .= "</NOBR></font>
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>";
for (0 .. $endidx) {
$outary[$_] .= "$qstatp[$_]\%<BR>";
$_ = $holdmcm;
$outary[$_] .= "</NOBR></font>
} elsif ($qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'esa') {
$outary[$_] .= "
<TD colspan=3>
<TABLE cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=1>
<TD colspan=3 align=center><font size=2>BREAKDOWN OF $xlatphrase[137] RESPONSES<font></TD>
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>Response Option</NOBR></font></TD>
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>Cnt</NOBR></font></TD>
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>Pct</NOBR></font></TD>
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>";
foreach $qstat (@qstato) {
$outary[$_] .= "$qstat<BR>";
$outary[$_] .= "</NOBR></font>
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>";
$holdmcm = $_;
$endidx = $#qstatc - 3;
for (0 .. $endidx) {
$outary[$_] .= "$qstatc[$_]<BR>";
$outary[$_] .= "</NOBR></font>
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>";
for (0 .. $endidx) {
$outary[$_] .= "$qstatp[$_]\%<BR>";
$_ = $holdmcm;
$outary[$_] .= "</NOBR></font>
$outary[$_] .= "
<TABLE cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=1>
<TD colspan=3 align=center><font size=2>BREAKDOWN OF $incresponse RESPONSES<font></TD>
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>Response Option</NOBR></font></TD>
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>Cnt</NOBR></font></TD>
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>Pct</NOBR></font></TD>
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>";
foreach $qstat (@qstatw) {
$outary[$_] .= "$qstat<BR>";
$outary[$_] .= "</NOBR></font>
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>";
$holdmcm = $_;
foreach (@qstatsqwc) {
$outary[$_] .= "$_<BR>";
$outary[$_] .= "</NOBR></font>
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>";
foreach (@qstatsqwp) {
$outary[$_] .= "$_\%<BR>";
$_ = $holdmcm;
$outary[$_] .= "</NOBR></font>
} elsif ($qstatsqf[$qid] eq 'nrt' ) {
##### v ADT - 7/03/2002 ################################################
# If you want to remove the NRT statistics, delete between these comments
$outary[$_] .= "
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>";
if ($TEST{'seq'} eq 'svy' || $TEST{'seq'} eq 'dmg') {
$outary[$_] .="$qstatc[2]<BR>$qstatc[1]";
} else {
$outary[$_] .="<B>$qstatc[0]</B><BR>$qstatc[2]<BR>$qstatc[1]";
$outary[$_] .= "</NOBR></font>
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>";
if ($FORM{'exnoresp'}) {
if ($TEST{'seq'} eq 'svy' || $TEST{'seq'} eq 'dmg') {
$outary[$_] .="&nbsp;<BR>$qstatp[1]\%";
} else {
$outary[$_] .="<B>$qstatp[0]\%</B><BR>&nbsp;<BR>$qstatp[1]\%";
} else {
if ($TEST{'seq'} eq 'svy' || $TEST{'seq'} eq 'dmg') {
$outary[$_] .="$qstatp[2]\%<BR>$qstatp[1]\%";
} else {
$outary[$_] .="<B>$qstatp[0]\%</B><BR>$qstatp[2]\%<BR>$qstatp[1]\%";
$outary[$_] .= "</NOBR></font>
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>";
if ($TEST{'seq'} eq 'svy' || $TEST{'seq'} eq 'dmg') {
$outary[$_] .="$qstato[1]<BR>$qstato[0]";
} else {
$outary[$_] .="<B>$qstato[0]</B><BR>$qstato[2]<BR>$qstato[1]";
$outary[$_] .= "</NOBR>";
$outary[$_] .= "</font>
$outary[$_] .= "
<TD valign=top colspan=3>&nbsp;</TD>";
$outary[$_] .= "
<TD valign=top colspan=3><font size=2>";
if ($TEST{'seq'} eq 'svy' || $TEST{'seq'} eq 'dmg') {
$outary[$_] .="<BR>$qstato[2]";
} else {
$outary[$_] .="<BR>$qstato[3]";
$outary[$_] .= "</font>
##### ^ ADT - 7/03/2002 - End Delete ###################################
##### v ADT - 7/03/2002 ################################################
# Added code to print NRT answers in the form of the comments
#print "\n\t<TR>\n\t\t<TD colspan=3>";
#print "\n\t\t\t<TABLE>\n\t\t\t\t<TR>\n";
#print "\t\t\t\t\t<TD align=right valign=top><font size=2><b><i>Answers:</i></b><br></font></td>\n";
#print "\t\t\t\t\t<TD><font size=2>";
#for $i (0 .. $#qresponses) {
#@columns=split(/\&/, $qresponses[$i]);
#if ($columns[0] eq $qid) {
#print "<b>$columns[1]\:</b><br>\n";
#while (length($columns[2]) > 50) {
#$j=index($columns[2]," ",45);
#if ($j==-1) {
#} else {
#print "$qresponse<br>\n";
#print "$columns[2]<br>\n";
#print "</font></TD>\n";
#print "\t\t\t\t</TR>\n";
#print "\t\t\t</TABLE>\n\t\t</TD>\n\t</TR>\n";
##### ^ ADT - 7/03/2002 ################################################
} else {
