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testid.001&tf&0&N&This is a true false question.&TRUE&FALSE&remediation q1&&&&TF.0&1&2&&3
testid.002&mcs&0&N&This is a multiple choice single correct response question.&answer option 1&answer option 2;answer option 3;&remediation q2&&&a&mcsingle.0&1&2&&
testid.003&mcm&0&N&This is a multiple choice multiple correct response question.&answer option 1;answer option 2;&answer option 3;&remediation q3&&&a&mcmultiple.0&1&2&&
testid.004&esa&0&N&This is a fill in the blank type question.&correct answer field&&remediation q4&&&&fitb.0&1&2&&
testid.005&nrt&0&N&This is an essay type question.&333&&REmediation q5&&&&essay.0&1&2&&
testid.006&mch&0&N&This is a matching type question.&dog;cat;bird;&god;tac;drib;&REmediation q6&&&a&matching.0&1&2&&
testid.007&ord&0&&This is a place in order type question.&first line item;second line item;third line item;&&Remediation q7&&&n&piorder.0&1&2&&
testid.008&tf&0&N&true false question type&FALSE&TRUE&remediation q8&&&&satf.1&9&8&&