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ltl1bad.001&mcs&0&N&The City of Winston-Salem operates under a form of government recognized as:&Council/Commission&Mayoral/Council;Council/Manager;Precinct/Ward;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.
ltl1bad.002&tf&0&&Personnel taking leave which qualifies under the FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) are required to take FMLA in conjunction with other leave or as unpaid leave. &TRUE&FALSE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.003&mcs&0&&When the necessity for leave under the Family Medical Leave Act is foreseeable, the employee must give the City at least ____ days advance notice for leave.&30&14;10;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.004&tf&0&&Documented decline in work performance, behavior, attendance, or other related performance or conduct characteristics may result in a request for voluntary participation in the Employee Assistance Program.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.005&mcm&0&N&An employee will be required to submit to a drug and/or alcohol test when there is reasonable suspicion that the employee has <i>(check all that apply):</i>&consumed or is under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol while at work;had an accident involving a City vehicle where the employee's supervisor and/or the Employee Health and Safety Office has reasonable suspicion to believe that the employee operated, used, or possessed a City vehicle after having consumed drugs and/or alcohol;had an accident which has resulted in death or serious bodily injury requiring transport by EMS to the hospital Emergency Room and it was determined that the employee was at fault or contributed to the accident;&&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.006&tf&0&N&Under the City's policy on workplace violence an expression constitutes a threat without regard to whether the party communicating the threat has the present ability to carry it out, without regard to the overt or subtle nature of the expression, and without regard to whether the expression is contingent, conditional, or future.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.007&mcm&0&N&According to City policy a grievance is a complaint, view or feeling that insufficient consideration or unfair treatment has been given the employee or the employee's group in the employee's department pertaining to <i>(check all that apply):</i>&employment conditions;to relationships between the employee and the employee's supervisor;to relationships between the employee and other employees;&&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.008&tf&0&&Generally, adjusted time may be carried over to another scheduled work period (28 day cycle) for non-exempt employees.&FALSE&TRUE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.009&tf&0&&A supervisor may designate another supervisor to sign time cards for his employees only if the supervisor is on an authorized absence. Designating others to sign time cards should not be a routine practice.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.010&tf&0&&In the event an employee sustains a serious injury supervisors shall, as soon as possible, provide notification to the Police Chief , all Bureau Commanders, the employee's Division/Sector Commander, and Employee Medical Services.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.011&tf&0&&Only those subjects (arrestees) who display visible injury or respiratory problems after being struck by a Less Lethal Weapon (Sage) projectile will be transported to the hospital for evaluation.&FALSE&TRUE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.012&tf&0&&Initial requests for off-duty employment at establishments where alcoholic beverages are served must be approved by the District Commander (Captain) of the area where the establishment is located, or higher sworn rank. &TRUE&FALSE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.013&mcm&0&N&Information that is to be released by police prior to arrest or issuance of a warrant includes <i>(check all that apply):</i>&Brief description of offense, e.g., general location and time, damages and/or injuries. ;Identity of the victim except where temporarily withheld in accordance with G.S. 132-1.4.;&Identity of suspects, including those who are interviewed but not charged.;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.014&mcm&0&N&Information that is not to be released by police prior to arrest or issuance of a warrant includes<i> (check all that apply):</i>&Whether witnesses, including victims, can positively identify a suspect(s).;Identifying information about any evidence.;Any information that would only be known by a guilty person.;&&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.015&mcm&0&N&Which of the following are specifically identified as public record by statutes?<i> (check all that apply):</i>&a) The date, time, location and nature of a violation or apparent violation of the law reported to a public law enforcement agency.;b) The name, sex, age, address, place of employment and alleged violation of the law of a person arrested, charged or indicted.;c) The name, sex, age and address of a complaining witness. (Complainant);&&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.016&mcm&0&N&Unless specifically authorized by the Police Chief or his designee information not to be released by police includes<i> (check all that apply):</i>&Speculation about the guilt, character or reputation of the defendant.;Identity of witnesses.;Any comment about the existence of a confession or its content;&&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.017&mcs&0&N&Emergency requests and grants of mutual aid may be authorized by the ranking officer on duty in the Bureau loaning or borrowing personnel or equipment although in no event shall authority be delegated to personnel below the rank of ___________.&lieutenant &captain;assistant chief;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.
