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<!-- $Id: help10.htt,v 1.2 2006/05/23 13:55:23 psims Exp $ -->
<TITLE>Test Maintenance Help</TITLE>
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<B>On-Line Help Documentation</B><BR>
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<A HREF="/evaltepms.htm" TARGET="terms">Terms of Use</A>
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<UL>Test Maintenance
<LI><A HREF="#testgen">About Test Maintenance</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#deftest">Defining A Test</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#flddef">Field Definitions Within Test Maintenance</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#defques">Defining Questions</A></LI>
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<A name=testgen><B><U>About Test Maintenance</U></B></A><BR>
<LI><p>Test Maintenance is found by using the &quot;Test&quot; button on the left frame of the Administration Screen. </p></LI>
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<A name=deftest><B><U>Defining A Test</U></B></A><BR>
After clicking on the &quot;Test&quot; button in the left frame of the Administration Screen, you will be presented with two options in the top frame:<br>
<p><b>Select One to Edit or Delete:</b> Select a test that is already defined from the dropdown menu. That test definition will appear in the main window. In the main window of the Test Maintetance section you will find that you can change the availability, behavior, and handling of the test. You can also delete the test by using the &quot;Delete&quot; button.<br></p>
<p><b>Select a Style for a New Test:</b> Select the type of test or form you would like to create.</p>
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<A name=flddef><B><U>Field Definitions Within Test Maintenance</U></B></A><BR>
<p><b>Test ID:</b> A unique identifier to each test defined in the system group, i.e. standard tests or each individual client proprietary test.<br></p>
<p><b>Description:</b> User friendly name for the test.<br></p>
<p><b>Availability Dates:</b> Select the Dates of which you wouldo like to make the test available. If anyone tries to access the test outside of this range, the user will receive an appropriate message and the administrator will be notified.<br></p>
<p><b>Test Logo:</b> Here you can load an image from your local drive or a network that will reside on the host server and be delivered with each page of a test.<br></p>
<p><b>Timed:</b> If checked, the test must be completed in the defined Maximum Time or it will be automatically terminated by the software.<br></p>
<p><b>Maximum Time:</b> If Timed is checked, the maximum amount of time allotted for completion of the test. Time is measured on the client when each question has loaded and the time consumed is passed back to the server as each answer is submitted. The server accumulates the total time and will terminate the test regardless of the state of the testing candidate when the maximum allotted time is reached. The time during which the questions and responses are downloading or loading is not counted against the maximum allotted time.<br></p>
<p><b>Scoring:</b> Determines the scoring method to be used for the test.<br>
<p>Options include: </p>
<LI> <p><b>Percent Correct -</b> Simple ration of correct answers to total questions reported as a percentage</p></LI>
<LI> <p><b>Weighted Percentage -</b> Complex ratio of total correct responses to total weighted questions reported as a percentage</p></LI>
<LI> <p><b>Cumulative Points -</b> Accumulation of points assigned to the questions presented reported as a numeric total</LI>
<p><b>Number of Questions:</b> The total number of questions to present during each test. If the total number of questions defined is greater than this number, randomization should be employed to guarantee that all questions will be used over the course of several tests.<br></p>
<p><b>Show Subject Area and Question Number During Test:</b> By enabling this option, the subject area or Identifier that can be used to group questions of similar subject matter, for reporting and evaluation, will be shown during the test. <br></p>
<p><b>Randomize Question Sequence:</b> If checked AND the total number of questions defined is greater than the number of questions to be presented during each test, the system will compose a set of test questions using a pseudorandom selection algorithm based on a combination of the provided seed and system time.<br></p>
<p><b>Random Seed Value:</b> If randomization is checked, this value should be entered as a number between 1 and 100, inclusive.<br></p>
<p><b>Randomize Answer Sequence:</b> If checked, pseudorandomization of the order of the answers for multiple choice questions is employed using the same algorithms as described above.<br></p>
<p><b>Random Seed Value:</b> Same as above, except used only for answer sequencing.<br></p>
<p><b>Allow User to Postpone:</b> If checked, allows the user to arbitrarily stop a test in progress and reconnect at a later time to resume and complete the test. Should not be used with Timed Tests.<br></p>
<p><b>Allow user to Skip Questions:</b> If checked, allows the user to move the next question without answering the current question. Upon completing or skipping the final question in the sequence, unanswered questions will be presented again. This sequence will be repeated until all answers are provided or time expixres if the test is timed.<br></p>
<p><b>Allow User to Go to Previous Questions:</b> If checked, allows the user to move the previous as well as the next question, otherwise, only forward navigation is permitted.<br></p>
<p><b>On Re-entry from Lost Connection:</b> Determines whether the testing candidate can resume the test at the point at which he/she lost the connection during a test or not.<br></p>
<p><b>Email Notification Addresses:</b> Enter the addresses of administrators or persons who should be notified of a test scoring and activity. Seperate multiple addresses with a comma.<br></p>
<p><b>Email Results to Candidate:</b> If checked will notify the candidate of test scores. (Dependent on the candidate entering in their email address).<br></p>
