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linux.001&mca&0&N&Recall that these are defined as courses that provide an overview of the user interface of a particular OS.<br><br>My school offers a course of this type.&&True;False;&&linux.002;linux.006;&&a&Sect1-1.0&&&&&1&&&N.
linux.002&mcm&0&N&We offer such classes for the following systems (choose all that apply):&&Windows;DOS;MacOS;Linux;Unix;Other;&&&&a&Sect1.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If other please specify
linux.003&mcm&0&N&We offer this class for those particular OS's for the following reasons:&&Popularity with students;Popularity with employers;Faculty preference/knowledge;Limited by lab equipment;Other;&&&&a&Sect1.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If Other Please Specify
linux.004&tf&0&N&These courses are normally taken only by non-CS majors.&NO&YES&&&&&Sect1.0&&&&&1&&&N.
linux.005&nrt&0&N&If there are any comments you would like to add regarding this section, please type them in here. &2000&&&&&&Sect1.0&&&&&1&&&N.
linux.006&mca&0&N&Recall that these are defined as courses that provide an overview of the <em>programmer's</em> interface to a particular OS. This might include Unix shell programming, Visual Basic scripting in Windows, system-supplied libraries, etc. These are courses that would primarily be taken by CS majors.<br><br>My school offers a course of this type.&&True;False;&&linux.007;linux.010;&&a&Sect2-2.0&&&&&1&&&N.
linux.007&mcm&0&N&We offer such classes for the following systems (choose all that apply):&&Windows;DOS;MacOS;Linux;Unix;Other;&&&&a&Sect2.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If Other Please Specify
linux.008&mcm&0&N&We offer this class for those particular OS's for the following reasons:&&Popularity with students;Popularity with employers;Faculty preference/knowledge;Limited by lab equipment;Other;&&&&a&Sect2.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If Other Please Specify
linux.009&nrt&0&N&If there are any comments you would like to add regarding this section, please type them in here (maximum 2000 characters). &2000&&&&&&Sect2.0&&&&&1&&&N.
linux.010&mca&0&N&Recall that these are courses training students for certification tests. These tests are usually given by vendors (Microsoft, Novell, Cisco, RedHat), but are sometimes given by independent groups (e.g. Linux Professional Institute).<br><br>My school offers a course of this type.&&True;False;&&linux.011;linux.016;&&a&Sect3-3.0&&&&&1&&&N.
linux.011&mcm&0&N&The certification courses we offer regularly (at least once per year) are for these types of systems:&&Cisco;Novell;Microsoft;Linux;Other;&&&&a&Sect3.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If Other Please Speciy
linux.012&mcm&0&N&We offer this class for those particular systems for the following reasons:&&Popularity with students;Popularity with employers;Faculty preference/knowledge;Limited by lab equipment;Other;&&&&a&Sect3.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If Other Please Specify
linux.013&mcm&0&N&The reason we <em>don't</em> offer certification courses for the other systems are:&&Low demand from students;Low demand from employers;Lack of interested/qualified faculty;Lack of appropriate lab equipment;Other;&&&&a&Sect3.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If Other Please Specify
linux.014&mcm&0&N&If we can, we will add certification courses for:&&Cisco;Novell;Microsoft;Linux;Other;&&&&a&Sect3.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If Other Please Specify
linux.015&nrt&0&N&If there are any comments you would like to add regarding this section, please type them in here(maximum 2000 characters). &2000&&&&&&Sect3.0&&&&&1&&&N.
linux.016&mca&0&N&Recall that these are courses on specific applications, such as word processors, web page creators, spreadsheets, databases. Some customizing (e.g. spreadsheet macros) may be included, but not as a main focus of the course.<br><br>My school offers a course of this type.&&True;False;&&linux.017;linux.020;&&a&Sect4-4.0&&&&&1&&&N.
linux.017&mtx&0&N&The applications for which we offer courses, and the systems on which they run are (check all that apply, please specify in the comment box which OS (i.e. DOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix) you are using for each. If instruction in an application is system-independent, type "multiple" in the comment box.)&xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;&Word-processing;Spreadsheet;Database;Presentation;Graphics/Animation;Statistical/Scientific/Simulation;Web authoring;Other;RC<center>DOS</center>;<center>Windows</center>;<center>Mac</center>;<center>Linux</center>;<center>Unix</center>;<center>Multiple</center>;&&&&&Sect4.0&&&&&1&&&N.
linux.018&mcm&0&N&Why did you choose to teach these applications (check all that apply)?&&General popularity;Demand from students;Demand from employers;Interest/familiarity of faculty;&&&&a&Sect4.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Please explain further if necessary
linux.019&nrt&0&N&If there are any comments you would like to add regarding this section, please type them in here (maximum 2000 characters). &2000&&&&&&Sect4.0&&&&&1&&&N.
linux.020&mca&0&N&Recall that these are courses that cover topics such as process scheduling, distributed computing, virtual memory, and such, generally at a fairly technical level. Such courses would not usually be OS- or platform-specific, except when particular systems are used for examples or lab problems.<br><br>My school offers a course of this type.&&True;False;&&linux.021;linux.028;&&a&Sect5-5.0&&&&&1&&&N.
linux.021&mca&0&N&We have an OS principles course.&&True;False;&&linux.018;linux.023;&&a&Sect5.0&&&&&1&&&N.