ltl1bad.018&mcm&0&&In accordance with the Management of Professional Standards of Conduct, complaints of unauthorized use of force will be investigated by <i>(check all that apply)</i>&Professional Standards Division ;&the involved employee�s immediate supervisor;a supervisor witnessing or receiving a use of force complaint;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.019&tf&0&N&When planned operations involve personnel from different bureaus and units, command of the operation shall rest with the ranking commander or supervisor from the bureau with primary investigative responsibility for the targeted crimes. &TRUE&FALSE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.020&tf&0&N&Operations involving personnel from different bureaus and units shall require a written action plan be submitted and approved by the Assistant Chiefs of the involved bureaus prior to implementation of the operation. A written and approved action plan for FSB personnel to assist ISB personnel with searches or raids is not required. &TRUE&FALSE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.021&tf&0&N&Policy of the Winston-Salem Police Department requires an officer who charges a student in a primary or secondary school (grades K-12) with any felony or misdemeanor charge to notify the school principal as well as the parent/guardian of the child. &TRUE&FALSE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.022&tf&0&N&A �DAG� form is a request that federally forfeited property seized by the Winston-Salem Police Department be transferred to the department to be used for law enforcement purposes.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.023&tf&0&N&The �Law Enforcement Code of Ethics� has been adopted as the general standard of conduct expected of sworn officers of the Winston-Salem Police Department. &TRUE&FALSE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.024&mcs&0&N&Managed department response to unusual occurrences using on-duty patrol personnel with assistance from appropriate units is&tactical alert &mobilization;recall;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.
ltl1bad.025&mcs&0&N&The controlled redistribution, deployment or use of on-duty and off-duty personnel for occurrences that cannot be managed by on-duty patrol personnel and/or appropriate units is &mobilization&tactical alert ;recall;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.
ltl1bad.026&tf&0&&In response to incidents involving reported weapons of mass destruction (bomb threats), all decisions in regard to evacuation, search, and resumption of activity at the premises will be at the discretion of the Field Commander or appropriate District Commander.&FALSE&TRUE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.027&mcs&0&N&During ALERT I and ALERT II notifications the Field Commander is responsible for reporting to Post #1 which is &the Airport Tower&the FAA office at the airport terminal ;the Forsyth County Fire Administration command center;Office of Emergency Management;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.
ltl1bad.028&mcm&0&N&During the �standby for recall� notification process, supervisors will instruct their subordinates to prepare for a probable response by informing personnel to:<i> (check all that apply):</i>&constantly monitor their radio;refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages or any other activity that may prohibit a rapid response;gather needed equipment;&&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.029&mcm&0&N&Department policy authorizes vehicle pursuits when<i> (check all that apply):</i>&the suspect presents a clear and present danger to the safety of others;the necessity of immediate apprehension outweighs the level of danger created by the pursuit;&the suspect has committed or is attempting to commit a felony;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.030&tf&0&N&The on-duty field commander may authorize the release of vehicles from the Evidence Management Section after hours, but is not authorized to conduct a hearing or waive towing fees. &TRUE&FALSE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.031&mcm&0&N&A law enforcement officer may enter private premises or a vehicle to make arrest when the officer<i> (check all that apply):</i>&possesses a valid arrest warrant or arrest order;has reasonable cause to believe the person to be arrested is present;has given notice of his/her authority and purpose to the occupants.;&&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.032&mcm&0&N&Officers may arrest without a warrant any person the officer has probable cause to believe<i> (check all that apply):</i>&has committed a felony;has committed a misdemeanor and will not be apprehended unless immediately arrested;has committed a misdemeanor and may cause physical harm to himself or others, or damage to property unless immediately arrested;&&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.033&mcm&0&N&A show up is permissible when <i> (check all that apply):</i>&a witness is in the hospital and an immediate identification is needed;shortly after a crime was committed and an immediate identification is justified by the need ;&physical evidence and witness statements require immediate verification by means of suspect identification.;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.034&tf&0&N&A non-testimonial identification order is required in all cases in which a show-up is to be conducted with a juvenile suspect.