<p><b>Email Full Text of Test to Administrator:</b> If checked, the administrator (defined in the Email Notification Field) will receive a copy of the test questions and answers selected as well as score of the test.<br></p>
<p><b>Email Start Test Notice to Administrator:</b> If checked, the administrator will receive email notice of the candidate starting the test.<br></p>
<p><b>Email Pause Test Notice to Administrator:</b> If checked, the administrator will receive email notice of the candidate pausing the test.<br></p>
<p><b>Pre Test or Post Test Deliverables:</b> Here you will name the survey or confidentiality agreement that you would like to deliver with this test. <br></p>
<p><b>Saving Changes:</b> Once your test options have been identified, you would use the &quot;Save Definition&quot; button at the bottom to save your changes.<br></p>
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<A name=defques><B><U>Defining a Test Question</U></B></A><BR>
Access the question definition area by clicking on the &quot;Review Questions&quot; button found at the top of the test maintenance area.<br>
Click on the &quot;Review Questions&quot; button to go to the question maintenance screen. The two options in the top frame will allow you to either select a question that has already been created or choose the type of question you would like to enter as new. Notice that under the &quot;New Question&quot; drop down box you will see the question types that are supported. Also you will notice the &quot;Number of Choices&quot; field. This field is used to define how many answer choices you would like to define during entry of a multiple choice question.<br>
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<p><b><u>The Following Describes the Attributes that are Applicable to All Question Types</u></b></p>
<p><b>Subject Area:</b> Identifier that can be used to group questions of similar subject matter for reporting and evaluation.</p>
<p><b>Skill Level:</b> This area defines what level of difficulty this question would fall under. </p>
<p><b>Exhibit:</b> Identifies if and how an image is presented. Options include:</p>
<UL type=disc>
<LI><b>None -</b> No image is deployed.</LI>
<LI><b>Hyperlink -</b> The question includes a hyperlink which if activated will launch a new browser window and present the referenced image in that window. The new window is closed when the user navigates away from the question unless closed by the user before that.</LI>
<LI><b>Embedded -</b> The image is embedded in the question presentation page and will appear at the top of the page with the text and response options below the image. (Our new release has the option to place the media file in different locations throughout the screen).</LI>
<p><b>Add Exhibit:</b> Here you will browse to the media file on your pc that you would like to upload and present with this question.</p>
<p><b>Weight:</b> The relative value of the question with respect to a standard question. A weight of 2 makes the question count as 2 questions in the scoring calculations.</p>
<p><b>Points:</b> The relative point value for the question if the scoring is based on cumulative points.</p>
<p><b>Deduct:</b> If the cumulative point scoring method is used, this field identifies the points to be deducted if answered incorrectly.</p>
<p><b>Text:</b> The text of the question to be presented.</p>
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<b><u><p>The Following Options Describe the Parameters Available to Multiple Choice Single Correct Answer and Multiple Choice Multiple Correct Answer Type Question Formats</u></b></p>
<p><b>Answer Labels:</b> Identifies the labels to be used for the answer options. Label options include:<br>
<LI>Alphabetic Lower Case, i.e. a), b)</LI>
<LI>Alphabetic Upper Case, i.e. A), B)</LI>
<LI>Roman Numeral Lower, i.e. i), ii)</LI>
<LI> Roman Numeral Upper, i.e. I), II)</LI>
<LI> Numeric Decimal, i.e. 1), 2)</LI>
<p><b>Answer Choices:</b> Enter all answer choices here. The correct answer should be marked by using the check box to the left. The incorrect options should have no check mark. In the case of multiple correct answer type questions, checking multiple boxes will be accepted.</p>
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<b><u><p>The Following Options Describe the Parameters Available to True/False Type Question Formats</u></b></p>
<p><b>True / False:</b> Identifies the Correct Answer for the associated question.</p>
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<b><u><p>The Following Options Describe the Paramaters Available to Fill In The Blank Type Question Formats</b></u></p>
<p><b>Text of Question:</b> Type the statement here with a blank by using the &quot;underscore&quot; key on your keyboard. (Future releases will include support for multiple blanks).</p>
<p><b>Correct Answer:</b> Enter the correct text in this field.</p>
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<b><u><p>The Following Options Describe the Parameters Available to Text or Essay Style Question Formats</b></u></p>
<p><b>Text of Question:</b> Enter the instructions for the essay here.</p>
<p><b>Maximum input length:</b> Enter the maximum number of characters available for use in answering this question. Up to 16,384.</p>
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<b><u><p>The Following Options Describe the Parameters Available to Matching Type Question Formats</u></b></p>
<p><b>Text of Question:</b> Use this field to give instructions on how to answer matching type questions. (Example: In the box to the left of the planet name, enter the letter of the description that best fits the planet.)</p>
<p><b>Choices Field:</b> Enter the Text on the left and the Matching Text on the right. The choices will be automaticaly scrambled upon test delivery. (You may have from 3-25 choices)</p>
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<p><b><u>The Following Options Describe the Parameters Available to Place In Order Type Question Formats</u></b></p>
<p><b>Text of Question:</b> Use this field to give instructions on how to answer the Place In Order question. (Example: Number the events below in ascending chronological order beginning with the number 1 for the earliest event)</p>
<p><b>Choices Field:</b> Enter the Text options in the correct order. The choices will be scrambled upon test delivery.</p>
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