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taseval.001&nrt&0&N&What were the most positive aspects of the class?&1000&&&&&&tas.0&&&&
taseval.002&nrt&0&N&What were the most negative aspects of the class?&1000&&&&&&tas.0&&&&
taseval.003&nrt&0&N&What were the strong points of the instructor/instructors?&1000&&&&&&tas.0&&&&
taseval.004&nrt&0&N&What were the weak points of the instructor/instructors?&1000&&&&&&tas.0&&&&
taseval.005&mcs&0&N&Rate your overall satisfaction with this class.&&Excellent;Very Good;Good;Fair;Poor;&&&&a&tas.0&&&&
taseval.006&mcs&0&&Rate the material used in presenting this class.&&Excellent;Very Good;Good;Fair;Poor;&&&&a&tas.0&&&&
taseval.007&tf&0&&I read the course description before attending this class.&FALSE&TRUE&&&&&tas.0&&&&
taseval.008&nrt&0&N&What do you think should become part of this training that was not included?&1000&&&&&&tas.0&&&&
taseval.009&nrt&0&N&How many years have you been in the industry?&1000&&&&&&tas.0&&&&
taseval.010&mcs&0&&My experience level in this area is:&&None;Little;Basic;Intermediate;Advanced;&&&&a&tas.0&&&&
taseval.011&mcs&0&&Rate the administrative help from ACTS Corporation in coming to this seminar.&&Excellent;Very Good;Good;Fair;Poor;&&&&a&tas.0&&&&
taseval.012&nrt&0&N&How could ACTS Corporation imporve with the administration help in the future.&1000&&&&&&tas.0&&&&
taseval.013&nrt&0&N&May we have your endorsement for promotional material? If so, please write a quote below.&1000&&&&&&tas.0&&&&
taseval.014&nrt&0&N&Referrals: If there is anyone you would like to refer for this program, please enter their Name, Title, Company Name, Phone Number, Address, and Email.&1000&&&&&&tas.0&&&&
taseval.015&tf&0&N&I would like to receive a copy of the Multi-Media Technical Awareness Series on CD/ROM.&FALSE&TRUE&&&&&tas.0&&&&