&FALSE&TRUE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.035&mcm&0&N&Officers entering a private dwelling to arrest someone inside need not give notice if&giving notice would present a clear danger to human life such as incidents involving a hostage;giving notice would present a clear danger to human life such as potential deadly attacks on officers;&giving notice would provide the suspect additional opportunity to flee or destroy evidence.;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.036&mcm&0&N&A juvenile in custody may not be photographed and fingerprinted unless <i>(check all that apply)</i>&he/she is charged with a nondivertable offense and is 15 years old;&he/she is charged with a nondivertable offense and is 10 years old or older;a judge issues a nontestimonial identification order;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.037&mcm&0&N&Impaired driving checkpoints must satisfy the following requirements to lawful under G.S. 20-16.3A <i>(check all that apply)</i>&a plan must designate patterns for stopping vehicles and for requesting drivers submit to alcohol screening tests;the area must be marked with signs or other indicators to inform the public that an impaired driving check is being conducted.;&a systematic plan must be developed in advance that designates operational periods and locations;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.038&mcm&0&N&Blood samples may be obtained from an adult suspect by <i>(check all that apply)</i>&a search warrant ;the suspect's consent;&a nontestimonial order;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.039&mcm&0&N&When officers reasonably believe that it is urgently necessary to save life, prevent serious bodily harm, or avert or control public catastrophe, they may <i>(check all that apply)</i>&enter buildings vehicles, and other premises;limit or restrict where people may go;take control over others' property;&&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.040&tf&0&&At the scene of a suspicious death, the Medical Examiner assumes control of the crime scene upon arrival.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.041&tf&0&N&Only the Field Commander or the on call Criminal Investigations Supervisor may authorize the removal of a body in a suspicious death investigation. &FALSE&TRUE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.042&mcm&0&N&The Confidential Fund is the Department's disbursement and accounting system which provides police personnel with investigative funds for <i>(check all that apply)</i> &undercover and informant buys ;investigative expenses ;informant information ;&&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.043&mcm&0&N&Benefits of having a strategic plan include <i> (check all that apply):</i> &promotion of strategic thought and action ;enhancement of organizational responsiveness and performance ;&financial savings through defined cost reduction measures ;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.044&mcm&0&N&Priorities of the <u>2005</u> strategic plan include <i> (check all that apply):</i> &crime reduction and community safety ;community relations/marketing;&organizational realignment and reclassification ;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.045&mcs&0&N&A citizen desiring to file a complaint while Professional Standards Division personnel are off duty shall be referred to the &ranking field supervisor&involved employee's immediate supervisor;on call PSD supervisor;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.
ltl1bad.046&tf&0&N&Only the Professional Standards Division Commander has the authority to change a complaint that PSD personnel have determined to be sustained.&FALSE&TRUE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.047&tf&0&N&A supervisor who discovers an employee is unfit for duty must contact the Chief of Police before the employee is relieved of their duty.&FALSE&TRUE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.048&tf&0&N&Corrective counseling is considered disciplinary action and should be placed on the City of Winston-Salem Disciplinary Action Report (DAR).&FALSE&TRUE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
ltl1bad.049&mcs&0&N&When closing an Administrative Investigation and the allegations are true and supported by sufficient evidence and facts, <br>the incident will be closed as _____________&not sustained&sustained;unsubstantiated;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.
ltl1bad.050&mcm&0&N&An employee may be temporarily relieved of duty by any supervisor for the following actions: <i>(check all that apply)</i> &Insubordination;Involvement in the use of deadly force;Use of force which results in serious injury or death to another person;&&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.