if ($TEST{'seq'} eq 'svy' || $TEST{'seq'} eq 'dmg') {
$bs = "";
$be = "";
} else {
$bs = "<B>";
$be = "</B>";
$outary[$_] .= "
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>";
$boldtag = $bs;
$boldtagend = $be;
foreach $qstat (@qstatc) {
$outary[$_] .= "$boldtag$qstat$boldtagend<BR>";
$boldtag = "";
$boldtagend = "";
$outary[$_] .= "</NOBR></font>
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>";
$boldtag = $bs;
$boldtagend = $be;
foreach $qstat (@qstatp) {
$outary[$_] .= "$boldtag$qstat\%$boldtagend<BR>";
$boldtag = "";
$boldtagend = "";
$outary[$_] .= "</NOBR></font>
<TD valign=top><font size=2><NOBR>";
$boldtag = $bs;
$boldtagend = $be;
foreach $qstat (@qstato) {
$outary[$_] .= "$boldtag$qstat$boldtagend<BR>";
$boldtag = "";
$boldtagend = "";
$outary[$_] .= "</NOBR></font>
if (($FORM{'showcmts'} eq 'withq') && ($#qucmts != -1)) {
##### v ADT - 7/03/2002 ################################################
# Modified code to add the comments to the same table cell as the
# answers if the question is a Narrative question
#if( $qstatsqf[$qid] ne 'nrt' ) {
print "\t<TR>\n\t\t<TD colspan=3>\n\t\t\t<TABLE>";
$outary[$_] .= "<TR>
<TD align=right valign=top>\n<font size=2><b><i>Comments:</i></b><br></font></td>
<TD><font size=2>\n";
##### ^ ADT - 7/03/2002 ################################################
for $i (0 .. $#qucmts) {
@columns=split(/\&/, $qucmts[$i]);
if ($columns[0] eq $qid) {
$outary[$_] .= "<b>$columns[1]\:</b><br>\n";
while (length($columns[2]) > 50) {
$j=index($columns[2]," ",45);
if ($j==-1) {
} else {
$outary[$_] .= "$qucmt<br>\n";
$outary[$_] .= "$columns[2]<br>\n";
$outary[$_] .= "</font></TD>
$outary[$_] .= "
<TD colspan=6><HR WIDTH=\"100\%\"></TD>
@qstato = ();
@qstatc = ();
@qstatp = ();
if (($FORM{'showcmts'} =~ /^atend/) && ($#qucmts != -1)) {
$outary[$_] .= "<TR><TD colspan=6><HR WIDTH=\"100\%\"></TD></TR>\n";
$outary[$_] .= "<TR><TD colspan=6 align=center><B>Comments</B>" ;
if ($HBI_Debug_IntegroTS ) {
print " Debug Tested showcmts." ;
$outary[$_] .= "</TD></TR>\n";
$outary[$_] .= "<TR><TD colspan=6>\n";
$outary[$_] .= "<TABLE><TR><TD><B>ID</B></TD><TD><B>User</B></TD><TD><B>Comments</B></TD></TR>\n";
for (1 ..$#questions) {
($test,$qid) = split(/\./, $qstatsid[$_]);
if ($qstatsqf[$qid] ne 'obs') {
for $i (0 .. $#qucmts) {
@columns=split(/\&/, $qucmts[$i]);
if ($columns[0] eq $qid) {
$outary[$_] .= "<TR>\n";
$outary[$_] .= "<TD valign=top><font size=2>$qstatsid[$_]</font></td>\n";
$outary[$_] .= "<TD valign=top><font size=2>$columns[1]</font></td>\n";
$outary[$_] .= "<TD valign=top><font size=2>\n";
while (length($columns[2]) > 70) {
$j=index($columns[2]," ",65);
if ($j==-1) {
} else {
$outary[$_] .= "$qucmt<br>\n";
$outary[$_] .= "$columns[2]<br>\n";
$outary[$_] .= "</font></td>\n";
$outary[$_] .= "</TR>\n";
$outary[$_] .= "<TR><TD colspan=6><HR WIDTH=\"100\%\"></TD></TR>\n";
$outary[$_] .= "</TD>\n</TR>\n</TABLE>\n</TD>\n</TR>\n";
# Read in .rgo file which defines question presentation order
if ($FORM{'tstid'} =~ /SAS/) {
$lookupfile = join($pathsep,$dataroot,"IntegroSAS.rgo");
} elsif ($FORM{'tstid'} =~ /^TAQ/) {
$lookupfile = join($pathsep,$dataroot,"IntegroTAQ.rgo");
if (-e $lookupfile) {
my $fh = new FileHandle;
if ($fh->open($lookupfile)) {
$out = "";
my @lines = <$fh>;
shift @lines;
foreach (@lines) {
my @line = split(/\&/,$_);
my $section = shift @line;
if ($section ne "") {
$out .= "<tr><td colspan=6><font size=+1><b>$section</b></font></td></tr>\n";
$out .= "<tr><td colspan=6><hr width=\"100\%\"></td></tr>\n";
foreach my $sub (@line) {
my ($subheader, $quess) = split(/:/,$sub);
if ($subheader ne "") {
$out .= "<tr><td colspan=6><b>$subheader:</b></td></tr>\n";
@ques = split(/\,/,$quess);
foreach my $quesid (@ques) {
$out .= $outary[$quesid];
print $out;
} else {
for (1 ..$#questions) {
print $outary[$_];
if ($FORM{'showobs'}) {
print "$sobsolete";
print "</TABLE>\n";
print "</blockquote>\n";
print HTMLFooter();
sub HTMLHeaderPlain {
return "<html>\n<head>\n<title>$_[0]</title>\n".
"<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n<!-- \n$_[1]\n -->\n</script>\n</head>\n".
sub HTMLFooter {
my $year = `date +%Y`;
return "<br><center><font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"1\">Copyright (c) 2004-$year, Integro Leadership Institute<center></font></body>\n</html>\n";