linux.022&mcs&0&N&What book do you use?&&Tannenbaum ;Silberschatz ;Stallings;Other;&&&&a&Sect5.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If Other Please Specify
linux.023&mcs&0&N&When doing examples/case studies in your OS class, what OS do you use most often (pick one):&&Windows;DOS;MacOS;Linux;Unix;Other;&&&&a&Sect5.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If Other Please Specify
linux.024&mcm&0&N&Why do you use that one?&&Most familiar to students;Easier to understand than alternatives;Best documented;Best illustrates up-to-date features/techniques.;Source code is available;Other;&&&&a&Sect5.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If Other Please Specify
linux.025&mcs&0&N&When assigning programming problems, what OS do you use most often (pick one):&&Windows;DOS;MacOS;Linux;Unix;Simulator (e.g. NachOS);Other;&&&&a&Sect5.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If Other Please Specify
linux.026&mcm&0&N&Why that one (check all that apply)?&&Most familiar to students;Easier to work with than alternatives;Best documented;Most stable (crashes less);Safer (students less likely to cause damage);Required hardware and drivers available;Source code is available;Other;&&&&a&Sect5.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If Other Please Specify
linux.027&nrt&0&N&If there are any comments you would like to add regarding this section, please type them in here (maximum 2000 characters). &2000&&&&&&Sect5.0&&&&&1&&&N.
linux.028&mca&0&N&We have a networking principles course.&&True;False;&&linux.029;linux.035;&&a&Sect6-6.0&&&&&1&&&N.
linux.029&mcs&0&N&What book do you use?&&Tannenbaum ;Kurose and Ross;Stallings;Other;&&&&a&Sect6.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If Other Please Specify
linux.030&mcs&0&N&When doing examples/case studies in your networking class, what OS do you use most often (pick one):&&Windows;DOS;MacOS;Linux;Unix;Other;&&&&a&Sect6.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If Other Please Specify
linux.031&mcm&0&N&Why do you use that one?&&Most familiar to students;Easier to understand than alternatives;Best documented;Best illustrates up-to-date features/techniques.;Source code is available;Other;&&&&a&Sect6.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If Other Please Specify
linux.032&mcs&0&N&When assigning programming problems, what OS do you use most often (pick one):&&Windows;DOS;MacOS;Linux;Unix;Simulator (e.g. NachOS);Other;&&&&a&Sect6.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If Other Please Specify
linux.033&mcm&0&N&Why that one (check all that apply)?&&Most familiar to students;Easier to work with than alternatives;Best documented;Most stable (crashes less);Safer (students less likely to cause damage);Required hardware and drivers available;Source code is available;Other;&&&&a&Sect6.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If Other Please Specify
linux.034&nrt&0&N&If there are any comments you would like to add regarding this section, please type them in here (maximum 2000 characters). &2000&&&&&&Sect6.0&&&&&1&&&N.
linux.035&mcs&0&N&Approximately how many computer workstations are available to your students for general-purpose computing (e-mail, document preparation, internet access):&&1-50;51 - 100;101 - 500;501 - 1000;1001 - 5000;Over 5000;&&&&a&Sect7.0&&&&&1&&&N.
linux.036&mtx&0&N&Of those machines, approximately what percent use each of the following OS's: Windows, DOS, MacOS, Linux, Unix, Other (i.e. 80% Windows, 20% MacOS)&xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;xxx;&Windows;DOS;MacOS;Linux;Unix;Other;RC<center>10%</center>;<center>20%</center>;<center>30%</center>;<center>40%</center>;<center>50%</center>;<center>60%</center>;<center>70%</center>;<center>80%</center>;<center>90%</center>;<center>100%</center>;&&&&&Sect7.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If Other Please Specify
linux.037&mtr&0&N&Many CS departments have a mixture of Windows, Unix, and Linux machines. Please rank each system on a scale of 1 (worst) to 5 (best) on each of the criteria on the left. If you are not familiar with a system, or have no opinion, leave the answer blank. (To reply, either click on each pulldown or use the Tab and numeric keys on your keyboard)&&Student familiarity;Availability of software;Cost of software;Reliability;Cost to maintain/administer;Satisfies needs of employers;Useful for teaching programming;Useful for teaching network administration;Useful for teaching network programming;Provides remote access for students;Provides remote access for faculty;Ease of setting up web servers;RC<center>Windows</center>;<center>Linux</center>;<center>Unix</center>;&&&&&Sect7.0&&&&&1&&&N.
linux.038&nrt&0&N&What is the most popular class taught in the Computer Science curriculum?<br>Why? (Maximum 2000 characters)&2000&&&&&&Sect7.0&&&&&1&&&N.
linux.039&nrt&0&N&What is your favorite class to teach?<br>Why? (Maximum 2000 characters)&2000&&&&&&Sect7.0&&&&&1&&&N.
linux.040&tf&0&N&Thank you for filling out this survey. Please answer two final questions about your willingness to be contacted further by us:<BR><BR> I would like to see the final report resulting from this survey.&YES&NO&&&&&Sect8.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If So, Please Enter Preferred Email Address:
linux.041&tf&0&N&It would be okay to contact me for further elaboration on my answers (with the understanding that I am under no obligation to respond).&YES&NO&&&&&Sect8.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If So, Please Enter Preferred Email Addres